finally reunited! + trashy xmas movies (vlogmas #11)

Dec 22, 2020 19:00 · 4723 words · 23 minute read though bad saying real life

♪ I’m kind of old ♪ ♪ My life’s kind of boring ♪ ♪ But I’ll film it anyway ♪ ♪ No one asked for this ♪ ♪ Hope you’re ready for it ♪ ♪ Because I’m vlogging till Christmas day. ♪ Oh my God. Please never let me do that again. (upbeat music) Hello, everybody. Welcome to vlog mass number 11. Crazy. This is shit is flown by. I’m actually just logging on to, Oh my hair is doing some crazy things. I’m logging on to my computer right now to hop on a Zoom call with Alexa, Leah and Jessica because we are doing a thrift swap this year. We started doing it last year and it was super fun. So we’re going to do that again this year. I’m really excited.

00:56 - We obviously have to do it virtually this time but that’s okay. Worst things have happened. So I’m going to connect my Air Pods. We’re just basically filming an intro together for the video. Since we obviously like can’t film it in person. So we’re going to do that. We did a little thrift swap action. We’re just trying to make the best of it. So I’m going to jump on this call and catch up with my ladies. Even though we Face Timed last night. What’s up? Everybody is so festive I love it.

01:23 - (upbeat music) Our secret santa thrift swap. Same chaotic energy. Don’t burn me. Wow. Look who I found. Oh my goodness. We’re reunited. Thanks for the promo Leah much appreciated. - You’re welcome. - I miss them so much. This is like the next best thing to getting together and doing our usual chaotic dance sleepover weird inside out. Oh yeah. Christmas sweaters, our weird inside jokes and all of that but we’ve already been talking about plans for next year when hopefully it’s safer and like it’ll be okay. I was thinking about the other day, the first trip to Disneyland, we take together again.

02:19 - - All day, like I’m telling you whole day. I want to be there when it opens and I’m going to be there when it closes. - All of our passes are good for like ever basically. Because you know I got my pass like two months before the pandemic. So yeah, I mean, it’s going to be a blast. I’m so excited. Like the chaos that will ensue on our first Disney trip together is going to be so incredible. - A lot of energy. I will be bouncing off the walls. - I’m psyched up. - I’m kind of scared like of myself. - I am so ready for that version of Leah. You have no idea. - Okay. It’s okay. - I love you girls. - Love you. - Look how cute they are. I’ll link all of them down below. Go check them out. If for some reason you haven’t already. Love you, sweeties. - Thank you Carrie. - Two hours later. - All right. We’re back. That was really nice. Really fun. I was so glad I got to see them and reunite even virtually. So that was a good time. Now I’m going to actually film the video that I was talking about. So we did a little thrift swap. Each of us sent each other something for Christmas. I know who I have, but I don’t know what they sent me yet.

03:30 - So I think actually this video that you’re seeing will be before that main channel video goes out. So I’m not going to show too much. And then after I film this I actually have a couple more presents to wrap of Drew. So I’ll maybe show you some of that. Have a little chitchat, maybe pour a glass of wine. I don’t know who knows. It’s Sunday night I can do whatever I want. All right, finished that video. Redid my hair. Drew is actually asleep downstairs right now with his noise canceling headphones on. I think he fell asleep, watching a video.

03:58 - So I think that this will be a great opportunity to wrap some presents. I can’t really talk about it too loud in case he wakes up. But I do have a few presents here for him. Most of the presents that I got him are still on their way or are already under the Christmas tree. I went from like having not gotten him anything to like really going overboard but honestly we’re only really giving presents to each other this year because we’re not seeing anyone else where we are staying home for Christmas.

04:23 - I’ll talk about that more as we’re wrapping presents. But so we kind of both went a little overboard but whatever. So since he’s not going to be watching this video I’ll show you a little bit of what I got him. First of all, I found this wrapping paper that is actually from critical role, which is one of his favorite things in the entire world. For those of you that know D&D you probably know about it. They have this amazing wrapping paper that they created. And so I ordered it and now I’m wrapping all of his presents in it. I also about some matching washing tape to go with it. So there’s two different rolls of each color. It’s just like so cool. And I think it was like $12.99 or something. I think that’s a pretty good deal. Pretty happy about that. So you’re not really going to be able to see what I’m doing but I’m entirely too lazy to get my fricking tripod. Yeah. I filmed my last main channel video of the year. That’s crazy.

05:15 - I am going to be taking a break as I usually do but typically I make videos through the end of the year and then take a break in January. I think after vlog mass I’m just going to see how I feel like around New Year’s and then we’ll decide from there. But it did get him this really cool shirt from Urban Outfitters, not my favorite place to shop but I did like the shirt. So I try to limit when I shop there because a lot of times they’re kind of sketchy. But this is a shirt that, I don’t want to unfold it, because it’s folded really nicely but it says national geographic and it has some really cool desert landscaping. This is from Canyon Lands, National Park. So I thought that was a cool shirt.

05:50 - He’s been saying he wants some more graphic tees. So I actually picked him up some from Depop like some sort of more vintage esque. And this one has like a really cool like vintage wash, this shirt. So it’s going to be nice. It’s coming off a lot more orange on the camera but it’s a little bit more, this is kind of orange but I think it’ll look really nice with something else that I got him. But anyway, that’s going to wrap this up, but yeah as I was mentioning, we are staying here by ourselves for Christmas this year.

06:17 - We’re going to be seeing my mom because she works entirely from home. She does not go anywhere. She does not see anybody. And the times that she does have to like go out on like a face-to-face thing for work or whatever we quarantine. So we’re taking it really seriously. And some people would probably consider that like extra or stupid or whatever, I don’t care. I don’t care what you think about that. I am not going to be gas-lit into thinking that I’m taking a deadly pandemic too seriously because I don’t know if you’ve seen the numbers but it is absolutely staggering. How many people are dying per day here in the U.S.

06:54 - And people are just kind of living their lives as if it’s completely normal. And that shit freaks me out. I saw something on Instagram recently and it said something like it’s going to take a really long time for me to recover my trust issues in people after this. And I couldn’t agree more. I mean, I think it’s just obviously. I mean, I feel like I need to clarify this every time but like, I’m not talking about essential workers. I’m not talking about people who are caregivers people who have to go to work. I am extremely privileged. And I realized that I am extremely privileged in that I don’t have to go to a job and like work face-to-face with people.

07:31 - So I am not talking about people who are like risking their lives every day to go to work. This is like two people who feel like they need to go out to eat and go on date nights and like go to parties. It’s pretty mind blowing. I mean, reflecting on the year, obviously, I haven’t really talked about it yet during vlog mass, but it’s just been I’m sure a lot of you can relate and that’s sort of why I wanted to talk about it is just I’m mind blown that like I’m living a completely different reality than mostly everyone else in my state. Mostly everyone I know. And it feels like, you’re the crazy one after a while because you’re like do I need to be taking it this seriously? A deadly pandemic. Yeah. I would say. It’s weird because you staying home is literally saving lives.

08:22 - Like by you staying home you are slowing the spread of the virus. And by choosing to not stay at home electively you know what I’m saying? Just getting on a plane and flying to Disney world because you feel like it or whatever. I mean, I just, it’s spreading the virus. It’s the reason that we’re not able to like resume normal life and everyone who has become complacent and is just continually talking about how they wish the virus would go away. They miss normal life. It’s not going to be normal until you get your shit together or until we all get vaccinated. But that’s another topic for another day. So yeah. I mean, I know that a lot of people get really testy when I talk about stuff like this, but the majority of you who watch this and watch me we’re on the same page.

09:06 - It feels a little bit like I’m losing my mind. I know it’s going to be fine. Everything’s going to be okay. But it just feels a little bit much. I don’t know, anyways I’m not saying this as if like, oh, I’m amazing. And they’re terrible. I mean, everyone’s allowed to make their own decisions but it feels a bit much. I don’t know. So, wow. That was a long tangent. I’m probably going to cut most of that out because none of it really made sense, but yeah we are staying home for Christmas this year. We decided not to do anything with our families besides my mom who again, doesn’t do anything. Don’t see anyone, doesn’t go anywhere. Just having a very low-key Christmas. We ordered some groceries.

09:47 - We’re having like a super chill, low key Christmas dinner, brunch. I don’t know this was not my finest wrapping job but you know what? It’s okay. It could be worse. Right? I’m going to take, I already taped it but I’m just going to take a little bit of this washing tape over the top. How cute. It’s a very rustic look. We love that. Okay. One more present down. Next thing I’m going to wrap was one that I was trying to wrap but then I was talking and I was like I need to explain it. I got him this pin. He has a backpack that we use to take the Disneyland a lot.

10:18 - Hopefully we will, again, someday but it was also just his full backpack and he has a bunch of different pins along the side of them. So he has like one from his grandfather that was like something to do with Alaska. He has like one from Toy Story, Disney ones all sorts of stuff. So I thought it might be cool to get him a D&D one. And this is called Gateway to Adventure. And it’s by Death Saves, which is by Joe Manganiello. Like D&D brand, or I don’t know, honestly I’m the worst girlfriend ever, but got him a little pin. So I thought that would be cute. I think this might be like a little stocking stuffer moment or something. I think that’ll be cute. Next we have another stocking stuffer and I saw this. I don’t know how quiet I should be but I saw Sierra talk about this in one of her blogs, I’m pretty sure. And Drew has like really curly hair naturally.

11:06 - So I thought I would get him some curl cream to try it on and see how he likes it. He’s not going to do like the full on method. He’s like always saying I don’t know the right hair product to use blah, blah, blah. So I think I’m going to try this. Oh yeah. This is nice. It says my name on it. I didn’t know they were going to put my name on it. I would have said Drew. Smells really nice. I don’t know if I should just leave it in this box. This feels like, oh, it has the pump in it though. Okay. That’s fine. So this is what it looks like. Open it up. There we go. It feels like a really big box for like a really small gift, but whatever. And then the last thing I got him is from Levi’s and I got him some Dad jeans. I don’t know if he’s actually going to like these. He loves wearing big jackets and all, fans. And I think he really loves Jack’s style.

11:54 - I thought it might be fun to get him some dad jeans to try. So I actually got him the slim because he loves his like skinny jeans tapered jean something like nice Levi’s in a denim with a light denim and also black. We will just like wrap these together. I think that’d be good. Now we’ll go downstairs because I need a snack. And I think maybe a glass of wine, we’ll see. So I’m back downstairs in the kitchen now. My braids aren’t as like cute.

12:19 - And like (mumbles) as they were before and I’m getting annoyed. But they fell out and I had to redo them. So they’re a bit tighter. Anyways, we found this thing on Instag. When we were just scrolling through Instacart and DiGiorno now makes a light flaky, buttery crust, croissant pizza. I don’t know. It seems very peculiar, but also looks super super delicious. So it’s actually currently in the oven right now. It’s only five o’clock, but we eat dinner pretty early. I also wanted to show the cutest thing. I think that’s ever happened.

12:51 - This actually happened yesterday when I was done filming my vlog. - But I’m on the couch not over there. - What? - You said the cutest thing but I’m over here. - Besides that somebody took a long nap. We got some packages that arrived yesterday. One of which was a package from Drew’s mom who I guess I’ll show that first because that was really cute. She got us a bottle of wine and also she got us…

13:13 - Where is it? Did you put it on the tree? - [Drew] Yeah, like near the back because we ran out of room. - She got us a little ornament for this year. So we usually have an ornament every single year for the two of us. So she brought us one and it has a red truck because Drew’s dad used to drive a red truck. Right? (mumbling) Or like a vintage. Yeah. - I don’t know. - Are you awake? - Yeah absolutely. - Anyways? That’s really special and sentimental and sweet. So we got that. But then on top of the gifts and the packages and stuff that were outside, because Drew’s mom just dropped it off on our porch. We saw a card with like a little sack, had some like candy in it. And I was like, what the heck? And so we opened the card and it says, “Thank you for always sending our soccer ball back “when we kick it over, we appreciate it. “Merry Christmas.

” 14:05 - And it’s from the kids who live next door, my freaking heart. And they gave us these Lindt truffles. I already three of them, there’s only three left. It was the weakest thing ever like those kids. I think we’ve talked about it in vlogs before but they go out there and they jump on the trampoline and like they have the best time I think there’s three kids and they are so cute. And it’s like, so joyful listening to them just like screaming in the summertime.

14:32 - They were always taking the hose out on the trampoline and like chasing each other with it and stuff. And it was just so pure. And like, we genuinely love the neighbors that we have on either side of us right now, which is crazy. Like everyone’s so quiet, respectful. It’s really, really nice. So honestly that’s another thing that makes us want to stay where we’re at. Because like we said, in the Q and A we did a couple of weeks ago. Like if we could stay on this like property and not have this house and like design our own house build our own house, buy our own house whatever we totally would because it’s so fricking nice. But that was so cute.

15:09 - Right? Here she is, fresh out the oven. It’s actually not that big. It looks a lot bigger on camera but it’s like a pretty small. It have to be like a medium-sized. - [Drew] It’s really six by six inches, seven by seven. - [Carrie] So here’s what it looks like so far. We’re going to let it cool off for just like a minute and then we’re going to. - [Drew] Oh, Whoa. - All right. Moment of truth.

15:31 - Drew and I have just decided that we will now be making this channel a pizza taste testing channel from now on. So I forgot to mention that we actually tried the… What was the cauliflower pizza that we didn’t like? - Callie power. - Yeah. We tried the Callie power and we didn’t like it. We liked the Whole Food’s one. - Yeah it can go to hell, it’s gross. - I didn’t think it was gross, but it was definitely not as good as– - Okay so I ate it. - I mean, we ate the whole thing. Don’t get me wrong. - Compared to the Whole Food’s one. It was– - Which is weird. Because you would think it would be opposite.

16:02 - - The cauliflower, Callie power, cauli– - The plowing through that cauli. - It was… You could taste like, it was more cauliflower. - It wasn’t as good, honestly. So, oh, that angle was really fantastic. I just said. Anyways, we’re having a beer a nice Christmas beer because I was working with Heineken and they kindly provided us with like 12 beers which will take us 12 years to get through. But anyways, okay, here we go. So far. I do see some layers. - You got to do the pull. You didn’t do the cross section on the camera? - Uh uh, I was just talking to you. - This is the worst pizza taste test. - Yeah. We have some work. We have some work to do. Okay. - Definitely see layers. It’s definitely– - There’s layers.

16:46 - If all Hollywood taught us to look for anything it’s layers. All right. - Cheers. - Cheers. That’s pretty good. Should we try like the actual crust? - Sure. - Hmm. - Tasty. I personally like pizza with toppings on it. Right. - I know you would have preferred like a pepperoni or like a meat lovers or whatever but. - Supreme or veggie, but you don’t like mushrooms. - I don’t like mushrooms.

17:14 - It doesn’t taste any different than a normal DiGiorno pizza but it’s like a good texture. It’s very tasty. Two thumbs up from us. - I think it’s a good mix between people who like the crunchy crust. - Like thin crust. - Not thin, just like a crunchy crust and people who like a fluffy crust. I think it’s nice mix for people. - I like it. Now we’re back in bed. I put a towel over my pillow because it’s still from makeup on. And like sometimes it bothers me. I don’t know. I don’t like getting makeup like on my clean pillow.

17:44 - So anyways, we’re in bed trying to pick a Christmas movie to watch. Because we have less than a week until Christmas now with like five days left. So I was like, should we watch classics? Should we watch Netflix Christmas movies? Because usually we watch a lot more Christmas movies. Last year we watched a Christmas movie like every night. - [Drew] I mean, we watched all three of those Christmas prince movies. - In one night. That was the time.

18:13 - But we think we might watch “Home Alone two” tonight. We haven’t watched that yet. We haven’t watched “Elf” yet. We haven’t watched “Love Actually”, which we’re going to watch on Christmas and maybe like I’ll fit in the Santa Claus or something like that. But anyways, we have managed to watch a few Netflix or trashy. It’s not just Netflix. It’s trashy holiday movies because I’m sorry, like they’re bad. But I think that’s the whole point. Like I think they know they’re bad. I don’t know. I don’t think they take themselves too seriously. They’re just bad.

18:45 - But I made a list on my phone of the ones that we’ve watched so far. So we talked about the happiest season. I wouldn’t really consider that like a trashy Netflix movie. That was just a Christmas movie and it was a good movie but like we’ve already shared our thoughts about that. It is on Hulu. We also watched “The Princess Switch” and “The Princess Switched Again”, which I think we talked about “The Princess Switch” but we didn’t talk about the sequel. Oh my God. It was so bad. It’s already hard enough to move past what Vanessa Hudgens said as a real person like about coronavirus and all of that.

19:19 - And she was crying because she didn’t get to go to Coachella or whatever. But the accents in the second one especially are so I felt myself cringe. So like my butt was puckering. Like I was cringing so hard. I feel so bad saying that when she was like, hey, to me you’ll need to curtsy, or whatever she was saying, I was like I want to die. So not to give anything away, but wholly bad British accent. It was so, so, so British people, on behalf of Vanessa Hudgens. I am so very sorry.

19:53 - It was deeply offensive to me as a person from the United States. So anyways, we watched those two. I would give them like, if you’re rating them on like how bad they are, then it’s the it’s as bad as it gets. But like, it also kind of makes it good because it’s so bad. I don’t know how to explain it. I don’t know how they do it. We also, this isn’t supposed to be a trashy, Netflix Christmas movie or whatever, but we watched “God-mothered” on Disney plus. - I didn’t like it. I think it– - It was a cute message. Yeah.

20:26 - And there were things that like adults could pick up on. It wasn’t terrible. It was just so corny. It was so corny. - It was kids humor. Like, almost like it was like fart, not fart jokes but like it was that kind of humor. It’s was like party humor. - Like silly, like, oh there’s a raccoon. He’s naughty, like yeah. I mean a little cringe. I’m not going to lie. Sorry about it. But we did watch that one and like it’s not supposed to be a trashy Christmas movie. I don’t know if that’s the right word. I don’t know. I don’t want to say trashy, but just like, not that good. It just wasn’t my favorite. I’m so sorry. And then we also watched “The Infamous”, which people warned us. People said, do not watch this.

21:09 - Do not waste your time, but we watched “The Holidate”. - Naah. - Again. But if you’re looking for that factor of oh my gosh, this is so bad. It’s good. But it was to us or to me anyway. And we did talk about this. It felt it was trying so hard to be edgy and be blow jobs. It just didn’t feel like natural. It felt very like forced. Some people may really love it, but definitely not my thing. And then the most recent one we watched was last night, we watched it last night or two nights ago? - Two nights ago. - It was called “A California Christmas”. Whoa, baby. That was top tier garbage. We started watching it. We got about 15, 20 minutes into it. And I was like, I can’t do it. I rarely do this. But I was like, I can’t do it. And I shut it off. Because it was so cringe.

22:08 - It was just, I hated both main characters so much. I was like looking through Netflix for other things to watch. And I was like, you know what? I’ve already wasted 20 minutes of my life. What’s one more hour? Like let’s just get through it. I was already like so that I lost those 20 minutes. And I was like, well fuck it. Like I’m in now. So we went back and started watching it again and it got better than the beginning, but it was so bad. But then we found out about halfway through watching it that the lead couple are also married in real life. So they must have met like on the set of this movie and then gotten married. But it was pretty terrible. You know what that is all right. That’s our brief. I feel like we do it every year. So we had to mention the ones that we’ve watched this year but we have in every single vlog mass talked about them in past years. So anyways, I think we’re going to watch “Home Alone Two” and just call it a night” I do really want to maybe eat some dessert. We have like ice cream bars and stuff. So I might dig into that.

23:12 - Who knows? I’ve been eating a lot of you. Who said that when I got the Greek yogurt ice cream bars last time I didn’t really love the chocolate, but I got the mint chip and those are pretty good. So I do like those. So I might have one of those. We’ll see. But anyways, thank you so much for watching. We have one vlog mass left. I don’t know how this happened. This is crazy. We’re going to get nice and cozy and festive. Watch a nice Christmas movie and we will see you tomorrow.

23:35 - Well, not tomorrow, day after tomorrow for you. Okay. Bye bye. (soft music) .