Цифровой термометр с ЖК-дисплеем, измерителем влажности и часами НТС-1
Mar 17, 2020 08:23 · 281 words · 2 minute read
A digital thermometer with an LCD display, a moisture meter and an NTS-1 clock is designed to measure temperature and humidity in domestic premises. The device has a clock, calendar and alarm clock. The device is powered by a finger battery. It has a technological hole for installation on a vertical surface and a folding support, with which you can install on a horizontal surface. On the display: top line - shows the current temperature, the bottom line on the right side is the relative humidity of the room in percent, in which the thermometer is located Setting the current time and date. Press and hold the MODE button: on the display two right digits started flashing - these are minutes, with the ADJ button we select 40 minutes Press the MODE button again: on the display 12 Нr, by pressing the ADJ button, we can choose the format for 12 hours or the format for 24 hours of the day. Setting the alarm. Press the MODE button. The dots between the numbers stopped blinking. Using the ADJ button we can select the alarm mode.
The display shows (ALARM) 04:20 - The mode in which the thermometer-hygrometer at the end of each hour will emit a short-term signal. The mode in which the thermometer will emit a short-term signal every hour and the alarm mode. The mode in which the thermometer will not emit any sound signals. We select the alarm mode, by pressing and holding the MODE button we can set the alarm time. By pressing the MEMORY button you can see the maximum temperature and humidity, and the minimum temperature and humidity, which was recorded by the hygrometer. .