How to Use and Setup Hot Corners on Mac TUTORIAL
Apr 30, 2020 18:00 · 946 words · 5 minute read
Hot corners what are they and how to set them up coming up on this week’s tech tip so stick around what is going on everybody so today I have another quick and easy tech tip for you guys now I’m not a long-term user of a MacBook Pro however I went through and I discovered what they call hot corners so I went through over the past week set them up and I absolutely freakin love them now of course if you’ve used a Mac for a while you already know what hot corners probably are you’re laughing at me calling me a rookie however if you haven’t here’s what they are they essentially allow you to take each one of the corners of your screen and when you move your mouse to that corner it essentially will do something that you told it to do like open up launchpad Mission Control open your screen saver lock the screen etc so today we’re going to go through I’m gonna show you how to set those up so let’s go ahead and jump right in so to get this party started there’s two different ways that you can access the hot corner settings you can either go up to spotlight search up here in the top right hand corner and typing in hot corners as you can see I’ve got that in the list hot corners and then you’re gonna want to choose desktop and screen saver or you can go up to the little Apple menu in the top left hand corner go to System Preferences and click on desktop & screen saver here either option is going to take you to the exact same spot so we’re gonna go ahead and double click on desktop and screen saver and it’s gonna take us into those settings now you may default right here where it says desktop we’re actually going to want to come over to where it says screen saver and left click on screen saver now from here a bunch of screen savers are going to load but you can go ahead and ignore those because we’re going to go to the bottom right hand corner of this window and we’re gonna click on hot corners now as you can see a little window popped up here of course you’ve got four corners on your screen so you can set up four different hot corners so if we go into the top left right here we can click on this little drop-down and we can choose start screen saver disable screen saver Mission Control application windows you can show your desktop go to Notification Center so if you have like stocks and stuff set up in there you can set that up you can go to launchpad put display to sleep or you can go ahead and click on lock screen so we’re going to go through I’m gonna set these up real quick so if we do the top left let’s do will say Launchpad bottom left will go will do so we’ll just say lock the screen top right let’s do Notification Center and then we’re gonna leave the bottom right blank so I’ve got these set up so if I move my mouse into the top left corner you can see that it’s going to bring up launchpad and if I go back to that corner it’s going to close it again now again if we go down into the bottom left it’s going to lock the screen however I’m not going to do that because it will probably stop the recording but then if going if we go into the top right hand corner it should bring up my Notification Center so if we click do that now of course you can include certain widgets in the notification center so this is just an extra level of customization so having the Notification Center set up as one of the hot corners is definitely one of my favorites so you can see we’ve got calendar we’ve got stocks in there you can add your weather you’ve got events scheduled for tomorrow or whatever you can go in there those are just a few things that you can set up again you are pretty limited on this list however if you are savvy there might be a way that you can go in and customize some of this stuff and actually add some stuff to it I’m not that savvy especially with a Mac so I’m just going to go ahead and stick with the basic list any case whenever you have whatever you want set up all you need to do is just click on OK and then you can close out of the desktop & screen saver settings and you’ve officially gone through and set up the hot corners to do the tasks that you want them to do and that’s all there is to it as you can see it’s a really straightforward process to go in and set up your hot corners and can actually save you a little bit of time especially for when you’re wanting to do some of those basic texts anyways guys that is going to wrap up this week’s tech tip thank you all so much for watching if you enjoy the video be sure to show me some love by giving the video a big old thumbs up and a share and also don’t forget to subscribe and ring the bell so you guys are notified of those feature uploads and we will see you on the next one peace .