Precessed food interview

Feb 3, 2020 08:18 · 510 words · 3 minute read usually canned food thank yaya

Do you know what processed food is? Procoessed food Is food that is added plasticizer, preservative and etc. to prevent the food from rotten easily. Am I correct? Yes When is the first time you ate processed food? What processed food did you eat? Processed food is usually canned food, for example, preserved vegetable and also fish, they are considered as processed food. Bean and tofu that is fermented are also one of them. Do you remember what kind of processed food you have eaten for the first time? The fermented bean that our house used to make And also the pickled vegetable. Are these food considered processed food? They are pickled with salt and dried under the sun.

01:26 - Why you usually eat processed food? We can save it to use when we have no fresh produce to use. Example, Pickled vegetable can be used to cook soup with pork in other words, it is a storage. How many times do you eat processed food for a week? We don’t eat processed food frequently, we eat pickled vegetable with pork for one time a month, definitely not eating it for everyday We usually eat fresh produce for our daily life. Do you know what processed food is ? Is it food that isn’t natural? Yes When is the first time you ate processed food? What did you eat? Maybe some nutrient products when I was a baby. Why you eat processed food in your daily life? The food that we eat daily is mostly processed food.

03:24 - What is your favorite food that is not processed? Banana? How many times do you eat processed food for a week? Maybe 10 times a week? According to the research, if we eat processed food two times a week, the risk of heart attack and other health diseases will increase. Let’s promise each other not to eat processed food for this week as you have just eaten MacDonald. Sure, thank you! Do you know what processed food is? Yes, food that is processed and losing its original form. What is the first time you ate processed food? And what did you eat? When I was very very young. (Little girl)French fries (Little boy)Maybe some sweets? (Mom) Yaya, maybe some sort of sweets or biscuit.

04:56 - (Little girl) Processed food, like milk powder. Why you usually eat processed food? (Boy and girl) Because it’s delicious! What food do you like to eat which is not processed food? Corn, vegetable, meat, barbecue How many times do you eat processed food in a week? Literally every day we eat processed food. According to the research, if we eat processed food two times a week, the risk of heart attack and other health diseases will increase. Let’s promise each other not to eat processed food for this week as you are just eaten MacDonald! (Mom) We can’t eat processed food for the rest of the week~ (Little boy) Then what we can eat? (Mom)Veagetables, meat….. (Little boy) Vegetables, rice meat. Thank you! .