✅ +$1,300 Scalping AMD in ONE MINUTE | Day Trade #116 - Full Breakdown & Analysis

Dec 15, 2020 20:21 · 1868 words · 9 minute read one thing 15 edge rages

hey everybody welcome back to the channel if this is your first time stopping by my name is jimmy and on this channel we’re talking all things day trading so today was a bit of a wild one you’re going to really find this interesting because there was a lot going on and i had made this decision last night i decided to get a different account involved and i’m gonna explain this as we get into it but ultimately what happened today was i ended up trading in two accounts during the same trade at the same time now i don’t recommend this and actually this reminds me i’m just gonna roll this real quick this is the disclaimer for the channel i’m not licensed in anything i’m just a guy that likes to trade the markets i love following price action i just love being involved with the market so with that out of the way let’s dive into this this was a crazy one today and i was laughing when it was all done because i sort of created two scenarios two rule-based sort of situations and was able to execute them both pretty accurately within one minute so it’s it’s a really bizarre scenario but what happened was i’m trading in my cash account and a lot of you know that i like to play opening range breakouts and i like to play the range breakout on that last pre-market 15-minute candle so i did that like normal but instead of just playing my cash account i also put that same order into my my not my roth my traditional ira i manage that and typically only trade options in that account but today i decided why not just go ahead and put the trade on in there and you might say well that sounds kind of risky without back tests because i always preach back testing but what i did was i looked back at the last 115 trades and turns out that my win rate when i take a long position is about 48 so to me i said okay well if i could get myself to 2r on any of these long trades then that would mean that i need to be right 33 of the time so that told me i had about a 15 edge on the long side so i thought you know what you can’t short in your ira but you can take longs so i thought let’s leverage things and let’s put the same trade on twice with the same mechanics except for one thing once i’m up beyond two and a half r in the retirement account i told myself i can just flatten the position and get out and in my cash account i’m maintaining the same rules i’ve had all along which are once my p l gets to 2.5 r which is 750 dollars i move my stop loss up to 2r and then i just see what happens if it keeps moving in my direction then what i’ll do is follow it bar by bar for my stop loss until i get stopped out so that’s what happened today and i’m going to show you the video right now i’m going to hit play on this so you can see real quick that the market had just opened been open 21 seconds and it just rages to the upside so i got a pretty quick fill it was just broken up into a lot of little pieces you can see but over here you can see i did get the full 1200 share fill and i got it at 96.44 and for a tiny brief second i don’t know you can see my p l i was almost stopped out because my r value is 300. i was down 276. i don’t know what that means exactly if that was just a glitch in the in the trading platform but i hit play immediately i’m up 72 24 everything’s good i i rush quickly up into the 400s and then back down negative so this one was very whippy and the one thing that i want to tell you and show you is if you look at how long we’ve been open market’s been open 35 seconds right here look at the volume 1.134 million shares traded in the first 35 seconds so this was really big volume and i had an indication of that because this third candle right here we had the last pre-market candle the second and then the third with this big tail this candle had a volume of 250 000 shares in the pre-market that’s atypical for amd typically amd will do something on the last three candles like eight thousand sixteen thousand ten thousand or sometimes it’ll give you like eight thousand twenty five thousand eighty thousand or i’ve even seen it as high as a hundred right around ninety thousand but never i’ve never seen a pre-market candle at two hundred and fifty thousand so that told me that we had a lot of volume and that things could be volatile this morning in addition to that volume i saw this huge tail so what i do every morning when i get ready to place my trades on the upside and the downside because i place a long trade and a short trade and then i let amd decide which way we’re going this morning i said i really think my gut says that we’re going to go long today because of volume and because of this big wicky tail so with that being said i’ll hit play again notice the volume it’s just massive we jump up i’m up about about 280 300 410 so i come in to edit my order because i want to move the stop loss as soon as we get to 2.

5 r which is 750 05:41 - we come back in the 200s 300s we’re just kind of all over the place this morning and we hit the 550s 600s we’re getting really close and my plan here was that if we hit 2.5 r and i move that stop loss i’ve got to immediately jump over to my other account so that i can flatten that one because i wanted to not have a target on it i just want to kind of let it go so you can see right here we get pushing up back to the fives the sixes you’re gonna see 750 hit the board and that’s going to happen right there so right there you can see i’m bringing this up right here to edit the order and i fire that off so i just move my stop loss from minus 1r to plus 2r right here and now my plan is that if i don’t get stopped out and this keeps going higher i’m going to play the stop loss movement bar by bar so immediately i flip over to my other account pop over to my traditional ira and then in that account i’m seeing that i’m up to almost 2.5 r so all i’m gonna do is jump into this account slap the flatten button and call it a day there’s no strategy in this account other than just get beyond 2r and take it off and that’s what i did i just slapped the flat immediately and i end up clocking out with 707.48 which is fantastic because that’s in a whole additional you know separate account and i heard a bunch of other dings while i was doing this i was hearing all these chimes so i hop back over to the first account to find out that i had just been stopped so you can see i got that thing came that candle came raging back to the downside stopped me out for almost 600 so almost 2r on that play right there so almost two and a half r in the previous account in the traditional ira account over here you can see 707 um close to 750 a little under 2.5 r and then in my normal cash account that i always trade 585 dollars almost 2r almost 2 hours so we picked up 2r 4r and a half we’ll call it maybe 4 and a quarter r that we picked up today really amazing and really cool to leverage data from my trades for my hundreds of back tests plus my 100 in now 16 or 17 live trades on this strategy to identify that my long trades have a win rate significant enough to justify putting on a 2 or a 2.

5 r 08:33 - position so i’m going to keep this up i think and just consistently trade in three accounts i can’t trade short in an ira so if in fact the trade decides to go south and go go short then that’ll only be in one account because i can’t short in any government setup or established retirement accounts so with that being said let’s go ahead and pop over to the chart real quick and just show you what ended up happening if i jump back over to amd let’s go to the 15-minute chart here and let’s just take a look at what it did do so it’s kind of funny but um it worked out really well in the ira because i got that pop-up i slapped the flattened button got out got stopped on my original first trade and then amd just sold off and that was kind of it it’s really done nothing today it’s um you know the pre-market levels were at 96.5 ish and we’re just at 96.75 right now so things are a little flat in amd but amazing day to stack seven hundred dollars in one account and almost 600 in another for about thirteen hundred dollars on the day so if you have questions about your strategy drop them below leave me comments if you have questions about what i did today if you want to know more about how thinkorswim allows you to trade in different accounts we might be able to get into that in our next live stream which i haven’t announced yet i’m not sure when that’s going to be it could be a couple of weeks so we’ll keep planning on that hope this was helpful hope you guys were green today again ask any questions you want in the comment section below if you’re new to the channel and you got value from this video i would love it if you would subscribe and hit that thumbs up button it really helps support the channel and in addition if you want to be part of our private free facebook group go to my youtube banner and click on that link and i’ll get you set up and you can join our group of i think 186 members so far come join us we’d love to have you all right have a great day and we’ll see you tomorrow you .