Can they make it 2 defenses in a row? – Athena vs FIRA – Fortress Siege #74 - L2R

Nov 7, 2020 19:22 · 1272 words · 6 minute read five minutes marker saw calypso

What’s up everybody, welcome back to Redthorn’s Gaming. i’ve got Fortress Siege #74 here in Lineage 2 Revolution. Let’s go! so there are two real fights one of them i believe has is like a hundred million or something different combat power difference between two clans that would be notorious versus down here Legacy at 388 and what did notorious have they had 500 million i mean that’s even more than 100 million now that’s crazy so we’re not going to do that one obviously number eight fira 505 versus number 14 456 that’s a little under 50 million that number has been bouncing all over the place we’re gonna do it it’s been a couple of weeks i need to get a fortune to see this video out there fira versus athena fear a part of fire and ice and athena is part of patron bonkin at leader of athena and it’s interesting because he’s got higher higher cp individuals here to take leader but you know it is what it is epic failure shout out to epic failer he’s in my server my discord server 11.6 million let’s see what was paid this is for an s grade fortress vera one adeno over 500 000 great job let’s head into the battlefield athena in the blue on the top the defender spira in the red on the bottom the attackers the ones we will be following unless the situation dictates otherwise we have two minutes and 12 seconds before the beginning of this battle and i will see you then 10 seconds good luck to athena five sex before we begin good luck fira and here we go for siege number 74 athena defending against fira i don’t anticipate this battle lasting less than five minutes so we have a video i mean i don’t know it’s it could last five minutes or less than five minutes i just don’t see it happening then it interrupted fear of about two seconds and 10 buff for the next three minutes for fira i could be completely 100 wrong barrel over halfway 30 percent up for the next two minutes 33 seconds now they’re just gonna go here this this may last less than five minutes wow ah anything’s possible but if anybody’s wondering why i’m talking about less than five minutes if a battle lasts less than five minutes i toss the video out i’m not gonna waste my money time or effort i’m not gonna waste any money but i’m not going to waste my time and effort to uh to do this video which it’s taking them some time to take this down but they are just yeah that power’s gone there goes the first defensive tower of the non-swan gate of athena fiera was one minute 20 seconds remaining in their 30 buff okay we know that that tower’s more or less gone like what’s going on over here people are just fighting each other to fight each other has anybody tried here no and there goes the non-spawn gate of athena they have two minutes before five minutes marker here is just crushing their way through i think that’s trying to set up a wall here shout out to amy marie for lending a hand to athena the altar the altar yep this is lasting more than five minutes guarantee it imprinting epic failer waltzing up there getting 3.6 seconds of time athena pushing back fira who just got a 30 buff for two minutes two seconds there’s skeleton jack shout out to skeleton jack you know he’s up there in the numbers at like 17 million or some craziness i wonder what happens see there’s epic failure but they don’t have a crown on top of their head which would normally allow them to allow others to know that this is the leader of fira or more easily identifiable we know epic failure is the leader of era got it but in this massive insanity here a crown usually goes a long way there’s just oh my goodness fear is here in force now heirloom arrow limb still plays this game shout out to heirloom holy artifact defense tower is gone oh there’s a name everyone should keep track of rufio i think rufio was another yeah i think he was 17.

8 less i saw him 08:47 - and he’s an archer so this might he’s an archer so if you’re going to try to imprint he’s going to shoot the hell out of you so unless you can stop him rufio is oh i’m sorry rufio’s over here never mind but look at him look at him go he knows what he’s doing i’d like to see skeleton jack and rufio go one on one that would be super awesome this is just insanity right here i think athena has enough mercenaries to drag this out for 30 minutes i don’t see skeleton jack amy or amy murray epic failure to to complete a full-on uh imprint i just don’t see it happening i could be wrong eight seconds before fear wins this battle interrupted at seven seconds well they came back in force uh athena came down here and just said nope back off sherby shout out to cherby there’s another one you see him in uh the coliseum or something i don’t know why i thought rufio all because it’s these names are in blue so i thought he was blue team epic failure 10 seconds interrupted at six seconds i got one second full more 48.7 seconds yeah i think it’s kind of obvious how this battle is going to go down here is just keeping them up here athena can’t even get anything going other than a defense that’s it and there goes the final holy artifact defense tower i think we just have a slugfest going on right now i don’t even have to move the joystick i don’t do anything i can just stand here where’s epic failure i mean look you got a wide open holy artifact right here boy fear must be pissed or something or they’re trying to play open siege and stop stop everybody from stopping them they are playing open seas what okay i understand why you’re doing it but there’s nobody here in this right now because that’s there’s no point to that the altar let me rephrase that there’s no point to epic failure taking part in this when they could be winning this battle the there you go finally geez louise bro i mean you you’ve got this in the bag eight seconds we know how this is gonna end there’s no blue around oh never mind calypso came out of nowhere four seconds remaining couldn’t do it trying again is another blue gonna sneak through because they might there’s calypso again hey congratulations to fira for successfully taking the s great fortress away from athena here are your stats not really sure what happened there we saw calypso going crazy against epic failure but i guess they couldn’t uh interrupt him or something that battle laps lasted what 10 minutes uh about eight minutes or so there are your stats so i’m pretty sure this one yeah notorious one that they were you know 100 million plus so congratulations once again to fira don’t forget to like subscribe and share this video and hit me up on discord or yes i got my twitter account back twitter thanks so much for watching and i will see you again .