Why do I see personal accounts for my Visual Studio subscribers?

Mar 17, 2020 15:24 · 284 words · 2 minute read missing information fill need time

(music) >> You may have noticed that some of your subscribers have a personal email address, like Hotmail or Outlook, that they’re using to sign in to their subscription. This happened because of the activation processes that were in place for the legacy subscriber experience, causing the sign in email address to be different than the notification email address. How do I fix this? Simply select the Connect Emails button, and the system will attempt to match the accounts with Microsoft accounts to existing users in your organization’s Azure Active Directory based on matching the first and last name. If there is an error, you can remove the match by clicking on the X. You can also use the Search Directory functionality to correct the errors or fill in missing information from your Azure AD.

00:53 - If all the matches look correct, you can choose to select all matching subscribers rather than selecting them one at a time. Next, click on Continue, which will take you to a screen outlining the changes to take place. If you agree, click Save, and the changes will be made. Your subscriber will also get a message informing them of the change. Something to keep in mind when you edit the sign in email address is that this only updates the email used to sign in to their subscription on my.visualstudio.com.

01:25 - If the subscriber has already activated benefits, such as Azure or Pluralsight using the other email address, they will need to continue to use that email address to access them. For any new benefits that they access, they should use the new email address. If you have any issues, contact support, aka.ms/VSSAdminSupport. (music) .