Drawing cute girls and reflecting on my channel♡(.◜ω◝.)♡💗
Dec 30, 2020 17:02 · 2017 words · 10 minute read
Unknown Speaker 0:04 Hi, my name is Kise and WELCOME BACK TO MY CHANNEL!!! Today, I’ll be drawing just some cute girls, it’s a very CHILL and RELAXED drawing just something to start off 2021 and the year with.
00:21 - And I’m very excited about this video because it is my last video of hell.
00:26 - I started my channel towards the ahem middle of 2020.
00:32 - More like closer to the middle of the year.
00:36 - And I was very excited to start making videos because I was already very interested in making art videos, I just didn’t have the chance because (Imagine being a full time highschool student).
00:48 - And even now I’m in college is kind of hard to find time all the time to time videos.
00:53 - But back then, I made a lot of traditional art videos because I wasn’t as into digital art as I am now I just recently started and I thought I am not nearly as good at digital art to making digital art videos.
01:08 - So I thought I’m more familiar with watercolor, and color pencils and all that stuff.
01:13 - So that’s what I should make videos on. So um, that’s what I did, and then actually ended up deleting the channel because the videos are just so *ahem, KrUsTy.
01:22 - So I got rid of them. And then I thought, now that we are in (24 hour contact with baggering children), and I’m kind of doing my classes online, and everything is kind of ending, I was already a senior in high school.
01:33 - So UM, things were ending anyways. So I was LIKE, I’m just sitting here, I should do something with this time.
01:40 - So I thought I’ll start another art channel.
01:42 - And this time, I’ll focus more towards digital art.
01:47 - And I started making videos. And it was then that I realized i WaS ADOPtEd, AND MY SISTER HAS THE LONGER WENUS.
01:58 - So I just made drawings that didn’t show my hands in those were kind of just not really disingenuous, but it’s hard for people to see you making the art and to connect with when they can’t even see you doing it.
02:11 - So for the longest, this kind of video that you’re watching now is the kind of video I want to make, where you can see me drawing.
02:18 - And, you know, you know, it’s me doing the drawing, and you can just see all the steps and everything I do from the start to the finish of the drawing itself.
02:31 - And Unknown Speaker 2:32 when I first started making videos, it was so difficult to edit everything, DUH I did not know anything about editing, DUH I had to do all the editing myself and my brother would help me.
02:47 - And he would just really suck. And I didn’t know how to record my voice, and how to do all that stuff and how to edit my videos and to make everything look good.
02:59 - And it was just a hot mess. And fast forward to now I’m actually so much better at editing than I ever thought I was going to be.
03:09 - I came here to make our videos and I stayed for the editing.
03:13 - Editing is actually one of my favorite things to do.
03:16 - When I make art videos, it’s very exciting, especially now that it’s not just the digital art, it’s actually my whole setup and my hands.
03:26 - And you can see everything I’m doing in the drawing, it’s really exciting to edit, and to see where every part of the video is going to go, you know, what should you speed up? What should you trim, everything is really, it’s a really exciting process in making thumbnails is also one of my favorite things to do what I consider my YouTube thumbnails, a piece of art, you know, they just got to look good. (ah)(mwahh) And I did not expect to grow as much as I did.
03:56 - on YouTube, especially since I started just a few months ago.
03:59 - BUT I didn’t grow that much. And I know there’s still a lot of room for improvement, especially in my videos.
04:07 - But I’m so happy that something came out of it.
04:11 - And I’m just excited every single day to keep on drawing (MY SEXY SIS).
04:16 - And to keep on making videos. Even now, I’m home for the holidays, and I haven’t started the next semester in school yet.
04:24 - I am still just like, oh my god, I have this new idea.
04:28 - I must go back to recording but I can’t record anything.
04:33 - So actually this video and the Wonder Woman video I published last week.
04:38 - I actually recorded them right before I left my dorm so I’m not doing any recording at home.
04:45 - But I prepped all the videos and got them ready so that I could publish them before the year is over because I want to just end the year with something really nice and really wholesome.
04:57 - And I want to say thank you to everyone who watches my videos and supports me.
05:02 - I know, I’m not really that successful at YouTube, but I just really appreciate everyone who always watches.
05:10 - And who always encourages me to make more videos, awwwwww it’s really nice to see that I do not just mean these videos for myself, even though I enjoy making them.
05:20 - I watched them a whole bunch before I actually published them.
05:24 - So I’m not watching them anymore, therefore everyone else.
05:28 - So it’s really nice to see that someone. And, you know, someone is watching and commenting and seeing how much they like the videos, I really, really appreciate that.
05:42 - Thank you so much. And I’ve been working on improving my setup and how I make my videos.
05:48 - It’s always been just the digital drawing on the screen, I’ve been trying to figure out, how should I make it more personalized, it’s more personable, you know, just showing the person who’s watching that I’m actually in the video, in that it’s not just an invisible hand, making this drawing, that’s been kind of the hard thing to do.
06:11 - When I make digital art they take so freakin long, especially my portraits.
06:17 - When I tried to do more realistic and more complicated pieces, they take a long time, hours and hours, like eight to 12 hours for some of them, and some of the smaller ones take shorter.
06:29 - So it was very hard to translate that into recording.
06:33 - And recording art as an artist is very difficult.
06:39 - Because you just sometimes cannot draw in front of the camera.
06:46 - And it’s so weird, you know, you just sit there.
06:49 - And sometimes I’ll have to do so many different takes in restart the drawing.
06:54 - So many times this drawing, I had to redo the first girl’s face five times, five different times and I was almost so close to giving up a recording, because I just couldn’t, it just wasn’t happening.
07:07 - I don’t know why I prepared the reference pictures prepared the drawings, and then things were just not working out.
07:13 - And that’s one of the things I find the hardest about, um, making art videos that you just got to be able to just do the art on the spot when you’re recording.
07:25 - And especially if, like me, I was recording on the last day I was staying at the school.
07:32 - So I didn’t have any more days to do more recordings.
07:35 - So I was even more pressured to make it happen.
07:40 - And I’m so happy this drawing came out looking so cute, because it was literally so close to being shelved.
07:48 - So many things just get started and they can’t get finished.
07:53 - So I’m so happy design came out really nice.
07:56 - And I was able to publish it to end the year of 2020 very nicely.
08:02 - And I’m planning on so many different drawings to draw, I want to start making tutorials, and all these different things.
08:10 - And just find a way to fit them all into my channel and find a way to record them properly.
08:16 - Because it’s important to show good art. But it’s also important that the way the art is recorded, and the way the video is presented also looks good.
08:24 - I take so much time editing my videos to make sure they look a certain way.
08:29 - And I’m just like, Oh my God, this literally took so long.
08:33 - And in I almost messed up my recording. And it’s just so hard sometimes, especially when you start a drawing.
08:41 - You miss up something like the other day, my tablet crashed.
08:44 - I was so upset. I was like, Oh my God, why? And I just couldn’t even use the video anymore, because the drawing got corrupted.
08:52 - (ah)(mwahh) And I’m like, why are you doing this to me? You know why? So when I finished this drawing, I breathe like a sigh of relief. (ah)(mwah) Because I was like, ah, wow, that felt good.
09:04 - And now I’m done recording. And I won’t actually record more videos until I go back to school, because my house is just a little too loud.
09:15 - And, um, I just need somewhere quiet to get the work done.
09:20 - But I have a lot of video ideas. And I just want to say thank you again for watching.
09:25 - And if you ever have anything you would like to suggest, please don’t be afraid to tell me what it is.
09:35 - Because even though I have all these video ideas, sometimes I’m just like that is not gonna work, you know.
09:41 - So it’s very good to just always have something on hand to draw.
09:46 - And I’m looking forward to just diversifying my content.
09:51 - I’m experimenting a lot with what kind of art I make and what kind of stuff I draw and I’m very excited to find new Things to experiment with, whether it be portraits, which are my favorite.
10:04 - And also drawing people, I’m trying to expand more into drawing multiple people in drawing people who are more dynamic, and not just people who are just standing around, just getting better as an artist, and always doing something that’s different, but still looks like me.
10:21 - And, um, we’re about to head into a new year 2021.
10:27 - And I hope you all have a wonderful, New Years, and you’re all safe.
10:34 - And you’re all doing well. And I want to say, I really appreciate everyone who’s ever watched who’s ever commented have never liked and subscribed, you have really made my day.
10:45 - I always see what everybody says what everyone comments, and it’s really cool.
10:50 - And I appreciate it so much. And I have so many ideas.
10:55 - And as long as I have time(and my wonderful sissy) Unknown Speaker 10:58 outside of school, I will always be making more videos and I have so many more awesome ideas.
11:05 - Thank you again, thank you so much. I hope you have a wonderful 2077 Thank you for watching.
11:14 - I hope you like this drawing. And yeah, I’ll see you (fingerscrossed).
11:37 - (Bye Transcribed by https://otter. ai.