5 ფუტკრის ნაკბენი ! მტკინვეული გამოცდილება-BBR WILD #15
Oct 29, 2020 17:00 · 214 words · 2 minute read
one,two,three……(pain) Hello you are watching BBR WILD This is the fifteenth episode.I have been trying to catch Wasp for a long time. But I could not catch it, it is the end of October and it is cold..at least I will try if I catch it I will bite and shoot a video..and I will tell you why I am doing this I will show you how much damage it can do, what kind of pain it is and what to do now..I do not like it, nor do I do it because of the views! I am happy with this and I will show it to you Today in this video a few bees are biting..
it will appear well in the camera 01:39 - I have 4 bees in this container. This is what I managed to catch in 4-5 minutes Let’s see what they can do against me If a person has an allergy to bee stings, it is very dangerous. I have not been allergic to it for years and we will see if anything has changed. Now I will prepare and catch one bite. I will try to put it in this place What a pain….. God… (pain) The air is good..now I will remove it with tweezers .