Carly and Spencers Most Heartwarming Sibling Moments 🤗 | iCarly

Oct 25, 2020 16:00 · 757 words · 4 minute read look nope tricky really squishin

Okay people. I think we’re done. Nope. We still have one final iCarly award to present. Uh, you said ten. I don’t have anymore. And the iCarly award for best iCarly award builder and best big brother of all time, goes to… - Spencer! - Yeah! Thank you so much! You forgot this. What’s that? My asthma inhaler. I haven’t had an asthma attack since I was seven. Well, yeah, but you know, you never know. - Why did you keep that all these years? - In case she needed it. I’m not gonna need it. Take it. Just in case. Nah, I’m not gonna need this. Look as asthma’s tricky. I’m not gonna need this because I want Carly to stay here with you. - Really? - Are you serious?! It was really cool of you to make this big A for me.

01:20 - - but would you mind taking it apart? - Carly? Seriously, If I’m not gonna get straight A’s, then I’d rather not be reminded of… of what almost was. - Awe. Who needs a hug? - Me. Carls, hey. Hmm? Did you play Packrat all night? Mm-hm. It’s so fun. Yeah. Alright, kiddo. Go on up to bed. Carry me. - A gummy bear chandelier? - Made of fire retardant gummy bears! Woo hoo! Yes! You got your room back. Except for your old photos and other personal items that can never be replaced. Gibby! Who has the best big brother ever? You.

02:23 - Spencer! - Spencer! - Hey, what’s up Kiddo? Oh! Hey. What’s up with all the squeezin’ and squishin’? I missed you! And our house is back! Okay? I have no idea what you’re talking… Hey, Spencer. Do you want to help you take that tree down to the garbage? - Yeah. Just help me stuff it in… - No! No one touches this tree. - I thought you hated it. - I do not! It’s my favorite tree ever. Come on. Let’s put it back over there where it belongs. Wow. Looks nice, huh? Yep. Spencer, you’re not normal. But you did build a nice tree. Guess what you do get! A big ol’ hug from your big ol’ brother! Who’s glad to see you?! And nobody else.

03:22 - - What do you mean? - I just missed you… a lot. Awe. And I missed your spine. My prank hurt people, innocent school goers! They had to go to the emergency room and get their eyeballs flushed! I vowed then that I would never, ever pull another prank. - And did you? - Never. - Well, then you can control yourself. - Well… Anyway, I just want you to help me pull a prank. Just one. - Yeah but– - Please? [groaning] Please? You know, I can’t say no to a girl in a spoon hat. - Carly. Sometimes in life… - I know. A man and a woman fall in love and they get special feelings… No, not that.

04:18 - Dad had a change of plans and he can’t come home right now. He is too coming home. He told me. Well, he was, but there’s a military situation… But we planned a big birthday party and everything. I know. I’m sad about it too. But… - Don’t be mad at him. - I’m not mad. I just… - I just miss him. - You wanna talk about it? No. - Oh, quick say bye. - No you say bye. - No you should say it. Just say it! - Okay okay! Dad, I really wish we were together, but this almost feels like we are. Um, I’m really proud of you. Happy birthday. I love you. - When’s the dance? - Saturday night. You know what? I don’t have anything going on Saturday night. I know I’m not Dad, but can I take you to the dance? - Dude, you, uh… - Hey, hey, hey. - But you… - Ah, ah. - Are you? - Up. Oop. Eh. - What are you guys… - Nothing, nothing, come on.

05:24 - Let me take you to the father daughter dance. Okay! We both know I’m a big, tall, goofy man-child. You took care of yourself. Maybe in some ways, but… you’ve always made me laugh… and feel safe. And shown me that being a grown up doesn’t mean that you have to stop being silly, creative… and fun. Well, now you made me cry. I love you. I love you too, kid. .