Where Is Sherry, How Do We Keep Up The Homestead? | RangerRob Country Living

Jan 25, 2021 20:39 · 1069 words · 6 minute read

foreign good morning this is ranger rob from the ranger rob country living channel and welcome to another beautiful morning in central oregon so today’s video is to answer the question why would i mock bernie sanders i don’t know he’s just funny anyway guys uh on our channel we try to have a little bit of fun uh if you notice our channel has different um playlists and uh so uh you know if you’re not into one of our podcasts or little fun things we do just stay with the plum the playlist you enjoy this one’s the ranger rob country living in central oregon anyway today’s video is going to be about my wife sherry i know a lot of folks probably like where is sherry sherry’s not in all the videos well we’re at that fighting age uh i just hit the 60.

sherry is actually close to uh you know just a few months difference between us and uh so we have the same dreams together we do a lot of our projects together and uh however sharia is more reserved than i am obviously and uh she likes what she does she’s in accounting and the other thing is at our age is we’re at that cusp of you know uh it comes down to healthcare i know it’s like a lot of the stuff we’re doing is because of healthcare um when we were trying to do a little bit of the what they call the obama stuff it it’s really expensive and two the deductible is insane so uh anyway sherry uh did get about a year off when her father passed away um that worked out really well for us but uh the reality is is once we get to central oregon she would keep her eyes open first for uh a job and she found a great one in the school district which gave us exceptionally good um health health care i don’t know how many times though she goes gosh i wish i could be home to work on the homestead i definitely understand that and uh like the new color house is not done yet but it’s been snowing and that means we have no construction people so uh anyway a couple of questions you might want to know about sherry and i we’ve been married 40 years we met each other in second grade and uh believe it or not we met through square dancing and believe it or not i used to be a square dance caller so uh actually as late teenagers i actually started square dance club for uh pre-teens and teens and did that for years and sherry helped along the way of course and uh as time went on life got more serious i got into an aerospace company started working through the ranks a little bit and really cracked down my career and i’m glad i did that because i’ve had to fall back on that career a couple of times but between that career between layoffs and stuff that happens a lot in aerospace companies i’ve actually had several companies in my past from annexation company up in washington state to i usually have a chain of kite stores yes kite stores and i also had a web design company right here in central oregon and uh yeah so anyway uh sherry’s been very supportive through all that so it looks like i’m a liar today it looks like my contractors are gonna try to work in this snow today and uh good for them it would be nice to get this done so uh talking about sherry and i so sherry actually doesn’t mind that much getting on the uh on the camera but she likes it to be organized and i i sit i shoot from the hip that drives her crazy sometimes we’re gonna get ready to do a show together and she goes okay show me the outline or something it’s like what out life you just wing it man so uh anyway i guess a big thing i wanna point out is uh sherry sherry’s been a great support it’s always supported my dreams she’s really good at making sure that i look at all the aspects of the adventures we go on but sherry’s gone from full-time rving with me to me having businesses uh me doing night school and stuff while i was in aerospace being a teacher a caller all kinds of stuff and now she puts up with me as a homesteader but it’s she has the same dream but uh she’s uh oh well we’re both very realistic of what it takes gotta have money gotta have health insurance and this stuff is not cheap so i tip my hat to my wife sherry i hope you appreciate her too she’s a wonderful person very loving very supportive and uh i’m very grateful to be married to her all these years so uh 40 years is a long time guys so that’s my story and i’m sticking to it so i’m going to leave this video here just kind of let you know a little bit about why you don’t see sherry that much and uh i want to take the time for you guys to uh remind remind you guys to hit the like button would you hit it a couple times whatever you can do and subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world and uh like i said each day you never know what kind of video we’re gonna put out but uh that’s what makes us unique i don’t want to be like everybody else so guys have a great day be safe thank you for watching thank you for being a follower and uh please leave your comments below and say hello and tell me your stories about how well your spouse supports you so guys talk to you later bye it’s never too cold for ranger rob poopy bags ranger rob poopy bags are larger stronger have handles and smell like lemon you can find ranger rob poopy bags at amazon with free shipping thank you very much for watching our video please take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world thanks.