#ChasseurdeFantomes #GhostAdventures #ZakBagans Ghost adventures Hôtel Goldfield

May 4, 2020 22:20 · 3940 words · 19 minute read psychics top 10 spookiest places

nick and i were about to push the limits even further by performing one last investigation aaron could not make this trip from its countless documentations articles and media attention this haunted hotel stands in a class of its own weeks before this production my main goal was to secure an investigation at the goldfield hotel because of its notoriety as one of the most haunted locations in the world and the hotel has tried to have been renovated several times but the ghosts that occupy it won’t let that happen so it sits abandoned and nick and i were to be padlocked inside for an entire night in 2001 the goldfield hotel was featured on scariest places on earth a documentary that aired on the fox network psychics from all over the world claim that the seventh portal or gateway to the spirit world is located in the basement because of its geographic ley lines it houses more evil spirits than any other place we’ve ever been uh red roberts he is the owner of the goldfield hotel the reliable source that this is among the top 10 spookiest places in the world you’ll see a lot of doors but they do their doors to nowhere really because they they want it the former owner like there’s a door there see yeah but in here there’s nothing it’s been this is just a bathroom yeah this one so when me and nick are in here tonight it’s gonna be pretty pitch black huh it’s gonna be black well there’s a little moon later on tonight it’s supposed to be a full moon yeah so we’ll have a that’s that’s that’s a benefit to you yeah why is that a benefit i’ve heard that the full moon provokes more paranormal activity right that’s what i’ve heard is this an original piano that was here it was here when i bought it other than that i can’t say so we don’t know because i don’t know well hopefully hopefully the person that used to play this piano will play some nice music for me and nick later tonight virginia says she’s heard being played with no one here if you came in here there’s supposed to be a gunman up there that they see every once in a while what do you mean by a gunman an old gun really like an old gunslinger yeah so it’s supposed to be the ghost of a gunslinger yeah the ghost of a gunslinger and according to virginia he comes around that corner right over to the left to the left he comes from the north side and stands there in the hallway the time i let you out of here tomorrow morning you will have known this hotel relatively yes yes you may have some stories of your own i kept thinking what it was going to be like during the night being locked inside with no electricity and complete darkness we found a goldfield local who knew of the hotel’s hauntings and told us during the filming of scariest places on earth a camera operator had her camera lifted out of her hands leaving marks on her arms and sustained emotional trauma from the event supposedly lady was holding the camera while the cameraman went upstairs and he told her to be careful with it and it uh took flight with her i guess the camera just lifted up out of her house left marks on her and she took off running i don’t know i heard she started breaking down and crying yeah she’s somebody from this town it was but they’ve never said who it was and i bet we can’t find that person to come with us on the investigation anytime you get her inside the building envy you guys are being allowed to go in there all night yeah that intrigues me about the hotel i believe in orbs i have a son that got killed in an accident at age 10 and i have pictures of where he got heard at and other pictures of a monument that i built for him and i have orbs in those pictures really i saw the pictures of the hotel in the same orbs we found other goldfield locals that seemed to frighten us more than what we were hunting for type activity so although his presence was a bit awkward he did have some credible information regarding the hotel’s paranormal history about room 109. i’ve taken various officials through the building one who ended up being the governor of the state was a camera nut and this camera wouldn’t function this one particular room oh yeah and the same way what room was it you know uh i should put you in room 109 was it supposedly room 109 109. so right now we’re uh we’re trying to track down virginia ridgeway right virginia ridgeway virginia ridgeway was a caretaker for the goldfield hotel over 60 years ago while working there she experienced countless episodes of paranormal activity including hearing voices seeing apparitions and experiencing active poltergeists virginia okay we’re at virginia ridgeway’s house we’re trying to find her we’re getting locked in the hotel tonight for eight hours very good and red i was custodian for 17 years that she has agreed if you remember we’ve been trying to contact her for a long time so we’re blessed and that she’s gonna she’s participating she’s gonna get dressed and i want her to take this car and follow us over there look at this thing it’s great is that a golf cart she is going to come over to the goldfield hotel with us right now virginia used to be a caretaker for the goldfield hotel when it was in operation many years ago wasn’t in operation but it was many many years many many years last paying guest was world war ii wow and virginia knows a lot about the paranormal activity that has occurred there because of your many of experiences with it exactly and she’s going to take us there and she’s going to show us exactly what places we feel presences and and what other things have happened i have had psychics i’m getting cold chills this is a wonderful time it’s almost a full moon tonight the lady was yes yes now i have had psychics from all over the world touring here and i don’t tell them anything and they walk in here and they describe the same thing i have not seen it i right now i am completely chill i have never seen it i have stood there and they’re talking and answering and talking and i’m out there and i’ve got cold chills and i’m talking about italy france germany all of these people now what they say 109. this is 109. the psychic said this is before it was remodeled that she was chained here to a pipe and there was a pipe here when it’s when they started remodeling and having okay and i have a picture of her floating here with her hair down right here with this chain so virginia you were actually picked up and thrown against a wall in here in here but we had so much disturbance i had one of my friends who does things with sea salt and bewitching and another friend of hers and she was here making a pentagram with sea salt and holy water and i’m standing over here which was a little further back than this and i’m standing right here watching and the two people are doing their their mystic thing to get rid of the ghost and i was picked up under the arms i could feel the pressure and slammed against this wall about this knife off the ground okay i had a couple of men i didn’t know wasn’t thinking and they had infrared and they were ghostbusters and they wanted to come into the hotel so i took them down took them everywhere took them down in the basement and i’ll show you where and what happened so we’re going down to the basement right now we’re going down into the basement yes okay well we put a sump pump in but it was a tunnel that went down and over across the street and it also went over to the prostitution area where the men who were the only ones down here barber shop showers and such could go to the house of prostitution come back go up to their wives and every flashlight three flashlights went out in here it was the dark of the moon nobody had a match nothing it was so cold and so scary and these two strangers to me i said hold on to me and we felt our way out went back up got to the first floor went to the door and i said let me go across the street to the glory hole and get some batteries and they said no thank you ma’am and they left and they never returned more often than not someone on a tour a psychic tour would be pushed coming down these stairs right here you would feel on the back including me a push right here that’s what i call the psychic room and it’s a pass-through to other worlds to other dimensions and you’ll feel it when you get down here whoa stop right there do you feel the breeze i found a little breeze but no no your fingers should be tingling at the tips this this thing that’s watch for smoke watch for smoke or clouds or something watch for noise they do make noise after hearing the real stories from a crediblex employee who spent 17 years working here we’d be lying if we said we weren’t doubting still being locked inside man it is so cold down here where are you come on this is the coldest room and the darkest room in the whole hotel elizabeth hello i’m back i’ll be coming back quite often is there anything you need can you talk to me at this exact time during the investigation we captured this evp on our digital recorder we believe it is elizabeth communicating with virginia listen closely as we enhance the audio from the digital recorder nick is holding can you talk to me can you talk to me you may have gotten some on it that you’ll have to enhance who’s here how many spirits are here welcome to the circle what is your name bobby what do you want from us our seance was interrupted by unexplained noises coming from the second floor you heard the sounds coming from back here right i heard the sounds coming up and on the first floor coming down the stairs i heard that too i heard somebody coming from back there like they’re coming up behind me around the corner and i felt it virginia had no idea she was temporarily possessed with red and virginia leaving we were now locked inside the goldfield hotel me and nick are officially locked inside the goldfield hotel so we’re going to start this off with um nick is going to follow me around and i’m going to take some digital photographs of everywhere we’re going to go on we’re going gonna go on every floor uh the basement the first floor the second floor the third floor i’m gonna go around and take digital photographs see if we can get any orbs or any other kind of phenomena captured on digital camera so let’s go over here to room 109 where the the prostitute was chained to the radiator where she was only left with food and water and where she eventually died it is claimed that the original owner who built the hotel in 1908 george winfield got a prostitute named elizabeth pregnant in the 1930s winfield was said to chain elizabeth to a radiator in this room until the baby was born reportedly he threw the baby down a mine shaft in the north end of the basement then starved elizabeth to death very cold we know you’re in here elizabeth we know what george winfield did to you we know he chained you to this radiator we want to talk to you we want to contact you i don’t know did you hear that yeah it was in here come on stay there stay there stay there cover up the light cover up the light if you look very closely you’ll notice that this very large and defined spirit orb we captured is behind the door frame about 20 feet from us elizabeth was that you or was that you george winfield you coward you’re the evil one who haunts this place well you’re not going to scare us you evil bastard you’re the one everybody’s been saying that chained elizabeth up to the radiator we want to talk to you are you such a big man now give us another sign right now give us a sign that you’re here make another noise we want to hear you that’s what i thought you’re a coward so not feeling anything in here yet see when we’re walking around doing this when we feel something you’ll know it okay we’ve walked all around here i haven’t felt anything yet i haven’t felt any presences yet when you feel something if you’ve never done this when you feel something you walk you like walk into a room in your your whole body goes completely your skin feels like clammy and cold and there’s something weird happens in your in your head and you’ll see what we mean if we find one of those spots we captured these orbs throughout the investigation so elizabeth make a noise right now give us a sign of your presence now i know what george winfield did to you you can easily see this orb manifest itself then disappear i do recall an icy feeling and now that i see this footage i believe this is elizabeth touching my arm i know he chained you to this radiator do you want us to leave do you hear that keep hearing footsteps in the hallway nick um do you hear that where is that coming from it sounded fun behind i heard juice here we go what’s that at the bottom right corner bottom right corner what let’s just who’s there i thought it was coming from over here did you hear from behind us yeah what you can’t hear or visually see is the unnerving sensation we felt walking through these hallways it’s that feeling you have when you sense people are staring at you like there were people standing everywhere looking out at us as we pass by their rooms let’s go down here a little bit is it just music i feel it too come on you shoot inside all these rooms someone there someone there i’m gonna go this way there’s someone there give us a sign dude look right there come here come here come here look no stop stop stop stop stop do you see that oh whoa holy shit did you just see something or is that just me or is that a shadow what did you see because i wasn’t really looking what did it look like is there someone there oh it’s fucking freezing right here too where did you see it we reached the spot where we saw the unexplained movement were confused of what this activity may have been we ruled out the possibility of it being our shadow because it didn’t synchronize with our movement nick claimed he may have captured this event on his camera and we focused our attention to his lcd screen we play it back so what did you see you saw someone like hold on i gotta go back i could go back a little further right here it’s coming up go back go back go back go back go back go back no no it’s coming yeah you could see a figure right there do you see it over your finger right there damn did you see a fucking move watch for smoke watch for smoke or clouds or something was this the ghost of the gunslinger virginia and red were both telling us about hours ago it comes around that corner and stands there in the hallway as you remember we immediately went to where we saw the figure and we looked around the corner where it disappeared to find there was nothing but a barricaded stairwell it was time to head into the basement where the seventh portal is believed to be located and also where george winfield threw elizabeth’s baby down the mine shaft we were completely unaware of what was about to happen our infrared cameras will tell the rest okay we’re heading down into the into the basement right now man it feels heavy down here all right so what the fuck was that did you hear that yeah wait nick stop stop stop stop stop stop wait just hold on a second hold on hold on did you hear that too did you hear that too so come on where did you hear that come from where nick sit down sit down for a second just sit down for a second sit down for a second sit down tell me you didn’t fucking hear that who’s there did you hear that oh my god who’s there is there somebody there thank you who’s there give us another sign listen behind you nick i’m starting a little freaked out here buddy i really am oh is there somebody there what do you think what nick meant earlier when we first stepped down into the basement about a heavy feeling there was a sense of heaviness like we were walking through water when spirits have the ability to manifest or move objects they will use your energy leaving you feeling drained or lethargic whoa holy holy shit stop stop just fucking stop for a second please i’m a little fucking freaked out right now just stop just film this are you filming this yes did you hear that i’m trying right now i’m filming jesus christ it’s coming from back here bro hold on okay we hear you we hear you and we don’t think that you’re a very nice spirit because you’re you’re making noises you’re throwing shit but we have no fear of you okay we have absolutely no fear of you nick you go in there first you want me to go in is that you making all that noise what room is that you making all the noise holy shit oh my god holy stop stop go go go go go go ah nick where are you jesus christ please help me hey nick come on how could we run from something that we’ve been trying to capture for months there are limits beyond our own cognitive control that we cannot withstand no matter how brave you are we may have run but we ran with this imprinted on our film reels i’m going to take a look at some additional footage captured by zack and nick i’m going to give an analysis to see if it’s been tampered with all right i’ve got some editing software that is used for infrared and night vision cameras and surveillance cameras that allows you to pick up things that you can’t see normally with the naked eye so we’re going to go ahead and get started with that right now all right we’re going to take a look at some footage here of a brick that takes flight and here you can see it go off right here right there i’m going to bring up some graphics right here in a second that’s going to show you of a straight line on which if the brick was launched or pulled in any way that it would have gone in a straight line and you’ll be able to see that underneath the line you’ll be able to see the brick come right here underneath the line there kind of dipped down underneath of it right there here’s another view of it dipped down and kind of went in an arch there so in my opinion that it doesn’t look like it’s been tampered with it looks like that some something uh through this brick the next thing that i visually observed is the spinning of the brick okay i’m using the vector scope here to enhance the video uh i’m getting rid of the ambient noise or the fuzz to see if there’s any fishing line or rope or string or something attached to the brick and you would see it uh with in in through the video here you’d be able to see the lines of of it especially after this brick takes flight and clearly there’s nothing here all right one of the other things that i found on this video after i cleaned it up with the vectorscope is uh there’s a board back here that you can you can’t really see back here now but after i clean it up you’re going to be able to see this board take off from behind the brick it kind of levitates itself up and flies the opposite side of the brick this board right here it just goes off backwards and uh and the brick is going one way and even with the vector scope i couldn’t i analyzed the area with the vector scope it’s just something that’s really unexplainable i am victor quang and i teach physics at unlv and i’m interested in taking a look at some of the footage that uh presented to me and on a flying break that’s kind of mysterious to me i’m interested in finding out what has happened and provide certain explanations if there is a string you probably can see that because you are actually using light i mean to follow that object and then if you follow that object the reflection from this from the string can clearly be seen with the side with the size of that brick uh in order to do this without breaking you know to lift that break in such a short time there’s a tremendous amount of force so the size of the string have to be relatively large it should be observable i went by and nobody was there and it was long we weren’t there because after we got the message to get out we then got split up and it didn’t end there after listening to the video footage of me yelling for nick we captured this evp on nick’s camera which sounds like a spirit standing right in front of his face screaming his name we had the video analyst show us where this disembodied voice carried its own frequency i then heard an unexplained sound that clearly resembled a child’s or female’s voice we weren’t able to decipher any message it was trying to say after that loud bang i don’t remember how i found him but nick was confused and in a state of shock we tried to get out but the door was padlocked so we jumped from the second floor fire escape .