EP42 Best Off Road Electric Monster Truck Build-Leaf

Jan 19, 2021 22:00 · 1617 words · 8 minute read

hey everybody i’m peter from offroad electric welcome back to the channel that is about building a four-motor extreme offroad monster truck from two tatras and four nissan leafs and this is episode 42.

00:43 - sponsored by a wonderful patreon patron’s team thank you much guys for your help if you would like to join us there is the link down below and you can also help us by purchasing this t-shirt what’s left is pretty much in engine compartment we have suspension front and rear and that’s it so let’s continue here i would like to get into that bolt over there and remove that main structure that holds the dashboard so let’s start with that simple and now the windshield wiper assembly that was easy unusual but i’m going after that so what do you think what the [ __ ] these big bolt they are pretty much tied up into into this body yes awesome looks good see these bolts these nuts are pretty much tied it up inside so it doesn’t wiggle i guess that’s why it’s that way so yeah and that’s it wow that’s beautiful and it looks much simplier now  hi guys it’s another day and we would like to finish this nissan leaf today hopefully now i will try to remove the inverter which is a device that changes the direct voltage from battery to alternating voltage for the motor and vice versa let’s do the cooling line and now we will disconnect the main power inlet and outlet here’s the main connector this is kind of pain so you have to pull this blue one on the top so i will push this finger over here and pull it up and you can disconnect it you you should be able to disconnect it ah okay i didn’t want to break it you have to really push pull it really hard high voltage cables over here there is no plug so i will have to unscrew it here yes here it is so there are those three terminals we have to unscrew we should be able to pull it out now wow look how massive it is 380 volts goes there and so now we are going to remove the inverter awesome it’s out the inverter so the signals are coming here through the through the plug and of course inlet and outlet of the power liquid of course a liquid cooling in and out and now the battery junction box um there is another piece i have to push in order to get it out that’s crazy how can i pull it out any ideas from anyone yes okay it’s unlocked and here is another one big one and i have no idea why is it this way because it’s impossible to reach it this is [ __ ] crazy here is one more connector this is pretty difficult when i have when i have it on my on my monster truck i will not make it this way so i think everything is disconnected and we just need to get it out i’m saying just and now i have to find how nissan knows how to make repairs expensive they will sell your car with a little margin and then when something happens every little things takes hours and hours and hours and they will make money on the service i am doing the wrong bolt so this is the correct bolt not the last one finally how many minutes we have it unhooked but i think these connectors there is not enough room over there so i think i have to remove these connectors anyway maybe i will get there better if i push it there so let’s try it i think so yeah we get there better now maybe let’s do this i can i can see them better now there is just one big harness hanging down below it that goes to the battery directly that should be fine everything else is disconnected hopefully we’ll be able to slide it out and get rid of this sucker who designed this i don’t really want to break this connector if you have ever worked on the cars before you love the designers of the cars probably as well as i do this is so stupid i will probably have to disconnect the main cable under the vehicle wow that was the easiest one okay let’s try again okay empty what the [ __ ] we got it out no damage but i might have to file it a little bit so the seal would actually seal this connection that’s so freaking stupid system here at least it’s out i will try to remove this frame hopefully it will go i think we have this frame almost free except this part over here can’t wait to get to the motor wow that’s very helpful wow action i think the last hose is here that needs to be disconnected and then we can get rid of it i think finally look at this engine long like this diameter like this this little thing will give you 110 horsepower and 280 newton meters which is probably somewhere around 200 foot pounds such little thing and such powerful so we have the motor and transmission over here you can see the half shafts here is the motor here’s the speed reducer and you have a drive shafts that go to the wheels on one side and on another side over there over here i think if i get these bolts loose i will be actually able to pull this drive shaft out then shift the motor on the right on on this side on the left on my left and pull the drive shaft out of the transmission on this side and then remove the engine hopefully my plan will work it always works so the bolts are out so what’s going on here here are some pins over here which will not allow me to move it out yeah very little is happening i don’t know if i’m doing something wrong here probably i do it would go otherwise i probably will have to take off the wheel disconnect a half shaft over there and then try to somehow move it and if it’s not possible i will have to do the same on that another side and remove the whole unit with the drive shaft somehow hopefully it’s possible so let’s go let’s remove the wheel and maybe then we’ll be able to slide out the half shaft so i ruined the bolt on the bottom let’s try to do the steering rack okay we got the steering rack disconnected at least at least something yeah we got it out i think it will be possible to pull it out with those axles on another side awesome so steering rack is free from the wheels so now this bottom one awesome i think we are ready to remove the whole motor with the transmission even though with those two drive shafts just this is in the way it’s some kind of i don’t know what it is here behind the pump so it’s part of cooling system are so many new things i have no idea about but you already figure it out not too much coolant okay this is heavy unit huh what we are going to do is you can see this half shaft needs like 20 centimeters maybe 25 less than one foot to go that way to be able to pull it pull it out so what we are going to do is after we unhook it shift it or move it all the way this way push this one forward and then we will pull all the engine out and now i have to go under the vehicle again we have four bolts over here two on the top two on the bottom and two over here and two over here we are living in epic times we are going to remove the motor actually i actually got it into it in four days or something like that okay so it holds on two screwdrivers here and one bolt over here so we are going to uh tie it up to the pallet jack lift it up wiggle somehow and hopefully we will be able to pull it out successfully wish me luck it weighs together i think the motor is like 60 kilos and we have transmission there and two half shafts i don’t know 100 kilos maybe 200 pounds there are not any hooks i can connect them to so let’s pump it up a little bit i don’t really want to hit the windshield so here is the last bolt yes there is no way i cannot shift it either way and there is always like five inches of half shaft in the way i will try to disconnect here that subframe on the bottom and on another side maybe we will we can get maybe between that did you hear that camera woman just said that that was so easy and it took you so long time i’m barely walking wow we have it out if you guys know how i can get the half shafts out that would help me a lot look at that stop stop and this will be definitely wrap for today guys if you like this video please consider to become our patreon you can purchase the t-shirt don’t forget to like share and subscribe see you on tuesday thanks for watching.