RV TOUR | our home for the weekend!
Oct 29, 2020 16:00 · 2772 words · 14 minute read
- Hello everyone. Well, if you saw the last vlog, then you might know that we are staying in this beauty right here, this little camper for the weekend. And I just want to say a huge thanks to Outdoorsy for providing us with this complimentary RV it’s been such a fun time so far. If you aren’t familiar with what Outdoorsy is it’s essentially like Airbnb for recreational vehicles vans, RVs, campers, things like that. So you can go onto their website or their app and basically rent somebody else’s vehicle, which is what we’ve done for the weekend and it’s been so much fun. I like see these videos, I binge these videos all the time on YouTube and I thought it might be fun to show you an RV tour.
00:40 - So I’m gonna take you around this RV that we’ve been staying in, this is like our new little home for the weekend. Gonna show you all the nooks and crannies, show you what it’s all about and show you how we’ve been living for the past weekend. So I’m going to take you on like a very short but sweet tour. And I dunno I love these videos and I really want to look back on this because this has been such a fun weekend for Drew and myself and like, we’ve just enjoyed ourselves so much. So I was like, you know what? We have to do like a full dedicated tour. So that’s what we’re going to do.
01:07 - So we are saying in a 2014 Ford Majestic I believe it’s called and it’s named the Cruisen Comfort. It’s a 25 foot RV. Also look at this background. Are you kidding? Just wait for these vlogs, just wait. Here’s what it looks like on the outside. It’s actually surprisingly, super easy to drive. I’ve driven U-Hauls and stuff before so for me, this wasn’t really that difficult, like at all. So I will show you the front little cab area. Oh okay.
01:37 - So this is where I have been spending honestly the majority of my time because this is where I’ve been driving. So this is like our little driving cab area. It’s super comfortable. It really, like we forget all the time that there’s like all of this back here which we’ll show you in a minute but it’s just basically like driving a U-Haul, but then you have like a bed and like a kitchen and a bathroom behind you. This is what it looks like. It’s very comfortable, very easy to maneuver. I haven’t had any problems whatsoever. We’re currently at the top of a mountain right now with like really narrow, windy roads and it did really, really well so it’s been very, very easy to drive so far. So here we have it.
02:17 - Here’s the little, I think they call this the cab. This is Drew’s seat where he is sitting but he’s right there. There’s also another seat back there. He was back there earlier because when we were coming up this mountain, the coolers and like everything that we packed was flying everywhere so he was back there like holding down the fort while I was driving. Because this was sort of my thing with Outdoorsy, we decided that it was probably safer that I drive for this weekend. So it’s been all up to me and I think I’ve done pretty good. - You’ve done amazing. - Thank you.
02:47 - I’ve honestly been pretty proud of myself. So maybe I have like a future as an RV owner or something but anyways yes, this is the little front area. We brought our aux cord we have been listening to “Folklore” a lot as well as like other playlists, but listening to “Folklore” while you’re driving through like the most gorgeous fall scenery truly hits different, it’s the most amazing thing ever. We have our hand sanitizer up here. We have my phone which we have been relying on for maps obviously and then we have the keys. I think it has a radio as well but yeah, here’s the front area.
03:18 - So now I will take you around to the main part, which is like the back part of the RV. - Hi, welcome. - So come on in, we’ll show you right when you walk in you have the dining area. So when you first walk in, this is the dining area and this is where we’ve been playing our board games at night, we’re storing our extra water under here. We’re just storing some extra drinking water just so we don’t have to like stop for water at the gas station and so on and so forth. So we bought that. And this beautiful view is just unreal. We’re literally in a parking lot right now for a mountain, but I wanted to film this like before we left because it’s just so pretty. We ate breakfast here this morning. We sat here last night.
03:59 - It’s just been so, so lovely, it’s very comfortable and there are also seatbelts right here. So if you have passengers, they can buckle in. And here we have Drew he’s in the cab area now and then we have this, I think this is called like the copilot seat or something like that my mom said. We decided to put our cooler here because we have like wine, beer, sparkling waters, food. - [Drew] The important stuff. - The important stuff down here. So this is just stored here because we need access to it at all times basically.
04:25 - Up here, there is an another bunk area but we have decided to just go ahead and use it as storage. We brought a collapsible laundry hamper with us so we can like put our dirty laundry in here. I brought a lot of luggage but that’s because I’m filming some branded content while I’m up here in Northern Arizona. I don’t think I’ve said that yet in this RV tour video. So for the sake of this video being separate, for those of you that don’t know, we are staying up in Flagstaff, Arizona which is about two and a half ish hours north of Phoenix. It’s beautiful up here. It’s so cold. We’re really loving life.
04:58 - So we decided since we don’t have anybody staying with us, that we would just kind of clear that space and like kind of make it for storage. So that’s what that’s for. So normally this is probably like, I would say a little bit bigger than a twin size bed maybe a full, and you can definitely sleep up here. Like it’s definitely sleepable. We thought about trying it but plenty of storage, we have like extra blankets and stuff that the owner left us, really amazing. Another thing that I really like about this RV is that there’s so much storage. So this is like our main, like food storage area.
05:34 - We brought like paper towels, paper plates, disposable cutlery, like groceries. We’ve just brought so much stuff and we can fit it all up here. We have some games, we have some lanterns for nighttime. We have like a multi-pack of cereal. We have just a variety of stuff up here, Lysol, hand wipes, like all sorts of stuff. And it’s just like really compact and it fits right here and then these things sort of like lock down.
06:00 - I mean, they definitely flew open at one point but we were like going up a mountain so it’s definitely understandable but they’re very convenient. And then if you pan over this way, there is a lot more storage and there’s actually a functional freezer which we have some fake meat that we had for breakfast and also a fridge, which we have some wine, some hot dogs, some bratwurst, almond milk and Reese’s bats. So basically all of the absolute essentials are in here and it actually runs like even if you aren’t running the RV. So I think it runs off of the battery if I’m not mistaken and it works pretty well, I’m not going to lie. So we love that. And then we have some more storage up here.
06:43 - This is just extra storage that the owner left us. So this is like his little coffee area, which is really cute. There’s like a little coffee machine. We didn’t know that when we came so we brought our own but there’s like coffee filters, coffee machine, extra paper towels, sugar, et cetera so that’s up there. And then right over here we have, again, just some more, like, I think this is like kind of wardrobe. Yeah extra storage right here. He has like some towels that he’s provided.
07:08 - There’s hangers up there in case you wanna hang some clothes. We didn’t do that because we’re too lazy. So that’s there. Down here is just some like extra kitchen gadgets and actually we needed both this beer opener and this wine opener last night and so these came in very, very clutch. Otherwise we wouldn’t have been able to enjoy them. Down here we have just a more kitchen equipment again. So, so useful. There’s like measuring cups, measuring spoons, cutting boards, knives, utensils, tongs, things like that.
07:37 - Then right here, hello, we have another sink. So there’s actually two sinks I believe in this RV. And this is kind of like the bathroom sink area. So we have like some lights that come on here at night. So boom, these turn on at night they’re called like, I don’t know what they’re called. They’re basically like guide lights. So down at the bottom, this is the thermostat that does the heat. We used this outlet last night to charge my camera battery and my phone. And then we have the water here which is attached to the water pump. Some more storage underneath, which is great. We got some more storage up here. Like there is so much storage in this RV, which fully we were not prepared for.
08:17 - Like we thought it was just going to be like bursting at the seams. But honestly we have like a lot of storage so it’s been really nice. We’ve got some lighting up here. You can do like fully on you can do off and you can do one light on. So we’ve enjoyed that. Then right here, we have the bathroom. There’s actually a fully functioning bathroom in this thing. So we have the toilet right here has a little like lever right there where you just like step on it and then it flushes the toilet.
08:41 - And then we also have a full shower, which is crazy. Drew took a shower in here this morning. I haven’t, I’m going to take one tomorrow before we leave. But it’s like a literal, like full shower in this thing. I mean, it’s like a mini shower but it works. Like little towel hangers up here. We have our towels and like my makeup removing towel from last night. And it’s just, it’s very tiny, but it works. There’s like a fan in here and everything. And I mean it’s got everything we need for like a very short trip. Then if you move over from the bathroom, you have the bed right here. I would say this is probably like a full size bed, maybe a queen I’m not sure.
09:18 - But honestly Drew and I both slept in it last night and we were fine. Like, I didn’t feel like he was like on top of me or like we were not having enough space like it worked really well. This is our own bedding we brought but the owner also brought their own bedding but we just decided to do ours. Cause like, you know, COVID, I don’t know we’re just trying to be safer. So we brought our own bedding and then there’s like this beautiful window. It’s just so pretty.
09:38 - Like, I mean, again, we’re in a parking lot right now but just absolutely beautiful. And then ample storage above everything. There’s so much stuff that’s provided in these like just extra everything you could possibly need. So that’s been really nice to have like if we’ve realized that we forgot something or whatever. There’s also a little vent right here where if you turn it on, it opens up. So we opened that up last night so we could have some nice cool air blowing in here which is very, very nice. Got some towel racks on the side. It’s just so cute in here.
10:09 - It’s definitely like you know, a little bit older but we’re loving it so far. Then for the last little area we have the kitchen and this is like a pretty much fully functioning kitchen besides an oven. But we have a stove, like a propane stove, which works amazingly. We made hot dogs last night and we made breakfast this morning and it works really well considering it’s in an RV. We have the little sink here which actually is a lot bigger than it looks.
10:33 - You know, I saw the pictures and I was like, ooh, that looks kind of small. But we got here and it’s super big and we can wash dishes in here and we have. We brought our own little hand soap here and then the owner provided some paper towels. I also forgot to show this part. Like if you want to take the curtain like close it off when you’re sleeping at night, like if there were multiple people or if you had kids or something, you can do that. But we just decided to leave it open cause it’s just us in here.
10:58 - There’s a cute little window right here in the kitchen. So you can like look out the window while you’re cooking. There is also a microwave up here. We haven’t used that yet, but we are going to be using that tonight when we cook dinner so that’s great. Again, more storage up here. The owner has provided like coffee cups, salt and pepper. Just kind of like basic things that you would need for cooking.
11:17 - Again, just like plenty more utensils, towels, oven mitts like anything you could possibly need. Lighters, matches, gloves in case you need them. Under here we have a little percolator like a coffee maker, which we really want to try but we didn’t bring coffee with us to do that with. Got some pots and pans down here, again more essentials, salt and pepper like dishwashing utensils, things like that. And that is about it for this RV tour. So hopefully you enjoyed it. I just thought it would be really fun to do like a separate little video where I show you every little detail about this thing.
11:51 - And we’re just so grateful to Outdoorsy for providing us this RV to have this amazing weekend together. It’s been so nice to get out of town and do so in a safe way. Like we really have been wanting to kind of like get out of our little town and you know, we’ve been locked down in our new house for about three to four months at this point. So we were like ready to do something but not come in contact with a bunch of people and this has been the perfect way to do it. So really, really appreciative, really happy about it and it’s not even over yet.
12:20 - So make sure you stay tuned because I’ve been vlogging this entire trip. Make sure you check out the link in the description box below if you want to check out Outdoorsy. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments I’m happy to answer them for you. Make sure you’re subscribed so you can see the rest of the vlogs for this trip. We also have a couple of other trips coming up here pretty soon that I’m very excited about again very socially distanced, very safe. But yeah love you all so much.
12:40 - Thanks for watching this video and we’ll see in the next vlog bye. (gentle music) .