[EPISODE] ENHYPEN (엔하이픈) @ 2020 MAMA

Dec 22, 2020 14:21 · 8970 words · 43 minute read send literally saying anything ingredients

  • Everyone. - Okay, shall we say hi? - 1. - Okay, we’ll say hi first. 1, 2 Connect! Hello, we are ENHYPEN. - Should we say this in English? - Okay. 1, 2 Connect! Hello, we are ENHYPEN. - Yes. - Did we surprise you with the title? This is ENHYPEN, what was the title? - ENHYPEN is. - ENHYPEN is…read more. You wouldn’t see something more even if you click “read more”. Because HEESEUNG wrote the title as, “ENHYPEN is…read more”. - Good idea. - JAKE bank. Out of nowhere? JK. Anyways, we came here with a similar reason as last time. We just wanted to talk to ENGENE after a long time. - Communicate. - And we had lots of things going on. - Right. - First, we have our “Let Me In” teaser released. ENGENE loved “Let Me In” so much. - Even more than our title song. - Right, right.

01:32 - I really wanted to spoil that we shot a music video for “Let Me In”. - Finally it’s released. - We shot this on my birthday. - Right. I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t. - The seaweed soup, “Let Me In” at the waiting room. - Right. - VCR played at our debut show. - Seaweed soup. - We shot the seaweed soup VCR there too. - Right. Seaweed soup VCR. Shooting “Let Me In” was a bit tough, right? - It was a high level shot. - We spent a few days without sleeping for it. - Right. - We had something like this. - Right. - We had that more than group dance for “Let Me In”. - Acting. - Right. - Drama scene. - Drama scene. - Please look forward to it. - You can look forward to it. - What day is it today? - We haven’t watched everything yet but. - Today is December… - 19th? - 20th. - 19th. - 19th. - 19th. - We have 2 more days then! - 19th. - We have 2 more days. - Just 2 more days. - I want to watch it. - We haven’t seen the whole movie yet. - Not yet. - Not yet… - I’m so excited. - But I think we’ll get to watch it first. - Probably.

  • Right? 02:33 - It would be a surprise if that’s not the case. Which scenes were there in the teaser? - The scene with our faces covered with vinyl. - Right. - And the one us breaking the wall. - Right. - The breaking the wall scene. - I love that. - And the forest scene. - Right. The forest. - But the forest turned out to be a wall. - Right. - Right. - And that turned out to be 20 CUBE. - Don’t we have that one too? - And our group dance just briefly, right? - And our group dance just briefly. - This, this move. This. We can tell them about the dance, right? Do you know what this is? And, teaser 1. SUNOO dropping that beverage. - Dropping the water. - Right. - The blue beverage. - Right. - You think that the blue beverage is a Powerade. - Powerade. - That… - Power_ade. - You think it’s that. - Power_ade. - It’s not that but Gato_rade. - Oh, Gato. - The blue. - Oh, Gato. - Gato blue.

03:25 - - How did it taste like? - It tasted good. - There are a lot of Gato flavors in different colors. - Right. - Really? - Purple, red. - Right. - But there is Power_ade in purple. - Right. - That one tastes the best. - Right. - It’s my favorite. - It’s grape something. - We’re talking about “Let Me In” and… - Right. - We suddenly switched to beverages. Anyways, we had these. And we did that on M COUNTDOWN. - M COUNTDOWN. - SUNGHOON and I were the MC. - MC. - Mike Controller. - M COUNTDOWN. - “Yes”. - “And then, then, next time…” It was practically HEESEUNG’s Flicker. To make an excuse, I think I put too much strength there. It wasn’t because I was nervous. I mean I was but. - You were holding. - The grip. - You held it too tight, it wasn’t that you were nervous. I don’t know about that but I was nervous because it was my first time. It was our first time. - But didn’t we do great? - You did. - You did great.

  • You did great considering that it was your first time doing it. - I made a mistake so I have nothing to say. - It’s okay. - You did great. But I…what was it? What was it? “Wait,” this one. I said, “wait” and my head too. - I forgot about everything. - Wait. - Wait, what was it? - Wait. - “What was it”? - “Wait, what was it? I forgot”. So I said, “wait” for two times. But that always happens. - I panicked. It was a live show. - I forgot that I had to speak. My head got “wait” when I said “wait”. - Right. - But it was our first time being the MC. - DAE HWI helped us out a lot when we practiced. - Right. - So. - SUNGHOON got famous as the “Bowing guy”. - “Bowing guy”. - After he gave the award. - Like a tumbler doll. - You need to say hello to your seniors. - Practicing how to bounce. - Practicing how to bounce. He got famous as the “Bowing guy”. - We did 3 performances at M COUNTDOWN. - Right. - Really.

- Which one did you enjoy the most? 05:32 - The one I had the most fun was “10 Months”. - “10 Months”. - Because. Because even though it was a live show. NI-KI got famous for this, we have the pair dance. It’s really funny when we make eye contacts for those parts. So it’s fun. - Why is it funny? - I just laugh at those moments on stage. I’ve done that a lot. NI-KI does that too. When we make eye contact, we always laugh too. - I kept making eye contacts with JAY while performing “10 Months”. - I know. - When we begin… - You can’t hold back a laugh when you make eye contact with JAY. - JAY can’t. - You know the kicking. It starts and ends with SUNOO. I can hold back during practices because we have the mirror. But I can’t do that on a stage. And we have that, what was it? Never mind. - What? - Nothing. - What? - What?- Since we’re talking about us laughing when we make eye contacts with JAY.

06:27 - The one released today, or was it yesterday? Making film. - Oh, the studio dance? - We had that making film. - Us holding back JAY’s eyes…I mean can’t hold back the laugh. - Right. - Holding back eyes and making laugh-contact? - Holding back eyes and making laugh-contact? - No, the laugh. - Holding back laugh while making eye-contact. It’s really hard. - It’s really hard. If you see JAY on a street, try it. - How will they meet him on a street? - What are you saying? How will they meet him on a street? Beware of JAY. He is not an animal. - It’s like a deer. - No, trying not to laugh is hard.

07:00 - It’s like “watch out for wild deer” sign in Canada. What did you enjoy the most at M COUNTDOWN? Which performance did you enjoy the most? - “10 Months”. - “10 Months”. - “10 Months”. “10 Months” is a fun performance. - Because we are more relaxed. - And it was live. - Live. - Right? For “10 Months”, we had to switch back and forth between being the MC and performing on stage. - I was holding a mike and then switched back to MC. - Right. - Live broadcasting. - It was fun. And today is December 19th and it’s the end of the year. 2020… Thinking of January 1st 2020. I never imaged my becoming ENHYPEN. - Really. - Back then. - Really. - It was really.. - Last year? - This year. - This year. - This year.

07:45 - I was a trainee this year January so I didn’t know all the people here. - Back then. - It was when I went to eat rice and soup after practicing. - My goal was to appear on a TV. - Right. - My goal was to hang in there until being on TV. - But, the sad thing is, you see other trainees right across your table at a restaurant. - You have to just eat your food because you’re not allowed to talk to them. - We couldn’t talk to them. - But you feel happy when we make eye contacts sometimes. - Smiling. - Right, telepathy. - Last time, NI-KI… - Because we only said hello. - Right. I felt a bit uncomfortable with NI-KI. There was a hood where I was having my curry. He was standing outside and I was on the other end. I could feel that he was staring. NI-KI kept on going like this. He kept peeking. - What? - I was like, “who is it”? but didn’t know whether I should look back. - I had several cases like this. - I really wanted to talk to you. I really wanted to talk to you. - I think those cases made us… - Right. - Right. I think those moments made us closer. - That’s how he got his nickname, “Australian friend”. - Right. But I knew all their names. And we did KBS “Song Festival” yesterday. Right. - We walked through the red carpet. - “Song Festival”. - “Song Festival” was…

- How was it? 09:04 - I feel proud of us that we were a part of the huge event. We did well. It was literally a huge festival. - Really. - Big festival. - Yeah. - We walked on the red carpet. - Red carpet. - BTS was right in front of us. - Right. - Right. - We felt so pressured. - So nervous. - It was awesome. - And they told us to cheer up. - Right. - Right. - They said “fighting” so warmly. - It was so grateful. I made eye contact with j-hope. - And j-hope said, “oh, ENHYPEN~“. - Right, right. - Right! - ENHYPEN! - I thought my heart was going to blow up at that moment. And when he left, he was like, “fighting, friends”. - I was so happy. - He is just so sweet. - I loved it. - What about V? - Right. - I made eye contact with V. - He is just so cool. - So sweet. - It was just great. I don’t know how they can be so good at, - their interviews with so many reporters. - Really. - I was so nervous. - They were so natural and relaxed. - They were amazing. - We were… - We were so nervous. - So nervous. I thought I was typing inside my head. I wasn’t holding a mike. HEESEUNG handed me over the mike so I was like, “huh? wait”. - I didn’t know what to do. - “You do it”. - The questions were all impromptu. - Right. - The questions were all impromptu. - Right. - Right.

10:22 - I think HEESEUNG handed you the mike because you’re the best interviewee here. I couldn’t think of anything. I started thinking when I got the mike. I had to come up with something quick, - so I messed up. - Honestly. I was so scared that JAY might hand me the mike after HEESEUNG gave it to JAY. So I was hiding my hands behind me. So that I couldn’t hold the mike. - Is it a touch game? - So funny. - Honestly. - It’s not a “hot potato” game. But I think we didn’t show that we were that nervous. - On the inside, we were so… - Scared. - You can tell when someone is nervous. - The question. - We didn’t have any expected questions so we all panicked. - Right.

10:58 - JUNGWON was going to talk about his feeling for the show and I was going to talk about the New Year. I think we thought about the same thing when we got an unexpected question there. “Please don’t pass me the mike”. I really thought that. - It’s because it was our first time. We’ll get more relaxed next time. - Right. - And become more professional. - Right. - Professional. And our important season’s greetings. - Season’s greetings. - Season’s greetings. - Season’s greetings. Didn’t we film that earlier than we thought? - Right. - Very early. - It’s been a while. I think we shot that before the movie teaser. JAKE, SUNOO, and I. - When those with new hair color had to hide their hairs. - Right. - That was… - We took our selfies. - For spoilers. - Right.

11:49 - - Our fans don’t know about the season’s greetings. - Right. - So. - It was… - You wonder what it was and since it’s released now. - It was tough. - I bet everyone was surprised. - Team Dye-hair had hard time. - Team Dye-hair. - It was so hard. - Beanie. - Beanie. When beanie was part of my body. When we connected with beanie. - We don’t have much time left now. - Next time. Next promotion is scary. - Next time. - Next time someone. We might be all wearing beanie for the next V LIVE. We might be wearing something over our heads. And have it in every color at home. We should buy some more hats. ENHYPEN connected with beanie. So proud. - Didn’t we look all cute and fresh for season’s greetings? - Right. - It was… - Exercise. Exercising concept. - Something fresh. - Refreshing? - Excercising. Right, we had that concept too. - Something weird. - Right, weird. - We were holding bread for fencing. - Yes. - Yes. - We all had it different.

  • What was I holding? - It was fencing and what did I have? 12:48 - - I know. - Something about balloon. - Balloon. - Balloon, right. - Balloon sword. I was holding a baguette as a baseball bat. - Baguette for HEESEUNG. - JUNGWON, ribbon. - I was holding a candy. - Candy. - Rugby. - I was playing tennis but the net had webs. - Right. - I was holding a mirror ball when I was a basketball player. - Really? - Yes. The disco ball. - Disco from the karaoke bar? - Yeah. - Disco. - Disco. - NI-KI’s. - Puppy? NIsco. And then. We wore clothes like students from to prestigious school. Right, with long socks. - Right, with long socks. - Private school. - English style. Australia too, Australia. - Australia does that too. - Really? - Yeah, I wore long socks too. - During summer. The memory. - What did you wear? - What did you do? - Exercise? - I did horseback riding. - Horseback riding. - Right. - But I rode bicycle instead of a horse. - Horse.

13:42 - Toy, is it not? It’s like a bicycle but with a head horse. - Right. - I remember. - A four-wheeled bicycle. - Right. We did so many weird things. We had our PE clothes, ENHYPEN PE clothes. And our all-white clothes. - The one where we lay down. - Right. - I was wearing shorts. - The one we lay down. - Beige. - That one was the spoiler shot. - Right. - What? - The leaves. We haven’t seen our season’s greetings yet. - We haven’t seen it yet. - It’s not released yet. As far as I know, there are many good photos. - It turned out nice. - I’m excited. - I’m excited as the photos turned out so pretty. - They did a great job. We did a lot now that we talked about it. - Right. - Thinking back.

14:29 - We did season’s greetings, movie, our trailer. - We did a lot. - “Let Me In” music video. - We did them in a row. - I know, we did a lot. - 2020. - What else do we have? - We worked so hard. - We worked so hard since June. - We worked so hard. - Right. - Since June, we did the survival. - Performed on stage each week. - And. - Performed on stage each week. - Performed on stage each week. - Oh my god. And since we joined the debut team. - The next day. - We worked on our album and so on. - Right. - So that’s how we have ENHYPEN now. - Right, we worked so hard. I’m already excited about our next album. - Me too. - But I… - Really. - I want to listen to the song. - I know. I wonder how our title sounds like. I’m so excited. - We have a lot of special stages now that it’s the end of the year. - Right. So isn’t it fun to prepare for them? - Right. - New version. - We have a lot of dance breaks. - Right, dance breaks. - The dance breaks are so much fun. One-time performance. - One-time performance. - For just once. But we can upload them again. - Right. - Just us. - But the video is replayed a few thousand times. - Then should we have “comment time”? - “Comment time”. - “Comment time”. - Comment. - “Comment time”. - “Hello”. - What? Please read from behind. - Okay. - We can read too. - “Send me a heart if you read this”. Let’s give a heart together. They like the flying kiss last time. The flying kiss. - It’s fast. - I know. - Too fast. “Hug”. - Hug. - Hug. - Hug. - Hug. The comments are going up so fast. - “NI-KI, hand”. - “NI-KI, put your hands up”. - Hands up. - Put your hands up. - Hands up. - “NI-KI, hands up”. NI-KI, put your hands up. “Yellow card”. - Right! Our fans. - Right. - Wants us to make dinner recommendations.

- Dinner recommendations? 16:40 - - Make dinner recommendations. - Make dinner recommendations. - I’ll make dinner recommendations. - Dinner recommendation! Dinner recommendations. Something really special. The price range has to go up if it’s going to be really special. Then, buying everything from a convenience store. - That can be a great idea. - Nice. - You can have everything special. - Being antique. - Being antique. - Like a buffet. - Each convenience store has its unique characteristics. - I recommend Nuguri. - Nuguri. - What’s that? - Nu_ri. - Yes. - Nu_ri. - Nu_ri. - Have on Nu_ri. - I eat 2 as a late night snack. - The one you drive. - Right? - Right. - Right. - NI-KI.

17:19 - I think his taste changed to that of a Korean. - Because he was having Japanese ramen yesterday. - Right. And said, “I think Korean ramen is better”. “Nu_ri is better”. - Nu_ri. - He had a lot of spicy food. - But. - It changed. - He might, say something’s too greasy and take out kimchi from the fridge. NI-KI makes ramen in an interesting way. I’ve never seen that - style before. - Why? - He pours away all the soup. He doesn’t put the flakes.

17:48 - - You don’t? - You don’t? He doesn’t. And he pours water in. Boils the noodle, and puts in the sauce at the very last step. - JAKE does that too. - I do that too. I put in the noodle first. - JAKE does that too. - Me too. Isn’t that the normal way? Then. NI-KI knows how to cook. That way, you can adjust the amount of water. - If you put in the noodle first. - Then the noodle can’t absorb the sauce. - I never thought of that. - Is it not? I think HEESEUNG just wants to eat. It doesn’t matter. - He just likes to eat. - This… - Is it? - There’s a bit of meat in the flakes. That’s how you get broth. - That doesn’t’ work that way. - That’s how you get broth. - With the flakes? - Flakes.

18:31 - NI-KI does put a lot of water when cooking ramen. - But eating bland is good for you. - But I… - I did pour away all the soup during “I-LAND”. - Right. - Right. - Right. - Was it because it was too hot for you? Too hot. - I did that for “I-LAND”. - “I-LAND”. My castle. My castle. - My land. - My land. - My land. - During “I-LAND”. Baby land. But I don’t understand. - Why I do that. - You don’t understand why you did that? - That can happen. - That can happen. - People change. - People grow. Your taste matures. - I don’t know what we’re talking about. - I know. It’s literally saying anything that we think of. - “Today’s TMI”. - I don’t know what we’re talking about. - Today’s TMI. I… - Today’s TMI. - Today’s TMI. HEESEUNG brought my earphones. - Because I forgot to bring one. - Right. Right.

19:36 - And he searches for his earphone in the morning. - I take good care of others’ stuff. - HEESEUNG forgets to bring his earphone too much. - This… - He lost his earphones again before this V LIVE. - He goes, “where’s my earphones” everyday. - I lose it at least 3 times a day. - Really. - I have to look for it for at least 3 times, “Where did it go”? - He is connected to ENGENE but not to his earphones. - Disconnected. - HEESEUNG’s earphones must have feet of its own. - Seriously. - It’s like it has feet of its own. - It runs away. Maybe it hates me. - Really.

  • Do we have other TMI to share? 20:08 - - Members? - I woke up first today. Right. - You didn’t go to school, you went there? - Indeed it’s JUNGWON. - Right. - Okay. - Honestly, I wake up… - Right. I am abiding by my monthly plans. - Right. - I don’t get to wake up everyone. But I do wake a few people up. Our manager agrees like this. He is doing this. I also belong to the members who wake up early. - There are people who are good at waking up with just a simple touch. - But. - We divide into 2 groups with 3 and 4 people. - I.

20:44 - The ones who wake up early move first to the car. - Yes. - We get our seats at the car. And the rest 4 start waking up. SUNGHOON is waking up late these days. Right, that’s something unexpected. - These days. - I’m tired. It’s hard to wake up in the morning. I sometimes hit his butt to wake him up. - And. - I analyzed. I’ll analyze you guys. JAY is a special case. - So I’ll come back to you later. - What is this? JAKE and SUNOO wakes up in 2 minutes - when I do this. - Honestly. I’m already up before you wake me up. - It always happens. - I get that. You wake up naturally when you feel like someone’s up. - I do that too. - This was interesting for me. - I do that too sometimes. - It happens all the time. - These two are easy to wake. - So I wake the two up first. - Right away. HEESEUNG and NI-KI. Go back to sleep after waking up. “NI-KI, HEESEUNG you need to wake up”. But they go back to sleep. SUNGHOON has the longer term. People normally go back to sleep after waking up. But JAY. - JAY doesn’t get up. - He stays like this. Sometimes, he looks like he fainted. I thought JAY… - Wondered if he was pretending that he didn’t hear me. - I don’t remember. - Really. Please don’t misunderstand. I hit him hard as a joke to wake him up. - But he still stays asleep. - But. This is good. Tight sleep. - Too tight. - Tight sleep. - Wow. - I sleep as if I fainted. - It’s so interesting. - I don’t remember. It’s so interesting. He still sleeps when I shake him like this. JAY is healthy.

22:25 - But when I wake up, - I don’t go back to sleep. - Yeah, that’s a good part. What should I say? I have no memory. So when I wake up. JUNGWON does everything from shaking to shouting. And I wake up when he is about to give up. When I’m about to go back to our car. So I see his back. I see his back over there. So I’m like “huh”? And later they tell me that he was waking me up really hard. - I have no memory. - I always try hard. And you get to lie down at the back car. - Back seat. - Back seat. So don’t we try to wake up early to get that seat? Right. - Really? I prefer front seat. - I don’t do that. - I prefer front seat. - I prefer front seat. - I like both. - Each has pros and cons.

23:11 - - Heat-seat? - Heat-seat? - Heat-seat. - Front seats can be heated up. - But you can’t lean back that much. - Heat-seat. - But the back seat… - The angle is like, - you can have a bed-like angle. - Bed-like. - You can lie down. - It’s almost 90 degrees. - Comfortable. - Right, comfortable cinnamon bed. - Comfortable. - Comfortable seat. - Huh? What’s up with cinnamon? - Never mind. - Cinnamon. - Cinnamon. Cinnamon tastes good. Cinnamon bread. Cinnamon is tasty. Really. I like that the best. When you wake up. And you go back to sleep. - Correct. - Yes. - You’re in trouble. - When you lie back down. - No! It’s so comfortable. When you wake up. - And go back to bed with your blanket. - Like as if you are rebelling. - I love that moment. - It’s so cosy. - It’s like “I don’t like the world outside my blanket”. - Welcome. SUNGHOON’s face right after he wakes up is really cute. - He has this drowsy face. - He stays like that for a few minutes. I’m not joking. I wondered if he was still alive several times. He wakes up.

24:14 - But he stays like this with his arms on the bed. And I’m not joking. - He stays like that for 10 minutes. - Still. - Seriously. He meditates. - He leans toward the wall in that chair. - It’s my process of waking up. - Chair. I’m concerned if he is still alive. His face is so empty that it worries me. - Really. - JUNGWON, do you wake me up? - Normally? - I did. But I gave up on people who are hard to wake. I wake up these two because I got tired. - NI-KI. - Do you wake me up? - Why do you wake me up so early? These two sleep together. - So I wake NI-KI up as I wake them up. - Waking up early is so hard. It’s a bit sad that - those who wake up early always wake up early. - Right. - Right.

24:58 - But those who sleep late always sleep late too. Right. I sleep early. - Well, it’s just… - I sleep late because I sleep after work-out routine. Right. - He always stretches his body. - Right. - Yeah. - I filmed a video of him - A video. - Foam roller. - The stretching thing. - I don’t know what HEESEUNG does before he sleeps. - HEESEUNG sleeps really late. - I don’t know what keeps him awake until late at night. These days, I sleep later than HEESEUNG. - Really? - Really? - Until late at night, HEESEUNG… - They say the connection is unstable. - Well…The connection looks stable. - It’s working well. NI-KI is… Whenever I bump into him…

25:35 - When I bump into him in the corridor I see him eating something before bed. - Or maybe not. - JAY is the one who sleeps the earliest. - JAY really sleeps early. - He sleeps early. - He sleeps in 5 minutes, I mean it. As soon as he arrives home, he takes a shower. - He runs to the bathroom. - These days he even wears earplug saying we are too noisy. - Seriously… - He even wears an eye mask. He wears the earphone for noise cancelling. We are really quiet. - Seriously. - It’s hilarious. - But I have no choice. Everyone is awake when I sleep. - They are noisy, slamming the door and shouting every 5 minutes. - Right. That’s true.

26:13 - Even if I turn the lights off and close the door of my bedroom after a short while - someone comes in and turns the lights on. - Right! Seriously! - It’s so annoying. - So I just… - What was that just now? - Just now… - Everyone had complaints in their hearts So… I was so annoyed. I got up from my bed, took my phone, and bought earplugs. I won’t tell who, but there are members who make a noise. These days, I don’t close the door. I don’t turn the lights off. As soon as I arrive at the dorm, I take a shower. I wear an eye mask and earplugs and then, I sleep. But someone keeps opening the door. - It’s really annoying.

  • And the lights in the living room are very bright. - I don’t know who, but he opens the door with a lot of power. Sometimes, HEESEUNG’s high notes penetrates my earplugs. - Honestly, I get really annoyed when he does that. - HEESEUNG often practices his vocals at night. - Seriously. - These days, I sing “10 Months” and “Let Me In” a lot when I take a shower. - Right. “Given-Taken”… - NI-KI often sings “Let Me In” too. - I was practice for live performance. - Practicing for live performance. - Practicing for live performance. - I mean it. Everyone gets hyper at night. - Right. - Anyways.

- NI-KI, 27:19 - which member do you often sleep next to? - I sleep alone. - NI-KI. - You sleep alone? - Alone? - Really? - That’s not true. - I saw you heading somewhere stealthily yesterday. He sleeps alone but he moves to another room in the middle of the night. - Every night, he escapes his bed. - The lights are off. - I can feel something that moves stealthily. - Right. - I… I sleep on the top bunk of SUNOO’s bed. In the middle of the night, my bed shakes… - It shakes… - He climbs up. Yesterday, NI-KI enticed me. - “Do you want to sleep next to each other today”? - I heard it. - And JUNGWON said it’s so uncomfortable to sleep next to you. - Right. I heard it. - Were you sleeping? - Because… When I slept next to him for the first time I was not comfortable with sleeping next to someone. The next day, I had a cramp in my neck. He had a cramp. I had a cramp on that day. - It’s ok. - Honestly, I don’t like sleeping next to someone too. The bed is too small. NI-KI…

What was it? 28:14 - On the first day of the show, I slept next to him. - It was the first or the second day. - Slept a lot next to NI-KI. I slept next to him when we had the first test, during “Into the I-LAND”. Well… I couldn’t sleep well that day. I woke up about 5 times at dawn. He couldn’t stay still but moved a lot. - NI-KI is… - So… - He wakes up quite often. - It’s difficult to sleep next to someone. - You are restrained from movement. - Right. - NI-KI hugs the person next to you really hard. - I once slept next to him. - Until you can’t breathe. - But the two of you can sleep next to each other because… - As if he’s wrestling. He’s strong. They are very different. I slept next to both of them. NI-KI hugs the person next to you. In the case of SUNOO, I found him sleeping like this on one side of the bed. I think it’s his habit. Because you were with NI-KI too much.

28:54 - I thought he was going to fall between the crack between the bed and the wall. He was doing this. Like a Pepero (Korean snack). - Pepero. - I don’t know why you guys sleep next to each other when the bed is so small. Isn’t it uncomfortable? - It’s more comfortable to sleep alone. - Then, today… Who wants to sleep in the living room? - It’s going to be fun. - Then… - We’ve never slept in one room together. We slept in one room during the show. - Honestly, it will be difficult for all of us to sleep in the living room. - I remember. Only some members… - No, everyone has to sleep together. - No. Only some members can sleep in the living room. - Everyone. - Where? - No, just 3 members.

29:21 - - Then, if we have some free time, let’s all watch a movie in the living room and… - In the living room. - And sleep there. - Yeah, but only three members. - You are so heavy. The rest should go and sleep in their rooms. Ok. Then, I will sleep on my bed with the earplugs and eye mask. - And have a good night’s sleep. - Yesterday, NI-KI and SUNOO were sleeping. - JUNGWON will sleep in the living room alone. - Then, I’ll eat ramen with HEESEUNG before bed. “Make JAY the last one to sleep” project! - That would be fun. - Sounds fun. - Sounds fun. - We will not let him sleep. - You can’t make me stay awake.

29:44 - Because I can sleep in 30 seconds as soon as I lie on the bed. You can sleep while standing up. He sleeps standing up. - He’s amazing. - He doesn’t wake up even if we hit him. I don’t remember that. Our conversation is fun today. - It seems like we are the only ones talking. Shall we read some comments?- Yeah. - We are the only ones who are excited. - TMI. What comments do we have? “I love you”. “What’s your favorite food’? - “Who cleans the house the most”? - These days? Meat. - Meat. - Right. - MianBao Xia. What? - Protein. No. I mean the members. MianBao Xia? JAY’s favorite food is MianBao Xia.

30:34 - Is MianBao Xia your favorite food? - Didn’t you eat it? - I do like it. - I do enjoy it a lot. - JAY always says the MianBao Xia and Jajangmyeon are delicious. It sounds delicious. He said they are from a hotel. Each piece is 8000 won. - Isn’t it 10,000 won? - Is it 10,000 won? 1 bowl of Jjajangmyeon is 15,000 won. - It’s expensive. - It’s expensive. - I want to read this question. What’s your favorite Gongcha menu? - We drink Gongcha a lot. - Gong-ddaeng. - Bubble tea. - Ball tea (wordplay). - Bubble tea. - I love taro milk tea. - These days… - Ta-ddaeng milk tea? - These days… - Taro is the name of a fruit. - Really? - Yes. - Taro is the same color as his outfit. - Right. - Yeah. Is it a fruit or a leaf? - I like Jeju… - Jeju… - Green tea. - Green tea. - Jeju green tea. - I like green tea.

31:21 - - But it’s ok to say the name of the menu. - I like basic black tea. - Green tea? Bubble tea or green tea? - Green tea. - Green tea? - I like Gongcha. - I love milk tea. Shall we drink Gongcha later? Milk tea. - Good. Let’s drink Gongcha. - Isn’t it? - I like black milk tea. - Don’t you think that the pearl makes your stomach full? - Right. - It makes my stomach full. - It’s almost a snack. - It’s savory. That’s the reason why I like Gongcha. It makes my stomach full and it quenches my thirst.

31:50 - It quenches your thirst? Can you read more comments? A. - B. - A. “What do you like more, bread vs rice”? Definitely rice for me. - Me too. Definitely rice. - Rice. - Definitely rice. - Sometimes I like rice. - Me too. It depends on the day. - Rice and… - Rice is good for breakfast, right? - JAY lives by eating rice. - I like both. But I don’t like eating them together. - Rice and rice? - Do you get it? - Yeah. It’s either rice or bread. - Bread. For me, bread is a snack, not a meal. I love Tteok (rice cake). - When I eat bread… - Tteok is made of rice. - Tteokbokki. - I love Garae-ttoek. - The tteokbokki made of rice… - Oh, tteok is made of rice or flour. - We had tteokbokki for breakfast today. - Right. I don’t know why we eat tteokbokki for breakfast. - It was our lunch. - It was brunch. - Brunch. - Brunch. - Brunch. We had gimbap and tteokbokki for brunch. - Brunch. - Tteok is also made of flour.

32:44 - Then, shall we vote between the tteok made of flour vs rice? - Tteok made of flour? - Let’s vote at the count of three. Ok. - Hang on. Tteok made of rice is… - Wait. I don’t know what they are. - Me neither. - Tteok made of flour is softer. - I can’t tell the difference. - Tteok made of flour is longer in shape. - Well, they are not distinguished by their shape. - Tteok made of flour is harder or softer? - It’s softer. - Their shapes are different. - To summarize… - No. - Then, what did we eat today? - I don’t know. - It was mixed. Today, we had tteok made of rice. Normally, they are distinguished by its shape. - The round shape is… - The tteok made of flour is longer and slimmer. The tteok made of rice is thicker. Normally, that’s how they look. - Normally, Garae-tteok is… - Then, what we had today was a mixed one.

  • The characteristic of 33:17 - tteok made or rice is that it’s chewier with better texture. The soup doesn’t get into the tteok. - But the soup gets into the tteok made of flour. - Then, did we have tteok made of flour today? - Today, we had a mixture of tteok. - Today we had tteok made of flour and cheese. Right. Then, shall we vote? 1, 2, 3. - Flour. - Rice. - Flour. - Rice. - Flour. - Everyone voted differently. - Flour. - Rice. - I don’t know. - Flour. - Rice. - I don’t know what the round-shaped tteok it’s made of. - Since I was young - I love them both. my mom and dad asked me to eat tteok made of rice because it’s healthier.

33:42 - There are people who like the chewy texture. Some people like tteok made of flour which has softer texture. - My favorite is the fish cake. - Honestly, I can’t tell the difference. I love them both. - Fish cake in the tteokbokki. - I like onions. - What? - There are people who like the fish cake in tteobokki - and there are people who like tteok. - I… - I definitely love tteok. - I love eating fries dipped into the tteokbokki sauce. I love sausage. I like cheese. Yeoptteok. Yeoptteok. You already said the brand name. Anyways. - Well… - We are talking about food out of blue. - ENHYPEN who are passionate when they talk about food. - I’m suddenly hungry. This is a TMI.

34:20 - Did I mention it before? I think I mentioned it to the members. I took a test. And the word Pyeonyuk (slices of boiled meat) came out. It was hilarious to see a question about Pyeonyuk. - It’s funny. - A question about Pyeonyuk in the test? - There was a question about Pyeonyuk. It was in the test? It was asking whether we should blanch… - Whether to boil or steam the meat to make Pyeonyuk? - Or boil it. It was from my mid-term exam. - It’s supposed to be blanched, right? - Right. - Pyeonyuk… - Am I right? - Yes. I ate it for the first time at that time. Pyeonyuk. - Ok. - I can’t forget how shocking it was on that day. - Right. - Seriously. Honestly, I was eating when I heard the screaming. - I didn’t look back. I thought it was HEESEUNG. - Me too. - Me too. - It sounded like HEESEUNG. - Me too. - I thought it was HEESEUNG. But I saw HEESEUNG sitting right next to me. - Did you think I would do such a thing? - But. - At that time, you said…

35:11 - “What? Is that HEESEUNG”? You did it a lot in “I-LAND”. - I didn’t. - But it was a great voice. - It’s already revealed. - So, I thought it was HEESEUNG. - He screamed but his voice was… - Right. His voice was great. I tend to practice my vocals. Vocal training. - Like this? - Yes. - Show us. - Well… We have cool content released today. - Today? - It’s spoiler. - A spoiler. - Today? Right. I heard that something cool is going to be revealed today. Everything we do is cool. What was it? In the afternoon today… - Is it in the afternoon? - In the afternoon… - Around mealtime. - Around dinner time. - Around dinner time. - Is it around dinner time? - Well… - Am I the only one who does not know about this? - Is it at dawn? As far as I know, it’s revealed in 1 or 2 hours later from now. - Is it? - What is it? - I don’t know about it.

35:59 - - What is it? - Guess what? - I don’t know. - What is it? Anyways. - I don’t know. We haven’t seen it. - Right. - Anyways. - Please look forward to it. - Well… - Shall we stop talking about it now? Ok. Let’s read 2 more comments and have a screenshot time. - Alright. 2 more. - 2 more. - Let’s go to the front it read it together. - Screenshot time. - Please 2 more. 2 more comments before the screenshot time. “Which Japanese word did you learn recently?” Me? How are you doing? I learned a lot of words. - Mom, dad. - Mom, dad. - Mom, dad. What was it? Umbrella.

How do we say it? 36:35 - - Umbrella? - Umbrella. And how do we say eyes? How do we say puppies? - Me is eyes. Rain is… - Eye, eye. - Eye. - Ame (rain) is… - Ame is rain. - Ame. - Anyways. We learned it from NI-KI. - Omega 3. Omega 3. Omega 3? - The comments are too… - It’s too fast. Wait. “Do you think there are 1 or 2 gungdaengii (butt)”? - Well… - It’s viral these days. - What is gungdaengii? - What is gungdaengii? - It means butt. Do you think people have 1 butt or 2 butts? - People have different opinions on this.

- Why? 37:17 - Does it matter? It’s a hot debate. - There are 2 butts. - Well… It’s like eggs first or chickens first kind of question. - Right. - There are two. - Who is correct? - We have 1 butt. It’s 1 butt, right? - But there are two sides in our butt. - No. - We have one pelvis. Do we have 2 pelvis? No. - We have 1 pelvis. - We have 2. In English, they call it butts with a plural “s”. - In English… - Really? - Really? Then, we have 1 butt. - Well… - But if there are a number of people… - More? - Let’s stop talking about it. - Ok. - It’s making it more confusing.

- Why are we talking about butts out of blue? 37:46 - We have 1 butt per leg. - Am I wrong? - You are right. - Or do we have 1 butt stuck to 2 legs? - Why are we talking about butts so seriously out of blue? - Why are we getting so serious? But I’m curious. Can you tell me the answer? - Why are you guys… - There’s no answer to this. - Right. - There’s no answer. - It’s similar to… Chicken or the egg. Right. It’s something that convinces people. - So even the experts don’t know the answer to this question? - Chicken comes first. I guess they don’t know the answer. - The experts will know it. - Do experts know the answer? - The medical doctors may know the answer. - I guess they know the answer. - Those who don’t know the answer… - Ok. Here’s a thing. Finally, I found a normal question.

38:15 - Are tomatoes vegetables or veggies? It’s a vegetable. - Vegetables or veggies? - It’s not a fruit. - Vegetables are greens. - Is it a vegetable or a fruit? - I know the answer. It’s a vegetable. - Veggies. - Veggies. - No, it’s a fruit. - Vegetables and veggies are the same thing. - Officially… - Is it a vegetable or a fruit? - A fruit. - Actually… - No, it’s not a fruit. In Australia, we learned that it’s a fruit. - Vegetables. - Hang on. It’s a vegetable. - It’s a vegetable. I’m 100% sure. - A strawberry is a vegetable. - A strawberry is a fruit. - A strawberry is a fruit. - It’s not a fruit. - A strawberry is a fruit.

- Scientifically, a tomato is 38:41 - - It’s not a fruit. - a vegetable and a fruit. - No. - As far as I know, that is the answer. - In Korea, we learned that tomato is a vegetable. In Australia, we learned that it’s a fruit, as far as I know. As far as I know, it’s both a vegetable and a fruit. Things that grow on a tree is a fruit. Things that grow on the ground is a vegetable. - That’s not important. - Tomato is special. - What about watermelon? - Watermelon? - Watermelon is a vegetable too. - No. - No. - Yes. - Watermelon is a fruit. - Watermelon is a vegetable. - No, it’s a vegetable. - No, no. - Yes. It’s a vegetable. - Right. Watermelon is a vegetable. - Right.

- Things that grow on the tree 39:06 - - I’s a vegetable when there are seeds, right? - things that grow on the ground is what distinguishes them. - No. - Let’s ask this question to ENGENE on Weverse? - Everyone, can you answer this question on Weverse after V LIVE? - Everyone. Leave the answers on Weverse. Ok. On Weverse. It’s more fun when you watch, everyone. We’ve talked nonsense. We didn’t talk with ENGENEs. We had fun for ourselves. - Ok. Last question. - Let’s go. “Please don’t come too close to the camera. You make my heart race”. Sorry. The fan asked for a favor politely. We are sorry. - No. - Sorry. - Well… - Heart breaker. “NI-KI, have you ever made Bungeoppang”? - Right. - When are you going to make it for us? - You bought the machine. - But… - Well… - There are no ingredients.- He doesn’t know how to make it yet. - I don’t think I can make it.

40:01 - - You don’t know how to make it, right? - I don’t think I can make it. - Why? - Because we don’t have time. - True. - There are no ingredients. - We can buy the mixture. - I will help you. - These days, you can buy the mixture in a package. Right. You can order it from the factory. - Really? - Yes. This is what you can do. I saw a clip last time. - You oil the pan, put the mixture and that’s it. - And bake it. - That’s how you do it? - Flip it. - Then, on the fire… - Sounds delicious. - But we can only make 2 at once. - We should put something inside, like whipped cream. - Right. - We can put red bean paste. - We can even make whipped cream. - When we put whipped cream… - Using the ice cream scoop. - Chou cream. - Chou cream. - Chou cream? isn’t it whipped cream? - Red bean paste. - Chou cream - Chou cream. - Red bean paste. - Chou cream. Ok. - Ok. Shall we move on to screenshot time? - Ok. Let’s go. Ok. Let’s do a V pose. - Ok. - 3, 2, 1. Ok. 3, 2… Heart? One more V. 3, 2, 1. It looks like a family photo. Or a photo with a friend. - SUNOO is too far apart. - Right. - He’s sitting straight up like this. - He’s sitting straight up. 3, 2, 1. - Heart? - Heart. - 3, 2, 1. - Let’s do this. Let’s cross our arms. Let me in. The back row. - I’ll do with NI-KI. - Let’s go. 1, 2, 3. - Ok.

  • Isn’t it that series? - We did that series again. - Ok. - Ok. We will have many more opportunities to communicate. - We are getting more comfortable with you. - Right. We feel more comfortable. I love it. I love it because I feel so comfortable with ENGENE. - This moment is created just to talk with ENGENE. - Right. Although we talked a lot today… Let’s read one last question. - One last one. - Yes. This is…

41:57 - These days we are on a lot of music shows - but not V LIVE. - Yes. - So we need to communicate as much as we can. - What are we doing? - What are we doing? - You said you want to do one more thing before we go. - Before we go… - What? Comments. - We will read one last comment. They were waiting. Please read one more comment. The comments are too fast. I can’t read it. It’s like fans. Oh, the fan? Well… - The comments are too fast. - It’s too fast. I almost reported a comment accidentally. - When you stop it… - Let’s stop the video and read. Ok. “5 JAYs VS 5-year-old JAY”. We did that last time. - Did we? - Yes. We did it last time. - Hang on. Can we do it again? It sounds fun. I love you ENGENE. Oh, we have “Weekly Idol” coming up too. Right. - “Weekly Idol”! The trailer is out. - The trailer is released. I wore a Kangaroo costume that day. - Ok. - Ok. Then, shall we answer that question? - What? - 5 JAYs, or 5-year-old JAY. - Don’t get too serious. - They want a spoiler on “Weekly Idol”. Well, the trailer is already released. - It’s going to be fun, - Yes. You are going to love it. We had a lot of fun during the shooting. A lot of funny things happened during the shooting. The MCs were really helped us a lot. - Right. - It was amazing. It was hilarious. - I really appreciate their help. - It’s amazing. - Also… We had a fun episode thanks to JAY. - Shall we say goodbye? - Ok. - Shall we? - We were… - Ok.

43:44 - Everyone, as last time and today we will visit you more often. Please wait for us. Many things are coming up. So please look forward to it. We were ENHYPEN. Bye! - Please look forward to “Let Me In” MV. - Go, SUNGHOON mon! Please watch “Let Me In”. Bye. - Please stay tuned for the MV. - The end. Bye. Bye, bye. .