Supporting Our Local Businesses, Where Are The Eggs? | RangerRob Country Living
Nov 19, 2020 20:54 · 1135 words · 6 minute read
foreign well hello everyone this is ranger rob ranger rob country living and uh let’s see it’s a pretty day it’s kind of chilly out been kind of a good day for sherry and i um we don’t talk about a personal too much but when we became caregivers about april sherry’s um furlough kind of situation stopped so uh uh we had to live on pretty tight budget for a while and uh and you know taking care of her mom and caregiving and medical stuff and and and family stuff anyway so today after a couple of interviews sherry was happily employed today and uh begins her new job next month and uh which is great um she’s had the opportunity to be kind of uh out of work for a year to take care of her mom’s stuff and all that which needed to be done so it worked out good so uh we’ve been very blessed uh sorry about the wind again this time of year it’s gonna happen anyway uh the important thing is uh we’ve been playing with fire here because we haven’t had health insurance and uh so the new job that she’s got um happily has health insurance because we’re just getting ready to sign up for the obamacare thing and uh which have been all right because our numbers were low um but still now she’s employed there’s no way we could stay because the price would be incredibly high so uh that’s actually really good news for us so being at this age you don’t want to be going without health insurance and if we get the code bid thing or that stuff at our age we could be a very costly uh situation so we’re very happy so uh praise the lord for that and uh once again um you guys been very uh supportive in everything we’ve been doing we appreciate it so uh yeah we’re gonna check on the chickens today let’s see what they’re up to and uh they’re all looking very pretty they got food and water but the big question is i’m checking again because we’re getting closer did we get some eggs yet sorry about the wind let’s see if we got any eggs in there hi i’m not seeing any eggs yet no eggs it’s coming one of these days of course it’s getting kind of chilly so i don’t know but uh gosh sorry about the wind this is how it is around here everything’s cinched up here so yeah greenhouse still haven’t had a chance to pick up the lumber we might get that today oh the sun feels a lot better boy in the shade man you can feel it compost bins working good we’ve been you know it’s kind of funny you keep filling up the compost bins and uh they keep dropping it’s like we’ve been dumping stuff in there i guess the composting is working and what do we got here chicken hello chickens and puppies and uh huh let’s see maybe they’re laying i still don’t see any eggs someday i’m getting eggs and then i’m gonna say make it stop so uh one of the things i wanted to bring up is this is apparently the beginning of our lockdown it doesn’t feel like it when you own property and you stay home a lot but i want to put a a prayer out best regards it and i ask anybody who’s watching us to help support the small businesses oh my gosh i mean i’ve owned my own business uh gosh i have a restaurant nowadays seems like some of the retail stores should be able to still function okay but this is so wrong um restaurant owners those are the ones that just break my heart i know how hard they work i’ve never owned a restaurant but i’ve had friends that have and uh it’s uh it’s a passion of people that own their own restaurants they they have um a drive that a lot of people don’t have and to be crippled like what’s happening to him that the state’s doing to him i don’t know we just all need to do our best to try to help them and support them and i know a lot of them will go back to eating outside or delivery or whatever they can do but uh it’s sad it’s so sad um and yet the big big box stores no problem they just open and they can do all that but the little stores little restaurants are being devoured and it’s just we can’t let that happen it’s up to us the locals we need to step up and support our local businesses uh even as smaller grocery stores support them i know they may be a little more expensive but you know they’re always there when we need them so uh yeah guys um that just i just uh i wish there was something we could do uh the states some states they know how to handle it other states are just crippling businesses and guys it’s really important to uh i mean no they’re not homesteaders no they’re not growing things they’re selling things they’re our uh bread and butter and we need them and we need to support them so guys uh i can’t emphasize enough whatever we could possibly do to help our local businesses we got to do it and you know the more we lose the harder it is for all of us to survive and do what we need to do we need our local businesses so uh i know i intentionally stop at that little espresso store i stop at that little grocery store that’s too expensive buy a few things try to stop at the restaurants that are that you know you love but they’re down 25 percent um you gotta help them so is that enough preaching on that one guys let’s go out there and help our local business so guys have a great day thank you for watching uh hopefully i’ll get my lumber today and uh but sherry you know i have interviews and stuff and it all went really good and it was a happy day for our family so um praise the lord for that and uh yeah life moves on even with all this craziness going on so have a great day guys please like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world we’d appreciate it talk to you later bye thank you very much for watching our video please take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world thanks .