Die RÜCKKEHR des eFLEX - der RASENFREAK dreht durch!
May 2, 2020 06:00 · 1070 words · 6 minute read
[Music] Good morning dear lawn freaks, sometimes it doesn’t turn out the way you think. Welcome to a new video by Law freak Andreas Krauss on YouTube. It is gigantic what is going on with me. Thanks for comments and subscribe and have fun. It is wonderful! I wanted to have my eFlex spindle ground, with a really, really nice spindle grinder. Great company in southern Germany. Now because of the Corona crisis nothing works. And now: it’s enough! I now want to mow with my eFlex.
00:59 - Now I have decided to bring the spindle to my really great Toro dealer, Vehling company. And they are still at the start. We can do this! And now we’re taking the spindle there today. Check out the neighbour’s lawn again. Yeah, looks good on the lawn. He still has a few not so tight spots. The soil was a bit uneven in quality. But that is coming! It will, he mows hard. Wonderful! So, spindle out. An hour and a half drive, but no matter, it has to be now. There is the eFlex, there is the spindle. Zack out with it. There is the spindle unit. Yes - cool Yes freaks, we brought the spindle to Hanover, to the Vehling company They ground it, and kindly delivered them to their branch in Braunschweig.
02:31 - And now I have picked it up and now we are taking it home Dear lawn freaks, the time has come. In there is the eFlex spindle. My wife brought it to me today. I had to work again today. I always have to work three days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Since I couldn’t stand it, my wife picked up the spindle. Ah, it looks so good, brand new. Uh, nice ground here, fine cut. Oh that sounds good! Now we have to take the spindle into the workbench. I have to check the cutting height again. I am not sure if I have set it correctly. Now of course we do the cut checker first. I even find it relatively fixed. But of course it will cut fantastic.
03:50 - Well, check the cutting height now, with my gadget. I’m not that deep in the cut. So now I have 16 here, 16 is good. Now you’re hanging here… of course that does not work 😕 great I have to do it differently now, of course that’s not a good thing now. So it’s in the right position for my leg. Now we hang this thing under here. Yes, that looks great. That fits perfectly. We hang this head here on the cutting surface of the lower knife, and then the apprenticeship must be so smacking and sucking, without play… Well, there’s not really a play. Let’s take a look at the other side. Is good! We leave it the same way. We don’t do anything, that fits. Now we check the weight again. 35.6 kilos! 16 mm cutting height. A fairway on golf courses is cut to 12 mm to 14 mm. And I’m not quite at fairway cut height yet.
05:45 - And these are usually greensmowers that mow on the very short cut areas. And I’ve just installed an eight-knife spindle here, to be able to cut higher cutting heights. The coarsest spindle that can now be used for such mowers. Ready! I’m warm😅 Now I can release this support lever here then it folds up and then the machine can be pushed. So dear lawn freaks, now is the premiere. Now I will mow here for the first time in the final version of my used eFlex.
06:28 - I will of course tell you in detail in a later video, what are the advantages and disadvantages of such a machine compared to an Allett or Swardman cylinder mower. Yes, I took the whole device apart. I have replaced almost all ball bearings. I have replaced all seals. I had the parts repainted. I oiled and greased and cleaned everything, and ahhh… And now we have a new spindle on it, brand new spindle. The spindle alone costs € 450. There is a whole used mower for this. So now comes the moment. I turn it on !!! You start it like a petrol engine, turn the key, then the display comes here. And he’s ready. Of course it’s a battery mower, it’s an electric mower.
07:23 - No noise! Now I can drive first, now we drive a bit. Now of course I can not drive, it has a clutch, I still have to engage it. There’s a clutch lever down there, zack. And now I can drive! Buzzing 😄. Now we are going to the sun. Lever to the left, throttle back, and now he mows… It’s almost the same height that I just mowed here. What is a real problem with the machine, you cannot withdraw it. It’s okay, but it’s really difficult. You always have to drive.
09:14 - Does it mow at all? I can not see anything. How is the cut Yes, it also leaves them there. I would have thought now that it really cut every blade, every blade, but… now it also leaves some. The long blades, the basic problem of the cylinder mower. I thought it wasn’t mowing. Ohhh, it’s a very small cut. The device is of course significantly heavier than the Swardman. First hint. [Music] I need my gadget! The grass is cut excellently. You don’t see the cut. You really only see a short-ended piece of lawn. Incredible😊 Here the lawn is mega cool, there is nothing like that. So lawn freaks, actually the video would have ended long ago. Mow for the first time with the eFlex. We are now a few weeks further and I now mow with the eFlex every day. Every day!!! It’s not just cool it’s super cool, it’s not just crazy, it’s super crazy, that is madness, that is indescribable. I…
you have to come here! 14:35 - I have now set 15 mm, I mow to 15 mm, it is a carpet. Of course, there are still single blades here. Of course you always have to mow counter direction with the cylinder mower once. But the basic pattern is already insane. Mow every day 😍. The brush cut, the carpet! Thank you for watching. Until next time. Your Lawnfreak bye .