Sony Xperia 1 Mark 2 erschienen
May 23, 2020 12:18 · 2704 words · 13 minute read
Welcome to a new Techview VLog. We want to talk about the Sony Xperia 1 Mark 2 because this just came out What? Where? How? I haven’t seen it yet. I was going to buy it. No it has not yet been published in Germany or Europe or the USA it has only been published in Japan On May 22nd the time had come No it has not yet been published in Germany or Europe or the USA it has only been published in Japan On May 22nd the time had come The first Xperia 1 Mark 2 could be purchased at the DoCoMo Shop or at the AU Shop. Bought and there some have already made first tests reviews and made experiences and I would like to share all this with you Compress and summarize and report to you Let’s start with the packaging of the Xperia 1 Mark II Compress and summarize and report to you Let’s start with the packaging of the Xperia 1 Mark II I have my Xperia 1 here as a demonstration Tool brought along The packaging is kept very spartan we know the white packaging that Sony Usually has They do not have a lot of equipment in this case there is not much in it but only the Smartphone A power supply unit a usb-c cable and For the Japanese market a TV Seg, 1-Seg adapter for The Jack That’s all Where is the headphone jack He’s in on it, too. Where is the Headset must normally then actually be included in the box what one actually expect that for a 1000 € device 1000 to 1300 € is rumored here for Europe Didn’t Sony pack up even the cheap Mh750 which have a super sound but the case is so Super cheap I would have expected and expect at least the following from Sony I would like to have the technology of the mh750 because they have a super brilliant sound But packed into a better case, a premium case That would also be appropriate for the smartphone You can’t wish for everything Quality Is basically and look Like the Xperia 1 There’s something Harder edges But here you can already see that it is already very clumsy and angular made this Sony Xperia 1 and the Xperia 1 Mark 2 will be a little bit more chunkier, a little bit more angular but not uncomfortable in the hand This is also Pretty comfortable in the hand of course also Because of my backcover here. I’d like to get Really asking if maybe this backcover because it has these openings Maybe would fit on the Xperia 1 Mark II Well at least If you look at the back Then you would say no because The cameras are not centered like this But they are arranged on the side The Camera Hill is Slightly larger And there are not three sensors but four sensors One of them is only responsible for the depth information but it is a bit bigger On the front side the same display as on the Xperia 1 there is a Basically almost nothing changed a 4k HDR OLED Display This one is already very impressive very good From the brightness I would perhaps wish that it becomes one level brighter but It is really also in the automatic range also in the sun directly readable then there is also So no big problems The display has been retained, but you have You can see the upper edge here Has a very clear bar down here as well It got a little bigger because there Just now, there’s another speaker in there firing forward So now you have a loudspeaker at the top and a loudspeaker at the bottom Stereo loudspeaker And that, of course, is a super great thing And they also sound good the first testers were enthusiastic about it it reminds them of Really the Bluetooth headphones or other wireless headphones they have from Sony the sound is really well tuned And there’s a great stereo feeling and it’s…
03:52 - Ranks among the best Speakers in a smartphone Benchmark results that I want to quickly run through are already there and anTutu was tested 544 000 benchmark points were roughly achieved I guess that’s the average you get You can expect for such a smartphone Of course there are breakouts up and down and depending on the software update this can’t be Of course also become even better If the Sony continues to Tuned and Tweakt Then important in the settings you can switch on 90 Hertz But that’s not a real 90 hertz, it’s some kind of fake or Pseudo 90 Hertz that you can switch on there It’ll probably be called something else Just not fake 90 hertz or anything yet. A motion blur reduction Probably To be, or to have a similar name And it’s supposed to be, at least as far as the testers are concerned To the people that 90 Hz Displays were used to e.g. P40 pro from Huawei have not caused any major problems one should not have noticed the difference so big Whether the software solution can actually keep up with the 90 Hz hardware solution Do we still have to examine later Tests Show if the device will be released here in Europe or Broader circle of people can test these devices As for the camera software Sony has finally updated it I can show you a little bit when I go into the camera here You see I have here A Point I need to click To switch between the different camera lenses Although I can if I’m in the simple I also pull up the camera here to zoom This works quite fluently but otherwise Is that a bit Laggy if I have to press here To switch Between the camera Sensors to change just to the wide angle I usually have to click twice and then it might be that the moment is already over or I have to play around at least once in the zoom shift To then activate the wide angle button To get to then be able to change It’s a little slow Now you finally have did what other smartphone manufacturers Huawei Samsung Xiaomi and others also simply put 3 buttons in Once for telephoto once for normal wide angle and super wide angle And then you can relatively just switch back and forth between them, and I’m sure That this slider can be slid into the super wide angle Otherwise it makes no sense at all And this is a great development I hope that this camera update will be released for the Sony Xperia 1 Because that makes it so limited that you have to press it several times. But it’s nice that Sony has reacted and accepted this criticism And built this into the Xperia 1 Mark 2 Then with the Xperia 1 Mark 2 there are also switching optimizations I have now shown you how slow it is here This is supposed to be much more fluent now, but it is not as fluent as for example on a Samsung Where it zooms in and out and you hardly notice the that the system switches between sensors Or with an iPhone So Sony hasn’t quite figured that out yet. We may have to go to Wait for 1, 2 software updates Or maybe even the Sony Xperia Xperia 1 Mark 3 Thanks to the larger sensor, however, the camera can be used To take very good photos.
The larger sensor has larger pixels because the number of pixels is the same with 12 Mpx 07:30 - This means that More light can be recorded And that means Basically That Brighter images can also be captured also by darkness brighter images can be captured But above all, of course, that this depth-of-field effect So the bokeh effect I can demonstrate. If I put this in front of that, then this is what I’m hoping to focus on And here my hand should be be out of focus This is how it should look like and this blur effect It is now also much better and you can also see some sample pictures here A lot to see compared to the Galaxy S20+ for example You can see that Sony still has the more natural colors Samsung has stronger colors And from the level of detail, Sony is really on a level when not even a little bit better But of course you have to wait for the real camera samples with the full 12 megapixels until the to have one at your disposal that you can zoom in there and do pixel peeping But at first glance. this looks very good I think Sony can this time at least when it comes to the daytime photography definitely keep up With the flagships, the current ones Let’s move on, the fingerprint scanner has been improved This one here on the Sony Xperia 1 I have always criticized it because the power button and the fingerprint scanner are different And because it is basically also a design flaw because this surface is simply too small for the fingerprint scanner And then you have the problem That this does not always work And Meanwhile Sony has somehow managed to fix this with software But time and again it has been criticized For the Xperia 1 devices And it’s still a problem it doesn’t work as well as e.g. the Xperia 10 Or 10 plus device there the sensor is simply larger Technology is the same basically It may be a different sensor but The sensor is simply larger, sensor surface larger, therefore the Fingerprint scanner is very reliable Which is not the case here at Xperia 1 With the Xperia 1 Mark 2 you have the problem Which is not the case here at Xperia 1 With the Xperia 1 Mark 2 you have the problem 2? 3? No no no 2 the problem has been solved By simply making the sensor surface larger, for one thing. By using a different technology For the sensor itself and The power button has been reintegrated, which is what you know from the good Sony sensors of the Xperia X or XZ series Is back in In the Xperia 1 Mark 2 Wireless charging has been integrated.
Another point of criticism of the Xperia 1 as it has no wireless charging possibility 10:21 - This is now possible with the Xperia 1 Mark 2 I’m not sure yet. I think it’s 15 watts max. So not the fastest technology you actually can get But at least you have wireless charging And it should also work without problems with Current wireless Wireless Loading pads Just put it on top Problem solved This means this format 21:9 is no big issue Then the Photo Pro App There’s Reports that it is not there yet But now some have shown screenshots and said that there it is Well, not quite You can click on it and then you get a screen that simply tells you yes this software Is not quite finished yet we will deliver it with a later update This is so The horror scenario What I feared. Sony just couldn’t finish the software And that is why the Xperia 1 Mark 2 ships without the announced Photo Pro App Also sad is the battery life Now you could say why? Sony always had good battery life They always had too small batteries but for these too small batteries they always got good runtimes Yeah, that’s right. 3600 something Or 3300 milliampere-hours I don’t even know Sony Xperia 1 Battery life is okay for the small battery The Xperia 1 Mark 2 has 4000 milliampere-hours strong battery. The hopes have already risen ahh 4000 milliampere hours and Sony has to to be long battery life Fiddlesticks (No chance) The first testers were disappointed by the relatively short battery life.
I can tell you the times briefly 12:07 - 3 hours usage with display-on-time and really working ate 25 percent of battery That’s quite a lot, I’d say. And there Sony may have to optimize and improve the whole thing again Sure we already know about the Xperia 1 that the update to Android 10 has nibbled the battery life a little bit Maybe it’s Android But Sony has always been very good at optimizing the whole thing. So I hope that Sony will also be able to at least for the European launch, the US launch optimize the battery life properly Battery life compared to an S 20 plus at a similar level 20 plus Exynos Note For the Europe start, the USA start manages to optimize the battery life properly Battery life compared to an S 20 plus at a similar level. Note S20 plus Exynos And I think the S20+ Exynos even has the slightly larger battery 4500 milliampere-hours unless I’m completely mistaken That means Sony is better than Samsung in terms of battery life Per milliampere-hour Overall, one can say sony has tackled the problem areas of the Sony Xperia 1 and solved most of them in the Xperia 1 Mark 2 improved the camera. The software of the camera has become much better The The display and the speakers are much better, the display maybe not as effective but the speakers are better the design is the same And also important they fixed the fingerprint sensor Of course, a big issue especially in the beginning (of the Xperia 1) and they generally Reached a level that is now flagship level and should also be able to keep up with the competition Such as The Samsung Galaxy for example The battery life It’s kind of a snag, I actually had did not count on it but would have thought yes yeah yeah 4000 milliampere-hours strong battery Sony can get a lot out of this. I’m afraid they haven’t.
14:03 - Or they’re not ready yet And that brings us to a big problem I have the feeling Sony has not yet reached a mature level for their software with the Xperia 1 Mark 2 Therefore I can imagine that they will now first sell the whole thing in Japan to win the domestic market and to earn some money And that it would be a month or maybe even two months before The device will be released in Europe, in Germany, in the USA Hopefully we will see with improved software A better battery life And fewer teething troubles Which the device currently still seems to have In Japan, the device is currently available for the equivalent of about 1000 €, which is 1000 100 123552 yen 100 1050 Something Euro Converted approximately And this is the price you get when you buy it at DoCoMo in the contract or outside of the contract If you buy it from AU on the other carrier is a little bit more expensive but then there are different Colours so there are Purple also in black and in white And yes there You just have to look If you are interested in There are a lot of people Those who want to have it directly click click click click want to buy it But I would rather say wait until the software will be updated and then I hope to have some positive news which I can report And Sony If you’re listening in. Sony If you’re listening in. Also updates the Xperia 1 The camera software is guaranteed to run well on this Do it so stealthily month after the release of the Xperia 1 Mark II So that people who bought This here with their dear money will not run away and get something else because You do not provide proper updates for your software That a small disclaimer at the end That’s it for this Techview VLog I hope you enjoyed it Comments, questions Remarks all leave below Otherwise like, subscribe and the whole shenanigans That’s it until next time Ciao .