Install Adobe Exchange ZXP in Windows or Mac OS

Feb 15, 2020 12:44 · 429 words · 3 minute read cs6 versions file zip contains

After payment at Adobe Exchange, you should see the “Acquired” status. If so, go to your Downloads folder. In Windows, it is commonly located in this location. In Mac, it is found in this location. There should be this zip file placed there by Adobe Creative Cloud. If that’s not the case, download the extension zxp from Adobe Exchange. The download may take a few tries. Be patient. Upon successful download, open the zxp and install. Using the ZXP Installer program.

01:13 - Extract the extension zip file placed in the Downloads folder by Adobe Creative Cloud or the ZXP Installer. Then delete the zip file. In Windows, extraction may be a little more complicated. The zip file contains the final zxp file to be installed. You may delete the zip file after extraction. Finally, it’s time to install the extension files. Either by directly opening the zxp with the associated ZXP Installer… Or in this case, by dropping the file in ZXP Installer. You might need to run this program as administrator to install. Go to the Photoshop Scripts folder to check for the installed files. In Mac, the installation steps are very similar.

03:24 - You will most likely be asked for an admin password. You can find the installed files easily in the Applications folder. And browsing to the Scripts folder this way. Here are the installed files. If the files failed to install, we can manually install it by extracting the ZXP file. We could directly open it with an associated zip program. Or rename it to the zip file extension first. So it’s much easier to open with a zip program. I’ll show you which files to extract according to your Photoshop version. Browse to the CC folder for the Creative Cloud version. Then drop this file to the Scripts directory of Photoshop CC.

05:12 - The second folder is for both CC and CS6 versions of Photoshop. Drop the folder inside it to the same location as before. The CS6 folder is for a Photoshop CS6 installation. Let’s browse to the Photoshop CS6 Scripts folder. And drop the CS6 file to it. As mentioned before, the second folder is for any version of Photoshop. Let’s extract it to CS6 as well. To access the extension in Photoshop CC, click on the File menu. Export… Smart Layer Replace… Congratulations. You’re ready to use the extension. In Photoshop CS6, click on File menu… Automate… Smart Layer Replace… Old schooler, you’re now all set. For more information on buying Smart Layer Replace, read description below. .