How to Edit Architectural 3d Renderings | Tutorial
Jun 3, 2020 18:00 · 1963 words · 10 minute read
So awesome to see your smiling faces and they see some of you guys have eye bugs how’d you know that welcome to another architectural video so for today’s video I’m going to be teaching you guys how to edit your 3d renderings to take it from this to this boy that’ll look really stupid if I didn’t edit any images while I was like waving in the air like note to self edit photos in video later okay you’re not the boss of me but I’m you to take it from this to this first thing we are going to learn is how to export your render images so for this video I’m going to be using v-ray for Sketchup 2.0 so this could also be used with v-ray 3.6 or any higher versions of v-ray so if you have higher versions don’t worry this video will also work for you so first thing we are going to do I’m going to teach you a hat not really sure if you can call this a hack but when I first saw this whole technique thingy it really blew my mind like how the Deathstar blew other on too soon anyway shout out to Star Wars fans out there I’m a huge fan of Star Wars I’m going off-topic anyways getting on with the video okay so here’s the hack guys as you can see in my screen I have pre-rendered this whole 3d image right here so what we are going to is we are going to edit the image a little bit on Sketchup so just click these three toggle thingies on the bottom use color levels correction use color curve correction and use exposure correction okay so click those three toggles and then click the first toggle and then this huge box with a ton of things will come out the only thing you need to adjust here is the histogram so you drag this slider to the left to make it a little bit brighter because our image seems too dark for me and then you drag this other one a little bit to the left okay so the colors are going to look a little bit washed out but that’s fine we are going to edit that in post okay now it’s time to export it click on save all image channels it’s this two floppy disk thingies alright now that you have clicked that you could save your file either as a JPEG or a bitmap but I prefer bitmap because it sounds cooler generally I think bitmaps are better than JPEG so yeah sorry it’s all the JPEG lovers out there okay now that you have saved that open it with Photoshop okay now that we have open it with Photoshop click the background image and then press ctrl J to duplicate the background and make the background invisible so that background image is gonna be our backup just in case we mess up with the whole image we can always go back to the background image and then duplicate it again now that we have this we are just going to add a little bit more contrast and then just add a little bit more brightness let’s add a little bit more contrast okay now we’re just going to add a little bit more hue so I’ll click that again and let’s make that a little bit more saturated okay once you’re happy with your image place that inside the folder because you know organization is key to any Photoshop file let’s just name it folder one all right now that we have made the new folder for organization sake create a new layer by pressing ctrl shift and press ok and then what we are going to do is you are going to put light hits on your light there there and there whoa that just took the image from mediocre to super awesome looking okay so how did I do this light hits you ask okay I’m going to teach you guys this little technique that I do it’s not really a hack it’s just a technique so let’s delete that layer and create a new layer click on the brush tool or press B and then go to your brush options and click this tiny arrow thingy on the upper right corner okay so here you should see a bunch of brush presets okay so I already pre downloaded Adobe Photoshop brush presets into my Photoshop so in order to do so you just have to go to the internet type in Google Adobe brush presets there we go just look for the website that’s called brush easy and then type light so once you’ve done that you can see a bunch of lens flares just download any of these brush presets that like pickles your fancy or whatnot tickles your fancy that I never used that sentence in your life I don’t know why I decided to use that in this video but okay so download one of those go to the folder which you save Photoshop in and then go inside the presets folder and then go inside the brushes folder and just paste whatever you downloaded from the website into this brushes folder after doing so the brush that you have downloaded and pasted into this folder should already come out into this whole toolbar right here so we’ll just click on lights click okay and then we I’m going to choose the third one here now the only thing we have to do is change the foreground color to white and then adjust the brush to your preference and there you go okay so I like to use this lens flares where light is supposed to be shining through so I use this for lights when I forgot to like put lights in my rendering and then there’s a light bulb right here let’s just put the lens flare there and see this big light right here boom okay so that doesn’t look that realistic so what we are going to do is we are going to dodge that part so what the Dodge tool does is it basically lightens any of the part that you brush over with so let’s just dodge that whole area right there I think that’s fine but I think my lens flare isn’t big enough so let’s just erase the lens flare we did a while ago and then repeat it with the larger lens flare boom okay that looks pretty good to me okay now that we’re done with that we are going to add a little bit of life on our window because right now our window is just pure white and I really want to see a little bit of background maybe a forest outside that window that is going to add a little bit more like if so here’s what you do remember a while ago when I told you guys to save all image channels okay so what that means is it saves this main rendering and then saves an alpha Channel okay so I’ll teach you guys how to use an alpha Channel go to the folder from which exported your whole rendering and then select the corresponding alpha image so for me it is this test 1 - alpha that BMP okay drag that into your Photoshop and there we go okay so let’s just duplicate that ctrl J and then drag it into our rendering all right so now what we have to do is just align it with our rendering now that we have lined that with the rendering just use the magic wand tool and then right click color range so what this does is going to select whatever color you click on the image so let’s click on this part okay now that we have selected that color make that layer invisible go to your main rendering image and then click delete so what that does is it deletes the whole background off your Sketchup image so this only works if your windows are totally see-through if there’s something blocking your windows this whole alpha channel thing it won’t work now go to google and search for a background now that you have chosen your back image just drag that into Photoshop bring that into your project space and then put it at the background okay we have that in the background okay I think that background looks super fake because the background is all dark and then our window is all bright and stuff so what we have to do is you have to brighten that background image so click that and just increase the brightness okay I think that background looks fine once you’re happy with how your whole background looks and how it incorporates into your rendering now it’s time for the final touches in your image so what you’re going to do is basically dodge and burn your whole rendering to your liking so when I say dodge and burn basically I’m just going to begin dodging the floor and whoo okay look how better that looks so the floor looks a little bit lighter now and then I think I’m going to make the ceiling a little bit lighter so we are going to dodge that and dodge that walk a little bit you’re going to dodge this area all right okay so I think I’m happy with how the dodging process went so time to save the image name your files are specific as possible so sample render edit for video okay also put a date September 17 2018 that way you can easily search it okay so save it as a Photoshop file this is super crucial okay saving it as a Photoshop file enables you to edit this image later now that you have saved it as a Photoshop file save it again as a JPEG file so that you can upload it to your social medias like your Instagram or your Facebook so you can brag dear friends how good you are at rendering already don’t do that on bragging it’s bad guys okay so let’s save that again it’s a JPEG file and make sure that the quality is in the maximum range all right click OK and boom I think we are done guys so let’s check that out here’s the before and then here’s the after boom oh oh look look how much better a little bit of Photoshop could do to your images I guess that is the whole video I hope you liked it and I hope you learned something new especially the hack I told you about the first part of this video thank you for watching this video guys and thank you for subscribing it means a lot to me and I have currently reached 10,000 subscribers like wall that is totally unbelievable to me I thought 10,000 subscribers would like take me 3 years or something like that but yeah I reached 10,000 subscribers so thank you so much for subscribing and supporting my channel guys it means a lot to me you don’t know how happy I am when I found out that I got 10,000 subscribers I was basically like I found that out in the night so I was like making sure that I don’t wake up anyone I don’t know why I’m oversharing this to you guys this video is probably 10 minutes long now but anyways I would just like to thank you guys again for subscribing I will see you guys on my next video flying please .