Devil May Cry 5 middle effects on GPD WIN MAX, 30-40 FPS
May 20, 2020 01:24 · 344 words · 2 minute read
大家好,这里是GPD官方频道 Hello, this’s GPD official channel 我手上这台机子就是GPD WIN MAX And this’s GPD WIN MAX 他的CPU是I5 1035G7 CPU is I5 1035G7 然后有16GB 3373的大内存 16GB 3373 RAM 512GB SSD NVME 512GB SSD NVME 整个配置呢可以算得上是不错的了 That’s good spec 有的朋友就是问这个机子能不能玩3A呢,那我们来看下 Some people ask that whether it could run AAA games, let’s check it out 这个机子,鬼泣5算得上是3A大作,鬼泣5在这台机子上的表现 Devil May Cry 5 is AAA game, let’s check how it runs 现在我已经进入游戏了,为了让你们看的更清楚,我把这个拿近一点 Now I’m in game, I put it closer for more clear 现在是49帧,大概在50帧 Now FPS IS 49, around 50 那么我们进游戏,配置的话我们等会再看 Then let’s check the setting in game 好,我们现在就进入游戏了,由于时间的关系呢,我们就先把那个 Ok,we are in, because time limited, we need cut those 把电影啊,CG啊都跳过了,现在我们来看一下 Moives, CG, and let’s check it out 现在GPU的负载是在98%,CPU是54% Now GPU loading is 98%, CPU is 54% 在70度左右徘徊 Around 70C 大家看到这个游戏运行起来是非常流畅的 You could see this game is very smooth 最低也没掉过30帧 Never lower than 30FPS 然后我们等会去看下配置,等我把这几个恶魔打完 We could check the setting after I kill those devils 现在大家看起来可能有点反光,但是我从实际的机子上看来是没有问题的 You might got reflect light, but in fact that no problem at all from my side 跳过CG,好我们来看下 Jump off CG 看下,设置 Check the settig 这个设置呢是1280*800 So here is 1280*800 刷新率60,全屏 Refresh rate 60, full screen 然后这个是变动 Here is dynamic 然后所有的特效啊,是中等,看好啊,所有的特效都是中等 Then all are in middle 都是中等,所有该开的全部都开了 All are in middle 然后这个光照体积开的是高 Here light volume is high 所有特效全是中等 All effects are middle 然后退出来,继续再打两把 The quit, go ahead 好,现在玩了几分钟之后呢 Ok, a few minutes past 大家都看到这个帧数啊,是非常好的 You could check the FPS out, that’s very good 都在30以上,而且也没什么大的卡顿之类的 Over than 30, and no stock at all 很流畅 Very smooth CPU的温度也在70度 CPU temp also at 70C 散热还是做的很不错的 The cooling system is quite good 跳过CG Jump off CG 大家来看下BOSS战 Let’s check BOSS battle 好像我快挂了,看我跟他谁先挂呢 Seems I’m going to die, so who will die first? 好,我们就不复活了 Ok, we will not resurgence 大家都看到鬼泣5在这个机子上的表现 You got the performance about Devil May Cry 5 on this unit 还是很完美的,中等特效之下我们可以很流畅的运行 That’s perfect, we could run it smooth under the middle effects 这是全屏,满帧,满屏,800P Here’s full screen with 800P 现在这个机器是25W的功率下运行 And now is running with 25TDP 那么今天我们的视频就到这里了,如果大家有什么想测的游戏,请在下方给我留言 So we are goning to end, anygame you want to test, please leave your message here 谢谢大家的观看,我们下次再见 Thanks for watchin, meet you next time .