Social Status, Power, Desires in Spirituality, Surah Fatiha Tafsir

Jan 21, 2021 18:13 · 5789 words · 28 minute read

That we took a path of nothingness and if we don’t understand the nothingness then the path doesn’t make sense to us [Shaykh laughs].

00:21 - If we’re coming through the door thinking of our somethingness all this uloom (knowledges) makes no sense to you.

00:31 - So, we repeat again for myself that I took a path of nothingness.

00:38 - What Sayyidina Yunus (as) said? Subhanaka, innee kuntu minazh zhalimeen.

00:44 - La ilaha illa anta Subhanaka, innee kuntu… and that ‘Ya Rabbi glory be to You and that I’m nothing and I’m an oppressor to myself. ’ Though if I don’t acknowledge I’m an oppressor to myself, efface myself – I’m nothing, I’m nothing, not that people abuse me that I’m not arrogant.

01:04 - I’m coming against my arrogance, I come against with whatever you gave me Ya Rabbi that don’t let me to be a rebellious one, don’t let me to go astray, don’t let me to anger You.

01:18 - And what you gave to me I give back to You of my freewill and I ask to enter into Your oceans of submission.

01:26 - So, then I have an existence Allah (AJ) sent me onto this earth.

01:32 - I came from an ocean of light; Allah (AJ) sent that soul of mine from that ocean of light into this form [Shaykh taps on the glass of water he is holding] and in this dunya (material world) all these forms are existing.

01:54 - So, I have a form, there’s another form, form, form, form.

02:04 - All these people are in existence but Allah (AJ) sent them to annihilate themselves because ‘I gave you a freewill; I gave you an existence.

02:21 - Reach towards your reality and your actual reality is to be nothing. ’ It wasn’t the reality to be Fir’aun and to acquire everything because the apex of that is Fir’aun where, ‘Ana Rabiul Ala -I’m the lord most high.

02:39 - I acquired everything, my wealth and power deem me to be sovereign, I don’t need anyone, I have all the wealth in the world, I command life and death. ’ This is the apex of that mentality so Allah (AJ) gave to us take a path in which to be nothing.

03:01 - The highest servant is the one whom Allah (AJ) gave everything and he gave it back that ‘Ya Rabbi I’m giving You my will back.

03:10 - I’m trying my best to submit into this world,’ then Allah (AJ) guided them to a path in which to annihilate and efface themselves.

03:20 - So, then if I am a form and another form and we’re all gathering here [shaykh places a jug next to the glass] we’re all French, we’re gathering.

03:32 - If this is Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ [referring to the jug as an example] and Allah (AJ) is in front for worshipping.

03:39 - If you come in life with your form then you keep saying, ‘Iyaka na’budu’ (It is You we worship), this one [referring to the glass – form] that ‘I’m only worshipping to You I’m only thinking of You!’ You gave yourself a tremendous importance.

03:57 - You came ahead of the line because if you keep your form and keep with the world of form, you’re in a competition (Shaykh clinks the glass against the jug).

04:10 - You’re not here behind where Allah (AJ) made Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ the imam (religious leader).

04:18 - Why? To teach you stand behind, it’s not important you.

04:22 - So why we have Salatul Jama’ (congregational prayers)? Why Allah (AJ) wanted your prayer to be in jama’ (group)? Because when the iman is reciting what you’re doing is not important.

04:36 - So, in your jama’ Allah (AJ) showing you it’s not important, you just show up, just show up, move like he moves.

04:46 - And when he makes du’a (supplication) what do you say? Ameen.

04:51 - Nobody asked you to make du’a. So, the rules of jama’ Allah (AJ) is effacing us and you get what 72 times reward for praying in jama’.

05:03 - So, to always be in jama’ was always a reminder you’re not here (shaykhs taps the glass against the jug).

05:11 - You’re not the Imam because the ultimate imam is Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

05:16 - So, even in our form and in our ‘ibadah (worship) of our form Allah (AJ) always puts us behind then when the imam is reciting, recite in your heart silently.

05:27 - In fact, it doesn’t really matter what you’re doing because nobody’s asking you.

05:33 - When the imam goes in ruku’ (bowing), you follow.

05:35 - When the imam says “Sami’a Allaahu liman hamidah” (Allah listens to him who praises Him), every focus is on the imam.

05:41 - What imam recites, angels are listening. There’s nothing from shari’ah (Divine Law) saying that they’re listening to what you recite.

05:50 - So, in the salah on our dunya Allah pointing all this reality out.

05:58 - What imagine then the salah with your soul in the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ in Allah’s (AJ) Divinely lights.

06:09 - If in dunya your form is required to be behind the imam then imagine in a world of light where this is no more form.

06:22 - Your light is mixed into the ocean of “Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ”.

06:28 - All the lights when they come into vicinity they enter into oneness, there’s no form that separates them.

06:35 - So, our life was to, ‘Lose your form!’ If you lose your form [shaykh pours the water from the glass into the jug] you entered back into the oneness, you entered back into the ocean of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ.

06:57 - Then you understand what Iyaka na’budu is this one (referring to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ) talking to Allah (AJ).

07:03 - The imam talking to Allah (AJ), the imam talks to Allah (AJ) and says, “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

07:10 - Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen. ” Where are you? In there [shaykhs points to the jug] Your soul is in the ocean of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ, why? Because Allah (AJ) doesn’t accept your salah.

07:30 - Not holding you to account with your salah.

07:34 - You don’t have any presence in the magnificence and munificence of Allah (AJ).

07:45 - What are you but an epsilon? If you go thirty-thousand feet in the air you can’t see yourself.

07:53 - You go outside of this galaxy, you’re non-existent, non-existent.

07:59 - Imagine the vastness of Allah’s (AJ) creation and you hold yourself as if you’re something.

08:06 - The turuqs (spiritual paths) came to teach you: be nothing.

08:09 - If you’re nothing, you enter into this ocean of everything and this (Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ) is the only one praying to Allah (AJ).

08:16 - So, when he says, ‘Alhamdu lillaahi Rabbil ‘aalameen’ between Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is worshipping to Allah (AJ), you are but in his ocean and he is the imam and you are just a worshipper behind.

08:32 - When he ﷺ says, ‘Iyaka na’budu’ is the only one accepted by Allah (AJ).

08:40 - Everyone else their imaginary salah is filled with nifak – filled with hypocrisy, filled with every type of worshipness.

08:51 - You think really that when you’re praying and you say, ‘Thee alone we worship’ but you’re scared to death of dying of this sickness.

08:58 - So, what is “Thee alone we worship?” You think anybody reached to that reality.

09:05 - You got masks on, you got… I’ve seen people going go to the airport with bags and bags on their suitcases.

09:14 - Is that Iyaka na’budu? Is anything that we do even close to “Thee alone I worship”? If it was true your statement, you would walk on water.

09:26 - So, then my form keeping separate as nothing because as soon as I think it’s me praying to Allah (AJ), is me being important in what I’m asking from Allah (AJ), Allah (AJ) remind: ‘Oh go back and pray in jama’ and remind yourself what exactly are you doing. ’ When you go into jama’ the imam is making now big du’as because his qira’at (recitation of Holy Qur’an) is good, his understanding is nice, he’s making and reciting, making and reciting and that’s why they say the imam, ‘You make the du’a, I say ameen,’ it’s enough.

10:03 - So, what do you think then in your soul? You think Allah’s (AJ) waiting to hear your du’a? Or Ali wal hamd (The most praised) – the one whom He created to make a hamd (praise) and only one whom Allah (AJ) is interested in hearing.

10:18 - So, we’re doing it in the physical world, we don’t just understand what we’re doing.

10:26 - So, Allah’s giving us like a wakeel (representative), the imam will represent you.

10:32 - Make sure your imam is good, right. So some they’re all like doctors, proctologist, I don’t know what kind of specialist they have.

10:43 - That wasn’t supposed to be the imam. Allah (AJ) said: Leave a party of your people behind to study the deen (religion).

10:51 - Don’t take business people as imams. He’s (imam) representing the whole jama’ into Allah’s (AJ) Divinely presence.

10:59 - Has no khushiya (sincerity), has no cleanness, wherever he’s going in his heart he’s taking everybody with him.

11:05 - And the imam was the symbol of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

11:09 - When you choose an imam, you choose from amongst yourself the best ones, the one strongest and closest in the resemblance of the sunnah of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ even to the extent of measuring the beard.

11:22 - Why? Cause the imamiya has to be Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

11:28 - Why? Is a reminder for us your imam is always Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

11:34 - So, the one whom reflects that sunnah he’s the symbolic and that when he prays, you’re praying behind just saying, ‘Ameen.

11:46 - (Imam) Sami’a Allaahu liman hamidah, (follower) Ameen. ’ When he’s making du’a at the end we’re saying ameen so where was our individual, where is your “Iyaka na’budu?” How come you don’t ask at that time: ‘Where is my Iyaka na’badu, we’re praying in jama’ this must be a shirk (polytheism) cause because why is the imam doing that and I’m not reciting myself?’ Because they say, ‘Isn’t Iyaka na’budu – Thee alone we worship, how could you then be praying behind a imam?’ Because he’s seems to be worshipping and you’re just saying ameen.

12:23 - And that’s the shari’ah of Islam so it’s a misunderstanding of “Iyaka na’budu wa Iyaka nasta’yin”.

12:30 - The understanding of ‘Thee alone I worship and Thee alone I ask for aid and support’ was not about me and you.

12:41 - We were supposed to annihilate in our imam and Allah (AJ) say, ‘I’m going to call all of you with an imam on the day of judgement. ’ Whom doesn’t have an imam, shaitan is his Imam.

12:55 - ‘I’m going to call you with your imam because I know as soon as I ask you about your deen you’re going to say: I don’t know anything.

13:03 - So, the one you prayed behind let Me ask him. ’ But the haqqaiq and the reality of that was an immense reality that that was a symbol for us that I’m nothing Ya Rabbi that my whole case with Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

13:23 - So Prophet ﷺ is the one worshipping to Allah (AJ) and we are just merely moving and our salah is even in the huroof (Arabic letters) of Ahmad.

13:34 - Alif (standing positing), ha (bowing position) and then you go into sujood (prostration) is meem and Attahiyat – dal.

13:42 - So, you’re mimicking the huroof of Ahmad because it has so much immense power and your reality and your wujud (existence) and your atomic reality which is the real you, the real one praying is an atom within the ocean of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ and that ocean is the one making salah, that ocean is the one making du’a and you just say: ‘Ameen, ameen, ameen Ya Rab. ’ Because that is the most purified light when Allah (AJ) want the one to pray to Him, He wants the clean and pure one to pray to Him, not the dirty.

14:27 - The dirty don’t come into the greatness of the presence of Allah (AJ), they pray imitated prayer but the great and purified one – “Ta-Seen tilka ayatul Qur’an wal kitabin Mubeen. ” When Sayyidina Ta-Seen ﷺ is making the salah, is the imam because the world of light we’re all mix just like we can explain now in the world of form you’re all standing in lines now they have your lines six feet apart even more.

15:01 - If we come light by light by light by light, we say if five hundred lights are in a room, how many lights are there in a room? One! So, they say, ‘Can one plus one plus one ever equal anything other than three?’ Of course, what elements are you adding of one.

15:25 - One drop, one drop, one drop; is one drop. So, means these haqqaiq of annihilating ourselves was the very understanding that’s why when they start to say shirk (polytheism), they say this… they didn’t understand the door and Allah (AJ) knows where they went and where they came from.

15:45 - The door was nothing, “La ilaha illa anta Subhanaka, innee kuntu minazh zhalimeen” – I’m a zalim and a oppressor to myself, I took a path in which to be nothing Ya Rabbi.

15:58 - Their shaykhs reached to that nothingness, came back and taught people: ‘Don’t be something, don’t think yourself important in Divinely presence!’ Before you know it you will have left from the imam came up and then say, ‘You know what it’s just me and Allah now, I don’t need the messenger of Allah (AJ) he delivered a message and left’ and this becomes the hizbul shaitan (party of satan) and the way of the satanic thinking.

16:31 - All that dress and blessing then to be annihilated.

16:36 - The tariqas they take us in that dress because the haqqaiq of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is the reality of Surat al-Fatiha.

16:52 - These are seven holy verses and Allah (AJ) described the most repeated verses and this has to do with the creation of the soul of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

17:09 - Means then the turuqs and all the tariqas and all the shaykhs of tariqas if they know that they’re a shaykh of tariqa and the representing tariqa their door from Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is not here [Shaykhs points to ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem’ on a 7-tiered diagram with the 7 verses of Surah Fatiha].

17:28 - Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem is the crown of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, is the crown, is a Bi-ismi-Allah Ar-Rahmanir Raheem, is the crown and the taj of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Awliyaullah come and they’re sent onto this earth when they achieve what Allah (AJ) wanted them to achieve that don’t bring them here [referring to the first tier on the diagram – Bismillah shareef] but your jama’ starts here [referring to the bottom tier on the diagram – verse 7 of Surah Fatiha] so you have to know who you represent.

18:05 - So, means the character cannot be self-righteous and degrading and demeaning to people because they’re what? “Siratal lazina an’amta ‘alayhim, ghayril maghdubi ‘alayhim wa laddalin. ” Mean what? “The path of those whom you have bestowed your grace” – is the shaykh, his zawiyah (spiritual school of Sufism) is the door of this reality.

18:39 - And who are his students? “Those who have incurred Your wrath and those who have gone astray. ” That’s why Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ makes them guides.

18:59 - Don’t guide the crown of creation where you think you’re guiding awliya? That, ‘I’m only dealing with only the best of all the best of the best of the best. ’ No, this is the crown of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, they don’t need guides; they are guides.

19:21 - So means every zawiyah and every taruq has to know who they are and also guidelines for people who think they’re going to go to find a shaykh or follow a path but shaykh talks differently and the teaching is not in a way to with love and an ease to keep bringing people, bring people.

19:43 - Why? Because you’re catching here is their door [referring to the 7th verse of Surah Fatiha. ] When Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is dispatching them: ‘Lower your wing so that you can relate to all people. ’ Make it entertaining, make it beautiful, make it compassionate, make it loving for them.

20:00 - Why? Because they’re all the people who angered Allah (AJ) and have gone astray.

20:04 - Don’t look at the gentlemen that have beards now and they look pious but when they were out having good times and partying and they came into the door.

20:17 - They look pious now because they’ve been reverted; my shaykh grabbed me from there.

20:26 - You know taking people from the west, taking people from the east, taking people who left Islam – had nothing to do with Islam, people who came against Islam that’s where their door is and that’s why their teaching is different.

20:45 - Self-righteous person, arrogant person he think he’s teaching up here, ‘I only want the Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem people.

20:51 - I only want the clean people. I only want this and this and this. ’ And that’s why then the way they talk is a much more different talk.

21:02 - Nobody’s a cursed people nobody’s a punished people.

21:06 - Everybody has to be under Allah’s (AJ) rahmah and mercy otherwise why Allah (AJ) needs you to guide people.

21:11 - Well Allah (AJ) knows what they’re doing wrong so why He made you a guide if you just want to clarify how people are crappy? It’s not needed but Allah (AJ) teaches you to overlook the faults, overlook the bad characteristics with whatever precaution they still have to take because some people are dangerous when they’re not well but their teaching is consistently trying to catch people, grab people.

21:39 - And then people who watch for the first time say, ‘You talk very different, your teachings are very different!’ Because it’s the gate at the bottom, teaching highest level of realities like a juzbah (attraction) to attract the hearts and the minds of people.

21:55 - So, they use an immense bait, immense bait of knowledges and powers and emanations so that those people will change from the bad character to the good character because they’re not easy ones to change.

22:10 - It’s not like you go to the place where everyone is in perfect worshipness and say: ‘I’m a shaykh, here now come on let’s go. ’ They’re already all shaykhs there, but to come to a group of people and guide towards Allah’s (AJ) grace and rahmah and their Jama’a were filled with people and they catch continuously people whom have gone astray, born into it, left it, walked away from it, whatever Allah (AJ) wrote.

22:41 - Angered, yeah many of them had angered Allah (AJ) for the crimes and actions that they did, and no problem.

22:47 - This is the immensity of ‘Wa ma arsalnaka rahmatal lil’alameen – I would not have sent you except that you are a mercy. ’ This is the rahmah and the mercy of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

23:00 - So, when they bring you because this is Allah’s (AJ) tariq (path), when they bring you even they think they’re Muslim, even they think they’re praying, even they think they’re doing actions Allah (AJ) knows that, ‘No they have gone astray. ’ Because Allah (AJ) says in Surat al Munafiqeen: ‘They’re shahadah (testimony of faith) is even used to divert people. ’ So, even the one whom thinks he’s Muslim, thinks he’s praying, thinks his actions are good he doesn’t realize how really bad his action is and that he’ll see something bad when he enters the grave because he doesn’t have the love and the respect that he should be having for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

23:51 - We knew many of those, we’ve come across them, thinking they make salah, (prayer) they did their zakat (charity), they went hajj (pilgrimage) couple times but they talked very negative, very unimportant and that is going to be tremendous disappointment when you’re going to be raised where? You’re going to be raised in the ocean of “Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ. ” You’re not raised in Allah’s (AJ) presence, you’re not going to breathe an air with Allah (AJ), you’re not going to take a shareek (partnership) and to take a space and a proximity with Allah (AJ).

24:24 - We are from the ocean of “Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ. ” From that ocean you came and to that ocean you shall return like a drop, like a teardrop just ‘pph’ [sound of drop falling into water] right back into that.

24:42 - So, then the tariqah comes to teach people, grab them whatever they think they’re doing they have gone astray.

24:51 - They have no power, they have no connection, they have no health, they have nothing if they don’t have the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Shaitan loves Allah (AJ) but he doesn’t love Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

25:05 - So bring everybody, when they bring everybody this is nafs Ammara (the evil self) [shaykh points to the bottom tier on the diagram].

25:15 - This gate, their zawiyahs (spiritual school of Sufism) are the nafs Ammara and their job with the zik (Divine remembrance), the ni’mat and the food of their soul that Allah (AJ) gave to them is to change them from Ammara move them up, “shawarma,” and make them now “Lawwama” (the blaming self).

25:35 - Cook them make them- lawwama, now that they believe.

25:40 - Why? Because all their teaching and remember all the teachings of the shaykh is going to teach you what? “Ihdinas-sirat al-mustaqim, Ihdinas-sirat al-mustaqim. ” “Ihdinas-sirat al-mustaqim, Ihdinas-sirat al-mustaqim,” you say, ‘I was on the straight path. ’ No, do you know who the straight path is? Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

26:05 - One of Sayyidina Muhammad’s ﷺ name is Sayyidina Sirat al-Mustaqim ﷺ.

26:12 - If you’re out and thinking like this [shaykh strikes the glass against the jug] you’re in danger.

26:21 - So, the turuqs (paths) come to teach you and they should be teaching you: You’re nothing, you’re nothing.

26:26 - Surrender yourself to be nothing and pour yourself back into a world of light in which you are nothing.

26:32 - Now you’re guided to “Ihdinas-sirat al-mustaqim” because not you “Sirat al” (straight path), but Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is the straight path.

26:44 - Me, I’ll never be on a straight path because there can be no two path.

26:52 - There’s only one path, there’s no two path that straight.

26:57 - It’s one path that’s straight. Surrender yourself to your reality of who you are and that you are an oppressor to yourself and don’t trust yourself, don’t give yourself a status and a glory.

27:11 - If they trained you and they brought your soul back into its reality, you follow their teaching you are in the ocean of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ.

27:23 - Now every teaching that they give you of that reality you no longer exist so this guy he died.

27:33 - His goals gone. You meet them, ‘I want a career, I’m gonna get this, I’m gonna buy that, I’m gonna have this insurance, I’m gonna have that. ’ At some point in time, he’s kind of gone, he doesn’t know what he’s doing anymore in his life, he doesn’t know where his life is going all his hopes and all the things his family has set out for him may not be what Allah (AJ) wanted.

27:57 - So, they find the sense that they have collapsed all of that.

28:02 - They don’t have that desire; they’re only asking now what is it that Allah (AJ) wants from us to reach to that reality then they entered into Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ so then they’ve been guided to the straight path.

28:17 - If you are inside now the reality and the haqqaiq (realities) of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ then most definitely it’s a straight path because you are inside the straight path.

28:29 - When Prophet’s ﷺ stepping, it’s straight. That’s why don’t leave me for a blink of any eye to go back into the importance of my form.

28:38 - Where you start emailing the shaykh and this is like this, this like this, teach the shaykh something.

28:44 - You didn’t even annihilate yourself, you were supposed to be nothing, nothing, nothing enter into here [ocean of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ] and that’s why Allah (AJ) gave in Surat al-Kahf: ‘Don’t ask until it’s been told to you to ask’ because you’re not surrendering in here.

29:04 - This little drop keeps trying to pop back in and have an existence and it keeps trying to pop out [from ocean of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ].

29:10 - They said there was a story about when they cook the lentil for the lentil diet when they would cook, cook and then one lentil kept trying to jump out of the pot to find his individuality.

29:21 - The shaykh is cooking them, get back into the dal (lentil), get back in because every drop trying to jump out and be a individual again.

29:30 - This ocean [ocean of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ] is a mawt qablil mawt (death of desires before physical death).

29:34 - When Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as) was describing, ‘Take a path of death before death. ’ Why, because only death brings this state for everyone [shaykh taps jug].

29:44 - Death is the great equalizer where Fir’aun from the Prophets to Fir’aun when they die, they’re going to find out what the reality was.

29:55 - So, mawt qablil mawt – death before death is the turuqs and the shaykhs they guide you: surrender your form, surrender your importance, don’t think you know anything, empty your head, empty everything and try to enter an ocean of taslim and submission and you find yourself doing the zikrs, the awrad, (daily practices), the practices.

30:17 - The immensity of the love of the Prophets will draw you into their ocean in which I realize my form is nothing and I feel myself when I’m making salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) that I’m being dressed by that faiz (downpouring blessings), immensity of the love is dressing.

30:32 - Means what? You’re now in the ocean of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ.

30:39 - That ocean is bahrul qudra (ocean of power) an ocean that moving with immensity of force and power.

30:46 - Every salawat, every durood, (praising upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) every Dalail ul khairat (book of praising on Prophet ﷺ) being recited is immense power, immense realities.

30:53 - Now you understand then why you have barakah (blessings) and why the shaykhs have barakah, why the tariqs have barakah because they’re in these lights of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ dressed with the lights of “Sirat al-mustaqim. ” And now they come to where? “Iyaka na’budu wa iyaka nasta’yin,” there is no Iyaka na’budu iyaka nasta’yin if you’re outside of that.

31:18 - How could you be worshipping Allah (AJ) if you’re not in what Allah wanted you to be in.

31:25 - You’re not in “La ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulullah,” you’re in “La ilaha illAllah and you” and you made for yourself an importance and Allah (AJ) then describe, ‘Have you seen those whom make their hawa – their desires their lord. ’ Your nafsani (egocentric) approach would say that, ‘It’s just me and Allah (AJ). ’ They said, ‘No, no that guy gotta go’ when he’s gone and he dies: ‘It’s nothing, I’m nothing Ya Rabbi.

31:53 - I’m in the ocean of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ. ’ So, when Prophet ﷺ is praying “Iyaka na’budu wa iyaka nasta’yin” Prophet ﷺ is praying and you’re just merely the drop in the back like in the masjid say: ‘Ameen’ all the time, say: ‘Ameen’, every salah ‘I’m nothing’.

32:12 - Salah comes, ‘Ya Rabbi I’m nothing return me back into the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

32:19 - And the turuqs train so when their Imam (religious leader) is praying, he has an immense love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

32:25 - All of us are atoms within the salah of Prophet ﷺ.

32:29 - At that time Prophet’s ﷺ ruhaniyat (spiritual presence) is making the salah and he’s praying as our Imam always and as a result, it’s the same.

32:39 - He’s praying at the end we’re saying, ‘Ameen, ameen, Sami’a Allaahu liman hamidah. ’ We’re always acknowledging because Prophet ﷺ is always the Imam and his ahbab and lovers they represent that love.

32:54 - So, it never changes with our physical and with our spiritual beacuse when you pray with ahbab and the lovers more so they carry that love of Prophet ﷺ within their being.

33:08 - As a result, this is the reality of “Iyaka na’budu wa iyaka nasta’yin” because when Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is making the salah.

33:17 - We are just going for the ride and through the movements.

33:20 - When Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ makes du’a (supplication) on our behalf, we’re all saying, ‘Ameen’ and du’as being answered, blessings being given, everything.

33:29 - And that’s why then when we taught and you start to go up this Surah Fatiha by the shaykhs, they’re taking us into the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. “Maliki Yawmid Deen” [next stage in Surah Fatiha chart].

33:47 - If you entered into what real “Iyaka na’budu wa iyaka nasta’yin” that you’re in the soul of Prophet ﷺ making the real salah to Allah (AJ) then of course what do you think he’s going to then dress you from the realities of “Maliki Yawmid Deen” and what is that dress, what is that blessing, what is the immensity of that najat (salvation) that Allah (AJ) granting? That he’s not going to burn the reality of Prophet ﷺ.

34:14 - He’s going to burn all these things [drops outside of ocean] that didn’t get it.

34:19 - They didn’t understand so we’re gonna have to clean then there.

34:24 - But if the ones who understood and say, ‘Yeah Oh, I’m nothing. ’ They slaughtered themself, they became nothing, nothing, nothing.

34:33 - They’re all in that reality so then they’re in the reality of “Maliki Yawmid Deen. ” Who’s the king of the day of judgement? Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and he’ll be making du’a to Allah (AJ), you’re right in that light and that reality under that shade and under that umbrella of reality.

34:52 - So, the immensity of this reality is based on the door of nothingness.

35:00 - If I don’t understand that I’m nothing and I don’t understand where I am in this whole circle of creation, none of these teachings will make sense to you.

35:11 - And they keep coming back with that ridiculous phrase of “shirk” because the biggest shirk is to actually see yourself as a partner with Allah (AJ) where you’re still in a form.

35:23 - This is the shirk [shaykh holds up the glass – form] because this is the tawheed – La ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ.

35:31 - The biggest shirk is the one whom still has his form and that he made himself as a partner and he didn’t annihilate himself and his nafs (ego) has taken over all his actions and his nafs gave him an existence that is not in existence and it doesn’t exist.

35:50 - Put you out into your own orbit, not into the orbit of Muhammadun Rasulullah ﷺ.

35:57 - So, means then this is the reality of annihilation – is to be annihilated coming to the door asking to be nothing.

36:06 - The zawiyahs are the place of refuge, they’re oasis’s in the dunya (material world) to bring people to that love and to that reality, to teach them what is sirat al-mustaqim.

36:20 - And that’s why “Qul. Qul in kuntum tuhibbon Allaha fattabi’oni” All of it is based on that if, ‘Tell them if they want my love fattabi’oni, they should be with you sirat al-mustaqim ﷺ, they should be loving you, following you, following every example that you brought ﷺ until they feel that they are within you.

36:46 - Minhi wa minhum that you love them and they love you, and you are from them and he is now appearing within you.

36:55 - Many, many different realities just keep going on with all and then the Qur’an has a completely different understanding.

37:04 - If you try to understand Qur’an between you and Allah (AJ), oh that’s kindergarten, that’s way out, outside of adab (manners).

37:13 - But between Allah (AJ) and Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is immensity.

37:18 - If we’re inside that reality, “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Qul Audhu bi-rabbi ’n-naas , Maliki ’n-naas, Ilahi ’n-naas. ” Throughout all of these realities the immensity of what Allah (AJ) is dressing and blessing is all the haqqaiqs of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

37:43 - We pray that Allah (AJ) dress us and bless us with this holy month of qamar and the holy month of the moon and that the light and the love of Sayyidatina Fatima tul Zahra (as), Al-Batul (as) to dress us and bless us with the holy purified lights of Qur’an to illuminate those lights within our heart for the love that we have for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, for the light of ahlul-bayt (Holy family of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) and the love we have for ahlul-bayt wa ashab un-Nabi ﷺ (holy companions of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ) and awliyaullah fis samahi wa fil ard (in heavens and on earth) Bi Hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi Siri Surat al-Fatiha.

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