"Easy Checks" A First Review of Web Accessibility - W3C WAI Resource Overview
May 14, 2020 15:29 · 180 words · 1 minute read
Easy checks for web accessibility. Even if you are new to web accessibility and not technical, you can check some aspects of accessibility yourself. “Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility” gives you step-by-step instructions to get a rough idea of the accessibility of any web page. For example, a web page from your own website, from your competitor, or from suppliers you might want to work with. It is not a complete evaluation of accessibility. More assessment by professionals is needed for a definitive and comprehensive evaluation.
00:41 - Sometimes doing just a few of these checks can give you an indication of the overall accessibility. Some checks are simple. For example, looking at the title of the web page displayed in the browser window. You can do most of the checks using any web browser. Some checks are easier using an extension for your browser. Start your accessibility journey right now by doing some Easy Checks. Web accessibility: essential for some, useful for all. For more information on easy checks for web accessibility visit w3.org/WAI/evaluation .