Altın Damlacıklı Armutlu Pasta Tarifi

Oct 29, 2020 08:04 · 543 words · 3 minute read divided ready occurs skin add

Everyone from the mother channel of love hello dear friends today, the first to have come to a different recipe will make gold droplet cake golden droplets, especially on how not believe what occurs Making unfortunately, not easy, but if you have interest in your foreign pie I would advise you to watch the end of this recipe Surely Let’s start to prepare the cream of our pudding A Put 2.5 glasses of milk into the pot Then add sugar Then add the starch Let’s mix without turning on the bottom of the stove Then turn on the bottom of the stove and cook it until it boils After boiling Let’s take a large debt Cover it with a bag and lift it to cool in the refrigerator Let ’s prepare our dough Firstly, take margarine into a bowl Let’s add a pinch of salt, respectively, egg and half a packet of baking powder by adding 1 package vanilla beautifully handcuffed our pattern with hamurumuza we have placed our yoğural I wax paper and pulp Let’s Fine After I’s spread to the pressing base our ce best to be smoother than the press’s spread my edge to edge with a scalpel batters in only the edges of the fix edge into the scene and we open fork holes for if you want the very blistering bastıral my dough Then a little sugar to boil in that you have pears, we place the pear that has divided the cream of our back rest prepare the icing us into the skin of a container we put in the fridge to cool let us then with a mixer a beautifully çırpal I have a whole egg, let’s add then I add the yolks 2 eggs and white divided’m going to use to make a foam on the white back our çırpal lemon water, let’s add lemon shell, let’s add sugary vanilla let’s add I strained yogurt to add again and again çırpal çırpal I add our latest grease let’s throw our çırpal icing on our cake icing that we have taken our 150 degree’s spread with a spatula ready Beautifully Let’s bake in the oven for about 50 minutes 15 minutes before our cake comes out Let’s prepare the foam Let’s prepare the foam, egg white and sugar in a bowl until the foam becomes foam When we lift the mixer in this way If it does not spill , it means there is foam, then I spread my foam on the cake that I have taken out of the oven. until golden brown’re getting from the oven after baking are driving the oven over to cook again and never expect to cool on the bench to dwell thoroughly after cooling hold it to rest overnight in the refrigerator overnight resting cake is ready to serve on the gold droplets cake cools itself occurs if you love to eat if you cheesecake style things this recipe is a must Blessed be you should try appetite who will try to subscribe to my channel if you like my videos Send to open the notification and did not like the video Remember Thank you for watching me hate to discuss in another recipe stay with you goodbye .