FOLIO Sprint Review 112-113

May 11, 2021 16:09 · 3717 words · 18 minute read

So before we get started with the sprint review, I want to give Khalilah some time to go over a couple changes that happened last week.

00:14 - Thanks, Ann-Marie. Hey everybody, welcome to the sprint review.

00:24 - Many of you guys may know or may not know, Kelly Drake typically lead these sprint reviews, and she was the FOLIO Lead PO.

00:35 - Late last week, Kelly due to to personal reasons decided to leave the FOLIO project.

00:49 - So, which is sad, I like probably many of you on the call, have really enjoyed working with Kelly and thought she was doing some great things as the Lead PO.

01:04 - And I’m wishing nothing but the best for her family, too.

01:10 - So, as a result of that departure, I am now the Lead PO.

01:23 - I worked at most of you guys on the call. So, I mean, I’m going to continue to do that and definitely going to need help in this role, and hopefully I can count on the folks on the call for that.

01:37 - One person I’m relying on Ann-Marie, as Ann-Marie will now be the facilitator of the system Sprint reviews.

01:50 - So she’ll be running through the slides kicking them off.

01:55 - Slightly nudging product owners to up— [silence] slide decks.

02:17 - [crosstalk] We lost you for about 15 seconds there.

02:22 - Okay. Can you guys hear me now. Yes.

02:25 - Okay. I don’t know where you missed me.

02:28 - Where was I… what part was I’m rambling through at that point? You were just talking about slide decks.

02:34 - So… Okay, yeah so Ann-Marie will be the person leading the system sprint reviews, slightly nudging product owners to update their slide decks and ensuring that we show all the great work that the teams are doing.

02:52 - And so if there are no questions and my audio is still on I’ll hand it back to hand it back to Ann-Marie.

03:00 - All right. So, we have not so much today.

03:09 - We in the product owner team—product owners Slack channel we were talking a little bit about proposal that Owen made earlier today about whether we should maybe think about moving away from slides for accomplishments and upcoming work.

03:32 - Migrating more of that on to the wiki, whether that might be easier to maintain than the slide decks every four weeks.

03:41 - So, I’ll get with Khalilah after the meeting, which may wrap up early.

03:47 - And we’ll also see if we should maybe discuss it with the rest of the POs and the scrum masters perhaps.

03:55 - But for now, we’re still in the traditional classic format.

04:03 - One thing that I did do was put the teams in alphabetical order because it drives me crazy not to be able to find them.

04:11 - And I also added a link to the team module responsibility matrix because it seems like we’re always trying to remember who is working on which pieces of FOLIO.

04:23 - As far as the members of the teams, I don’t think we have a ton of changes—looks like we have a new Alexander on Firebird and couple new folks on Spitfire, another Alexander, and Igor who’s been with us for a long time but moved over Spitfire And I missed Kristen—oops, Kristen spelled wrong—who’s working on the e-usage reports for Index Data.

05:10 - And a couple new folks— two Dimitrios for Volaris.

05:19 - I took out the Iris timeline; we’ve got the Juniper timeline and we have a draft of the Kiwi timeline.

05:27 - The pointing exercise was wrapped up last week I think it was, or a week before at this point.

05:36 - And there is much, much that has been pointed high for Kiwi.

05:40 - We think there’s going to be some spillover from Juniper, and in our product owner meeting tomorrow Kelly was going to be talking more about that so that we can try to identify that as early as possible.

05:55 - Since we have not very many more development Sprint’s left in Juniper.

06:06 - Anton or Jakub, do either of you want to talk about the pull request guidelines.

06:14 - Or we can just skip over them. Or we may not have either Anton or Jakub.

06:23 - All right, I’m going to skip them, we can always come back.

06:28 - In terms of highlights, almost everybody is deep in bug fixes and test writing, and the last bits of cleanup from Iris and starting to plan for the Kiwi work.

06:50 - So you’ll see bug fixes on a lot of our slides.

06:59 - And with regards to the presentations, we just have a handful this week, because everybody’s been working on bug fixes and bits and pieces that are not quite ready to show yet.

07:17 - If Anton is on, Um, I don’t know, Anton if you want to talk anymore about the Iris bug fixes? Well, just if you could back up a slide? Yeah.

07:35 - So just want to thank everybody for the hard work over the past four weeks when we were testing and fixing bugs.

07:46 - These two charts have shown pretty much identical situation at the end of on the release date.

07:55 - So, the bottom one is Honeysuckle and the top one is Iris.

08:01 - So we’ve got to 96 percent of passing rate for Manual Test Cases and we’ve had more test cases.

08:10 - Obviously we’re always growing test cases with each subsequent release.

08:16 - So, thanks, thanks everyone for the hard work and we’re holding the fort at the same level so we don’t give in and our passing rate is the same as before, so that’s great news.

08:36 - Good. Ann-Marie, if you could go to the next slide.

08:43 - So that being said, we had a lot more bugs that we had to fix compared to Honeysuckle.

08:50 - So, our bug issue count went up 28% so we had to fix 314 issues total, compared to 245 in Honeysuckle.

09:05 - And, well there’s a… you can see the breakdown by the team so we need to…

09:11 - So, I think top four or five teams we need to have a retro meetings and kind of dive into root causes of such a high count bugs and figure out the measures to start preventing preventing them because again it’s a big stress on the team when they have to go through so many bug fixes, so.

09:39 - And could you go to the next slide, please Ann-Marie? Yep.

09:46 - So, this is just the reminder about planning activities and building activities for karate integration tests.

09:57 - As you can see for the past few builds they were contribution to the tests.

10:02 - We have more tests added, so that’s a great news.

10:06 - And as you can see at the bottom of the graph, they’re still test cases that are failing so if you guys can go and check if this is your test cases that they’re failing and fix them.

10:23 - But there’s still about 50 test cases that that failing there.

10:31 - And my last slide… my last slide is just a reminder that the deadline for our RTL/Jest migration for UI unit test is September 30.

10:46 - So, please, don’t put it off. For the last minute, don’t let it be your student exam syndrome just studying like couple hours before the exam.

11:05 - So spread them out, and I’m showing the coverage page here so I need we need to see more modules showing the better coverage for those tests so please plan accordingly and please, build those build those tests, don’t leave it till the last minute.

11:26 - And, well, that’s all I have for, for today.

11:30 - Thank you. So Anton on Sonar Cloud now, if you have big test.

11:40 - Does that show it all anymore on Sonar Cloud? No, it’s only showing the Jest… Sonar Cloud can be configured to show one or another, but still see your big test coverage within individual built.

12:01 - So if you have a build for example UI-Users, you can go into Jenkins and open up Jenkins job and see coverage for big tests, but Sonar Cloud aggregates RTL/Jest coverage only.

12:19 - Okay, good to know. And I know for Folijet we’ve got lots that we still need to do—we’ve made a dent in it but we had a huge amount of big tests that we’ve got to convert.

12:31 - So, right, we’re kind of doing this reminder so it’s just doesn’t become a huge problem at the end.

12:41 - We still have plenty of time to get it done and if you just slow and steady wins the race.

12:49 - Right? Yes, old Russian saying. I don’t know, I don’t think it’s a Russian saying though.

12:56 - No, it’s Aesop. Yeah. All right.

13:01 - So any questions for Anton? And if not, we’re going to jump into demos, and we’re going to start with Spitfire so Khalilah back to you.

13:19 - Thanks Ann-Marie. So, Dennis is going to demonstrate some of the updates we’ve done with QuickMARC.

13:28 - He’s going to demo the fact that now when you add a new MARC field or MARC tag or row, it’ll auto populate with a leading subfield, and he’ll also demonstrate that when you’re on that QuickMARC record you can see who’s the last person to update the record.

13:47 - So Dennis, take it away. Thank you, Khalilah.

13:53 - Hope you can hear me. Yes, we can. Okay, great.

13:59 - So I’ll just share my screen in a second. So, we should probably see it now.

14:07 - Okay, so as Khalilah said we’ve been working on some improvements in QuickMARC module.

14:15 - And now I’m going to show you the sub fields autocomplete field or I should say auto populate maybe.

14:26 - So if you go to either edit or derive new MARC bib record, but I’ll choose edit now.

14:36 - So, and we have added that if you add a new field to record you can see that it automatically adds dollar a subfield.

14:51 - And this works for any fields except for leader, 001, 005, 006, 007, 8, and 9.

15:06 - So, but any other fields will have this automatic dollar a subfield present.

15:19 - So I’m just going to refresh the screen so only change the—only add a new field.

15:27 - Let’s do that again, and maybe another 035 field, and testing autocomplete.

15:42 - And let’s add… I don’t know which—019—let’s try that.

15:50 - And we’ll change this to dollar c. And let’s check another case.

16:02 - If we maybe leave this field empty let’s, let’s do 035 again.

16:09 - So let’s hit Save and Close. And I think they should be updated already.

16:20 - Let’s go. View source. Yeah, so you can see that we have field 035 with a subfield with this information.

16:32 - That’s also 035 with, it will, it has a place it as dollar-a but I changed it to the dollar-c and it was saved.

16:45 - And the other 035 that didn’t have any content was not saved, it was removed before saving.

16:55 - Yeah, and I think that’s all regarding auto-population of sub-fields.

17:02 - And let me demonstrate maybe… Another feature is when you edit a MARC record you will see a last name and first name of the person who last edited it.

17:22 - So if I go to another, another record. He did it, you can see that it says source system.

17:31 - Now if I make some changes. Let me just add another field again and save it… it was probably saved already and go edit again you can see that sort of displays my name as the person who last edited it and that’s indeed, the last name and first name of the user that I’m logged in as.

18:10 - I think that’s, that’s all from me.

18:13 - Thank you everyone. That was good and especially the subfield-a will keep us from making mistakes I think.

18:25 - Questions on any of that? And if not, we’re going to switch over to Thunderjet, Dennis and Nikita.

18:38 - The other Dennis. Thanks Ann-Marie.

18:41 - I wanted to mention that it’s not not often that you hear the name Dennis and every time Khaliah mentions “Dennis do your demo” it always gives me anxiety.

18:51 - Thought I’d share that. So while Nikita shares his screen, I just mentioned as Anton kind of covered there were a number of bug fixes in Thunderjet had just over 50 bug fixes, in the last couple of Sprint’s here, and as always, they did an incredible job of parsing those, identifying solutions and some of the more complex bugs related to fiscal year rollover functionality we finished for the Iris release, rounding errors in fund distributions when you’re using, you know, cost of 99 cents, etc.

19:27 - Also wanted to mention that we worked on, we demoed last sprint meeting the keyboard shortcut implementation, and we were able to implement those in the other acquisitions applications as well.

19:40 - They also did some work on resizable pane persistence, which was an issue in acquisitions apps.

19:46 - And we nearly finished printing orders and voucher records.

19:50 - We’re going to make some updates there so we thought we would maybe demo that the next sprint meeting.

19:55 - But with that, I’ll hand things over to Nikita he’s going to show some of the other work that we’re up to.

20:03 - And thank you Dennis. And I’ll start from restrictions for acquisition units that we implemented in previous sprints.

20:15 - So, previously we had restrictions on the backend side for edit and delete actions.

20:20 - And now we apply them on clients as well. So for the demo I prepared Fiscal Year with acquisitions units “include” and “exclude”, and let me show you this.

20:37 - So, current user is not assigned to any of them.

20:44 - Additionally, one of the unit currently restricts edit, and both restrict delete.

20:53 - And back to finance. You can see that edit and delete actions are disabled, because both of them are restricted.

21:06 - And in case we assign user to acquisition unit.

21:19 - Assigned, but our fiscal year, and we can see that our actions are active now.

21:32 - And let’s change our units again to show how it works with restrictions options.

21:41 - Let me edit my users. So, all actions are disabled again.

21:51 - And when I remove like uncheck edit restiction for one of the unit.

22:02 - And edit is now is not restricted, and we can get back to finance.

22:09 - We can see that edit action is active now and delete action remains disabled, because it just takes it takes [inaudible] and that’s it with our changes for positioning distinctions.

22:29 - Additionally, I’d like to mention that that was not only for fiscal year, we apply that for other acquisition modules where we use acquisition units like orders, organizations, and so on.

22:48 - And let’s move to another feature. In orders module.

22:59 - So I’ll start from Linked Instances accordion.

23:02 - Currently, we implemented it for, or the line details.

23:10 - And it shows all related instances of titles from inventory, and it displays the same columns and the same format that is used in inventory application only contributors, publishers, and relation.

23:31 - And in case of a package PO line we saw several titles.

23:40 - And the case it’s just PO line it’s only one title, one instance.

23:48 - And the last part… The last feature is that the implemented support of custom columns for Orders application.

24:01 - It works for order lines, and for orders.

24:11 - So, now we can customize how they both looks.

24:14 - Look. And thanks, this is for me. That looks really good.

24:24 - Good to see some new functionality. All right, so now I have managed to lose my PowerPoint.

24:37 - All right, next up is Firebird with Steph and Alex.

24:42 - Hi there. While Alex is sharing his screen, Firebird work through a slew of bugs as well.

24:46 - Alex is sharing his screen Firebird work through a slew of bugs as well.

24:51 - But we were able to work in a piece of functionality for circulation log that I think folks will be excited about.

24:59 - Do you see my screen? Okay. So we added patron lookup to the filters.

25:09 - It’s pretty straightforward. We can select the user, and she’s her barcode appears here so we can make the search.

25:20 - That’s basically… It can select another user.

25:27 - And do very… That’s it. That’s awesome and quick and to the point.

25:43 - Always. All right. Prokopovych.

25:49 - Zach. Hi there. I also have a couple of quick demos.

26:00 - We did a bit of work in inventory showing the shelving order on the item record.

26:05 - So if we… . oops, not an item record. Look at an item record here.

26:13 - You can see the shelving order, which is provided by the backend is now displayed on the item record so that piece of data is finally available.

26:22 - And then in Requests, it is now possible to search for items by their ISBN.

26:31 - And so we do a search here. You can see you know that’s not in the barcode or anything, But it’s gotten the item record for that.

26:49 - You can see… got to get back to the, umm…

26:59 - As you can see, there’s the identifier that we just searched for.

27:06 - So, there you go. ISBN search in requests.

27:10 - That’s it. So, that the ISBN search is doing the same kind of searching that the inventory ISBN search does where it doesn’t translate between 10s and 13s, is it just does the whichever version is on the record, is that right? I believe the case.

27:34 - Yes. Yes, that’s correct. Thank you, Charlotte.

27:39 - And the shelving location, that’s just surfacing it’s not an editable field on the item record, is that right? That is correct.

27:50 - It’s just surfacing the data that’s provided in the response.

27:55 - And that element, we will be able to use, for example, in some of the screens where we have call numbers and then we want to do a call number sort, but that is remaining work yet.

28:10 - Okay, awesome. All right. Anton, do you have more that you want to talk through? No, no, I’m all set.

28:31 - This could be the shortest demo on record for FOLIO.

28:38 - Does anybody have questions or comments or follow-ups to anything that that was presented today? I can chime in a little bit on the demo Zach did about ISBN search and requests.

28:57 - It does do formalized ISBN search for actual ISBNs like if it’s a valid ISBN it will normalize that and search by that when you can put one in the search field and requests.

29:16 - It does function in snapshot currently. So it, so it will translate between 10s and 13s? Or no, no, no, but what Brooks’s explaining is that the normalized—so you don’t need to enter the punctuation, etc.

29:39 - That’s supported by doing that, because, yeah, we are not doing any behind the scenes translation between 10s and 13 digits in ISBNS, and as the search will provide this function does provide this functionality.

30:01 - Alright interesting because we— In acquisitions and orders we use, we use normalized in a different way, which I think maybe tricky at some point for libraries but it’s the right decision for orders, which is a different right decision for inventory.

30:22 - So, um, any other questions or comments and let me go ahead and share my screen again quickly.

30:35 - There’s PowerPoint. All right, so up and coming sprints, we have sprint 114 and 115, and 115 is basically the end of our development for Juniper.

30:57 - Then we start to get into the various core modules, needing to be released and backend/frontend and then the complete modules back-end, front-end.

31:12 - And then we get back to Bug Fest. It feels like it hasn’t been long enough that we should be starting to think about Bug Fest again but here we are.

31:25 - There are some brief plans for upcoming Sprints, kind of in keeping with the tone for Juniper.

31:33 - A lot of it is still fixes and improvements.

31:41 - And there is a little new functionality being released but for the most part it is some fixes.

31:53 - And… karate: another goal that I that some things are working on in Juniper.

32:03 - And we’ve got a little reprise of the QA slides.

32:13 - Alright, so unless folks have other comments we make it out of here super early today.

32:28 - So it looks like we’re going to get out of here super early today.

32:31 - So thank you everybody. I think next time we should have a bit more because people will be wrapping up any new functionality they built.

32:45 - So thanks everyone, and we’ll meet again soon.

32:48 - Thank you everyone [crosstalk]. .