[Vlog] OnlyOneOf LuVlog #5
Feb 9, 2021 15:00 · 1828 words · 9 minute read
Hello, guys. It’s Love from OnlyOneOf.
00:04 - I’ve finally made up my mind. I’m gonna go on a sunrise hike.
00:10 - But it’s so cold these days, and It’ll be so lonely for me to go alone.
00:16 - So I’m thinking of taking some members along with me.
00:22 - I’d like to go with our fans, but as you know… we kind of can’t these days.
00:27 - So how… Hello. Sir. - Do you know about this? - Know what? I’ve been wanting to go on a sunrise hike for a while.
00:39 - Nine is such a loyal friend. He’d be so worried if I went alone…
00:44 - Sir! Wait! Wait!! Anyway, guys. It’s gonna be so lonely for me to go alone.
00:52 - So I’m gonna randomly pick like two members to go with me.
00:58 - How should we pick them? Let’s do the ladder game.
01:02 - Nine, please go draw the ladders. - Seriously. - Me? Seriously. I’m serious.
01:08 - Don’t worry. You’re not gonna get chosen. - When are you planning to go? - I’m not sure.
01:13 - - So I’m the one drawing the ladders? - Yes.
01:14 - - Okay. - Wait a minute. Let’s have some conscience here.
01:17 - Let’s have some conscience and be fair. Of course, I’d rather go by myself. As the leader of the group, I’d be worried if my members get tired.
01:24 - But! We have no choice. We have to entertain all viewers of this vlog.
01:28 - So I have no choice but to take them with me. Thank you for your kind understanding.
01:33 - The ladders must be ready now, right? Without further ado, let’s go find out who’ll go hiking with me! Nine, are you done? I drew the ladders so that I can get what I want.
01:48 - If that’s really the case, then you’ve manipulated this 100%.
01:53 - Let’s start with Kyubin. OnlyOneOf’s…
01:57 - - sunrise hiking. - I’ll draw some new lines right away.
02:01 - - What? - I’ll draw some on the spot right now.
02:02 - Okay. [Even this seems suspicious… ] - Okay? - Okay! Let’s go. Start with Kyubin.
02:09 - [Anyone can get lucky lol. ] - What! - Kyubin’s not going. [What a bummer. ] He survives! [It really was a bummer. ] - Ah. Rie is also not going. - What.
02:23 - From the way I see it, we should have one lucky guy now.
02:26 - - I mean the third… - Let’s do it for Mill instead of me for now.
02:29 - - Let’s try JunJi. - Okay. JunJi is also not going.
02:36 - [We don’t have anyone to go hiking with yet. ] Oh Nine… If you also survive here, - then you need to start over because it would’ve been manipulated. - How so? Let’s try YooJung.
02:57 - Do it again. Do it again. Dude. [Yep. You’re a lucky guy. lol] - I’m not going. - Yay. We got YooJung.
03:07 - Nine, the ladders still exist down there. Will the other lucky guy be Mill or Nine? [Let’s see… ] [That’s right. You’re the lucky one. ] [The second winner is in denial. ] Did someone draw extra lines or something? Ladies and gentlemen, YooJung and Nine are winners. Congratulations! Someone drew extra lines! - Someone drew more lines. Wait! - See you very early in the morning. See ya! [a guy who was forced to come] Gotta go hiking.
Gotta go hiking at 5 A. M. [He’s not having an out-of-body experience. ] [Peekaboo. ] [distributing food] Thank you very much for joining me today.
03:53 - [He’s passed out because the apple juice is too good. ] Why did I ever tell Jisung about this…
03:58 - I was watching Si Young Lee’s episode on the show “I Live Alone”. And I was like, “It’d be nice to do that. ” [Once you say it, you can’t take back what you’ve said. lol] The starting point of this whole thing was actually this guy.
04:16 - - Ah he started it all. - Yep. It’s him. What time is it? It’s gonna sound ridiculous.
04:25 - How do you feel? We still haven’t left the house yet. [“How do you feel?” time] - Good. - Okay. See you guys in Achasan (mountain). We’re on our way to Achasan.
04:42 - It’s gonna be fun. We’re excited. See you later in Achasan.
04:53 - We’ve arrived in Achasan. [Finally arrived! It was even colder in the mountain. ] [the reaction king] [sleeping with his eyes open] I brought these essential tools.
05:03 - This is a flashlight. [perfect preparation] It’s a lot brighter than you think.
05:06 - I have one for our manager too. Here. [The basic part of hiking is feeling the excitement. ] This one has a special feature. Please take one each.
05:18 - - Oh I get one too? - Yes. - Four. - We’re gonna get going then.
05:27 - We’re gonna be safe. Let’s go. We can probably see the sun, right? Let’s hurry and go up.
05:33 - Let’s go! [Going hiking for real now!] - We are now on our way. - It’s already very tough.
05:43 - - We seem so obvious that we are newbies here. - Exactly. [Everyone was looking at us because we had the head lantern on. ] Only we were using the lights. What. This place already has lights.
05:50 - It doesn’t seem like hiking. [Back then, we thought this hiking would be easy… ] - Wait. From what I can tell… - It’s already getting tough for me.
05:57 - - There’s a reason why our knees hurt. - What’s that? - We didn’t do Si Young Lee’s… - Squats? - Then let’s do squats here. - How about three reps? We’ll do three reps.
06:08 - You’ve watched “I Live Alone”, right? Si Young Lee shared this great tip.
06:11 - If you put too much stress on your knees, you might hurt yourself. [By doing squats before you hike, you’re fooling your body to utilize energy in the thighs. ] It’s basically fooling your body.
06:17 - Let’s do 3 reps of 20 squats. Let’s go. Are you crazy? The sun will be up while we’re doing squats then. - 1,2,3! We need to fool or bodies! 9, 10! Done! We can’t do all the reps here. Let’s keep going up.
06:34 - It’s a bit cold. [A bit much… ] So this is where we’re going. [Captain Love Park’s strategy time] [Captain Love Park’s strategy time] There are… what do you call it… frost?… on Jisung’s eyelashes.
06:53 - - You’ve got ice in your eyelashes. - Really? - And they are frozen.
07:02 - This hat isn’t working so well because it’s quite frozen.
07:06 - I really wanted to come sunrise hiking with our fans. [I really will next time. I’m serious (as a serious-looking font)] I don’t think any of them would want to join this…
07:14 - Right? We need to reach the top of Achasan.
07:19 - Ah, I see. This is the way up. How do we get there? [Since it was our first time here and it was dark, we couldn’t really utilize the map. ] To Koryojung. [Since it was our first time here and it was dark, we couldn’t really utilize the map. ] - We should go left. - Ah, it’s left. - We need to follow that man. - We’re here according to Google.
07:30 - We need to go up. This should be right…
07:38 - Guys. After this hike, we have to be at work at 11A. M. today.
07:45 - - That’s true. - It’s gonna be a long day today.
07:49 - - Oh, we DO need those lights! - They were needed! Where are we supposed to go? It’s this way. [I recommend you to study the route thoroughly before going sunrise hiking. ] - It’s a tough road. - Be careful. This road is tough. Are we going the right way? Tae Yeob, please point the light at me.
08:05 - We’re gonna keep going up. This route is pretty tough. [It was so cold and tough, but it felt exhilarating for some reason!] - We’re gonna be careful and keep going up. - Let’s go! - Let’s go! - My eyelashes are frozen.
08:16 - You can look down at the city view of Seoul. [the first night view of Seoul] There’s the pretty moon up there. [The moon is also here. ] There’s a gazebo over there.
08:25 - Can you see the road? Nine is taking a picture right now. [He looks like a minion. Cute. ] Nine, look over here.
08:33 - Hi, there. We were supposed to reach the gazebo after 30 minutes of hiking.
08:41 - But we took the tough route, like for difficult level of hiking.
08:47 - So I think it took us 5 minutes to get to the gazebo area. Let’s head up there.
08:51 - We’ve arrived at the gazebo. [out of breath] That was very fast.
08:58 - - We were like “are we going the wrong way?” but… - I feel like dying.
09:02 - It seemed like something was off. It’s time to have some water. [Water is really a necessity!] - Yes, we need to drink water now. - The sun’s coming up. We gotta get there fast.
09:09 - Wow, it’s really pretty. - Wow. Awesome. - What’s going on? [Wherever we looked, the view was so nice. ] [Arrived at the gazebo!] Dance time to commemorate our arrival at the gazebo! [Our dancer YooJung’s dance time] - Wow. Awesome. - Look over there.
09:28 - [The camera really can’t capture the beautiful scenery. ] - Wookjin! - Maybe he’s on his way down? [YooJung is suspicious of whatever. lol. ] Come over here. It’s amazing here.
09:40 - YooJung and Nine. Show us the gazebo dance! [Are these really the two guys who didn’t want to come?] We’re now gonna continue our journey to the top.
09:53 - Right now, we… [We didn’t have enough time. So we just enjoyed the night view for a bit and then started hiking again. ] We came this far in just 5 minutes by taking the tough route. It would’ve taken 30 minutes with the other route. - I think the tough route is better. - Can’t see. - I’ll turn on the light for you. - You’re like a ghost.
10:06 - It’s so dark here. Nine is wearing his headlights backwards for me now.
10:12 - We’ll keep hiking to the top. .