EP41/1 Best Off Road Electric Monster Truck Build-Leaf

Jan 5, 2021 21:00 · 939 words · 5 minute read

Hey everybody i’m peter from offroad electric welcome back to the channel that is about building a four-motor extreme offroad monster truck from two tatras and four nissan leafs and this is episode 411 sponsored by a wonderful patreon patron’s team thank you very much guys for your help if you would like to join us there is the link below you can also purchase the t-shirt so let’s go work last time we gutted pretty much everything in the vehicle except the dashboard and depth under the hood we took out all the front and now the fun part will be today i think we’ll start with the airbag in the steering wheel after removing this cup i was looking for some spring that usually holds the airbag but in this vehicle there is a torx there is a star with the hole there fortunately i have it but yeah i think it’s going and the second side yay that’s much easier than any spring i have to unload with the screwdriver and now the connectors ah okay and one was easy okay and now this yellow one ah hallelujah we got it out we are better than the others who destroyed this connector you wanna airbag you can have one now i take the steering wheel oh do you remember how long time it took to take the Tatra steering wheel out steering wheel just for you i think it will be just clip over here somewhere i think this is simple like that hallelujah that one was unusually easy here’s another one wow ah okay that’s easy one or i’m getting better is this one piece this is only the only clip i was looking for some screws i’m learning a lot okay this is the one piece so i can’t do anything with this okay before that we’ll get rid all of this first before continuing over here yeah we broke it but it’s out and now we’ll go for the glove box this is a huge of course another connector here is every connector every electric connector is different you have to push different things there this is crazy can’t you just make one and just different sizes this is crazy this is huge so what’s next i have no idea maybe the central console i think you want some english money two pences and one pence three pences for camera woman so let’s do the central console i think we need it in order to get rid of this here oh my goodness how am i going to remove these this is crazy why it’s not screw here ah okay oh this one this one look easy this is completely different kind wow ah this is different and now we’ll try the top over here wow done my goodness everything wow finally that was a pain and here is the airbag i guess main unit or whatever how you call it this is crazy ah oh my goodness this is the worst these connectors this is the worst it’s awesome how little amount of tools i need here when i compare it with work on Tatras it’s uncomparable i cannot use any electric tools or even air tools everything is so tiny i wouldn’t get there everything by hand connector that is important for me is this one that’s for shifter awesome yeah it’s like eiffel tower look at that did they design it in france or something yeah exactly and this is the Pisa tower someone was inspired so it’s sideways and now let’s try to get rid of the head unit a lot of connectors and there is a camera objective in my face i can’t see anything okay disconnected this one very easy amazing wow why do you look at that beautiful picture okay this is heavy and i bet there will be some connectors they will not like to let me go of course so now we’ll try the gauge cluster what do you think oh first easy thing today wow they put long connector here that’s awesome it was just the clip we might not need to take the vent out actually oh hallelujah i think it’s so tiny you have to be like a snake to get anywhere another one hidden and of course there is different tip aha yay i like that better i have to get this one out it was quite pretty difficult before this is in the way i have to disconnect this connector from the airbag this is not airbag but this is the speaker okay now we can remove it this thing secured all of this from falling for some reason okay let’s do the second side this one goes easy for some reason okay really the first one took me 30 minutes second only five minutes and i don’t know why no three minutes it looks promising there is one bolt over here that held all this dashboard it took me one hour to figure it out okay now we can remove it i hope one more connector hallelujah ah this one okay what’s that oh my god uh yes it’s out but now i know how to take it off next one will be easy this is crazy okay guys it will be a wrap for today we got out everything from the vehicle and this harness it’s really massive thanks for watching see you on tuesday if you like this video consider to become a patron and don’t forget to like share and subscribe see you next time!.