Pequeños gestos por el Mundo

Mar 9, 2020 14:26 · 257 words · 2 minute read okay produced credits every hour

This is Bill. Bill is a computer engineer, and he just has started his internship in an office. Bill is currently working on a project, and… Wait, wait, wait. Stop the video! Okay Bill, let’s see, how can you be so messy?, don’t you know that the planet belongs to everyone? Aren’t you worried about how much power that monitor is consuming when it’s on? Did you know that every hour the pc is on, it emits between 52 and 234 grams of CO2, and, as if that weren’t enough, if you turned it off you would extend the useful life of the pc, and you would avoid 2.3kg of CO2 per year. Anyway… Let’s continue. Stop the video! But… don’t you see that there’s a bin right next to you? Most of the waste we generate is not correctly processed or it’s burnt in a non-regulated way, increasing ambiental pollution, In a few words, affecting people’s health. Let’s keep going. ¡¡BILL!! But, didn’t you get anything I told you!? First the monitor on the whole day, then the air conditioning at full power, and then the cans!.

Don’t do this to me! 01:34 - The paper is produced with trees, and nowadays, 80% of the forests are destroyed or have been deteriorated irreparably. So I’m only going to tell you one thing… Recicle. Okay? Is it clear? Today Bill has learned a very important lesson, with a few little things you can change the world around us. ¡Sé como Bill! Be like Bill! ¡Créditos! Credits! .