Best shoe sole making techniques

Jan 21, 2021 15:30 · 1895 words · 9 minute read

in this to making tutorial we’re gonna talk about Schuessel’s There are many different types off Schuessel’s and in this tutorial I will talk about main types off ShoeSource constructions made from leather Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and make sure to click the bell button Toby notified when my new video will come out So let’s start todo with my step by step with to create a shoe soulmate from leather It’s not an easy task So to make it easier for beginners and all my students I create it a little different approach off true soul making made from ladder Using this approach you will create your shoe source with minimum tools and very easy and fast here Ruby at the time of that also booth what do you feel that you may withdraw Where which is smooth You can move on to the next So how to build this step off Schuessel’s made from leather First thing that you need to create is the pattern for the shoe sole and but you can make on Lee after you will last your our on the shoe last and then after you lasted you will cover your flatten bottom of the shoe last with masking tape and make the pattern to create exact pattern off the Schuessel You will need toe flat on the show bottom with cork and send the entire bottom with rust or sending machine if you have all the river So after you have this precise pattern you will cut it from the letter Then you need to Skype edges off the letter because you will work with two sick letter I told it about different parts off vegetables and leather needed to create your souls And for shoe soles we use the soul bands So this part off the height is sick And for women shoes we need toe scarf edges off the shoes so to have very elegant and nice age off the shoe source So after you will discover it you will have thin edges and it will look great on your shoes And before you will attach this already cut and scribed shoe soles you will need toe work on the edge of the shoe so you will need toe finish this edge because after you will attach it it will be very difficult to create beautiful finishing off the edge and you want to have beautiful shoes So all right so after you finish this edge you cannot touch You’re ready So souls toe the bottom off your shoes So this is how it looks You see we have here cork that cover almost entire middle part off our shoe bottom We send it here edges and we have precise line off the shoe sole Then when you will cut your shoe source will finish the edge You will have this kind of show soul Then you can attach it to the shoot bottom and then after you attach it you can get it here healed by yourself or attach readymade heels You see here comes here He’ll exist another way off shoes So to create you saw where she saw covers the entire bottom off the shoes and on the then on this part off your shoes so you will build your heels So this is waas first type offshore soul making that I created especially for my students So you as a total beginners will be able toe create beautiful and comfortable shoes sauce that will look professionally Second type off cemented to saw making is very similar to the first one but it requires a little bit experience into making why Because to create second type offcials So you need to have this special knife lip knife So what is this Construction is about You will need to create a little bigger shoes So in the way where the edges off the Schuessel will extend from the upper And after you will attach this Skyped Schuessel you will cut extra off the Schuessel working with this special knife Although it has this kind of protection toe not cut your upper not scratch your upper It will be very difficult Toe cut this extra off the Schuessel at the first time Mhm After you will cut extra off the shoe sole you will need to finish the edge of the shoe sole using special iron’s or special tools that you can prepare by yourself and in my courses I explain how to do it and finish this Schuessel edge toe have beautiful and shiny age and that’s why I created first type off Schuessel making where you don’t need to have a special knife where you don’t need to have any shoemaking skills Thes two types for Schuessel’s are good for casual shoes for Sanders for fled for flats for pumps But there is another third type of Schuessel that is good Onley With these types off heels you see this type of hills where we have here this straight age and we need to cover it with shoes Soul So shoes soul will cover the entire shoe bottom and this part off our hill on the ages but absolutely cried alot these far with touch Nothing I think so Okay yeah So this part off our Schuessel must be very thin And to create this type of shoe sole you can use first way offshore soul making where you will have exact shoe sole pattern including this part off the hill And then after you will attach this heel toe last the truth you will attach your already finished shoes sole and you will attach it Also on this part off our hill is she now it it is difficult without the show us but to demonstrate it it’s enough So this approach off social making is good on Lee When you work with this type off heels it can be high heels like this one or low hills Okay so if you work with these heels use this approach Now let’s talk about two other shoe sole constructions where you will need to have a little bit experience in show making because you will need to know how to saw this shoe soles toe the show Upper first one is the bank of She also is one of the most beautiful Schuessel construction In my opinion this is this should So you will need toe so by hand on your upper this type of show So overlap overlap the edge off the shoe last and then this edge you will solve a hand toe the upper You will saw it through upper and lining Enter all part of yourself Ham What s special about this show Sold construction to create this a bank of show So you almost don’t need toe work with glue because you saw this should So as I said before to the upper end lining my hand So how to create this type off the shoe sole You also will need to create first the pattern off the show So and you can do it on Lee after you will last your shoes last your upper and lining and you have already lasted shoe and then you will need toe Create pattern off your shoes sole That will include Onley the edge off the shoe sole After you have this pattern you can enlarge it on eight millimeters or 1.

2 centimeters toe Have this kind off age that overlap the shoe Okay And you can decide what kind off h you you want toe create high or low Okay And working with this pattern you will add this extra around your partner and you will have the bottom to create shoe sole a bank You will need to skype the edge off this show So after you will discover it you can attach a little bit on Lee in the middle toe fix it on the right place this you stole and then working with how you saw it And we’ll have this beautiful shoe sole construction The last show so construction that you can use working with leather is welded show sold construction This construction is one of the most complicated shoe sole types because it requires a little bit experience into making and I teach how to create this world construction in my bespoke English Oxford shoes This one it’s actually good for man shoes as well as for women Shoes like this Okay thank you The push it as much as you can and stretch in the same time So how to create this type off shoes So first step is the insult making from letter In this step you will need to prepare your insult of the next steps off the work You will need to create the whole fast The whole fast is the curve around the insult that includes holes through these holes You will saw the upper and world together So after you will ask the upper on the insult you will need to prepare the world This is the strip off letter that you will so toe the insulin apple through the holes in the whole fast After you will create this kind of work you will move on to create the Schuessel Next step is toe Prepare the shoe sole You will use the entire with off your shoes soul because here we don’t need to Skype We need tohave these thickness 45 millimeters You will cut a little bit bigger piece off ladder and then after you will attach it toe the bottom off the schuessel Tow the well toe the bottom You will cut extra off this shoes Oh and finish the age together with the wealth Then you will saw the shoe sole toe the wealth after you will saw the shoe Soto the world you need to finish the edge and and the end It will look like one solid shoes so but it’s actually consists off two layers well and shoe sole And here you see these teachers This construction is solid and strong because here we have double stitches And this type of shoe sole are good for man shoes of course but it’s good as well for women shoes Now you have learned about five most common shoe sole constructions where you can create to source working with leather The main goal off this tutorial is to make you understand that your possibilities are unlimited You can create different shoe sole constructions like this one and use it in any footwear Types for example can create flesh with world of construction You can create sneakers with ah punk of shoes so you can get Sanders also with different constructions So is depends on your taste on your shoe design And this is what I teach my students because I want that you like my students will have this knowledge and know how to create many different shoe designs That’s it If you have questions please comment below this video on Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel If you still are not my subscriber and click the bell button Toby notified when my new video will come out Thank you and see you in the next video by.