មេសម័យកូវីដ - Boss in Covid-19 Pandemic (ភាពយន្តជីវិត) - (Life Film)-[Sastra Film]
Mar 28, 2021 13:15 · 1656 words · 8 minute read
I have something to tell you From now on, you have to work twice because COVID is outbreak during these days because we are afraid that the situation will get worse and worse So, if our workers are lazy, I’ll deduce your salary Do you understand? Does he have COVID-19? Don’t stay near him! What should we do? Manager! Manager! What’s wrong with him? I don’t know too He might have COIVD-19 SASTRA FILM AND BAYON TV Sponsored by Present Boss in the COVID-19 The Ministry of Health ask everyone to raise awareness about the outbreak of COIVD-19 Everyone should be aware of sanitizing Please clean your hands and practice social distancing If you have any symptoms related to the COVID-19 symptoms, you should practice self-quarantine as well as go to the test center Hmm! The COVID-19 is scary How can we practice social distancing? When will the pandemic end? I work hard everyday Stop blaming it! We need money that’s why we come to work When will our boss ask us to stop? Hm! I’m afraid if anyone of us got infected If we don’t work hard, we will starve to die If we infected from COVID-19, our family will be harm too We are working hard for our family.
If they are infected, we will be sad What should we do? Our boss didn’t tell us anything I don’t know whether we can survive until next year or not We can’t escape from it our boss can escape from it You are right Are you here to talk nonsense? Sometimes, you shouldn’t say that The Ministry advised to protect ourselves You might die before open the salary this month You didn’t wear mask and stand near me Don’t let me hear it again! Thank you! They ask us to wear mask and work Let go to work! What’s wrong with you Are you okay? Do you have any oil herb? I’m alright It might be because of mask I can’t breath If we work with mask everyday, I will be die soon If we don’t wear mask, we can easily infected from the COVID You should ask permission from our boss Our boss didn’t show up here If I don’t need money, i won’t come to work during the pandemic Boss takes this chance to exploit the employee Our manager also doesn’t think about our safety We will die soon.
I’m better now. I will take some rest and back to normal soon We work over-time today. You should go to work If our manager see us, she will blame us again I will be better soon I have news to inform you From now on, you have to work twice than usual because of the COVID outbreak I’m afriad if it’s getting worse, we have to temporary stop If anyone is lazy, I will deduce the salary Do you understand Bopha! Please check them instead of me If anyone lazy, just report to me Do you wonder why our boss ask us to work twice than usual He even threaten us We work twice but our food is still the same It’s life Our boss is life happily but not us Although the world is melted, our boss might be still happy unlike us we try our best to support daily life Is our boss the same as others? Boss in the COVID-19 Boss in the COVID-19 All of my friends are temporary stop working while we still work Our boss is different He might afraid that he will be less profit If we rest, he won’t have profit If we stop work, our boss won’t have money for delicious food We have to bear with it because we don’t have a good boss we met the boss that exploit us we should eat it Mean! What’s wrong? Help! Help! I’m afraid he might infected from COVID-19 dON’T STAY CLOSE TO HIM What should we do? Manager! Manager! Help! Manager What’s wrong with him? I don’t know too but I suspect that he is infected the COVID He, all of sudden, being like this Wait a second! Hello! Is it the emergency agent? We need help I will send you the address Calm down! Practice social distancing What’s wrong with him Why do you want me to shut it down? Don’t bring me trouble! I can handle the COVID-19 outbreak.
Don’t worry! Have you seen ,mean? He got food poisoning not COVID-19 Don’t do that! I don’t like it at all You don’t afraid of COIVD-19 Why are afraid? We practice what the government told us to What if we temporary close? When the COVID-19 is gone, I will be back to work Enough! Just work as usual! If you don’t work, you won’t have money We are afraid of the current situation We breath in the same place I won’t close it until everyone is infected If you want to stop working, you can stop now and I won’t open the salary for you because you don’t respect our contrast Don’t you think you are exploiting us too much? You use us as the barrier to protect yourself Please go to work now! Hurry! Let’s go! How can he do that to us? I wish his business got bankrupt Does he want us to die ? I’m so mad If it’s not because of contrast, I won’t work here If Mean has COVID-19, we all are infected too They will quarantine us all No one can escape from it I’m so mad I don’t have motivation to work anymore All of our work are benefiting our boss If the boss won’t shut down, we have to do something Let’s not work hard! See, what he will do I won’t work Let’s sit and talk Why don’t you work? Why are you all doing like this? If our boss sees, it will be boom He won’t come here anyway I have never seen him coming because he is afraid of COVID I just want to free myself Does our law said, we allow to do like this Uncle, you are the older here.
Why did you do that too? What’s wrong? Boss in COVID-19 You have to follow the law I won’t responsible if you got your salary deducted Do you want to threaten us? You always threat us we used to it already Sleep back, brother! Don’t work! Listen to this song, it’s nice Do you want to be fired? All of you are lazy lately You don’t go to work on time too How much does our boss lose? We don’t have energy to work all day long every day If he is a good boss, I will come to work on time it’s not strange if this place is closed tYou can only order us to do this and that You won’t understand us This place is opened every day because of us We are workers here How can you say that? How much do you know about this place? Mean, our boss told me to tell you that Be careful with your food You haven’t work for days If I was infected from COIVD, this place will be shut down We could rest peacefully We are human We need to rest too He only cares about himself Why is everyone act like kids? The COIVD won’t infected the rich because they didn’t work as us I have to go to work but I didn’t fully recover Manager! Manager! According to the Ministry of Heath’s spokesman, we have to be more aware because it’s infected in our community Stop all the gathering and go to test center if you have symptoms Thank you! We might be die because of the COVID We have to do the protest I want this place to close down this place must be shut down What do you want to do? How can you do this to us? If we don’t protest, you will exploit us They don’t think I’m their boss anymore You guys are useless That’s why you are my employees Don’t look down on us! Your profit also come from our hard working You aren’t the one who face with the COVID pandemic You are only staying at home you have to close this place.
If not,… We will do the protest You have to open the salary for us boss in the COVID-19 Sir! I beg you. Please don’t cancel the contrast We are working hard for you No, You know the situation of our country too The workers don’t have motivation to come to work You should end the contract temporary If you close, what will happen to the workers? Also my workers too? I said no You should close your place temporary When the COVID-19 is better, we will be back I will lose may profit if I still open my business If my place is closed, my workers will starve to die If the COVID is getting worse, I won’t guarantee My workers will not have enough salary We will be safe at home We can go to visit our family now Finally, I can free from mask COVID-19 pandemic is still worsen How can you have money for your living? Don’t think that it will be closed today and open tomorrow We are poor.
we need money Our boss works so hard for us too. but we don’t understand him sometimes He had faced many problems He always solve your problems but do you ever solve his? He think that you might not have money to support your family. That’s why he won’t close this place you are so selfish He wants to sell his own property to support us Are you happy? Now, this place is closed as your wish Why are you here? Aren’t you afraid of COVID? We are sorry for what we did.