Techview VLog: MatePad Pro & Mate 30 Pro Mehrfachbildschirmkooperation

Jan 13, 2020 05:01 · 936 words · 5 minute read therefore call continue talking outside

  • Welcome to a new Techview VLog - and as you can see it is all about the MatePad Pro - and I found a very cool feature - in connection with my Mate 30 Pro - there is a a so called ‘Wireless Projection’ feature - or also called wireless display - which allows you for example to share data - between my Mate 30 Pro and MatePad Pro - or simply to connect the Mate 30 Pro with the MatePad Pro - everything you need to do is here in the Android settings - is to scroll down and click on ‘Mehrfachbildschirm-Ko’ - I don’t know what this Ko means, maybe copy or something similiar - I don’t know - If you click on this it will ask you if you really want to allow this - and if you do this you’ll see this window - And there you get a short summary how it is working - This is exactly what we want to try out now with my Mate 30 Pro - And you see it comes up automatically up when I hold my Mate 30 Pro close to it - I just say ok here I want to connect with my MatePad Pro - And have to accept it on my MatePad Pro - and such I can already see my projected display from my Mate 30 Pro on my MatePad - and this runs in its own little window - the window which I can move anywhere on the screen - and I can simply use the system from here on - the good thing of this I can use my Android on my tablet aswell - for example I have a few files here in my folder - and just want to copy over an image onto my MatePad - I just see the sun is messing with my white balance - I think it looks better now - So I want to copy over a file here - and to do this I simply drag this file here onto my MatePad pro - you see schwupp die wupp the file with some screenshot of a vpn server - nord vpn has been copied over - and that I can do with many files not only images - thats not the only thing I can do - I have here the Android navigation bar down here - maybe a bit overexposed here but believe me its there - The normal Android navigation back, home and multitasking - and I can click for example on multitasking and switch back to the last app - like my music app here - and I can play music now - the cool thing about it is - it is not playing through this puny little speaker of the Mate 30 Pro - I bashed the speaker a bit now but - in general its not playing through this but the 4 steoreo speakers of the MatePad Pro - Thats awesome - More of this I cannot play to not be blocked on Youtube - but you noticed a bit carnival mood comes up - I can move the window freely on the screen - and work further on the tablet - But I also can let it run in the background - if I want to react on calls or text messages and so on - that appear on my smartphone - Therefore I can just click on the minimize button - and it minimizes and moves to the right side - I can continue working and open my documents and work on those - And whenever something pops up on my Smartphone I can say ok here maximize it - and I can control my smartphone again - The cool thing about this is when I want to for example write texts - and you see I have my keyboard cover here connected to my MatePad Pro - No virtual keyboard will popup - which it usually would do - but as I disabled the virtual keyboard as I have a physical one - I can just type on it and it appears on the Mate 30 Pro - and I can just type in a ‘W’ and see some apps like for example Wallhaven - which allows me to download some pictures for example - and you can just simply use it here in a window - also useful for apps that are only optimized for smartphones - very handy and easily to be able to copy files over and so on - especially useful for big files like images and videos - like those recorded on my Mate 30 Pro - you also see that the display here is on but off on my Mate 30 Pro - that means there is also a powersaving mode for the smartphone - that is a very clever thing - huawei managed to put together here - you can get more info when pressing on the info button - upps that was an app specific info button - I thought its an info button of the projection mode - I also have this functionality here - to disconnect or route audio & video to phone - especially handy if I want to accept a call and want to take the - phone outside the room - useful if I am at work or in a lecture in university - and want to accept the call and continue talking outside the room - So thats also possible which is a very clever thing .