Versi orang awam memahami Covid-19 dan Menangkal Konspirasinya
May 2, 2020 11:06 · 1546 words · 8 minute read
Hi, ok, after the warahmatullahi sual wabarokatuh see you again with me, Purnomo this time I will discuss about Covid-19 so Based on the information I’ve gotten so far And also how is our attitude What actions we have to be afraid of should be used to react But first I want to review that first information that I got this virus comes from mers virus that evolved into covid 1 covid 2 and so on up to covid-19 there is also another opinion that this virus originates from animals which evolved to viruses that infect humans but I tend to prefer the first opinion that this virus is identical from the start had indeed infected humans huh Why is my reason is because I interact with the affected chicken and aaaaa so far I have interacted with chickens I have also never been exposed to virus that infects the chicken yes So if the opinion of animals or from I don’t agree with the bat myself because of the different types of viruses later eh The latest news that the modern medical world hasn’t found an antiviral or found a vaccine yet Therefore they are very, very Confused so the world of health technology is also very confused with this virus He even developed countries that were very defeated address this virus now aaaa if the other viruses might already have the vaccination but if this virus hasn’t Influenza Suppose there is a vaccine But if cvid is not yet Nah Moreover, we have to absorb important information about this covid This virus Relatively easy to spread, especially Droplet or liquid from human to other humans if the air yes there are those who can, but they are insignificant, less significant but if the distance is very close, it’s very possible that the spread of this virus because aaa I myself have the experience that if there are people who have the flu, then just close to me, I would have been hit too and we have the flu very often, almost every year we have the flu And aaaa really avoid it because of us Just interact directly lying like that huh with the virus but it only takes a few days and us Incubation as usual Then recover Nah that Now if Based on the confid information that the distribution is the same, that’s right, I’m afraid Uh if the common cold spreads that fast How about this covid it’s only just interact just like that Information that circulated was immediately unsettled in the community The impact is extraordinary And regarding positive or negative status positive or negative according to my understanding is our body’s resistance to recognizing the virus is said to be positive So The cells in our body that react against it are well known, so that’s good. So that’s what is meant by positive But what is said negative is Our body’s resilience does not recognize the virus that comes it does not recognize or there is no virus that come So it’s our perception The positive affected like that actually not really necessary aaa the so-called Positive endurance our body is familiar with the virus so Antibiotics will not work on this virus because antibiotics are useful against bacteria while the virus is not a type of bacteria so can’t be dealt with antibiotics but based on the information obtained that we should consume more vitamins C especially yes that Okay so special is this virus that we forget it exists there are still many other diseases, there is TB, there is dengue fever what HIV virus there is basically there is pneumonia there are lungs and others that forget everything all just remember this virus but the cause of that person complications are not only covid Indeed it’s one for those who aggravate such complications So that the data collection later a person added covid complications so The numbers will continue to increase so you know the information that circulates and then fears Humans are wrapped in plastic and then there will be distributed later Worshiping being hit by covid was amazing so we forget that there are other risks so put more vigilance that not only is covid health broad yes our endurance our happiness so much less then eh consumption yes emotional stability we are treated to such news every day every day at the suggestion of corona corona corona take a long time Do you have a corona? Stay cheerful. People have a weak immune system especially with a situation like this Everything is completely closed so that people can not earn a fortune, yeah, you’re so cheerful, that’s what makes that meriyang The side effects are covid, right? Even if the person is happy, then will they be affected or not, for example, but when treated with information Was treated with a system that was completely closed I can’t do anything so cheerful later so that the edges later Defendant covid again is such a hassle huh our attitude must be how we should what ya always keep the principal must keep the spirit and we must Increase happiness and do not be intimidated by the news circulating yo to, even though there it is, but if we believe that we have no effect on us, yo is not that we still do activities if I’m alone every day to fishing, fishing for a chicken base so for food security Thank God we are in the village it can still be like that if everything is locked in the city I imagine how they are how do you make a living? it’s closed right? It’s hard to find a script if we are in the village Yes still better we can still depend on nature So that we have to be enthusiastic not to get hit huh what mental attacks Attacks Outstanding hoax La if we usually go to the hospital see the flu see that many people there Don’t visit the hospital in this situation that’s if you have a fever rackets like that eat which nutritious And in theory, yes our body will be able to maintain it in our body the virus can be maintained so that it does not react I have a perception how come the name of the sick person is when the disease reacts? when the disease is nourished in our body and does not react it has not been said to be sick or not sick yes it’s okay but if when we are attacked by our psychology stomach acid rises reacts stomach acid so it says stomach acid pain when we don’t react Even though there is stomach acid, right, everything’s acidic yes it is not said to hurt People who you have What is herpes if he does not react in his body it will not hurt if his immune system is decreased, his psychology is attacked, and herpes or dompo is ok in the hand or that if that person must we can’t be psychologically disturbed so we don’t appear if we are not afraid Herpes doesn’t appear Gitu Yes, like that like how the system is now completely controlled if we are happy and go to the hospital later, we will be monitoring it So the social sanctions will be heavier uh extraordinary I hope we can all take care of ya and do not be afraid to overdo it so that we do not lose endurance when it arrives Is it okay to visit the hospital instead it becomes a hassle even now doctors don’t want to handle it Only remote consultation all access is limited it is better if we are cheerful and cheerful when we handle it what we are and our endurance must always be maintained So they have to wear masks and others have to wear protective equipment instead we will later be affected by Psychology it’s extraordinary the psychological effect of that circulating People who feverish indeed had been feverish it could be affected because of covid’s treatment now there is a kind of misperception wow Just dizzy now I became a question Why how come we don’t respond like other diseases yes whereas other diseases are also a lot you know Yes maybe with a level of risk above covid so Well, right now, what is cheerful, what isvid, what, what is cheerful, what is coo make it all that way so it’s not just the dangerous covid its impact after this impact after Such a situation is increasingly extended the longer Wow I don’t know how this will be Are we able to recover in a situation like this so we try to recover as usual activities as usual if our psychology is attacked, it will be more troublesome You can’t do that, so I own it, I take it every day permanent on the move hunting for chicken or pedestal eh we fishing like that for everyday so yeah, because all systems are many closed like that huh that’s the hassle the attitude must be the spirit to survive the present situation Enough so first tutorial this time the vlog this time about covid Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and keep the spirit .