Creality CR-20 Pro- Unboxing & Review

Apr 30, 2020 00:54 · 648 words · 4 minute read even dry print things tune

Hey Everyone! It’s time for another 3D printer review. This is the Creality CR-20 Pro. The Creality factory is not too far from my home and they just sent it over and asked me to review it. One thing to always remember is I am sponsored by Creality- I’d never lie of course, but just in case I’m going to link to some other opinions on this printer in the description box. I don’t know enough about it to say too much so lets unbox it, put it together and test it out! So as usual, it comes with the toolbox, instruction and filament. All the essential screws for the 3D printer already packed in a bag.

02:04 - If you don’t have tools at home, all the Allen keys are also in the bag. It’s raining cats and dogs outside, it’s spring festival. So it rains everyday these days. My clothes doesn’t even dry that fast but it doesn’t matter because I have a lot of clothes for me to change. Now let’s plug in these wires. Only three cables so it’s three wires. So it’s very easy to know where the position is. X, to the X motor. E and Z, okay. And then we are going to auto-level the bed. Okay, now we see the filament is coming out.

04:38 - So we can start printing what’s on the SD card. Alright, this is the benchy boat. This comes out better even than the Ender-3 right out of the box. There is no stringy thing, no nothing. It does what it is supposed to do. It is very clean and this one is good. But this one, this is the torture cube from my friend Makermuse. It failed. Now most of the printer can’t do that out of the box they can’t print a complete tortue cube It needs a little bit of twerking. But still I would like to see it print out of the box successfully.

06:03 - I think it would work eventually with a little bit of work on the slicer and stuff. If you are interested in the torture cube model, I am going to put a link in the description box. Ok I’d look at this as a practical upgrade to an Ender-3. It has most of the things that you’d want to upgrade an Ender-3 yourself but without the extra hours of time and fiddling around to get all that working. The print quality is about what you’d get out of an upgraded Ender-3.

06:37 - It’s really about what your time is worth and if you are a 3D printer hobbyist who likes to print things or who likes to fine-tune and mod their printer. This is a 3D printer for people who just want to print and will pay a bit more to have all those upgrades already done. It comes with a soft magnetic bed this is what I prefer to print on, some people prefer glass. Glass is fine also if you are willing to print a bit slower, all that moving weight can create Z-axis artifacts. Yes I know many people disagree, printer bed material is a bit of a religion in the 3D printer community.

07:21 - But the reality is what is best often is influenced by temperature and humidity, filament brands what never worked at all for you might work perfectly for someone printing under different conditions. Whatever your preference, glass, PEI, soft magnetic sheet- you can get it from Creality for this printer. Overall- thumbs up, the CR-20 Pro is a printer for people who want to print, not so much people who want to mod. If that’s you, I’ll link to it in the description box. That’s it for today, I’ll see you all next time and remember if I can do it, anyone can do it. .