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Nov 15, 2020 11:44 · 1380 words · 7 minute read
Greetings, friends! Greetings, international audience! Today we will show you how to evenly split a stone with wedges. And what mistakes beginners make in this. It is very important not only to split stones with wedges, but to split them evenly, because in stone construction, rectangular stones are used. Smoothness is needed in every stone on the front side and bottom plane. It is quite possible to make even a corner stone from a large boulder, and corner stones are very important for building. To do this, you need to split the stones into thick rectangular pieces.
00:39 - You can learn how to split stones with wedges very quickly, and then you can make good money on it. It doesn’t matter which stones you prick with wedges. We split both good stones from the quarry, as well as cobblestones, old stones that were dug out when we dug a foundation pit for the house. We make building material from such stones. The secret is to split them properly. You need to feel the stone, get used to working with it, and you always need to be focused on your work, understanding what you are doing.
01:10 - Sometimes beginners will drill holes in the drill floor. The depth of the wedge hole is selected based on the length of the wedge, not the petals. For example, for a 12 cm long wedge with 6-7 cm petals the holes must be drilled at least 12 cm deep. If the wedge is completely hammered, then it should not rest against the stone. The holes for the wedges must be drilled in a straight line.
01:42 - If you find it difficult to immediately drill holes in a straight line by eye, you can use the template - a flat board or metal bar, or take a ruler or level and draw a straight line so that you can then drill holes along it. And when I walked up to the newbie who is piercing the stone now, I saw that he was drilling holes in an arc. This is the first time this guy is doing this kind of work. If we drill holes in the stone in a circle, then the stone should split along a circular path. And we need stones with right angles for construction. Do not do it in an arc! It is necessary to drill exactly in order to achieve the desired result. Now we will try to split this stone in half. When I split or work stones, I immediately estimate that this stone I use for some work, and I use this stone for other works, and I use this stone for backing. Thus, for the stone, I immediately determine the place in the masonry. I don’t know if the rest of the masons do this. This is the only way I work with stone.
02:48 - That is why when I approached the guy and saw how he makes holes in a circle, and the second, experienced, master is nearby instead of helping and telling you how to do it right began to make excuses that the stone was too thick. Instead of help, he looks for problems! It is very sad. Therefore, I personally go to teach and supervise every newbie, who comes to us to learn stone craftsmanship. Safety precautions must be taken when working with stones, and especially with large stones. If you grasp the stone with your hands, do not release it, or release it very carefully, so that no one is crushed by a stone.
03:40 - Large stones can suddenly change their trajectory and and pinch your arm or leg, squeeze your fingers. Therefore, you must work very carefully with large stones, without being distracted by extraneous matters and conversations. As practice shows, most often it is in such cases that the risks of injury arise. 0:04:13.368,0:04:18.005 If you need to split the split pieces of stones, use the special tools: pickaxe, nail puller, sledgehammer or crowbar. All of this greatly simplifies the separation of huge stones.
04:25 - When working with a stone, you must always be completely focused on your business and not show weakness. You can’t work in a relaxed way. Then the stone will obey you, and you will build masterpieces from it! I always split stones in the middle. In this case, the stone splits clearly in half. For such stones, I immediately imagine their place in the masonry, so it is easier to work with them in the future. There will be such masters who will tell you that stones need to be chopped through the veins.
05:09 - I do not recommend looking for veins or fractures in the stones and trying to split the stones along their path. Because the trajectory of the veins is unpredictable and the stone will probably crack crookedly. Even if she lived in the middle of a stone, you cannot predict in advance how she will behave in the future. In this case, the wedge can completely enter the stone and not split it, because there may be a void in the vein. It is very important that the diameter of the drill with which you will drill the hole is corresponded to the diameter of the wedge.
05:35 - For example, if the diameter of the wedge is 16 mm, then we also take the diameter of the drill 16 mm. That is, you do not need to drill a hole with a diameter of 20 mm, and insert wedges of 16 mm there. It will not work. Or vice versa - if you have a wedge with a diameter of 16 mm, and you drill a hole of 14 mm. Drill diameter and wedge diameter must be equal. I make the distance between the two wedges 15-25 cm. depending on the breed and size of the stone. Long-term practice shows that this is the most optimal distance. The edges of the wedges should be inserted into the stone clearly along one line, along the fault line. When we have drilled the holes and inserted the wedges into them, they must be hammered. The wedges should be driven in slowly, in order, gradually immersing them in the stone. And pauses between sets in 2-3-5 seconds.
06:33 - The stone must be given time to “think” and “take a breath of air”. Then you will hear the characteristic sound of the crackling stone. (stone cracking sound) At this time, the stone itself splits along the trajectory set for you. Therefore, it is so important to feel the stone. The wedges have special rubber bands. But when I give the wedges to the guys to use, the rubber bands quickly disappear. The rubber bands disappear because the guys miss the wedge and hit the rubber band. The rubber bands are interrupted. Such mistakes happen to both beginners and experienced craftsmen. Therefore, you must hit the wedges carefully and carefully. Stones can be split not only with wedges, but also with other devices. The guys sent me a video where they used fittings as wedges! They cut the rebar and sharpened it at one end.
With the sharpened end, they hammered it into a stone and split it. But this work takes more time. The fastest and easiest way is to use special wedges. It is also necessary to mention that there are different stones. Some stones cannot be split. These are softer rocks. They do not prick, but crumble. The harder the stone, the more beautiful and smoother it can be cracked. In general, different stones can be used for construction. For example, I can even fold anything from rocks of rocky soil. And for me it doesn’t matter at all what kind of stones they are: new or old. The most important thing is that they are durable. And you try for yourself if the stones are pricked in your area. Or they crumble. Subscribe to our channel. Like it. Click the bell to be notified when our videos are released. Visit our website. There are several lessons on how to split stones.
09:58 - Also on our website you can find many other lessons and ideas on stone construction. Build from stone! .