[GOING SEVENTEEN 2020] EP.37 천고마비 (Bungee Jump) #1
Oct 26, 2020 13:09 · 6254 words · 30 minute read
[★The idol with a car★] [Gloomy] [Arrived on time] [Sighs automatically] What’s that? It’s a bungee jump, of course. [★Height: 50 meters★] [HOST] I couldn’t sleep last night. [MC] It’s because you’re the hero of this. [Hiding his excitement] What do you mean? You’re the host in this. [DK doesn’t want bungee jumping] -He is starting with an argument…
-Why are all the hosts so handsome? 00:35 - It’s not the first time. [It’s been 4 days since he was handsome] [He is excited to tease him.] SeungKwan jogged yesterday at least. He did? I went back to the accommodation after exercising, and he was wearing really tight clothes. [Entertainer’s exaggeration] Wearing it like this. Hey, does that shoes of yours suit bungee jumping? [Pointy shoes] [Shy] Well, Hoshi didn’t dress himself today. It was his stylist.
00:56 - -I’m curious, but why? -Why, out of the blue? I had so many clothes I did not wear after I bought them. [Looks like they are in different shows] Oh, that’s why “this ” happened. [Anyway, happy] -The ones that the stylists prepared… -A very clear difference. Shall we continue greeting? [SEVENTEEN members get along well with each other] What greetings? We never greet each other. Well, we didn’t greet as a group in GOING these days. [Welcoming hand] He wasn’t here for weeks, and he lost the intuitions. He lost it~ [He missed the members’ attention] Let’s say SeungKwan lost his intuition~ [Detailed monitoring] I enjoyed your BAD CLUE. -You were so good with your words. -Yeah, I’ve been watching “Stranger,” so… [Proud at his acting] I know how to interview as if I’m in a thriller drama well. [A nice actor] There’s a possibility of innocence. I don’t even know who Park Sok-min and Park Min-gyu is! [Prologue] But when I watched the show without me, [Subject] I could feel something was missing. [Never heard of it] -Really? -Not at all… It was so entertaining.
01:37 - It was GOING’s best show! [Amazing teamwork] [A lacking conclusion] -It was insane~ -The real fun! I was so envious! -Oh, are you saying you were supposed to be here? -Yup. [Back to topic] So, let’s just forget about the group greeting for a day! Please edit and add the group greeting we did the last time. [Group greeting] We are SEVENTEEN! Hello, it’s SEVENTEEN! Today, we’ll run a show along with Dino’s plan. [Very excited] Ooh~ Nice idea. Namely, “the sky is high and horses grow fat.” But it has a meaning according to GOING SEVENTEEN. What is it? [Buffer] When the sky is… the sky is… paralyzing… **In Korean, the last verses of the plump horses sounds the same as paralysis. -I think his mouth is paralyzing. -Yeah, it is. [Checked the title well.] [The proof of paralysis] I’m confirmed. I’m paralyzed. If anyone of you knows what that means, you will be… [Quiz failed because everyone knows / 天高馬肥(High Sky and Plump Horses): It describes the autumn with two characteristics.] [It’s not going well] But rather than the true meaning, -we’ll check which part of us will get paralyzed when we’re high up.
-High Sky and Plump Horses! 02:25 - Yeah, it’s Dino’s idea! [Giving special treat to the host] Oh, then Dino is the first one to go. [Another treat] Isn’t Dino a must to go? [The unfortunate detective of BAD CLUE] Isn’t the one who came up with the idea first to go? [Quoted from Weverse Magazine / Care the member who can’t do much in a certain game.] He must do it. -But for him to say that, we… -He wanted to do it. [Caring his middle of the forehead] -If you want it, then… -I know, but you are frowning too much. -He was serious~ -The sunlight is too strong. [No excuses] What do you mean? You are sitting opposite the sunlight.
02:42 - [The sun is here] The sun is at your back. [Gushing out] -The sun is over there. -The camera director is the one who is suffering. -Please let it slide. -Fine. [Coming back to the original topic] Umm… [He skipped the conversation] What were we talking about again? The possibilities can vary, [Two people chosen in each round.] since there are two people are going to jump in each round. There are total rounds of three. [Genius] Does that mean 6 people will jump in total? [Rehearsing] What’s 2 times 3? [Amazing entertainer] Three! Whoops, sorry… So two people jump per round, [Three rounds in total] like 2 people in round 1, 2 people in round 2, 2 people in round 3.
03:11 - However, 2 people who jumped in round 1 can go again in round 2. [You can get second try] For real? [He is born in Seoul but using accent] We can go again? [a.k.a. If you’re lucky] But if you’re lucky enough, you can go without jumping, not even once. [He has time to worry about others] Man, the one who gets it twice is a shame. [Bluffing] But if I go up, I’ll jump in fashion. -That’s… -Do we have to jump with fashion? [They have guts to say it here] Anyone can say such a thing here. [They don’t have courage on the ground] [Worrying too much] But maybe Jeonghan will jump fancily. I bet he’ll just do it. Mingyu was failing [Reporting in intervals] to sleep since yesterday. [Acute insomnia] I haven’t sleep. He said he is even more nervous than the day before the concert. I feel like I’m on the stage after not rehearsing anything.
03:38 - [Amazing figure of speech] Ooh, I know what that feels like. It’s like when you have to go on a stage but haven’t prepared a thing. [The comparison on the ride] It’s like when I have to cooperate with another idol group when I don’t know anything. [The coward who sympathizes] [True feeling] You want to run away, right? [He loves it] Anyway, I’m growing fond of you since it’s funny. [But there’s no authority] [He is nothing but a host] Even if you butter me, I can’t give you immunity or anything. You have to do well.
03:55 - [The hosts don’t jump] Anyway, the reason why we don’t do it [Spoiling the features] is that S.COUPS is an MVP in survival. [Immune to bungee because he is an MVP] He has a reason. -But S.COUPS was surely good. -Yup. [He changed his name from Camel] -Mr. Finger~ -Finger~ [???] I feel sad. [He only thinks of his leader] Aren’t we going to enjoy the game more if we do it together? [Touched] -Why are you keep acting up? -No, I’m just saying I accept you because you did so well last time. [Quoted from Weverse Magazine / Help each other to play the game better.] [Korean is magical] You have to listen to Korean to the end.
04:17 - And actually, [Shot as BAD CLUE anchor] [A warm friend] -when I was shooting that news thingy, someone came with a draw. -Come on, he is the most absurd one here. Agree? Why? [Asking for help] [Accept] We should say the same thing. What are you doing? So I did a draw, and succeeded, so… [He is the one who suspects to begin with] Liar! [SeungKwan got immunity with a draw] Sorry, but I have a question. [The real question] Why did you draw? What was the draw to begin with? [Just did it because they asked me to] -We never drew.
-But what other choices do I have? I’m bad at survival. [It’s a lie] -So they saved him with a change of 1 out of 13? -Right. [The trust they build in years] -That’s absurd. -I can’t believe it. [The true host] Well, brace yourselves, and let’s begin the first round. [A sharp progression] Alright! Round one. Let’s begin. The game we prepared is one spectacular one. [Tossing the line] The first round is… [Rejected] Go on.
04:57 - -Why are you looking at me? -I’m hosting with you, the SS pair, in a long while. [A new combination] -The what? Lol -SS pair? He is so good at pairing people up. SS pair? [They change the name] -We are going with SS pair. -SS pair~ [Drum beat] Drum roll! Wasn’t there anything like SS? [Embarrassed for some reason] -It’s my first time hearing. -Oh! There was a show called Show Champion. We were playing a game there together, but since then, it’s the first.
05:15 - After MANSAE, which was 5 years ago, it’s the first time. [The editing point] Drum roll! So, round one is the forbidden word challenge. [Round 1 - Interview with Forbidden Word: If you say the prohibited term in the interview, you’ll have to jump] We’ll interview you with a forbidden word. You’ll have to interview for a minute, and if you say out the forbidden word, - Straight to the game? - Right away? [Winning bell] -Right away! Beep! [A rather thrilling winning news] [Ju-mp] [He recorded it himself] - That is! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! - Did you record it? [Con★The Bungee Jumping★Grats] [Perfect/Duo] Bungee~ Jump! That would be so annoying ah… [Sad] You’re annoyed? How can you feel good after hearing that? I feel good you have a problem? [Shoulders dance] Bungee~ [On a roll] [An unexpected chemistry] Ah Seung-Seung, you two are good~ [Starting the 1st round] Then let’s begin right away.
05:55 - But that doesn’t mean we’ll be counting something like ‘yes’. [The kindest person] I was just going to say we should count ‘yes’ He was the one who thought about that. ‘Yes’ is just ending the game straight away. [SEVENTEEN is one] We have similar thoughts huh [The first one to try/ Putting on his earphones] - Hey! - Mingyu~ [A real master of ceremonies] Hey stupid~ Brother Mingyu can you hear us? Hey! [Choosing Mingyu’s forbidden word] [The test is over] He can’t hear us at all. [A patriot] - ‘Korea’ is what that came first in my mind - Korea~ No but he could avoid saying that. We should go for something more formal.
06:16 - [Means that he wants Mingyu to be caught on his first reply] What about ‘no’? [Nearly convinced] No? [Excited] What’s the difference then between ‘yes’ and ‘no’ [His true feelings] - ‘Scary’ - Scary? [Leading the reply] Then I would ask him like this. [The acting he has polished with Bad Clue] You might have to do the bungee jumping, how do you feel about that? [Inverse-thinking] - Ah~ I don’t think Mingyu’s gonna be all ‘scary’ and stuff. - What about ‘I’m not scared’? But would he be saying his usual ‘if I must, I can’ during the show? But he won’t be saying that today. [The reason for that] [Knowing him for 10 years] No but since we all know too well what he would usually say - he’ll also guess our guesses. - Right, true. What about ‘I’m’? ‘I’m’ is good! - Because he would always go ‘I’m’ when he has some couple of lines to say - Right.
06:45 - If I interview him using polite speech then he would also introduce himself [The probable scenario] Yes I’m.. then first we won’t let him guess the word and go on for like a minute. [Mingyu’s forbidden word - I’m] - Ask him a lot of questions. -‘I’m’ is well-thought. [Perfect scheme to fool him too] Don’t end it right away and go on like for a minute.. and when he would be like, ‘Did I succeed?’, then.. [A happy scaredy-cat friend] [Starting Mingyu’s interview] Ready, start! - Hello, Mr. Mingyu - Hello.
07:04 - [A light trap] Please briefly introduce yourself [Avoiding] It’s Mingyu Kim. In your opinion what’s your biggest strong point? My tall height. [Avoiding the bungee is more important than the show’s fun] You are missing the fun today [Particularly introverted] [Dino shoots the bungee high] He hates doing that this much. [Pausing] What’s.. Mr. Mingyu’s dream? [Dream..] [Youth..] [Us….] [His dream is not to do the bungee] To be successful. [Glancing] [A big let down] [Asking for support] Are you perhaps upset about something? You speak in very short and short phrases.. Only tall in height that’s all.
07:35 - What? You’re only tall? [Nobody guesses the hidden meaning] - I don’t think that has something to do with the question - Indeed it’s not related. [Time over] Time’s over. [Finding anything to pick on] But is it okay to reply with something irrelevant? [Protesting] - It was relevant to the question. - ‘Only tall’, that is? ‘You speak in short sentences’ so I said ‘I’m only tall in heights’. [It was actually a punch line] Ah~ [Convinced] Oh~ [Throwing doubts] I’m a bit suspicious Me too. Did you hear it? [Protesting against the judgement] You heard the word right? I didn’t. [Something smells fishy] This is..
07:56 - [Cornering him for the moment] [The eyes of the truth] - Honestly.. - Hey your expression your expression.. Is it even possible not to say ‘I’m’ while introducing yourself? [From Weverse Magazine 333 / GOING SEVENTEEN, the Brave New World made by SEVENTEEN] Honestly I’m doubting something. Avoiding all ‘I’m’ at the beginning of each sentence? [Brain stopping] [A fellow scaredy-cat takes his side] No but it’s possible that he really did it on his own. [Forbidden to take parts] Hey sit down! [Scared] That’s true yes.. Speak the truth. How should I prove my innocence? If I heard the word then I swear I can swim back and forth from here to there.
08:18 - [He is proven to be innocent] By swimming! [Mingyu’s for another time] We have until round 3 [He regained his smile] [Mingyu’s successful] - Ah it was ‘I’m’? - For the moment you’ve passed. Congratulations. - Thank you - You did good by the way [Preparing Hoshi’s interview] [Had a real hard time] Wow… Bro you were in real danger. [He foresaw 2374126 futures] I skipped all the beginnings and ends of sentences. Actually ‘to do/have’ felt dangerous too. Were you going to say ‘I’m’? I nearly did. - Woah~ - You did good. Get it on quickly for me. I don’t mind jumping. Hoshi~ [The experienced one] Hey but you can hear really nothing with that on, more than what you thought.
08:43 - [Choosing Hoshi’s forbidden word] [Hoshi ‘I’m’, ‘I’m’] [Hoshi’s forbidden word - ‘I’m’] [Minuteness] Let’s pretend we’re hesitating for a longer moment. Or how about that? [Hoshi’s usual moment’ Ah it’s just~ No bro Hoshi’s a bit.. He would never talk like that. Hey if it were you would you be saying ‘ah it’s just’ in a time like this? [Laid back] [Replaying the no-fun] Hey in a situation like this the last one was like ‘only tall’ and stuff [The show — out of this world — avoiding the bungee] So sorry guys. I’m really letting down all the fun today. Sorry. [Music PAUSE] Mr. Hoshi~ [Hoshi’s interview starts] A brief self-introduction please. [Full name] Hello. It’s Tiger’s Gaze (‘Ho’ + ‘Shi’). [A rather long name] Your name is Tiger’s Gaze? Seriously? [Mr.
‘Ger’s Gaze (25)] What the hell is Tiger’s Gaze? 09:13 - You’re allowed to speak in short sentences but still make it more understandable.. Hello. I’m Hoshi. [Hoshi gets the bungee] [Getting on with the fake interview] - What’s your favorite food? - Kimchi. - Do you have any special reason for your liking? - Because it’s delicious? [A mechanical reaction] Oh~ Such a lame interview huh? Right? But you still got the bungee. [Con★BUNGEE★Grats] [A luxurious ceremony] [Getting fun altogether] But Hoshi bro isn’t scared so [It’s okay as long as it’s not me] Just get on with it anybody. Do it quick and quick I don’t care about the show’s time The next person quick quick~ Vernon you should get going.
09:38 - [Bungee, go?] Should I just start it now? [With brand new clothes let’s jump like baam] No no it’s not the time yet~ You’re so short tempered~ No but what was my word? what did I get? [Kinda shy for no reason] ‘I’m’ ‘I’m’? The same as Mingyu, bro. [Choosing Vernon’s forbidden word] What should we choose for Vernon? [Thinking about the show] Is ‘Yes’ too hard? ‘Yes’, ‘no’ are too difficult aren’t they? [Self-introspection] Yeah my bad I’m so sorry. - What about ‘just’? - ‘Just’ is okay. It’s being used a lot. [The answer is Bungee] Or else what about ‘Hongdae’ and ask him where did you live when you were young? Just to send him like that? [Purely giving his opinion] That’s.. That should be saved for today’s meanest guy. SeungKwan~ How about this? [A genius in tricks] You’re interviewing in a very small voice.
10:07 - So that he can’t hear you - Oh good good. - Let’s save the forbidden word as ‘what’ and then we would [Vernon’s forbidden word - what] Oh~ nice nice. I’ll ask ambiguous questions. Truly a man of show] That sounds fun. Whether he gets the bungee or not. Now let’s go! Please sit down on the interviewee’s seat. [Starting Vernon’s interview] - Mr. Vernon hello~ - Hello. - Where are you from? - From NYC. Oh~ New York.. And where else did you live? [The previous forbidden word] Ah I was born in NYC but Hongdae feels like my real home.
10:33 - [Shame] [Starting the plan] Now let’s speed up things. [Is there anyone who can heal my wound] - When you’re having a bad day what doyoudotofeelbetter! - Pardon? [Shame22] [1st attempt failed] When you’re having a bad day what do you do to feel better? Just do whatever you want to do Let’s speed up things more. [If left alone it would endlessly get infected] If you could sell your soul to the devil for what would you sell it? I can’t hear you. What did you say? [The buzzer beater] It’s over. [Preparing / For / Bungee / Jumping] Ah Mr.
Vernon unfortunately 10:53 - [Vernon gets it] Bungee~ Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! ‘What’ did you say. [The truth behind all that] Ah that’s why you did it like that on purpose? [Fooled successfully] Since he’s talking strange things. I was wondering why. It’s confirmed for now, but can be removed later. -Okay, let’s go for Jun now. -Let’s go, Jun. [Selecting forbidden word for Jun] [Sensing] I think he’ll answer in Chinese. Chinese! But that’s too random. [Enjoying] If he doesn’t speak in Chinese at all, then we can’t get him anyhow.
11:18 - [Global interview] What’s your name? It’s pretty fun. [Hedonism] I think it’ll be fun, irrelevant to the result. Ask questions in Korean first, then Let’s just do it for fun anyway. Chinese. Cool, cool. [Forbidden word for Jun - Chinese] Mr. Jun! Mr. Jun! Mr. Jun! [Interview with Jun starts] It’s a common question. Do you want to go bungee jump? [Chinese] [Killed at one shot] [Jun confirmed] [Festival] [Fortune teller] Wow~ I got goosebumps! [Touching story] Who’s idea was this? [Leader knowing everyone well] -Was it you? So genius of you! -Yeah, it was me! He’s killed at once, wow~ [Himself included] Wow, seventeen is so scary~ [Trying to say it, but not sure what it is.] There are those.. who fly above.. wow.. There’s no one above who’s flying. Oh, that’s right. The bait was there. [1st verse] Got it like this.
12:08 - [2nd verse] [3rd verse / Editing point CUT] Was gonna throw it, then give it to me, here! [Selecting forbidden word for Jeonghan] I really want to get Jeonghan.. I mean, I mean it doesn’t really matter, but.. [Defeat Jeonghan] I really want to defeat Jeonghan for some reason. Jeonghan! [Doubts] He’s wearing the earphones properly, right? [Reasonable doubts] Maybe the earphones are only half-worn. Right, maybe only half-worn. [Trustworthiness built with time] How come we don’t trust him? He deserves it! [Strong trust built among SEVENTEEN members] -He deserves it. -He does. He started it.
12:31 - [Innocent face] [Scary smiles] why are you smiling, huh? I’m nervous. It’s a kind of bait, but I.. [Self-praising] I bought his birthday present yesterday. He’s treating me so well for some reason recently. So if we ask him, ‘among SEVENTEEN members, who are you appreciating the most?’ [Hope] He’ll say ‘It’s SeungKwan.’ No, it’s Hoshi. If we ask him who he appreciates the most (hesitant) Still, I think it’ll be Hoshi. [Hurt] Oh really? Okay..
12:50 - [Happy] If he asks that question, the answer may be him. He may say ‘it’s SeungKwan.’ Oh, maybe he will. x2 [Questioner’s benefit] -Should we make it ‘SeungKwan?’ We should make inducing questions with the word ‘SeungKwan.’ -Right. If he doesn’t say your name, that’d mean he’s not appreciating you anymore. [King of negotiation] [Forbidden word for Jeonghan - SeungKwan] Finished? Let’s do it. [Interview for Jeonghan started] Let’s do it fast.
13:05 - Can you briefly introduce yourself? Pardon? What? Pardon? [Giggling] Why does it sound so funny? [Serious] I’ll introduce you. [Rejecting] I’m Jeonghan. You’re Jeonghan? [Speaks 3 languages] You like favorite member uh… favorite member is.. uh… SeungKwan! [Touching, but confirmed] Aww… [Jeonghan confirmed] [Always happy SEVENTEEN] Why did you pick me as your favorite member? (excited) [Not because of the present] I couldn’t come up with any other names. [One-sided love] Oh really..? [Selecting banned word for DK] It’s not fun to ask questions like this.
13:44 - It’d be better if he somehow gets into the trap. Like we ask him ‘what are your favorite 5 SEVENTEEN’s songs?’ And he says 1 song that’s the banned to say. [Concerned if he doesn’t say it] -Right, that’d be fun. -Wow, isn’t it too difficult? No, it’s gonna be fun. If he doesn’t get into the trap, then he’s lucky. [About 1% possibility] There are plenty of our songs.. [So random] If he doesn’t say it, then he’s lucky. Right I said ‘SeungKwan’ among the 13 members. We didn’t expect that, right? Let’s go for ‘Second Life.’ Ah, ‘Second Life.’ He’ll mention ‘Second Life,’ right? [Banned word for DK - Second Life] -Okay, let’s go! -DK~ [Salty as being nervous] -Takes such a long time. -Oh, sorry. [Interview with DK started] We’ll start now. Star~t! Please sing a little bit.
14:12 - [Excessive nervousness] [A matter of life or death] [Getting to the point] Now, please say 5 of your favorite Seventeen’s songs. Relax. [Frozen] Relax~ [Tag] Why are you so nervous? It’s not ‘speaking formally’ or something. Not that. Very nice. Bright smile. [Keep going] Good, good. Our dawn is hotter than daytime. [Studying] Camp fire. [Last one] Love message. [DK survived] [Very sad] You like group songs~ [Retry] Then what’ your favorite song among the vocal team’s songs? Just one. It’s ‘20.’ [That was close] Oh, ‘20’ is your favorite song.. How about Woozi’s favorite? Mine is ‘Windmill.’ ‘Windmill’ is indeed better.
14:50 - [Time check] How about ‘Windmill?’ Time out. (Relaxed) Time out. [Interview with DK ended] What was it? Second Life. Oh, Second Life? Oh~ I haven’t seen DK being that much nervous after a long time though. [Selecting banned word for Wonwoo] I thought DK’s buzzword will be mentioned. [Brainstorming] Intentionally put ‘Love message’ or something.. [Chickens’ survival diary] -Let’s survive. Just two of us.. We don’t have to do it. -Right, we don’t need to. Hey, how about this for Wonwoo? [Stealing] What’s your favorite body part among yours? Collarbone? Oh but.. I don’t think he’ll say that. Does he have any particular ways of talking? It’ll be fun if he does. He doesn’t really speak in the first place. [Melee fighter] Does he? [Quiet back] Let’s make it ‘just.
’ 15:27 - ‘Just?’ [Banned word for Wonwoo - Just] Hey!!!! (Calling him warmly) Why are you so mad? Hey! Hey! [Interview with Wonwoo started] Did you have a meal? [Determined] Yes. Did you enjoy it? [Quiet type] Yes. You’re okay, right? Yes, I am fine. [Wonwoo suspected to be AI] -I thought you’re Siri. -What did you do yesterday? [Temporary memory loss] What did we do yesterday? Yesterday, we.. what’s that..? [Contagious] What did we do yesterday..? We went for shooting of a dancing video. How was it? [Quiet and positive type] Good. Lack of questions. Are you not afraid of bungee jumping? I’ve wanted to try it. -Wanted to try it at least once. -What if you can’t go for it? [Thoughtful friend] Then I’ll have no choice but to sadly go home. [Not as usual] Oh… [Smooth transition] Okay then sadly go sit. Then you can sadly go sit there. [Interview with Wonwoo ended] It’s so difficult.
16:05 - [Selecting banned word for Dino] -It’s me this time. -You go there. Okay, Dino~ [Survival first] I won’t try to kill someone else today. [2 chickens desperate for survival] Right, I should go safe today. Hey, just.. [Banned word for Dino - ???] Hey, Dino! [Banned word selected in 10 seconds] I knew it. Perhaps it is something something. [1 knowledge per day] Whatever, I know it all. Just do it.
16:23 - Just do! [Special treat for HOST] Dino, should we go for 2 people then? [Refusal] Nope, just do the same as usual. [Interview with Dino] -He’s sulking, he’s sulking. -Star~t! Did you have a meal? Yes. [Bye] [Banned word for Dino - Yes] I thought you wouldn’t use that, because that’s too severe! [Members love HOST] I just wanted to shorten some time because it takes so long. [Monopolizing attention] You’re so odd.. [Dino selected] -He’s a HOST. A HOST. -Oh~ my goodness! It was very fun. [Next] Let’s go for Joshua. [Selecting banned word for Joshua] Doesn’t Joshua somehow look to be good at Chinese? [Whom spoke 3 languages earlier] Yeah.
16:50 - Out of the blue Oh, Chinese again? If he doesn’t say it for a while, ask some loaded questions. Hey, ask some loaded questions in English. [Not my business anyway] Even if questioned in English, I think he’ll answer in Chinese anyway. Okay, okay. -Okay, okay, good, good. -Oh, so smart. [Interview with Joshua started] Okay, SeungKwan, ask him a question. Hi~ Hi. -Nice to meet you. -Nice meet you too. [Kind emcee] Let me introduce yourself. [Advanced/Beginner] Can you introduce yourself? [What a shame] Let’s do this again as it’s too shameful. [Okay, let us show this again.] -Because it’s too shameful.. -No, please don’t cut it. -If that’s how it goes, I’d rather..
-Please don’t cut it! x2 17:14 - I’d rather go bungee jump. [Reflected the valuable feedback] Please don’t cut it, please don’t~ I’m so ashamed now! [Self-editing] -Ask a question! -Can you introduce yourself? Hi, my name is Joshua. I’m from Los Angeles. [Naturally inducing to speak Chinese] Could you possibly greet in another language? Speak every language you speak. Hola, me llamo Joshua. [Time out] [By a nose] Dajia hao wo shi.. [Heart attack] [Integrity] Since 3 seconds passed..
17:37 - [Interview with Joshua ended] We thought you’d speak in Chinese even if the question is in English. You answered in English though.. You weren’t nervous at all. [Selecting banned word for Woozi] I want to play it comfortably now (indeed). Hey, what should it be for Woozi? I think he’ll just answer. Do you have any cafe’s beverages you like? I don’t really like cafe. [Banned word for Woozi - I don’t like that] -I don’t like that! -I don’t like that. -Should we go for ‘I don’t like that?’ -Cool. [Summoning expert] Hey! Mr. Woozi~ [Appealing or entreating to people with power for interests] I wanted you to let you go, but.. Why are you being like that? He’s concerned about the wish ticket. [Last wish ticket holder] Actually, we talked about wish ticket before filming this. He’s appealing himself. [Live like S.COUPS] We should live like this. [Interview with Woozi] Star~t! Let me simply ask you this.
Do you want to bungee jump, or not? 18:10 - [2nd determined man] Nope. He really didn’t want to do it. Do you have acrophobia? I don’t think so. Oh~ Do you have any foods you like? [Chic] Well.. [Sound effect from nature] Even the bird is speechless now. Caw! Caw! [Preset question] Do you have any cafe beverages you like? [I like Caffeine] Iced americano. Oh, do you like americano? [Hidden taste] I haven’t seen you having that. I haven’t seen you having iced americano in my life. [Turned out to be an iced americano die-hard] Iced americano. Okay then, you like Mingyu, right? [Sound effect repeated] [Meaning Mingyu is liked as much as iced americano] Iced americano die-hard. [Interview helped by nature] Iced americano die-hard lol.
18:40 - Do you like crow? [Language magician] Caw! Caw! Crow’s answering well. [Trying to communicate] Caw! Caw! [Woozi survived] It’s ended. [Interview with Woozi ended] -Wow, Woozi’s good! -What was it? x2 I don’t like that. I don’t like that? [Whom suggested Hongdae area earlier] I think it’s too much. [Sincerity works] I haven’t heard of iced americano from him in my life. What do you like? Iced americano. Oh, I saw the strong determination. [Taste changed] I am an iced americano die-hard. [Selecting banned word for The 8 / Calm] I think he’ll talk comfortably because he doesn’t care anyway. Asking today’s weather, scenery, etc. It’s cold. [Banned word for The 8 - It’s cold.] Let’s go for ‘It’s cold.’ Let’s go for ‘It’s cold.’ Hey, 8~ [Interview with The 8 started] How’s the weather today? It’s nice. Do you want to go bungee jump? I can do it. It’s very cold today, though. [Sudden familiarity] Yeah. Right. [Speaking informally. Cool time lasted very short.
] Can you do it in this cold weather? 19:23 - [Speaks Crow’s language too.] Are you going to speak formally, or informally? Let’s be consistent. [Informal mode selected] Okay. x2 Let’s speak informally. [Straightforward] Is it cold, or not? Are you going to speak informally? [Doesn’t work.] No particular reason. Just today? Okay.. [Demotivated] Whatever, you go there, go there. [Interview with The 8 ended] You just go there, go there.
19:36 - [Calling the selected ones] The left ones, please raise your hands. [Dino, Jeonghan, Jun, Vernon, Hoshi] 5 people. [Red ginseng mania] Should I go for red ginseng? Look at the exciting face. [Conditioned reflex] For red ginseng, he’s just.. [Challenge spirit] I somehow want to try it. [Lying] A bit sad that I’m not selected.. [Not stopping] I see. No, I mean that’s just how it is. Not saying I want to do it.
(Polite) 19:51 - [Decline politely] I’m just saying I feel that way, it’s not like I’d really.. [Candidates for bungee jumping / Red ginseng game before deciding for jumpers] Let’s do it fast. -We should do it fast~ -Because there are only few people.. 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4 Yay, red ginseng. Everybody, red ginseng. [Too fast, so releasing the unedited version. ] [Lost one red ginseng] Where’s 1 red ginseng? [Nobody knows] What the… Where is it? I don’t see it, what happened? [Smooth transition / Speed game] One more sand glass~ 1, 2, 3, 4 [Red ginseng club] Yay, red ginseng. Everybody, red ginseng. Yay, it’s you, it’s you. [Dino pointed] Yay, you. [Not doing it] Yay, you. Why are you not doing it? [Dino confirmed for bungee jumping] I picked you! I picked you.. Is it me? [HOST works for his nickname] Let’s go~ Dino~ [Not my business] [Cool guy] Hey, HOST. Wow~ HOST is running. HOST is running. He became the first bungee jumper in the season of high sky and plump horses. -The second game for 4 people.
-What kind of game this time? 20:47 - Let’s go for game of wit. [Game of wit before deciding bungee jumper] Game of wit for 4 people? The PD will start it for us. [Game of wit started] Start. 1 2 [Selected] -3! -3! Rock, scissors, paper! [Paper / Scissors] [Fast transition] [Jeonghan confirmed for bungee jumping] [First round bungee jump - Dino, Jeonghan] -Let’s try it! Let’s try it! -Sure, sure~ [Going up] Hey guys~ [Height of 13th floor] -Can you see us well? -Yeah! Are you not scared? Not scared yet~ [Calm] I mean, it’s like we are up there. They’re so brave. [Old-fashioned cheering] -Are you not scared? -Say Ho-oh~ [Kind SEVENTEEN’s reaction] Ho-oh~ Say Ho-oh~ Ho! Ho-oh~ Ho! Say SEVENTEEN~ SEVENTEEN~ So boring (True feeling] So boring? We can hear it all here! [Whipping] I wanted you to hear! Old-fashioned~~~~~ Bye, Dino~ It’s so cute.. Old-fashioned. We can do it, right? Ha… I’m scared to jump now. [Ready for bungee jumping] So nervous.. Wow~ [Nervous with Dino] Wow~ [2 chickens scared together] -DK~ -Oh no~ I can’t! [Thoughtful] I really hope DK and Mingyu to jump, really.
21:53 - [Scary eyes] It’s fun~ Hey, Mingyu is serious now. [Audacity] How can you be mad at this, it’s between us bro. [Jeonghan jumps first] Wow~! [Back-stepping] It’s so scary! Oh my, how can I do this?! Oh, that looks so scary. Hey! You can do it. Hey! Hey, it looks so scary. If it’s scary for Jeonghan, we can never do it~! If it’s scary for Jeonghan, we can never, ever do it~! Hey, my heart beats so fast. Now, take a deep breathe, deep breathe. [Cheering with phone screen] Let’s go, Jeonghan! You can do it! Hey.. Dino. You can do it, let’s go! Please..
22:30 - [I can only count on you guys] -The rope is tied well behind? -Yes, it’s very well-tied. It’s different from what I did in the Marine Corps. Oh, it’s crazy. [Good excuse] If it’s scary for Jeonghan, we can never ever do it~! -We can’t do it, because.. -We can’t! We can’t do it.. We can’t. I’ll do it. Okay, let me count then. Let’s go! 3 2 1 I really love you guys! I really love you guys! I really love you guys! Oh my~ Wow~ [Admiration] [Worshiping] Wow~ It’s crazy! Wow, literally unbelievable. [Left alone] Oh, what do I do.. How’s it? It’s good once you jump, but it’s so scary up there. You do look like an angel now.
23:36 - [Ta-dah] [Identity eventually found] Now he looks like an angel. Oh, it looks too scary even if he’s tied the rope. I hope Mingyu to do it. [Motivating] The next game will be so desperate. That was so unimaginable for anyone. Ah.. Ha.. [Whom suggested bungee jumping] [Comment for bungee jumping] -Once I jumped.. -Feels much relieved. It’s okay after being like ‘argh’ for 3 seconds -But it’s scarier just before jumping.
-I know, right? 24:01 - [Extreme SEVENTEEN] I was concerned if they played the game up there I mean, but then they can possibly fight. [Excessive desire to win] I didn’t lose! It looked like something else than red ginseng to me! -But it’s pretty fun as it’s involved with bungee jumping. -It is, right? It’s fun after jumping. [Feet’s free will] I don’t think I can jump myself. It’s the most scary. -When being like this.. -Rather than standing with my feet.. [Gravity] This! My weight goes down! [Mind control] [Helpless] My lips are just burned to a crisp.. Oh seriously.. my lips are just burned to a crisp.. You mean I said I’ll do this on my interview, right? [Hating himself in the past] Right? Ha…
24:36 - I’m getting so nervous as te time approaches.. Oh, Chan.. No, no.. It’s okay, it’s okay.. I can do this, I can do this. Dino~! -Yeah~! -You can do it! Huh? [Cheering] You can do it! Let’s go! [Short answer] Okay~ Okay.. Dino, it’s bungee jumping that you talked about. [Ready for bungee jumping] How’s it? Jeonghan, I now understand how you must have felt up here. He eventually realized how amazing I was when he’s up there himself.
25:03 - You came all the way to here only with your passion! [That’s irrelevant] Passion and getting scared are so irrelevant, you punk. Okay. Let’s go, Dino! Overcome yourself! Should I count? Yes. 3 2 1 I love you guys! I love you guys! [Overwhelmed] He looks like an alien, an alien! I know how you feel. -Good job, Dino~ -Dino, a super man! Great job~ You’re running in the sky?! Wow~ [Flapping] How come he looks like a bug? [Lovely Dino] He looks like a centipede. How could you say he looks like a centipede..
? 25:57 - You said Jeonghan looked like an angel earlier. I’m sorry, but they look so different. They’re the most brave among us. I don’t really have any fear of height. I really want to try, too. By the way, Dino jumped so fast. If I jump there, it’ll be like breaking myself. [Let me break myself] Oh my, this explanation is just like describing Dino. [Old-fashioned] Someone who’s too old, and not kept up with the current time. Hey, you old-fashined~ For Dino, wouldn’t it less insulting for us to swear? So his surname is ‘Old’ and his first name is ‘Fashioned?’ No, in English, first name comes first.
So ‘Old’ is his name, and ‘Fashioned’ is his surname. Old-fashioned! Old-fashioned~ His name is ‘Old.’ Old-fashioned~ It somewhat sounds like a fashion designer’s name. -Old~ fashioned~ -Mr. Old Fashioned! .