CloudStor User Testimonial

Oct 15, 2020 09:36 · 277 words · 2 minute read face us solves latest versions

My name is Rob and I’m a neuroscientist. I investigate how people listen in complex acoustic environments. Specifically, I study how you use both of your ears to listen in challenging situations. We use behavioural measures to understand listening performance and we use neuroimaging techniques to understand how the brain processes sound. So we use CloudStor to store all of our data this is often handy because we have people from different sites uploading to the same central location and we use SWAN to process that data. So as the data is all stored together we can use those tools to analyze the different aspects of our data and it allows each person no matter their technical ability to access the analysis and understand the results.

CloudStor for us solves the problem of 00:52 - working across institutions so we often have different team members working in different states even in different countries and it allows each person to have exactly the same technical base so we don’t have to worry about different versions of software installed at different institutions. It also allows everyone to access the same scripts and make sure we’re all working with the latest versions of the software. It saves a lot of time in that we don’t have to deal with IT issues across each of the different institutions and it allows each person to specialise on their particular topic. Our research will help us to understand better how people listen in complex environments and the challenges they face in a noisy room. By understanding these processes we can better design diagnostic tools and also improve listening devices, assistive hearing devices. .