Lab Students want you to know

Mar 10, 2021 23:06 · 9794 words · 46 minute read

Tendence thing down would probably do that again, but this way I won’t forget at least most of you that are here.

00:11 - Um? And then I can. Stop sharing this.

00:20 - And start sharing. The activity sheet. If I can find the activity sheet desktop browser.

00:45 - I find that sometimes teams doesn’t show me the window that I want. To share.

00:52 - And I hate to do the whole desktop. Let me. I can share that one. Nope. He how do I share that? I’ll do it this way.

01:25 - And then I’ll just move this over. That it’s like a set of of windows or a set of tabs that allow me share and effective.

01:37 - I’m not sharing that it’s a problem. Alright, thank you for helping me for putting up with that quick thing, so we’re going to talk about.

01:47 - Um student input and what students want us to know, um? I imagine that.

01:54 - Many, if not all of us regularly get feedback from our students, and we do this in in a number of ways, right? Um, the most obvious one is mid semester value or end of semester evaluations, right? And then we hear what they thought and then next semester we say, Oh well, they didn’t like that thing that they mentioned or they didn’t like the way that I.

02:16 - You don’t wear my hair or whatever, so I’ll change that if I can or forget them.

02:21 - I’m doing it anyway, right? And that’s perfectly valid if.

02:26 - This is a good reason to write, and if it’s an extra work, we’re not going to make changes based on frivolous requests.

02:34 - Some of us do multiple throughout the semester.

02:37 - We might say alright, submit the beginning of the Earth.

02:39 - It’s the middle of the semester. Let’s have an informal survey, not the official APHIS end of the semester one, but something halfway between and see how we’re doing right.

02:48 - Check and see what’s going on. Um, some people might do that every other week, every week.

02:55 - Um, some people will put questions reflective questions into the every assignment and say.

03:02 - Alright, we’re doing this activity.

03:03 - We’re doing this assignment reflect on that.

03:05 - Tell us how you’re doing. Why do we do that right? Why do we do that? Side suggested there’s lots of reasons to do that to get their feedback, and one of the biggest ones is we don’t know them and.

03:23 - Why not empower them to get them thinking about how they learn what they’re learning, and use that to improve our teaching if we can? There’s a thing in here.

03:34 - We’ve got five things right. We don’t know, especially for teaching remotely.

03:38 - We don’t know what their home situation is like.

03:43 - They have lots of different classes, right? We usually have the way that we teach, and that’s often it.

03:49 - We, often many of us, don’t have conversations all the time with different instructors and the.

03:55 - Share what they do every day right in their classes. The students.

03:59 - Every day they’ve got three or four other classes that they’re experiencing different teaching methods.

04:03 - Some of those methods are really cool, and if only we knew about them, we would grab on it and do that as well.

04:13 - The more that we ask, the more they start thinking about, well, how? How do I learn what is you know? What is my learning process like for me as a student versus? What is expected of me? I’m or is what I’m doing effective? Or should I find some better time management techniques and learning techniques? Am I getting the learning objectives that that are expected? They can reflect on what they learn.

04:41 - They will start to care to notice that we are carrying for them right, and this is really important.

04:47 - One of the biggest SuccessFactors out for students to help them graduate is sort of the indicators is if they can answer the question my instructor cares about me and my learning.

04:58 - So how do we show them that we care about them in their learning? Well, how do you show somebody that you care? Ask them, right? You ask, you ask them questions.

05:07 - You show interest in their in their life and life situation.

05:11 - Then when we hear what’s happening in their life and their learning, when we address some of those things and again some of the things might be pie in the Sky and just not practical for us to be able to address.

05:23 - But if we can address them now, all of a sudden they’re saying, well, not only are they listening to us, not only is our instructors listening to us, but they’re making changes.

05:32 - I have a voice in this classroom. I am empowered to take more responsibility for my learning is not just being pushed at me, but I’m actually, you know I have agency.

05:41 - ‘cause my instructor is empowering me with that agency.

05:46 - And that builds connection. And you know, if you have discussions with other students in the class, they start saying I’m not the only one who’s in this situation and that builds connection between the students.

05:58 - There’s all kinds of benefits there. I’m.

06:02 - Sometimes we have perceptions that are just flat out wrong, right? And students do that too.

06:07 - If you have ever been on Reddit you will see lots of opportunities, lots of examples of students who say one thing and they’re like that’s not really the full understanding of what’s happening from a teaching perspective.

06:21 - I’m thinking of the slash professors sub thread and read it, for example, or.

06:27 - Slash matters slash UW Madison. Sub thread.

06:29 - There’s a lot of misconceptions out there, but our perceptions feel very real to us.

06:36 - Our perceptions are our reality, and unless we go in and are challenged in those and you know, gently.

06:44 - Then that becomes sort of the the truth that we’re that we’re at.

06:51 - Alright, now I already talked about that and I already talked about that so.

06:56 - Where do we get that information? Well, we’ve all done this.

07:00 - We’ve gotten information from our from our students indirectly through their reactions through the work that they’ve done through these surveys.

07:08 - But there are also some formulaic places that we’ve gotten these, so this.

07:14 - Recent Fall 2020 survey just came out with the results.

07:19 - They’ve been processing them throughout the winter and here they are released recently.

07:26 - And Jamie Hanke has now said Megan Megan Schmidt is here, and she’s able and willing to talk in depth about that report on the undergraduate student needs and expectations.

07:38 - Jamie Hanke is here as well. She’s been in charge of the UCLASS program, which is the undergraduate. Oh boy.

07:50 - Sharespace thank you undergraduate chat, learn and share spaces.

07:54 - If I write and they’ve been doing this since.

07:59 - 2015, 2014 it’s been awhile. Uh, and where they will just go in and meet with students and say hey students, what are your thoughts on this teaching and learning situation? And it’s it’s kind of cool.

08:13 - I’ve been in a number of them there. The students feel empowered to share to speak up the faculty that are there.

08:21 - Are very respectful and sort of in the background.

08:24 - They’re there to listen and not to like preach to the students about.

08:28 - Well, you should do this. That and the other thing more often, I’ve highlighted on the activity sheet at the very bottom.

08:35 - Here are some links to the resources that we’ve put together over the years.

08:39 - From that, I guess March 2016 and I remember the office hours the student hours.

08:44 - Just a simple thing like changing. Changing it.

08:48 - Changing what you call those what you call office hours from office hours, which can be very intimidating to students to student hours where it’s about them and not about.

08:58 - Then coming into your office, seeing your degrees behind you, your impressive stacks of books and then feeling you know, slighted, small.

09:08 - You know, not powerful, not feeling, you know.

09:14 - Submitting to your authority, I guess. That’s a simple little twist, simple little change, and it makes a big difference to help them feel more welcome.

09:24 - Alright. So that’s why to do it in the end, there are more reasons that I’m sure that you all can come up with and I will invite you to raise your hand at any point, or unmute yourself and just jump in with another thought or something that you see that you wanted to talk more about.

09:44 - I would love to have those conversations. You can add that in chat if you’d like to.

09:49 - The link that I put in chat to the activity sheet that I see most of you are in.

09:55 - We now have crossed the red spot of it, where there are questions, there’s a table of.

10:00 - An opportunity for you, right? Questions that you think we should address in this lab.

10:05 - And don’t think of it necessarily, as these are things that I’m, you know, burning up, trying to figure out, but they can also be questions that you’ve heard or topics that you’ve heard that we should probably maybe address or on behalf of someone else.

10:21 - Here’s a question that we should address. So start filling up that left hand column with the questions, topics, issues that we should talk about.

10:30 - And because, again, you all have experience as educators.

10:34 - On the right hand column, if you see something that you’d like to address and you don’t want to raise your hand or unmute yourself or put it in chat.

10:41 - You can just add a bullet point on the right hand side and start filling up that and that way we’re drawing on each other’s expertise and it’s super cool when that happens. So.

10:54 - Back to that survey, the false survey. The students put together, uh, well.

11:00 - This survey analyzers put together 5 themes that they got out of the survey.

11:06 - The students spoke about kind of fell into five buckets and Megan.

11:10 - I want you to jump in anytime that you feel that I’m saying something wrong, or if you just want to jump in and introduce yourself.

11:18 - You could do that as well. Fiction keep going alright and those five things are in course design across organization and design.

11:28 - The empathy and understanding building community and engagement in the areas of office hours and individual meetings and flexibility and support.

11:40 - Now these five things, if you Scroll down on the activity sheet, you will see that they are mimicked down here and I will invite you all to add to these.

11:52 - So in Blue, here’s a quote from a student from the survey, right? And here’s another quote, so I took a look at that and I said alright.

12:01 - So what are some supportive practices that wouldn’t that would? Support this concerns, or the ways that they felt supported or the issues that the students identified and I said, well.

12:10 - Here’s an easy one. Here’s an easy 10. I don’t have a medium one.

12:14 - If you have something in your brain that’s like, oh, this is an easy thing to do.

12:19 - Or this is a kind of more complicated thing to do. Or this is a really difficult thing to do.

12:26 - Down easy things. Put down medium things.

12:28 - The difficult ones say. Here’s a challenge.

12:31 - We build everything from scratch, you know, at the minute detail, but maybe it’s worth it for you.

12:36 - So give people the options and maybe we could figure out what the challenges are and make those processes earlier easier to do so.

12:45 - Sharing there with us. I invite you to do that.

12:50 - John kinds add 1 little nugget of Contacts here.

12:54 - So these five themes emerged from a qualitative question on the fall survey to undergraduate students, and the question went something like.

13:02 - What are your instructors doing to support your learning, right? So these are practices that are already happening that students found really helpful and I wanted to note that to also just validate some of the things that people are already doing right.

13:16 - And when we ask them what they wanted to see in spring, they basically mentioned most of these things again and a few specific practices as well.

13:25 - So just wanted to validate all the wonderful things that are happening and put some context around.

13:32 - Kind of these five thematic areas and I think that’s a beautiful place to start with.

13:38 - Just about any conversation on teaching and learning and improving your practice.

13:42 - Step one, recognize what you’re already doing because.

13:46 - A lot of these things we sort of intuitively do we do it as part of our face to face teaching in ways that we might not even realize we do it as part of our remote teaching in ways that we might not even realize so.

13:59 - Start off with, you know, a simple analysis or reflection just as we want to ask.

14:03 - Our students reflect on their learning. Reflect on your teaching and the things that you are already doing, and look at that.

14:11 - Look at that list of successes already and now start there.

14:14 - What are you already doing? Is there a way to tweak it to make it a little bit more successful? Build on the foundation that you’ve already got and you know.

14:23 - Don’t think Oh my gosh, how am I going to do this? I’ve got to start from scratch.

14:28 - You’re not starting from scratch, you already got a good foundation and you can just add one more thing.

14:33 - If you had one more thing you know next week.

14:36 - You’re winning, you’re winning the game. If you had another thing the week after that, another thing week after that, you know Lookout, Lookout students.

14:43 - They’re going to feel so supported, right? Alright, I want to take a few seconds here to invite you all to.

14:54 - Think about some of those things that you’re already doing, and think about this whole concept of what are some of the things that you’ve heard from students.

15:05 - As far as practices that support them, not from the survey, but what are things that you’ve heard in the teaching in the as a student? Maybe you felt it so you can speak to that.

15:17 - You might have heard from other instructors or other students from other classes that these are things that happened in my class where they have been very successful.

15:26 - We do this informally, but we usually don’t think about it so.

15:32 - I’m gonna give you like 30 seconds to think about that.

15:36 - And then I’m gonna invite you to raise your hand and unmute and share that with us.

15:41 - Or let’s take some time and fill out the. The chart if you if we like.

16:32 - Alright. Anybody want to raise your hand and? Sure thing that you do or have heard of that is supportive for students that students say is supports their learning.

16:56 - I’ll jump in John. This is Tracy Maloney high, great I’d races.

17:00 - Hi um I put in the comment the second comment on the chart there man I work with a lot of students who as I think is reflected in the comments through that survey.

17:12 - Which is some of our students, especially our new students.

17:15 - They come into canvas and every class is so set up so differently and I know with the students that I work with their thinking about, especially in this online world we are in is with discussions or do which day and there is an original post.

17:30 - But then there’s a response post in one of their classes.

17:33 - It shows up in their calendar. Because the instructor puts it in is whatever I think point related or what have you, so it shows up as in the due dates.

17:42 - And then there are others that don’t. So when they hop on to their dashboard and they go directly to that calendar, despite the fact that many of us advise them like you really should look at the syllabi, don’t just rely on canvas ‘cause it’s you know changes and it’s not consistent and some professors manage it better than others, etc etc.

18:01 - That they get flummoxed when they see that they are.

18:05 - They’ve missed out on points or opportunities, so I would encourage from the work that I do with students that if it’s if you’re looking to see for more discussion or conversation in those platforms.

18:19 - If you can put it in a way that shows up in the calendar, that’s extraordinarily helpful, because what they’re juggling is just huge, and especially those classes that don’t have consistent patterns or rituals.

18:34 - That’s really difficult to manage, so if the calendar is used, that does help him not miss things because it’s just.

18:39 - It’s a lot. Yeah, it’s it’s. It’s a lot, and the calendar is a thing that.

18:46 - Speaking frankly, as an instructor, I do not use it as often as I should.

18:50 - I’m not as aware of it as I should because it’s just my classes on there and I’m, you know, I just teach the classes that I teach, but if you think about it from a student perspective, it’s all of the classes and they all mixed together, right? So? If I’ve got five things that are due at, you know midnight on Tuesday in five of my classes.

19:14 - That can be very overwhelming. K12 teachers are much more familiar with the class with the calendar, especially under the elementary aged where they’re teaching multiple subjects because they will say that, oh, in their science class they have this in their math class.

19:27 - They have this in their literature class. Save this, it you know, etc.

19:33 - And the teachers calendars kind of look the same as their students counters, but for us they look much different in the scope of things and in the wide variety of things that they they show up.

19:44 - So let me build on that with just a few other other thoughts.

19:49 - Label your assignments. Carefully, don’t just say you know reading do because they will have 12 reading news from their 12:00 tomorrow.

20:00 - Five reading news from the five different classes, right? So give a little bit more context in your labeling so that they.

20:07 - They can say, oh, this is for so and so’s class, right? It’s not just a random reading.

20:13 - I want you know. And it’s like what’s beneath this sticker? Who’s Reading is it? And what is that? But even in the labeling, if you can use that.

20:23 - David Mack case it mackessy it said the other day with the video lab.

20:30 - These are the meta, the meta information titles are really important.

20:34 - Keywords are important. These are the things that are searchable that.

20:39 - QSN too, Oh yeah, that’s right. I’ve got that reading on.

20:43 - You know that element of physics that I have to do and that ties, uh, ties in, you know when I say that I, I recognize what’s happening in my brain that ties in with what we learned last week and boom, that is a connection to your course content.

20:59 - So it helps them. Boom, that’s one more course connection.

21:02 - Just the realization that the reading is about this topic.

21:05 - For this class helps students make those connections and that deepens the learning right? Rather than just reading, I’m not.

21:12 - I don’t have time to address that right now.

21:15 - I’m so I’m just going to ignore it for now.

21:19 - Could other thoughts on using the calendar there from people? If you haven’t played with the calendar, please go do look into that and jump into that.

21:32 - And then let’s see what we’ve got people saying here.

21:35 - A great opportunity for instructors. Create weekly calendars.

21:38 - Pages in canvas. Wonderful and using canvas learning analytics to see some information about submission times.

21:49 - John yes John. A Cliff here and I guess I can put this in there but yeah.

21:55 - It’s a great that is a great broad question about the canvas calendar and if the students are relying upon it a lot, that’s that, does open up some interesting exposures one make sure that people or I just want to make sure everybody listening knows that when you create a page.

22:11 - Um inside of canvas you can. Well you can put that onto your.

22:17 - Put that onto the student activity list. The To Do List to do this so that’s not the same as the calendar, but that’s that’s at least better than nothing.

22:28 - But also are people aware that you can go to the calendar, the canvas calendar, an create events.

22:35 - I don’t know that you can create them in any other location, but if you create it within the calendar, you can create an event that isn’t really an assignment.

22:43 - It isn’t anything for grade, doesn’t really have a like.

22:46 - Yes, you can even put time information on it, but it is a great way to put something on the calendar that will definitely show up on your students calendars.

22:55 - Good Yep, great and. Alright, uh Lindy Ankaran jump in please.

23:04 - Yes, I actually have a clarifying question.

23:07 - Lindy we can’t hear you. Sorry, I had my microphone out, thank you.

23:12 - I’ve just the second time I’ve done this today, so I guess I have a clarifying question in in describing this earlier, somebody said that if the the assignment has to be for certain number of points are.

23:26 - Are there specific parameters that we have to choose on an assignment? Um, to make it show up in their calendar.

23:36 - I I think it’s just a date right time and date.

23:39 - OK so if you just go in there and you have a due date in there that will automatically, even if it’s a not graded or if it’s a practice quiz or something like that.

23:48 - Or does it need to be something that has a point value in the course? I’m going to do? I’m going to do a quick test here because I don’t think I think when you choose something is not graded.

23:59 - Um? I don’t think it’ll show up as A to do list, but it will show up on the calendar, right? I I’ll have to look at that and in fact let me go.

24:08 - I’ll check out the Canvas guide to find out where.

24:12 - Here they tell. Understood thank you, click right.

24:15 - Thank you as the mom of three high school students who are learning virtually and different teachers who do different things and everything else.

24:25 - Having that like I see the living and dying by the calendar and tasks and everything else like we live that daily in our house.

24:33 - Yeah, it’s a it’s and in some ways it’s nice to have that sort of To Do List that structure To Do List and students.

24:42 - They figured the game, you know they they have to determine how am I going to spend my time and if it’s not front and center in front of them and worth some points then there they might set it aside so.

24:55 - That’s all right, yeah? And then it brings up a really good point about these things.

25:00 - Need to be transparent for the instructors as well as the students.

25:03 - The more that we can. Play with these and get familiar with these.

25:08 - And again, guilty. I don’t do this as much ‘cause I don’t have as much experience.

25:14 - Teaching with lots of deadlines. Group projects.

25:17 - It’s a problem. It brings up another thing that I wanted to talk about and, um, OK.

25:24 - I see the caring you have your hat, you had your hand up, but I don’t.

25:28 - Yeah, I just wanted to say something quick ‘cause I use the calendar quite a bit and but I would I use it and they like it and they like it a lot because they can connect that to their calendars as well and see all their deadlines.

25:40 - But the issue is sometimes like you have a discussion and you might have a a post post one and response and you can only pick one of those to be on there so you have to physically put that on the calendar so.

25:51 - I always use my second post, the deadline and then I have to physically go into the calendar and put the other one because Canvas doesn’t allow you to have that.

26:00 - So also think of things that don’t have deadlines that are good to have on there that are useful.

26:06 - You know you know. So there I always have when the module opens or things like that.

26:11 - So I use that for a lot of different things.

26:14 - But some of those it doesn’t just all work through the grade.

26:17 - Gradebook putting dates in, you have to put some of those things on there.

26:21 - That aren’t and. Also I use in the beginning.

26:24 - I have a calendar that I link to the beginning of the module, and then I’ve reminder at the end of the module and I have the calendar.

26:31 - I guess I just would say the more times you can remind them, the better.

26:35 - That’s all I was going to say. Thank you.

26:38 - This transitions beautifully into the point that I wanted to make, which is at the beginning of the semester we talked about course and a half syndrome.

26:45 - In course, and a half syndrome is the idea that we had here in oh, I can point to it right now.

26:55 - One of the quotes comes up. Professors need to stop expecting.

26:59 - Three times the amount of course work OK. This could be a an example of misperception versus miss perception versus perception, right? If you put every little the more assignments you have, more due dates you have, the more their calendar gets filled up and they look at their calendar and they see 30 things and then they just kind of.

27:23 - So whether it’s a misperception because it’s not, you know, 30 exams that are worth 30% of their grade, that they should be.

27:31 - You know, doing every week in order to sort of self paced themselves so that it’s not that big of a deal.

27:38 - It could be 30 little 2 two point things, but it looks to them they see 30 things and that 30 things can look so intimidating.

27:47 - So have these conversations be transparent? Say this looks like a lot of work, but it’s actually just you know.

27:54 - 5 minutes a day or whatever 5 minutes per assignment.

27:58 - So you’ve got to actively. Fight that perception or that misperception that maybe having a lot of assignments does not necessarily mean that it’s a lot of work.

28:11 - Alright, I see another hand up. His hand is it’s Angela Jumpin, Angela.

28:15 - Thank you. Yeah, thanks John. That thought train you were just going down reminded me of kind of related like finding ways to get students to.

28:29 - Get the help they need when they’re spending way too long on an assignment which.

28:34 - You know, I try to be really transparent, like I do try to say that this activity should take approximately this amount of time and if it is taking you longer like that, is the site like come chat because honestly a lot of it I could send you resources all day, but sometimes it’s just something where we just need to talk about it for five minutes and get you back on track.

28:56 - So finding that balance where it’s OK if you’re struggling, even if you’re spending that much time like please come.

29:02 - You know, finding ways to get that. ‘cause I feel like it’s.

29:05 - It’s pretty hard to get them to actually. Realize that once they realize it and make the commitment to come to office hours or whatever, then they’re good.

29:15 - But that’s a struggle I’ve been having this semester.

29:18 - And that build I thought I put this in here.

29:22 - In the the building community engagement, there’s another suggestion.

29:28 - Create these support spaces. These discussion forums online forums for the students to support each other.

29:34 - Where one student can go in and say Oh my gosh, everybody else.

29:39 - This is taking me 5 hours to do this thing and somebody else can say oh.

29:45 - Here’s a way to do it in two minutes or. Here’s here’s what I figured out how to do, like they if they learn from each other, then it won’t take them five hours.

29:53 - They can figure out how to do these things efficiently.

29:55 - That’s going to help, not just your student in your class.

29:57 - It’s going to help your student in all of the, uh.

30:00 - Classes set therein as well so. Let them teach each other.

30:05 - I see another hand up and that is. However, his hand up, where is it? You go hey, so I think that sometimes dates get put in a lot of different places in in pages and calendars, and I think that can create kind of a confusing problem between instructors and students.

30:29 - Yeah, you know. And if you have like a date in the page and you bring that into another semester.

30:36 - Does that? That’s something you have to undo in the next semester, which if you don’t or you miss it could cause confusion for future students so.

30:45 - A lot of static content mixed with dynamic content can, and pointing him to different places.

30:51 - I and I think there is the thing where there’s a very heavy assignment mixed in with like 500 small assignments might be a challenge.

31:02 - Yeah, figure out ways to differentiate those you know.

31:06 - Bigger font, very important highlighted.

31:08 - You know blinking GIF ease or whatever. But yeah, differentiating between the the easy little routine, this is where course rhythm also comes into play.

31:18 - If this if those small little things are like just part of everyday right every day, every course after every course I have to do 5 things, 12345 and then the same five things after every course is going to be confusing that first week.

31:33 - Second week, it might still be confusing, but by the third week they’ve got to figure it out because they’ve gotten into that routine that relieves so much cognitive energy because it’s become part of a pattern.

31:45 - Easy to do, just part of. You know the.

31:50 - Standard practice right at that point. So think about how that consistency.

31:58 - How you can help? Structure your course to be as consistent as possible.

32:04 - And yeah, you’re right about the dates as well.

32:07 - I’ve done that where I’ve said this is the same stuff I want to do this next semester, but I the students point out that hey, I never took the date out and is it really? Do you know? Sunday in in class or we have class on Sunday? Yeah, guilty, right or do in October like in the spring spring semester, yeah? Very good.

32:29 - Other thoughts on um calendars? Let’s go up one and talk about how much reflection is too much and will reflective questions with each assignment lead to reflection fatigue? Oh, I will say that reflection is learning it’s feedback, right? Feedback is how we learn and we get feedback from our own experience.

32:53 - Which is, you know, I put my hand on that stove and it was hot.

32:59 - OK, I learned that I reflected very instantaneously that hot is bad, right? For my for my hand as far as is what it feels it can be.

33:09 - As simple as that if it becomes. A small thing that is part of the routine that you do, then it’s just part of the routine that you do.

33:21 - If you make a reflection question worth 30 points, I know on a thing where they have to like say Oh my gosh, I really need to reflect deeply on that.

33:30 - Then yeah, it might be too hard, but this should just be a small little like what worked for me.

33:36 - It didn’t work. It’s like the muddiest point.

33:40 - What are some of the other learning? Classroom assessment techniques.

33:44 - Muddiest Point minute papers. Things like that very short and very simple little things.

33:54 - And then if you can respond to those reflections and say, I notice that a lot of you said this in your buddies point paper or in your reflection paper.

34:04 - Now all of a sudden you’ve changed it from.

34:06 - I’m reflecting for no reason at all. I’ve gotta put this for no reason at all too.

34:11 - Oh, I’m doing this to help my instructor teach better.

34:14 - That’s a good thing that impacts me directly.

34:17 - It also impacts future students, so it’s not just.

34:20 - Oh, this is a pain in the **** but this is useful material.

34:26 - Alright, there are things that are happening in chat and I love it I have missed.

34:33 - Oh about. Lots of the chat. So. Let’s see calendar dates and items as well.

34:44 - Minutes of help from the instructors. Karen’s got a great thing on course of course planning and workload.

34:54 - Yep, keeping track for good good good. Um? If anybody can put some of these comments into the active activity sheet that would be great.

35:07 - Two announcements are good and especially in remote.

35:10 - This is a thing will probably mention over and over this semester.

35:17 - In our face to face classes in our in person classes, we often just have these little side announcements.

35:22 - We do the business before the class starts right and at the end of the class.

35:27 - It’s like remember XYZ, oftentimes in a remote classes we forget to do that.

35:31 - Where can we put that in the announcements? Put it in the email.

35:35 - Make it welcome video or make a video each week saying this week we talked about XY and Z.

35:41 - Don’t forget to do. Whatever, whatever, whatever, um, these are the things that that students need, and they need a little bit more of it because it’s so hard when we get done with the zoom call to like think what happened in the zoom call.

35:56 - It’s like I’m done. I need to go use the restroom.

35:59 - I need to go. Get a drink, whatever, whatever.

36:05 - So follow up and and reach out to them. And that brings up another point that we’ve that the students talked about, which is.

36:16 - Reaching out to the students and. Where is it? Office hours individual meetings.

36:26 - Don’t just make yourself available during regular office hours, but have more office hours, have more opportunities to meet with the students.

36:36 - Alright, any other thoughts on that before we move on to the next point? Things that I’ve missed in chat here.

36:44 - Thank you Cliff for that. Um? Many links in chat there.

36:51 - Yeah, the one sentence summary. Jamie, that’s not even a minute paper, right? And it’s just a one sentence.

36:56 - It could be like a tweet. Treat a reflection.

36:59 - Great, no time at all, but it does force them to make that connection of what did I learn? How did I learn it? How many learn it better? And then how do I get it into one tweet so not too difficult? Alright, moving on to the next one quote #5.

37:18 - How do we balance this with being equitable and respectful of students who have the inability or discomfort to use video? That’s an excellent point, alright, so the student quote was, and again, these are.

37:31 - This isn’t a it’s representative, many students, but it is not necessarily many students getting together and saying, hey, let’s come up with this quote about synchronous video.

37:43 - Really good point to recognize that some of our students have beautiful home offices, you know, sunlit big monitors, great Internet, and they thrive with that synchronous engagement, right? There’s something lovely about being able to see other people’s faces about being able to have that back and forth that we try to have in our in person classes.

38:06 - Not all of our students are like that, right? Some of our students are in the parking lot of the Public Library because that’s the only place in town that they can get Wi-Fi.

38:16 - They might not want to have your camera on.

38:18 - How do we respect that? While also trying to get students to thrive and are very well supported with resources.

38:29 - How do we make everybody happy? I’m happy to have people jump in, unmute yourself and.

38:34 - Join in so I can get another drink of water.

38:38 - Or add some more ideas in chat. One of the things that I’ve heard in other sessions is providing the time at the beginning of the session.

39:02 - Before the session starts. Where you invite them to turn their cameras on, unmute themselves, and you have a little back and forth with them. Students can.

39:14 - Talk to each other through that. It can be kind of chaotic and messy the way they are.

39:18 - In person classes are before we start at the beginning of the session and at the end of the session, and that way if they feel.

39:27 - So obliged, they can turn on their cameras and get that, but they don’t have to write just as in in person classes.

39:35 - Some of our students are chatting back and forth, and some of them are sitting down.

39:40 - You know, reviewing what they have to do, getting on social media, catching up with texts, messages, etc.

39:46 - So giving them that opportunity and permission during a particular time is one way to do that.

39:54 - Any other thoughts on balancing that? Awesome John John. This was my question.

40:06 - Just because I lived this with the CP125 students at the start of each class we would, you know, welcome them as they came into the virtual.

40:14 - We had some students who were in class. We had some students who were joining us virtually.

40:20 - And, um, I, I feel like. That they, even with us asking them and challenging them to consider turning on their camera.

40:30 - Most of them opted not to, and it is. There is kind of this.

40:34 - Well, I don’t want to be the only one who does it, and so you start seeing them turn off the cameras and we have small breakout rooms at the start too.

40:44 - We give them like the the connector of the day and we’d have them do that in small breakout room so they could connect with each other so that the camera seemed to be on then ‘cause they would come back.

40:56 - They would turn their cameras backofen. This is just a class of 20 students.

41:00 - It’s not that many. And we would scramble the groups.

41:04 - They had gotten a chance to know each other, but the default was not to have the cameras on, and especially as we get further in that course, and you’re talking about social identity’s and social justice.

41:17 - And it’s it’s hard to have those conversations without seeing who you’re talking to.

41:22 - So yeah, it’s just something that I think it’s especially, yeah, yeah.

41:26 - So is it? It was. It was a challenge, and I think we did as as well as we could.

41:32 - But um, yeah, I. It is something that I still spend time thinking about a lot.

41:39 - And there’s there’s a paradox here because.

41:43 - In the active teaching labs, even whenever I say alright, let’s have a breakout group immediately, like 3 or 4-5 people believe ‘cause.

41:50 - They just don’t want to breakout group. However, the people who stay afterwards, they say, oh, that breakout group was so valuable.

41:58 - It was so useful, so. Breakout groups can be a way to sort of feed that urge to have human connection with a group of students.

42:08 - A breakout group that lasts throughout a semester, or, you know, several activities or several sessions.

42:14 - Those breakout groups can really. You can build trust in a in a small group if you change it up every week then it’s every week we’ve had to start over with new strangers that we haven’t built trust with.

42:27 - But if I start off that first week is going to be awkward and these are great opportunities by the way, to have those forest painful Ice Breakers that nobody likes, but kind of think we do, or to have some very highly structured activities that they can do without saying who’s going to be in charge.

42:44 - Who’s got this? You know who’s going to lead here? Have that structured.

42:48 - Well enough that there aren’t those questions.

42:52 - Yeah. And that that can help, and that can feed that.

42:57 - But if you make it even in a class of 20, turning on your mic and we’ll see that today, right here in the active teaching lab, right? There are a lot of people that are there, just not comfortable.

43:07 - Speaking up and saying that and that’s fine, that’s absolutely fine.

43:11 - That’s why we give them the activity sheet, the chat, the camera is a lot to keep.

43:17 - You know it’s a lot for us to juggle as instructors and facilitators, but it provides options and it’s part of the universal design for learning multiple means of engagement.

43:27 - How can you? Not please everybody, but at least give everybody an option.

43:32 - Yeah, so maybe maybe that maybe there isn’t much for me to to maybe I should not feel bad about that that they were trying their cameras on with each other in the breakout rooms that you know we used the Google sheets in the pallets and the chat and everything else for people to talk.

43:48 - So OK, yeah, I just always felt a little sad that people didn’t have their cameras on, but I guess the fact that they felt comfortable enough to do it in small groups was good.

43:59 - And that might be a really good spot to have individual conversations with him.

44:03 - To like always, invite people to come in and say, hey, let’s meet after class or whatever that might be where.

44:10 - You have deeper conversations even without the camera.

44:13 - At least it’s a one on one audio conversation.

44:15 - I just read an article on social Audio and somebody said, well, how is this not like zoom where people just have their video turned off and it’s audio anyway like that might be sort of an interesting thing looking at like flipgrid or some of these other things. Angela, go ahead.

44:35 - Yeah, I think I wanted to kind of flip it around a little bit too like.

44:41 - Maybe by feeling that safety of like having the video off while they’re having these sensitive conversations.

44:48 - Maybe for some students that’s actually like empowering that they can share something without feeling like they’re being watched, like I don’t know like I know.

45:00 - From my end, every time I have to walk into a classroom and do a lecture like that’s super stressful and being able to be in my comfortable clothes and have my coffee nearby and like I can mute myself when I need to cough or blow my nose like it.

45:15 - Actually, I’ve been feeling less of that anxiety, so maybe for some students, even though it seems like you know, having that camera on is like a level of engagement.

45:23 - Maybe it is that they are. They are building confidence in a different way than we’re used to.

45:29 - I just as a minor like possible. Upside or silver lining I guess.

45:33 - And we are like our practices are are learning practices are changing because of COVID-19 because of the pandemic are teaching practices so changing we are getting more and more comfortable with things that a year ago we were not comfortable with.

45:46 - So this is changing right? So the. Information from fall.

45:51 - Might be outdated already for some of our students, brothers, it’s still fresh.

45:56 - Ian, go ahead jump in thank you. Yeah, I just wanted to underscore a comment you made earlier John about and I think this is the way I interpreted it that if EU as a teacher were to engage, that’s you know the students one on one.

46:15 - I I that’s a good point because if the comment was made about I think it was Lindy that you know when you do the breakout groups, they turn their cameras off.

46:27 - So that’s kind of a proof. Almost that hey, they’re building relationship with each other and feeling more comfortable.

46:33 - So I think us as instructors. Whatever we can do to build relationship, just like they’re doing one and one within those breakouts.

46:42 - To the extent that we can do that. One on one.

46:46 - I know it’s more work, you know, maybe you know as you go one on one with a class of I don’t know 20-30 people or more, but to the extent that we can do that, I think those cameras will slowly come off because they are feeling more comfortable.

47:04 - But that’s just an observation and I’m just thinking logically something to try.

47:09 - You know, you know. Oftentimes in any class, in any discipline, and if you think back this is probably true for your discipline.

47:17 - As you went through undergraduate as well. We want to feel like we belong like people.

47:26 - See us, they acknowledge us. They respect us. We want to have that sort of connection like this is a discipline that I could see myself in.

47:36 - So even things like when you can reach out to the students that you haven’t seen for awhile and just say how are you.

47:44 - I’ve not seen you for awhile. I just wanna check in to see you.

47:49 - It might seem dumb, but. That shows them that you care about them, right? That shows them that you’ve noticed that you see them, and I think that that’s a beautiful thing.

47:59 - One of the things that we have in the activity sheet that I think Jamie put in that you got from you class was.

48:07 - And I’m gonna try to find it. All of those aren’t purple.

48:14 - Students want to be seen as unique individual individuals.

48:17 - So how can we recognize them as unique individuals, not just says, oh, you are one of the athletes who’s gone, but like I’ve noticed that you aren’t here or.

48:29 - Race, gender we all have so many identities and we need to.

48:34 - Honor all of those identities. If that means we need to ask people about them and make them feel like they are.

48:43 - They are interesting there. Invaluable.

48:47 - All right, we only have 5 minutes left and we still have a couple of things, so we’re going to zoom through those pretty quickly, no pun intended.

48:54 - What is the potential risk of hearing from students and acting only on those loudest ones, right? So these are the students who have an opinion, they say.

49:03 - You know my thoughts are and then they give you that paragraph of what you should do to support them.

49:10 - Listen to them. I’m sure that out ask other students about that.

49:15 - Um, hopefully this is all anonymous so they can get discussions back and forth.

49:22 - Open up those thoughts or the sentiments to a student forum and say what do you all think about this paraphrasing of course, suggestion or whatever? Should I do that? Maybe then others that are quiet or will be like Oh no please for all that’s good in the world.

49:40 - Do not make us do that and you’ll get a little bit more insight on that.

49:48 - Padlet is a really good one. Sending out the surveys Peter mentioned in chat, using the whiteboard in zoom or teams or Blackboard collaborate, those are all good ways.

50:00 - Sort of get a pulse of pulse surveys or another one Karen’s better.

50:05 - Of what’s happening in your class and ideally.

50:10 - You don’t just focus on the big ones. And I’ll tell you, as humans, we do that, and we do that with our teaching evaluations, right? It can be 99% good.

50:21 - And then there’s that 1% of the one student who wrote this nasty comment, and we just focus in on that.

50:28 - And it’s terrible because we think, Oh my gosh, I’m failing everybody because we focus on that one.

50:34 - Negative comment. Very good. Alright, what do we do in August? We’re concerned about a student.

50:44 - Ghosting anybody had this happen? I’m sure that other people have had that happen. Yeah.

50:54 - Good Dean of Students office good. Alright, in our last one of the day, even before an now more so in the arrival of kovit, there is a sense of culture since this since there is a shift in the culture of in person teaching.

51:10 - Specifically around when do we really need to meet in person for class? Yeah, what are students thinking about this topic? What are currents instructors guiding philosophy and strategies are on the topic.

51:22 - It’s really sort of an interesting thing. Cliff, thank you for putting in that question.

51:27 - A lot of our assumptions about what is necessary in teaching are based on what we had as students, right? And how it’s been done.

51:36 - There’s that momentum of, well, we meet in a classroom every Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

51:41 - So therefore we have to figure out what to do in that classroom.

51:46 - Monday, Wednesday, Friday. But do we do we really? I don’t know this is this is a beautiful thing about the pandemic.

51:55 - Is it’s forcing us whether we like it or not.

51:59 - Sometimes to challenge those basic assumptions that we’ve always had.

52:03 - It’s an opportunity to really reshape our teaching and some of the learning.

52:08 - Another quick example is. Do you have to pick out a reading for students or can you just say, hey students, we’re going to talk about.

52:16 - Topic XI want you to go find the reading that works for you or the YouTube video or the Wikipedia page or you know whatever learn about it on your own.

52:27 - The Reddit chat you know whatever you want and then we’ll come back and we’ll share like a one pager of what I think is important about that.

52:36 - And let’s get all on the same page, and we can all bring our different elements to that.

52:41 - That puts the responsibility on them. They might not get it right away.

52:45 - It might take some time, but it empowers them to take more responsibility for their learning and it in some ways can take a lot of the.

52:56 - Up the pressure of you to pick the perfect article that’s at exactly the right level for all of your students.

53:04 - ‘cause they’re coming in different levels, different experiences, etc.

53:07 - So how do you do that? Give it to them. Let them do it alright.

53:12 - I see another hand up, Tracy, go ahead. I can tell you in speaking with my students, that are I work with a lot of student athletes and we have student athletes that are love school or not loving school.

53:28 - You know, like this is hard. Everything is hard.

53:31 - They are so excited to be back in the classroom.

53:35 - So eager and these are students. These students would probably tell me, Tracy, I’ve never looked forward to school.

53:41 - I want to go to school, so I think I think there are many people across the spectrum, but I can tell you, especially maybe some of that more, perhaps at risk students that they’re geeked and excited and my students at times arctan excited fully on for all of their classes. And they are.

53:57 - They want to be with others. They are excited to see their teachers, and I think they’re exhausted of canvas canvas quite frankly, and trying to figure out.

54:06 - Navigate that whole system. So I hope that represents more students than last, so hopefully that.

54:14 - Perhaps give some insight there. Remote instruction remote learning is remote, it’s isolating even at its best.

54:21 - We our tools are not as perfect as they can be.

54:25 - We’ve got new ways to engage, but you’re right, there’s something amazing and rich about face to face.

54:33 - Invert verbal and nonverbal connections that the physicality of teaching and learning.

54:38 - I think that’s something that we’re recognizing, right? It’s not just a cognitive process that happens in isolation in an individual brains.

54:46 - It’s a social thing. We get feedback from each other.

54:50 - We check to see. Am I the only one who’s not understanding this? And if I can make that connection with others, I will do that, and that’s important.

55:01 - It’s 201. I’ve kept you a minute after.

55:03 - Thank you for being here today. Thank you for speaking up.

55:06 - Thank you for adding to the activity sheet.

55:09 - Come back tomorrow from 1:00 to 2:00. Let’s see, is there a link? There should be a link in any recent email that you got or on the AT web page for events that will be coming up and that today that was today to you.

55:23 - If you want to talk more about that, we can keep on talking about that and there’s a lot to talk about.

55:30 - Thank you very much. Ask your students.

55:33 - I’ll stick around for the next few minutes if you wanna unmute and say hi that be awesome.

55:46 - And thank you, Jamie Anne Anne Megan for helping me out with the activity sheet today that was very useful.

55:56 - Thank you all for coming. Somebody say hi to me. Hi Dan.

56:06 - Hi Julie. Hi Peter, yay. Hey John, how are you? John stop the recording, thank you.

56:18 - That’s everything I need. And. .