May 22, 2020 08:52 · 972 words · 5 minute read
Are the Gospels and the New Testament reliable documents? Lesderniersappelsdejesus.com this question was not surprising no one questions the big ones classic writings yet very few certified by external sources but as soon as we talk about the Gospels and the New Testament the worst suspicions arise immediately even if it means accusing their authors of unscrupulous forgers or liars yet the early Christians had a rather high morality and they preferred to die martyrs rather than renounce their faith but this inconsistency does not seem to bother skeptics much the classic accusation expressed invariably in magazines and tv shows is to say that the Gospels were written one to two centuries after the fact since the eyewitnesses were dead the authors were able to write anything without risk being contradicted moreover it is said that the only existing documents are just copies of copies and it is now impossible to prove anything so let’s see the facts it is true that the two main texts that we have the vaticanus which reproduces almost all the bible and the sinaiticus which contains the new testament date mid-4th century, 250 to 300 years after the facts compared to other ancient writings it is already exceptional because most of the ancient writings are known to us only by copies written between 400 and 1400 years after the originals written aristotle poetry around 340 before JESUS CHRIST is known only by five copies, the oldest of which dates from the Middle Ages 1400 years after the original the caulean war of jules caesar came to us with a dozen copies which are more than a thousand years after the original in comparison the copies of the new testament are therefore relatively close to originals but the first large be the absolutely huge and unique difference between the New Testament and all other writings of mankind that’s the number of copies we have even if many Christian writings were burned following an imperial Roman decree we found more than five thousand New Testament manuscripts written in the original Greek language if we add the translations in other languages of the time we come to 24,000 manuscripts dated from the second to the fourth century by comparison the text of the iliad with the highest number of copies Exactly 643 is far behind this number of copies made of the new testament the champion all categories but what does it bring? simply that these thousands of copies from distant regions allow researchers thousands of possible comparisons this comparison work makes it possible to flush out copy errors or possible voluntary defects suppose for example that a forger is inserted in a copy the story fictitious of a relationship between JESUS and Marie Madeleine with a single copy facing thousands of others describing his life in galilee with his disciples the fake would be immediately exposed this large number of copies of the originals scattered all over the Roman Empire right after they were written up in fact an impassable bulwark against any falsification of the text a potential counterfeiter should have had access to all copies and being able to change them all is obviously impossible experts are forced to recognize that from a bibliographic point of view no document of antiquity is as well attested as the new testament what serious clues do we have to determine the actual date of writing the new gospels will included paradoxically, they are enemies of the Church who provide us with a first clue in 140 Martion a heretic quotes in his writings 11 of the 27 books of the New Testament formal proof that less than 90 years after their writing the New Testament writings existed and has been around for a while Second clue: Polycarp a disciple of the apostle John a man who therefore personally rubbed shoulders with one of the twelve Apostles of JESUS wrote a letter to believers in the city of Philip in which he mentions all of the 27 books of the New Testament since this letter was written between 110 and 135 this proves that all of the gospels and letters had been written for some time so most likely in the first century even earlier in 96 Clement of Rome quotes in one of his letters from the Gospel of Matthew the Gospel of John and Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians we are therefore certain that these gospels must have existed before moreover and it is essential this proves that the new will was drawn up at a time when eyewitnesses were still alive which therefore absolutely contradicts the late legendary additions hypothesis we are facing certified texts and authentic stories we could still mention the existence of 36,000 fragments which cite this or that passage from the New Testament researchers have established that even if the New Testament had been completely lost we could almost constitute it using only the thousands of quotes contained in these fragments of letters and comments we even found fragments very old Gospel like the papyrus p52 found in Egypt which includes some verses from the Gospel of John and date from 125 so a copy of the gospel barely thirty years after the original archaeologist williams albright concluded of all of these that the new will was most likely written at a time between 50 and 75 and john robinson a cambridge expert even believes that most of the new will was drawn up between 40 and 65 since jesus was crucified in the year 30 it is indeed first-hand witnesses who reported what they saw and experienced we can easily understand that they did not accept to declare anything other than what they knew to be the strict truth even if they had to pay it with their lives Lesderniersappelsdejesus.com .