聖經不敢公開的秘密,人類的原罪是什麼?初生嬰兒因為有罪而啼哭?人類的體內究竟隱藏了什麼?Secrets that the Bible dare not open.(2020,CC字幕)

Sep 13, 2020 13:04 · 4190 words · 20 minute read metaphor little hint .:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Global Express channel. This video will continue to explore the hidden secrets of the Bible with you In the previous video, We talked about it.: Who cheated Eve’s first night? What is a snake in the garden of Eden? What exactly is “forbidden fruit”? What is Cain’s mark? …… Wait. This video will discuss with you: Descendants of snakes、 The mark of the Beast、 A walking tree.、 Talking Beast.、 And the original sin of mankind.…… Descendants of snakes We talked about it in the last video.: God cursed the serpent in the garden of Eden without mercy.」 Actually, the story isn’t over.

00:41 - And the Lord continued,: “I will make you and the woman hate each other again. And your descendants and the descendants of women are against one another. A descendant of a woman will hurt your head. You will break his heel”(Genesis 3:15) This prophecy in the Bible says: “The descendants of the snake” to “ the descendants of the woman」 Fighting each other. “Descendants of women」 To hurt the snake’s head. “Descendants of snakes」 To hurt people’s feet. For a long time, We always thought: “Descendants of women」 It means ” human.“」 And ” descendants of snakes」 It means “ Snake.“」 Between the two species of humans and snakes, Will hurt each other. (People will hit the snake’s head Snakes bite people’s feet.

) 01:17 - The interpretation of this passage It doesn’t seem to be a problem. But in the last video, It has been made clear that: This “snake”」 It’s not a snake at all. (But God uses the word”snake” To allude to the angel,“Lucifer.“」) In other words, “Descendants of snakes」 Actually, It means ” the descendants of Lucifer.“」 (This fallen angel It has offspring!) The truth.

01:39 - Will subvert a long time What the traditional church knows about this passage of the Bible “Descendants of snakes.” It’s not what we usually think of as a”snake.“」 It’s a group of people. They carry the blood of Lucifer. We all know that. After Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden, Eve had two sons. The two men are:: Cain and Abel. And Cain is “ the descendant of the serpent.“」 Cain is not related to Adam. He wasn’t born of Adam. (1 John, Chapter 3, verse 12, says): “Do not be like Cain; he belongs to the evil one」 This passage It’s just a hint. Cain is ” a descendant of the serpent.

“」 02:16 - He was born of the evil one (the angel Lucifer). As for Abel, Is “ the descendant of a woman.“」 “The offspring of Adam.“」 God has said that.: “The descendants of the serpent” shall contend with “the descendants of the woman”(Genesis 3:15) This prophecy Directly on these two people. One day, Cain and Abel fought over the sacrifice. In the end. Cain killed Abel. Cain was convicted of killing a man. Cursed by God. In the last video, we’ve learned God turned Cain into a”monster.“」 Cain’s body. It’s become so huge.

02:48 - The descendants of Cain (the descendants of the serpent) And with this”giant”character. On the body of these giants. Are of”Lucifer” descent. They’re all “ descendants of snakes.“」 That’s why. The character of the giant Are biased towards evil and destruction. (Just like Lucifer) “The descendants of the serpent” shall contend with “the descendants of the woman”(Genesis 3:15) If you study it carefully, You will find The contents of the Old Testament Most of them are talking.: The story of the Israelites fighting with this group of giants. Because the Israelites belong to “ the descendants of women.“」 The people of Israel.

03:20 - No matter where you go, Will meet these “ descendants of snakes.“」 They were meant to fight each other. Remember David of the Israelis? The story of fighting the giant “Goliath”? David, with a stone, Hit Goliath in the forehead.」 Because the Bible has prophesied: “Descendants of women”want to hurt the snake’s” head.“」 Because of the Battle of the Israelites, Most of the Giants Not destroyed. Is to run all over the world. The blood of a giant. And diluted by most humans. However, ” descendants of snakes」 It didn’t disappear. They just hid it.

03:52 - In the time of Jesus, In the crowd of Israel. There are so-called”Pharisees」 John the Baptist. To see those “ Pharisees」 I can’t believe I told them.: “The species of Viper!” Who has shown you to flee from the wrath to come?“(Matthew 3:7).) The famous John the Baptist How can you just curse? And also call others “Vipers”? Oddly enough, Jesus met these “ Pharisees」 Also said: “the species of Viper!” You are evil men.

04:17 - How can you say good things?“(Matthew 12: 34) “ (Matthew 12: 34).) Even Jesus said these people were “Vipers”? Describe others as “ Vipers.“」 That’s too unassuming, isn’t it? Jesus said, ” You Serpents, the species of vipers.” How can you escape the punishment of hell?“(Matthew 23:33) “ (Matthew 23: 33).) Actually, John the Baptist and Jesus It’s not swearing. It’s telling the truth. Because these Pharisees It was”Cain’s blood.“」 They’re ” descendants of snakes.“」 The Pharisees are extremely intelligent. And cunning in nature. At that time, Jesus said to the Pharisees: “Ye are of your father, the devil. You will do the lusts of your father”(John 8: 44) Here it is pointed out Their real father. It’s”Lucifer” (The Devil) Jesus also said: “What I say is what I saw with my father.

; 05:01 - What you do is heard with your father”(John 8: 38) And finally, The Pharisees crucified Jesus on the cross. It fulfills the biblical prophecy.: “Descendants of snakes” to hurt a man’s foot. (Because Jesus is “ the descendant of a woman」) Descendants of the Pharisees. They worship the Lord on the surface. Actually, Behind the worship of “Lucifer”(Satan) As the Bible says,: “Then Satan for a while Claiming to be Jewish. It’s not Jewish, actually. But he is a liar”(Revelation 3: 9) These “ descendants of snakes」 They’re in politics and religion. Has a great influence.

05:34 - They formed an organization called the Illuminati. The word”Illuminati” is illuminate. It means”inspired.” It’s an allusion. Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit. The eyes were opened by Lucifer」 Finally saw the “ light」 Members of the Illuminati. They don’t just worship Lucifer. And think of Cain as his father. They’re extremely evil. Will make a living sacrifice in the dark. (Like the ancestor”Cain」 Killed Abel in the first place. As the first human blood sacrifice, It’s the same thing.) The Illuminati know that God exists. But they just have to fight God. (Just like the original Lucifer) In recent years, People are starting to find out It’s like there’s an organization like the Illuminati.

06:16 - But I never understood the purpose of this mysterious organization. I don’t know why the Illuminati is so cruel. Trying to exterminate the world’s population. Actually, the answer is very simple.: Because they’re not”people.“」 They’re ” descendants of snakes.“」 They hate humans. They were destined to fight each other with the”descendants of women.” You will find From Genesis to Revelation. 》 This history will continue to repeat itself. This prophecy of God In the last generation, Will be fulfilled again. Next, We will explore what kind of tree the tree of life and the tree of good and evil are A tree that moves around. We all know that. There are two trees in the garden of Eden.: “Tree of life” and “ tree of good and evil」 A”life that can give you eternity.

“」 07:01 - Another”knowledge that can give you the distinction between good and evil.“」 Here’s the problem.: In this world, Is there really the existence of these two trees? If there is a”tree of life”and a”tree of good and evil,“」 Where the hell are they now? Is it still in the garden of Eden? I don’t think it exists anymore. Because in Noah’s time, When the flood comes, These two trees Should it have been destroyed along with the garden of Eden? I can tell you in secret here.: From Genesis to the present day. These two trees have always existed. Never disappeared. Lucifer once said to Eve The tree of good and evil can bring you ” knowledge」 Knowledge in English is knowledge etymology of the word”knowledge” It comes from the word know. It means “know. “” know.” (This is well understood Because the so-called”knowledge」 It means “knowing”and “ knowing”something.) However, the word “know” is not used.

07:50 - In the original Bible, There’s another meaning. (Genesis 4, verse 1 says): “Adam went into bed with his wife, Eve. Eve becomes pregnant.」 In English: Adam knows Eve his wife; and she conceives. Used here It’s the word know. But it doesn’t mean”Adam knew Eve.“」 It means”Adam went into bed with Eve.“」 Because the word know Except for”know.” “know”in Hebrew. It can also be used to denote physical “ communion」 (Note: know’s Hebrew original is “ yada」) Don’t believe it? Well, give another example.

08:24 - (Genesis 19, verse 5 says): “Where are the people who came to you tonight?” Get them out of here. We’re going to sleep with them.」 English for: Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them. “We’re going to sleep with them.」 The word know is also used here. To mean ” rendezvous.” In the Bible, It’s a euphemism. At the time, Lucifer said to Eve, Just Eat This fruit. Can bring you “ knowledge」 Lucifer’s here. Using a very evil pun. Because the tree of good and evil brought Eve It’s not what we call”knowledge.“」 It’s”sex.

“」 09:02 - (If you have seen the previous video I knew what was going on.) The word”tree of life.” In Genesis, Three times in total. To the book of Revelation.》 The word”tree of life.” Reappear again! (Revelation Chapter 2, Verse 7 says): “The victorious I will give him the fruit of the tree of life in the paradise of God.」 The main thing here is to say The victorious Saints. You can get eternal life. “The tree of life” in the book of Revelation」 And the tree of life in Genesis.」 It’s supposed to be the same one.

09:31 - (Because they all have the same meaning) But the problem is,: This “tree of life”」 What the hell is it? Have you really seen a tree that can give you”life”? Or can a tree bring you “knowledge”? The answer is no. Therefore, You can reasonably speculate.: “Tree of life” and “ tree of good and evil」 It’s not a real tree. It’s a representation. (I have to say God really likes to use ” parables」) All right. Let’s find out now. Actually, “Tree of life” means God. And later”Christ. “」 And the “tree of good and evil “means” Lucifer.“」 These two trees It’s not a real tree. (Otherwise Was already washed away by the flood of Noah’s time.) At the time, Eve saw the tree of good and evil」 Think,“the fruit of that tree is good for food.” And pleasing to the eye. And it is beloved”(Genesis 3: 6) Actually, Eve was describing”Lucifer.“」 He looks so handsome.

10:23 - Not only attractive, And Eve was fascinated. “Lucifer”is the”snake” in the garden of Eden.」 He is also the”tree of good and evil”! (And the”tree of life” is God himself) God, at first, Why in the garden of Eden? What about placing these two “trees”? Because God respects everyone’s”free will.“」 He gives mankind the right to choose. But you can only choose one.: Or choose the tree of life.」 Or choose the tree of good and evil.」 You can’t choose both. (You can’t choose ” God」 And choose Lucifer at the same time.」) So at that time, After Adam and Eve chose the tree of good and evil, God stopped letting them touch the tree of life.

」 10:59 - (That is, God himself) “I’m afraid he reached out and picked the fruit of the tree of life to eat And he will live forever”(Genesis 3:22) God is far from them. Adam and Eve lost God’s presence. They’ll never be able to touch the tree of life again.」 And lost eternal life. Jesus once said: “I’m coming Is to give life to people. And it is more abundant”(John 10:10) Jesus is the tree of life.」 Lucifer is the tree of good and evil.」 These two trees It still exists today. Just like the choice we have to face now.

11:30 - Next, We’re going to talk about it.: What is the”original sin”of mankind? What is”original sin」 I don’t know, guys. Have you had any similar experience?: One day, You’re walking on the road. Meet foreign missionaries They have the Bible in their hands. I’ll stop you. And said, “ Hey!You’re guilty.」 At this point, Your heart will be furious.: “I didn’t do anything.

11:55 - Why do you say I’m guilty? Simply baffling!」 Even though I scolded the missionaries, But inside you, Still full of questions.: Do humans really have so-called”Original Sin”? If there is, So the”original sin of mankind」 What exactly is it? This question In fact, there’s been a lot of controversy. Some theologians believe: Because the ancestors of mankind, Adam and Eve, He committed a”crime.“」 So this ” sin」 It’s going to be passed down from generation to generation. (This statement It seems unconvincing.

) 12:23 - Some scholars believe: This “ sin」 It should mean ” sinful nature」 We humans. Inherited Adam and Eve’s”sinful nature.“」 (This theory seems a little strange Because God created man. Isn’t it perfect?) There is another point of view.: Some Christians do not recognize the so-called”Original Sin” of mankind.」 They think the doctrine of Original Sin It’s not fair to humans. Those babies who have not yet been born. How can a crime be committed? So… Let’s explore the truth about Original Sin. Since Genesis, Lucifer has been trying to destroy God’s creation. First of all, It brings the element of sin into the garden of Eden. Contaminated Adam and Eve. To corrupt the morals of mankind. However, It’s not just morally. Even on the flesh. Lucifer also polluted the human race. In the previous video, We’ve already said that.

13:12 - Lucifer deceived Eve’s chastity with sweet words. Defiled Eve’s body. Eve didn’t just give birth to Adam’s offspring (Abel).) And the offspring of Lucifer(Cain) That’s why. The Bible says”Eve”is the mother of all beings. But never said “Adam”was the father of all beings. Human beings have been cross-bred through countless generations. The genes of Cain’s offspring. Has quietly entered the human gene pool. In our DNA. Actually, With the gene for Cain. Which means Inside you and me. With a DNA fragment from Lucifer. (Just everyone’s body It’s just a lot of different things.) This is the original sin of mankind.」 This sin. It’s not a moral sin. It’s the original sin in the gene. That’s why. Humans have a desire to sin. (Romans 7, verse 23 says): “I found another law in my body at war with the law in my heart. Take me captive. Let me attach the law of sin from that member.」 Everyone’s subconscious. More or less criminal impulses. Because of the composition of”Lucifer.

” 14:13 - This “ original sin」 Stay alive in our bodies. (Psalm 51, verse 5 says): “I was born in Sin. When my mother was pregnant, she was guilty.」 Even among the Israelites, It’s hard to find genetically pure Adam offspring right now. Which means On everyone. With this”original sin.“」 That’s why. Why humans need to repent and ” confess.” It ’s not something we’ re thinking about. Other animals in nature Was born in peace and quiet. We, humans alone. The first thing to do after birth It’s crying. Do we know we’re guilty when we’re born?」 So feel remorse and cry? Do we want to repent of our”sins” with crying?」 To wash our”sins”with tears? Next, We need to talk about it.: Why can”good people”and”bad people” live together in this world? The parable of “tares” In Matthew 13, There’s a very special metaphor. The content is roughly like this: Tares and wheat The two plants look alike(but the tares are poisonous) Before the harvest, It’s hard to tell.

15:22 - Which ones are tares?、 Which ones are wheat? (Only in the harvest season When both mature, There’s a way to distinguish.) There are enemies. Deliberately put the seeds of tares Sprinkle it in the wheat. The servant found out. Report this to the master. Asked the servant: “Is there a need to pick out the tares?“」 Replied The Master: “No need I’m afraid I’ll hurt the wheat.」 The servant asked again: “So what should I do?“」 Replied The Master: “It’s okay. Let them both grow at the same time. By the time of harvest, And pick the tares out of the wheat.」 Jesus tells this story. Has its meaning. So…

15:58 - What is the expression behind it? “The field is the world”(Matthew 13: 38) Here’s the”world」 It means the human world. “The enemy who sows the tares is the devil”(Matthew 13: 39) Jesus is here. The answer has been given. The one who sprinkled the tares. It’s”Lucifer.“」 Lucifer put it on his own ” kind」 In our human world. This “ species」 Into Eve’s body. “The tares are the Sons of the wicked” (Matthew 13: 38) The evil one is”Lucifer.“」 Therefore, ” son of the wicked」 It means “ Lucifer’s child.

“」 16:29 - This includes “Cain”and” Cain’s descendants.“」 They’re all so-called”tares.“」 “The tares are sown in the wheat”(Matthew 13:25) They These “ tares」 Hidden in the world for destruction. (“Tares” mixed in the wheat field) “The time of harvest is the end of the world” (Matthew 13: 39) At the end of the world, The two will be separated. (Tares and wheat will be distinguished) Wheat is a man of God. (They have “ the mark of God」) The tares belong to Lucifer.

16:56 - (They will have “ the mark of the Beast」) The final will be distinguished by the mark. “But the wheat shall be collected in the barn” (Matthew 13:30) Which means Only those who belong to God. To enter the kingdom of God. “Gather up the tares and burn them with fire”(Matthew 13: 40) The men of Lucifer (tares) After the Armageddon war, They’re going to be thrown into the lake of fire. (“Tares” will eventually be burned by fire) The metaphor is to tell people “The good guys”will eventually go to heaven.」 The “bad guys”will eventually go to” hell.

“」 17:23 - Next, We’re going to talk about it.: What is the mark of the”Beast”? The mark of the Beast. (Revelation 13, verse 16 says): “He called the crowd again Big or small, rich or poor,autonomous,enslaved. With a mark on his right hand or on his forehead.」 This mark. In the book of Revelation, Also known as the”mark of the beast” (Mark of the beast) This is at the end of the day.

17:49 - The Antichrist demands that the people of the world The”mark.“」 What is the”mark of the Beast”? Some people think “Mark of the beast”means an electronic bar code. On each person’s hand or forehead. There’ll be barcodes. Can be scanned (Just like a commodity) Some people think “Mark of the beast”means an RFID chip. This electronic chip It will end up in a human body. We’re today Is going to be at another angle. To analyze the mark of the Beast.」 The word”mark.” Appeared in the Old Testament. Ezekiel, chapter 9. It was mentioned.

18:23 - God commanded His messenger (angel) at that time) To find the city of Jerusalem. Make a “mark” on some people.」 Who has this mark on his forehead. Will escape death.; The rest of you who don’t have a mark. And killed them all. This is “ the mark of God.“」 Most people can’t see it with the naked eye. Only God can see it. Therefore, It’s reasonable to speculate. “The mark of the beast” should be the same thing. Which means This “ mark」 There’s a good chance. It’s not an appearance mark. (It’s not a tattoo or a bar code.

)) 18:53 - And to know what the mark of the beast is, Must first define:what is a “beast”? As we mentioned earlier, In the Bible. I like to use the “ metaphor」 So here’s The ” Beast」 Of course not the beast of the jungle. It means something else. According to the book of Daniel, Daniel is in a vision. He saw four beasts of different shapes.」 In the book of Revelation, The Apostle John also saw two “ beasts」 (One from the sea One came from the ground.) These ” beasts」 Of course not a living beast. It’s a”symbol.“」 Behind them. They represent different meanings.

19:28 - (It can refer to a country,a dynasty,or even a character) Which means the word”beast.” Can mean “ something.” Over here. I can give you a little hint.: Daniel and the Apostle John The “Beast” they see in their eyes」 It’s all”hybrid” (Chimera in English).) On the bodies of these beasts. With different animal characteristics. Have you thought of the answer? At first, God created animals. “Each in his class” “it is good for God” (Genesis 1:25) And what we call”The Beast” here,」 What God sees as “ bad.” So you can know It’s not a creature created by God.

20:02 - (It does not “ each from its class」) This ” beast」 Neither human. It’s not an animal. Not to be an angel. So what is it? There’s only one possibility left. Is between humans and other species. It’s mentioned in the ancient book of Jashar.: In Noah’s time, There are not just Giants on the ground. There are also many hybrids. “In those days, Man makes the cattle and the fowl of the Earth join one another”(Jashar 4: 18) This kind of behavior In those days, Gave birth to many hybrid creatures (also known as Chimera) “Whoever has blood All the works have been corrupted on Earth”(Jashar 4: 18) On the ground at the time.

20:38 - Evil is everywhere(human-animal hybridization) Thus saith the Lord: “I will bring the man and The Beast that I have made And it ‘ s not. And the birds in the air. All are destroyed from the Earth”(Genesis 6: 7) Because it’s not just humans. Even the animals on the ground are corrupted. (If only humans were contaminated Why should God destroy all those animals?) This kind of hybrid creatures (including giants) These”hybrids” (Chimera) In the eyes of God, They’re the so-called”beasts.“」 We already hinted in the last video: “The mark of Cain」 And the mark of the beast in Revelation.」 It’s connected. Here’s the reason. Because of the Curse of God. God gave Cain a mark. This mark. Made Cain a”monster.“」 He became a ” beast.“」 That’s what I should say.

: 21:20 - Cain is one of the most important people in the history of mankind The first man to have the mark of the Beast. What does that mean? We all know that. Cain was the son of Lucifer. Cain’s body. Half human, half angel blood. (Eve for humanity Lucifer as Angel) Which means Cain is a “ hybrid.“」 He’s the beast in God’s eyes.」 So… God is in him. Made a mark. “The mark of Cain.“」 (In fact Equivalent to ” the mark of the Beast.“」) This mark. Modified Cain’S DNA. To make Cain look It really became a ” beast.

“」 21:53 - “The mark of the beast”is relative to”the mark of God”. The mark of the Beast Basically, Is the mark of Lucifer. (The opposite of God It’s Lucifer.) And the word”beast” It’s a hint.: They’re not people anymore. They’re”beasts.“」 The so-called”hybrid” (Chimera) Whether it’s the mark of Cain in Genesis,」 Or”the mark of the beast” in the book of Revelation. 」 Here’s the”mark」 It’s not a mark on your body. It’s the”mark” in DNA.」 Which means It involves modification of DNA fragments. Although I do not know this “ mark」 In what form will the future be presented (E.g. gene therapy or immunotherapy) What’s certain is, Once you accept this mark,」 It also means Your DNA will be modified. When your DNA is modified, You will no longer be”human」 It’s the beast in God’s eyes.」 “God loves the world. Even gave them his only begotten Son. Tell everyone to trust him. Will not perish.

22:48 - But he has eternal life”(John 3: 16) What God wants to save is “ man.“」 When people are no longer ” human」 Lucifer’s purpose. And it’s done. (Because this represents Lost a chance to be saved.) All right. That’s the end of this video. If you have any unique views and suggestions on this video Please leave a message If you like this channel, Welcome to subscribe Thank you for watching. I’ll see you next time. .