GNOME 3.38: Initial Parental Control Support on Shell

Apr 8, 2020 21:39 · 217 words · 2 minute read endless yellow switch work comes

I had demoed that before so I will go super fast this time, and what’s new is the Shell hooks that are also merged on master. And if that matters to you? That work comes directly from Endless! So, I’m on Meiko’s desktop and she’s a 10 years old girl from Anohana, and she has birthday in September 18th. And yet? She always stays 10! And after this very useful anime wiki, if we go to applications, and for example we open Photos ..well? We may get things that will destroy Meiko’s pure soul for ever! This is unacceptable, so what we can do is to open Parental Control app, that we can also launch it from inside Settings. There is a merge request for that but I haven’t built it.

00:45 - The app will automatically identify Meiko as a child, because she is the only user without administrative privileges. So next we want to go to “Restrict Applications”, search for Photos app, and forbid it exclusively for Meiko :( Hmm, a yellow switch? Anyway, so now if we search again for Photos on Shell overview, it won’t be there! And that video is over! There are also hooks on GNOME Software and Flatpak, but I will do an overall review when every bit lands. .