SPIDER MAN FANS react to Spider Man 3 Fan Made Trailer

Nov 6, 2020 11:00 · 892 words · 5 minute read kind man song um whole

Peter Parker Spider-Man * Matt Murdock: what do you want from me? * Who was that guy? Did I just see Matt Murdock? This wasn’t bad uh and I did enjoy it I did enjoy this trailer nice one good good it was really good I mean and totally worth watching okay I was feeling it that was pretty yo that was pretty good I liked it so MacamTV uh I’m sure that’s how it’s pronounced MacamTV so uh he hit he or she hit me up. Comments on one of my videos and said hey, I would like for you to record some of my fan-made trailers today’s video got a brand new trailer reaction called Spider-Man 3 Home Run trailer 2021 Tom Holland and it’s a fan made I don’t know how I feel about fan made trailer I do like fan-made trailers fan-made trailers are you kidding me I love fan-made trailers I mean because there’s two types of family trailers or at least I think there is where uh you just edit clips together to make a trailer so he gave me a suggestion of what I should react to so I went on the channel I was like okay are some where you take those clips and you do visual effects it’s a fan made for the new Spider-Man supposedly coming out I’m excited to check this thing out so let us start right now Hitting that, play button. All the descriptions and all information will be in the description below he’s still there DJ Khaled? I saw Jumanji dude we’re in trouble wait a minute I have an idea it’s peter parker Spider-Man what do you want from me who was that guy? did I just see Matt Murdock Daredevil I like adding Daredevil okay a remix version of the original Spider-Man song um I didn’t like that transaction or transition what was the character from? he has no right to possess my client claims he acted in self- defense I like this so far Wow well let me tell you something kid you’re no hero okay good connection I can see the good connection over there with the courtroom scene and the actual Spider-Man oh Jeffrey Dean Morgan one of my favorite was he supposed to be Kraven The Hunter? Not bad I like that nice one good good it was really good if they if Disney would do that if Disney Sony would just come together and do that hell yeah this wasn’t bad uh and I did enjoy it I did enjoy this trailer okay I was feeling it that was pretty yo that was pretty good I liked it a couple of things I gotta say in this one number one I like the Jeffrey D Morgan one I do like the fact that Jeffrey D Morgan is Kraven The Hunter if that’s who he was supposed to be I’m not 100 percent sure uh I’m a huge huge fan of the guy one of my favorite television uh actors of all time I did like that ending uh spot with Deadpool I like that that was fun and there was also Deadpool in there and the uh the original director of the photography company uh the original spider because I also think like where are you getting all these scenes from um and then I do like the fact that uh he the Daredevil is added in here that was a good I like that a lot I like a couple of stuff in there first of all the way they connected the courtroom scene the way MacamTV I think he’d edit it right I’ve been reading online that uh Kevin Feige likes the guy that Jamie something that likes that plays Matt Murdock if you edited it that was really smart to keep the courtroom scene with the Spider-Man because he was getting accused on live tv and I like the whole thought process of having a trial Spider-Man on trial kind of thing because it kind of goes back to the old um uh the try out the hulk and then at the same time you get him like in the courtroom scene like he’s being defended uh for whatever crimes this supposedly thing he has done so um overall this was a a solid fan-made trailer it’s definitely solid and then the shock reaction of Tom Holland to seeing Deadpool all the very smart combinations of editing I mean and totally worth watching that’s pretty good make sure you guys check out MacamTV so guys don’t forget to check out the link of the original video in the description down below check out MacamTV’s channel at the same time don’t forget to subscribe to my channel if you’re new to my channel please hit that subscribe button I would greatly appreciate it subscribe to nc studios for more favorite reacts once it gets into a place to be tell me what do you guys think about this kind of thing how do you feel about fan made trailers do you like them do you not like them leave all your comments in that section down below if you like this video go and hit that like button you know I won’t mind The fan react is out .