Chuck Pierce 2021 Prophetic Word: Watch What I Do with What Youve Been Through (Psalm 23)
Jan 11, 2021 12:30 · 944 words · 5 minute read
(gentle music) - Hear me. There are ways we will learn to war and expressions we will learn to do that are differently.
00:11 - We are a kingdom people, a kingdom people say it out loud.
00:18 - - We are a kingdom people. - You are an alien. You are not of this world.
00:23 - (congregation cheering) You will learn kingdom language.
00:28 - You will learn kingdom culture. Robert and I have books on it if you don’t know what I’m talking about I decree right now we are representing and the ambassadors of the kingdom.
00:46 - And I say to you, most of the time I am yelling from heaven, advance my people, advance my people.
00:55 - But I say to you, this will be a week ahead where you stand in the midst of the clamor.
01:03 - I say this will be a time of standing and listening carefully for the noise around you I want you to hear as it becomes silenced in days ahead.
01:19 - And I say to you, I am putting spectacles and even eyes in the back of your head.
01:29 - (congregation cheering) Many of you are looking forward, but I say watch what I do with what you have come through.
01:37 - I say, I am capable of doing things not in time, so time realigns.
01:47 - So I say, watch and watch carefully as you advance for this will be a week of watching noise be quietened.
02:03 - (congregation applauding) This is the hardest but most powerful warfare is to still your emotions, to quieten all those voices that are speaking inside of you.
02:24 - One of the things the Lord encouraged me to tell you this week was the voices inside you are talking too much.
02:36 - Listen, and then wait for him and his rebuttal.
02:43 - Listen, then wait for his rebuttal.
02:56 - - The Lord says this is a season where you’re going to come into the reality (gentle music) of what it means to walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
03:06 - And he said, “It’s important to remember what I’ve said. ” I said, “Don’t be afraid.
03:11 - I am with you in it. Your path of righteousness is taking you that way.
03:18 - You haven’t gotten off your path. This is the way you are to walk in this season.
03:25 - You’re going to learn the reality of what it means for my rod and my staff to comfort you. “ We don’t think of a rod and a staff as being very comforting.
03:35 - He said, “You’re gonna learn the reality of what that means. ” And he said, you will also experience the reality of what it means to feast, to have me set a feast for you in the presence of your enemies and for your cup to overflow and for a new anointing to come on your head.
03:57 - And at the end of this season, you’ll say, “Even though we walked through the valley of the shadow of death, goodness and mercy have followed me and pursued me and will continue to do so all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
04:15 - (congregation applauding) - Now, so far we’ve had two Psalms that keep coming forward, Psalms 46 and Psalms 23.
04:27 - I don’t want us to just rush past this. We’re in very interesting times right now.
04:36 - They’re both warfare’s Psalms. We get a little confused with Psalms 23.
04:43 - So I want you to read it out loud this week.
04:47 - The Lord is my shepherd, my Rohi. He causes me to see the path I need to walk on.
04:57 - That’s what that word means, Rohi. It’s a prophetic word.
05:02 - He causes you to see and shepherd you on your cycle.
05:10 - What Psalms 23 is about is you coming into your next place of prosperity.
05:19 - And it’s about moving from cycle to cycle Chagog.
05:25 - It’s linked with the feast, moving into the next feast so that you keep going no matter what the enemy tries to do to stop you.
05:40 - Say out loud, “There’s another feast ahead. ” - There’s another feast ahead.
05:47 - - The next thing we’ll be doing is first fruits next week.
05:53 - You want to keep moving in time. That’s what Psalms 23 is about, moving in time.
06:01 - And even though you are having to walk past all sorts of deaths structures, he already has set a table for you to feast at.
06:14 - (congregation applauding) Put your hand on yourself and say, “Lord, keep me in time.
06:22 - Keep me in time. Keep me in time. Keep me in time. “ He’s working our timing out.
06:44 - If ever there’s a week where he’s working our timing out, it’s this week.
06:51 - Now hear what I’m saying, you don’t have to like a prophetic word.
06:56 - You don’t have to listen to it. This week, he’s working timing out.
07:02 - So be cautious as you move and let him show you the path that will bring you to your next level of prosperity.
07:18 - That word is for us personally, corporately, territorially, nationally and generationally.
07:30 - Now father, we thank you that we are stilling our emotions so we can walk. .