End the Ego: There is Only One You I Bentinho Massaro
Feb 9, 2021 15:11 · 10706 words · 51 minute read
Yeah, it’s great to just see how powerful you are, like you can really turn your whole life around in one decision. And never, ever, ever commit the same choices. You can. You just don’t want to. That’s okay. But at least own it. Right? And then as you, when you feel like oh, but then why, okay, I have this weakness, like, I want this, but I don’t want it, I want it, but I don’t want it. Then ask yourself, well, who. Is there a two of me are just one of me? Who would be making that choice for me? Who am I fighting with here? And go back to the I-Am and you’re like, it’s just me.
So. It’s just a choice. And then it’s easier to make that sacrifice that you believe as a sacrifice or the other thing that you have invested benefit in, perceived benefit in. This idea that there’s two, two versions of you is what generates hesitation. And if we can share we’ll…
01:39 - Why do we do that? Seems like a lot of people do that.
01:43 - It doesn’t matter. Yeah okay. I just wonder where it comes from, because…
01:53 - Well even that’s a subtle dialogue with an alternate version of yourself. It’s not obvious, but it is a similar dialogue.
02:02 - Because it’s giving power away to a reason.
02:03 - It’s why is it happening to me? Yeah, like there is a power a part of your will. Which there That is so cool.
02:13 - isn’t. What? Can you say that again? As if there is a power operating you aside from your own will. Yeah. It’s assuming that same thing. You see? Like, I wonder why we do that. It could be valid question at certain point, but it’s no longer relevant question when you see that there’s only one of you. So it’s no longer a point.
02:45 - Because you’ll choose whatever you will I see that to, I just… I mean, I guess I just, once again, a curiosity, but…
02:57 - I get it. But the curiosity is still coming from the subtle assumption that there is other powers.
03:05 - Right. Right. I’m not saying you were giving your power away to that, but it’s indicative of that similar paradigm that we used to, like, it’s not, like things are not in our ability to will.
03:24 - How does the subconscious plays into all this? Not anymore when you own yourself like this. There’s still a process of being, becoming aware of what you’re choosing.
03:36 - That’s detrimental. But it’s no longer a factor in then deciding to change. So if you want to use that model, you could say that it’s taking power back from your subconscious. So it’s actually diminishing the subconscious until there’s only consciousness.
03:55 - Cool. Yeah that’s great. We’re regaining our free will as I’ve said it differently the other time. Regaining our free will, accumulating spiritual mass And that is an act of will. To decide to no longer weaken yourself.
04:35 - How did Ra say it again? It’s a choice to amuse yourself with your distortions which right now is not necessary.
04:44 - Yeah. Yeah, that is so empowering. Yeah.
05:07 - Nowhere to hide. Yeah, the consequences for responsability, and we typically don’t want that. So we make up illusions. And since everyone agrees to it, it can survive. It can validate it itself.
05:40 - Yeah, victim is a total choice made out of empowerment. It’s a very empowered choice. To choose to be a victim is a very empowered choice. People choose it very strongly you see? It gives energy like…
06:05 - Well, they’re very empowered in their choice for the comfort that this illusion of victimisation brings. That’s a 100% choice. So victimhood is 100%, the result of being empowered.
06:24 - I just love that law of responsibility, like when you know better, we should do better. You hold yourself to that standard. I find that so inspiring. And so, we talked about it…
06:39 - Oh, nice!… with people today. Just to open remind them of their, of their knowing and that because they know, that they have the responsibility, to now clean up their shit when they feel it.
06:56 - Yeah, and not just because we say that’s the case. But also because the universe response in that way. Like if we know better, but if we don’t act on it, we’ll get greater catalyst. That is the law of responsibility. So when the universe detects that you know something, but you’re not acting accordingly, you’re going to get much more catalysts than you would previously making the same choice when you didn’t know. Because it’s benign, right? It’s benevolent.
So it’s reflection will always match what you’re able to understand and interpret. So if you know better, but you’re not acting. That will give you a reflection, harder. It is love. But all this like, if you look at all your hesitations and insecurities, it’s all just a lack of will. It’s not a lack of will, you always have 100% will from very beginning of your soul, souls journey, but you’re investing a lot of that will in mixed ideas and the illusion that there is something else that has power over you.
So the regaining of that free will, which amasses a spiritual master, the density of your consciousness becomes denser, more powerful, more and more a co- creator with the Creator. It’s pretty cool. And also, the whole like sort of gangster analogy we’ve been using, falls into that category. Gathering your will. And it’s a practice, something you have to train.
09:02 - Just train it with every little hesitation you feel. Just decide to not hesitate. There’s more to it than that. But that’s one way.
09:19 - If you feel you’re undermining yourself. Believing in a victim or believing in a past self or believing that trauma chooses for you, or believing… It’s just habit. Or believing that you’re doing well. So therefore… And you’re making progress, so therefore, it’s okay to not gather your will. And just do the right thing and will what you noticed is the best thing to do. As soon as you notice that self undermining, you can feel it. And the more you train it, the more sensitive you become to when you… when you lower your own frequency. Because of this sudden, split belief system, this split investment in this illusionary ghost. Oh. Because I cannot, because I cannot, because… there’ll be consequences. And the other way to do it is to eradicate the perception that consequences excist. It makes it a little easier to trust yourself and your will, gather you will.
10:25 - Can you more about that? The consequences part? Uh yeah. So… So we believe in consequences, then suddenly there’s a reason for us to go into doubt. And then we split ourselves up into different parts. One part is who we know that we are and what we want to be, and we know what’s right, and integrity and enlightenment and most accelerated.
11:04 - And And then, uhm… What did I say? Will! Will! But if there’s no reason, so, okay, one way is to just re gather all those excuses, and not tolerate that, right? From the inside out and say, Okay, I noticed I’m undermining myself, because I’m giving my power to… , I want to give my power away to this illusory victim. And you might not call it a victim, but it is still a victim. You may not feel like it’s a victim. But as soon as you don’t take full ownership of a pattern that you have, or something that you know, you should change, but you’re not changing it.
Something you want to change, but you’re not changing it, something you want to be, but you’re not being it, something you want to shift into, but you’re not shifting into it. Something you want to let go of, but you’re not letting go of it at cetera, all these like mixed frequencies, that lower your vibration, the density of your consciousness, and then you become meek, you become weak, you become lame. And you’ never be able to run a Gangster Squad from that state, you dd be killed.
Right? So to… One way is to notice when ou’re doing that, and decide not to do that. Boom! You gathe , your will and you just go do it. But the reason you’re eve tempted to drop your frequency, and to split your will in o parts and give it away to this illusory ghost of a vict m or a past self or trauma. Of course, there is some relevan e to trauma work and knowing yourself and accepting your elf and all that. So we’re talking pretty high level elf mastery already.
But that’s the case for all of you, so we can talk about it. But if there’s no reason to do that, t e reason is consequences. AKA fear of unsafety. Like w thout unsafety, we wouldn’t project that there’s consequen es, or we wouldn’t project it significance. If we were alway safe, no matter what we knew that, then consequences would ’t really have the significance that they have, they would j st be Oh, they’d be reflections of our choices. That’s t.
But it would feel totally safe, like everything is m de out of pillows, and butterflies and flowers. And whereve we fall, it would just be a little tumble into like a joyfu like… Getting tickled by the flowers into alignment. But since we believe we can be harmed, we could be unsave, we project significance into consequences. And then we lower o r frequency and we give our power away to these thoughts. An then we believe that we can’t just decide what we know is best.
So if you deconstruct the cause, for your victi isation, then it’s easier to not do it. And it just starts t disappear. Or you take the willful approach and you g like, I’m just not going to tolerate that anymore, regard ess of the consequences. And you can do both. You can diminish the perception that consequences have significance r gravity, that they could lead to unsafety. And you can ecide to just gather your will and realise there’s only one of you.
So who’s making the choice? You or you? Right? It’ that simple. I’m making the choice, but we don’t want to acknowledge that because that means that we’re re And after a lifetime of like lameness, I think the combination of both actually enhances it, like makes it stronger. Because once you take out the consequences or the fear consequences will still require to like to gather yourself, like shaping yourself new, in a way. It can also be automatic but like, I experience that… Wait, that the state of like having no consequences is accessible. But like knowing who you are even beyond that lameness. And like, like seeing past that, I think like the gathering will be really helpful.
15:38 - Nice. I can sense the difference like drastically between the two.
15:49 - But when you’re in just relating to back to what Cory said, like, there’s a version where if I’m feeling lame, or mediocre, I feel like I have to, then that’s something I have to address or like have to deal with, or, like, meet him there and then bring him back. But even in this conversation, though, the first 15 or 20 minutes of it, there’s such a difference between the denseness of the character basically, in my case, which feels perception of consequences and people around me, and, but even pressure of like a discussion or things having to be said, versus just bringing awareness to that denseness of the character and this… Oh. Like, the difference of the contrast of the two is pretty significant to me. And then for me I guess picking my will to, to the place where there is no consequences part of that.
17:10 - Yep. But even see that this image of ‘there is a character’ is still based in that paradigm of there’s two of you, because there’s you and there’s the character.
17:22 - Right. But if you check in with your direct experience, there’s only you. You’re completely choosing to produce this idea of a character.
17:31 - Yeah, that’s, that’s really important, actually. Like, even for me, like the many spiritual concepts, and then you forget to apply it to the character and so… .
17:42 - So anything that indicates there’s two versions of you, at a certain stage, initially, that’s helpful to realise, oh, I’m not my person, then you get the witness observer comes in, it’s sort of a higher level of consciousness that kicks in and now he can consciously work with your tendencies and your patterns. But at a certain point that needs to collapse or not that it need to, but wants to collapse back into realisation. The character is completely the result of me not staying in the I-Am, not staying connected to my own consciousness, my own will.
This realisation that there is only me as the observer, which equals the will.
18:22 - Yeah, this still is like tolerating. Right. Yeah.
18:27 - Like being entertained by it, or supporting it, the unconscious story.
18:34 - Nice. Yeah. Which is nice to see. It’s just a choice.
18:42 - Awesome! This is also a good example of how empowerment and enlightenment meet at some point. Right? Because this is, we’re talking sort of from the angle of empowerment. But actually, if you’re 100%, empowered in this way, and you’re no longer creating a second version of you, then you’re in the I-Am. You’re, you’re aware of yourself, you’re aware of awareness. You’re aware of your soloness here, your singleness, your unity.
So that’s the unified self aka, sixth density commensurate individual.
19:17 - That’s cool. At least for me, there’s a tendency, or it’s easier to fall back into that space of the character when you’re running around with your own body. All day, like don’t talk to people and…
19:28 - Sure. Or even have an intentional battle. That is more Yeah, And that is the result of lack of will, which is also good technology. I agree. It’s easy to do it. But it is, again, it’s pretending this false sense. It’s maintaining this false sense of there’s two of you. Yeah, there is what you want. And here’s what happens.
19:50 - Yeah. It’s never the case. It can sell for a couple of days. We could tolerate this.
19:56 - Yeah. She’s it really reaches that state of like total responsibility. Without like, it’s not the same as taking responsibility for everything that happens. You know? Like, in the sort of burden sense or being responsible for others.
20:13 - It is that responsibility of realising you’re choosing everything you’re saying doing and thinking and feeling.
20:22 - You’re choosing what you’re aware of, and what separations and compartments you’re generating, but it doesn’t change the fact that there’s just one you. The character is a thought form, it’s not you, I can see how it’s useful to like, for creation to generate catalysts for you to develop so to take care, so you can learn, you can see the contrast of the two.
20:49 - Nice. And then once you fucking do that, like Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is also a product of your own. Don’t attribute too much power to Jesus Christ. And then you start seeing like, Fuck the whole world is a product of my lack of will, Not your full will, but what we chose.
21:28 - Yeah. The lack of having gathered your will, in one place.
21:36 - Realising that it’s all your will. You know?When you are geting into the higher enlightenment teachings like seven density, as well as eight, then you get statements like the world doesn’t exist. Or the world is only mind and you begin to experientially realise this. And you can do that right now, it’s not that hard to do, it’s not a mystical state, per se. It starts with the simple recognition that you’ve never experienced the world apart from your lack of focus on yourself, on your will.
So it’s literally a product that comes from awareness being filtered through. So for lack of a better word, a lack of will being gathered. It is still will, but it’s just will pour down into all kinds of ideas, instead of will being gathered within itself, which is what fifth density really starts to do. And then it reaches this pinnacle of the unified self in sixth density. And it makes sense also, if you look at it metaphysically, like the sixth density being the higher Self, so you could say there is no character anymore in sixth density, but anything below mid sixth density is a character projection, is the product of a lack of total self knowledge.
And so, will, self awareness, where as the sixth density is that nexus point where the individual just begins to emanate out of the wholeness, the Allness of the Creator, and is this indivuaded spark. And then in sixth density, it’s this unified Self, is the unified I-Am. Still individuated. But it’s the very core of all of this projection. So it’s the higher self of all these projections. And anything up to that point is a character, even the fifth density person that’s meditating and gathering its will, is also still a choice of a path.
It’s also still symbol that you choose to give power to. And it’s natural. For the most part, you have to go through that stage. But yeah, even the fifth density willful superwise concentrated entity is still a character within the I-Am. So it’s still giving power away as if there’s two of you. Questioner: Now what I’m trying to get at is how these disciplines affect the energy centres and the power, shall I say, of the white magician? Could you, will you tell me how that works? The questioner is learning.
It correct it’s ‘could you’ with ‘will you. ’ Because earlier on in the Law of One, when a questioner would say: “Could you tell me how that works?” Ra would say: “Yes. ‘ Because that’s to honour free will to a high degree. Could you? Will you tell me how that works? I am Ra. The heart of the discipline of the personality is threefold. One: Know yourself, which means you’re not self or your expression of yourself, not the real self, but, not to changeless self but the changing self.
So. One: Know yourself, which means all your thoughts, your emotions, your components. To accept yourself. Three: Become the Creator.
25:14 - The third step is that step which when accomplished, renders one the most humble servant of all, transparent in personality, and completely able to know and accept other selves in relation to the pursuit of the magical working.
25:32 - The continuing discipline of the personality involves the adept in knowing itself, accepting itself and thus clearing the path towards the great Indigo gateway to the Creator. To become the Creator is to become all that there is. There is then no personality in the sense with which the adaptive begins it’s learn/teaching or character. As the consciousness of the Indigo Ray becomes more crystalline, more gangster, more work may be done.
More may be expressed from intelligent infinity.
26:21 - Have you read the Law of One? All right. Cool.
26:30 - Most of the things we post are actually not from the original Law of One. They’re from the same channelers but it’s a different entity. But the Law of One is from the Ra material is all by this entity named Ra. Just pretty high level stuff. It’s cool.
26:47 - It’s just that this makes it so much clearer, that there is no there’s no other, no other being, no other choice. So, to Oh cool! me felt like a bit of a, like a missing link.
27:13 - Yeah, really cool. Despite of that, there’s only one of you? Yeah. Yeah. Like, it gives you the ability to recalibrate, like, in every single moment.
27:28 - Yeah. Nice. And you, can you see yourself, can you foresee yourself applying it with greater, greater consistency? Nice. Nice! Is it impractical for anybody? Is it like just hypothetical? Or does it inspire you to like, Oh, yeah, I feel it. And like, I’m gonna stop giving my thoughts away to this secondary force that doesn’t exist, that I can’t find, when I go look for it. It’s all me choosing to give my power away to this imaginary entity, or thought or habit or past memory, or the ways of the world or what other people, whatever it is.
And like, continuously, suck that power back to the core. Like, take it back, take back your free will, like no, just don’t tolerate that, like, Yeah, but no, actually, I am here, I can find anyone but me. So I’m the one choosing insecurity. I can do that. But at least the first step is to know yourself and to accept yourself. And then the third step is to not tolerate that to become the Creator. To create from that new insight, take that responsibility.
28:46 - It definitely inspires me to level up even more. Instead of catching myself after I…
28:55 - Which is good. Like, there’s an intention for me to see where I’m reacting from a position of defensiveness.
29:04 - But instead of like, Oh, I reacted. Cool. I see it after the fact. Like, it inspires me to be before the fact. Yeah. Because I’m tired after, when I come from…
29:17 - With Denis, for example, it’s a great example of our dynamic where I react like defensive, like, or, like in the attack mode.
29:25 - They were fighting an Uber. And then you can see.
29:31 - Why are you defensive? Yeah. Or the other way around. Like it’s a dynamic.
29:34 - Like a person that is… . And then you can see like…
29:39 - The consequence. The only thing you could be defending is, is a character that you’re imagine exists. Something other than you.
29:49 - Like there he is, the character. Like whatever you imagine is yourself is not you. Right? It’s a choice.
29:58 - Yeah. Literally you choose to produce a thought construct that you A spark of the Creator.
30:03 - then start to think. So it’s again the separation. So you can take your look back and see like, there was only I-Am, And from that I-Am you can choose, however you want to be And there’s nothing else to defend because, it is just a iew in space that doesn’t change. It’s just pure freewill pu e, creat Great! Yeah, it’s a good insight to have.
30:48 - You can practising now, like, since you said it, like I was practising and just like, just like there’s a sense of like freedom and just, Awww! There’s actually so much power here.
31:04 - Yeah. Yeah, it’s like a very, very strong No, Nice.
31:12 - Yeah, it is cool, it’s creative, like I can sense like, how it’s characterizing this, for me is I can focus mental energy. It’s like this, like this, this kind of draws in and starts like making everything real. Like, yeah, okay.
31:26 - Exactly. They can make it seems real, like, nowaday, it’s real, and position, I need to hold this position now. Because otherwise, whatever.
31:39 - And you can also see how much like again how empowerment leads to enlightenment, If it’s done, right… .
31:47 - Yeah. is that. Huh? It is so clear in that focus.
31:50 - Nice. Because it becomes much quieter within yourself.
31:56 - Because most of the noise is because you’re choosing to project that there’s another version of you, other than your being and your free will. And if you don’t choose that it becomes like airly, peaceful. Because all your consciousness is available, it’s not believing in secondary entities or ghosts or… So that quietude then leads into deeper direct experience of the I-Amness, which ultimately leads to realisation of oneness. And the love, that is the oneness-fabric of all perception.
And then you realise, oh, even that’s not me. That’s still an expression manifestation of me. And then it becomes even quieter because it’s the absence of silence. The absence of a silent consciousness.
33:08 - And then you really can’t say, what is what. But it’s there, it’s real, it’s free. It feels true.
33:22 - Would it be cool to be in a constant state of no definition? Because in the scattered state, your freewill chooses things and objects and options. But in the clear state or the centred state of the awake state, or the empowered stat, the truly empowered state, not like that warrior state, but the truly empowered state where your power is back in its original place, then the freewill chooses to focus on itself, just to stay with itself.
So it builds up more spiritual mass. That is why I believe Ra says that spiritual mass increases significantly but not greatly. Until seventh density. Because until that time, you’re increasing your spiritual mass, like fourth, fifth, sixth density. But it’s not until the freewill chooses to choose itself that it really amplifies, like it becomes like a free energy generator that just… And then all that free energy goes back into the input.
And it multiplies to free energy and all that energy… So that’s when you’re building a spiritual mass and you get like, in touch with the more what we call mystical states, but it’s really the natural state of realisation. The oneness and all that.
35:16 - Yeah, I was gonna say like, it requires some training, but the training is also a product of the will. It’s not like Oh, it requires training. Now training is this thing that you give your power away to, I just haven’t had enough training… Who is choosing that? Right? You’re training now or you’re not. So, but then with greater training, you become viscerally sensitive to when you’re producing a secondary, when you’re compartmentalising yourself into an imaginary character.
You become sensitive to that, and you’re able to stay above the clouds more and more, just like ride that wave of that zing of that quiet centred, will, that’s aware of itself. It becomes easier and easier, because you become more and more sensitive to dipping underneath the cloud cover. You’re like, oh, what’s this? And then, once you’re in it, if you didn’t catch yourself early enough, you’re back in it. So you need another teaching or a reminder.
Or you need to be quiet, and not give any meaning to things until it settles, and then you’re back at your baseline. But that baseline ups itself and becomes more and more sensitive. Because your whole frequency domain rises, right? So now, you can no longer go lower than a certain point. It becomes impossible to go lower than a certain point, virtually impossible. I mean, there’s exceptions, but…
36:47 - And that’s the process of becoming the Creator, because then you realise you’re actually producing your world. And it’s not about the world. Also, in the end. But. . You feel that power, like you’re saying, it is powerful, right? When the will is aware of itself, when awareness is aware of itself as a solo energy, then there’s a sense of power in that, which has all these natural expressions to other people, of love, stability, safety, transparency, confidence, leadership, and so forth.
They just naturally flow from a will that knows itself and that stays with itself, instead of dips down into this world produced by a character that you’re choosing to subscribe to.
37:51 - Thanks. Yeah. So when you’re resting in the power of just recognising your free will itself, like the will of consciousness, which is basically the I-Am, or at least some level of the I-Am, recognising itself.
38:15 - it’s good to learn to… You don’t have to do anything with that power. You don’t have to manifest into anything per se.
38:24 - It’s nice to be able to just stay with it. Just let it and that’s that sort of self aware, focused state. And then you’ll naturally, all things start to come naturally, like skillfulness, insight into situations intelligence, subtlety, nuance, and so forth. So then when a situation presents itself, to express that somehow, then you will, or you won’t, it’s up to you. In a sense, you could say, if you want to go all the way straight and kind of ignore your relative blueprint, you could just stay with that energy.
39:02 - And that would be like ongoing meditation on the I-Am, building that spiritual mass like, doing a more of Ramana Maharshi style way of living. More exclusively enlightenment. So for myself, I’ve learned to value also my incarnational relative purpose. So I simultaneously also bleed it into that, so to speak, or pour it into that. But there’s an art to doing that simultaneously. And because typically, you do lose some of that centeredness when you start engaging in service to others.
But just to be aware of that, and that’s where the solo time comes in as a balancing element.
39:53 - Sandwich. I wasn’t blowing any smoke? So to find that balance for yourself, where you feel like oh, now I’m kind of like, I’ve bled out into other people’s bubbles a little too much. And I need to, and you’ll get, you’ll get fed up with it, you’ll get faster and faster frustrated with yourself. You might project it initially on to other people like, Oh, you guys aren’t smart enough or good enough or sharp enough, come on. But But again, like who’s choosing that, right? So, so to balance the self focus or self awareness, especially when you still need to, and it becomes easier and easier to maintain the practice of building your own freewill by just collapsing it back onto itself, which is the same as realising there’s only one of you and there’s nothing else that’s choosing for you, that state of solitude, internal solitude, where it’s just your solo, there’s just one stream of consciousness that’s aware of itself, you can more and more maintain that.
Also, while you’re sort of channelling the skillfulness that is innate to that power, then you can more and more rest in that powerful state, building on itself. Also, while you’re expressing and interacting, that’s kind of the dance between enlightenment and service to others. And again, just to rephrase how potent of a question it is to ask yourself, like, Who else is there here choosing anything? To really go back to that place. It is only me choosing.
So it’s a good gateway, a good access point. And it will make your meditations easier and more natural, it’s less like Oh…
42:06 - Because once you have that, you’re like, Oh, I don’t, I don’t really need to sit in meditation. I could. I don’t need to make that separation, because that would be another choice. Choose to give my power away to meditation, like the Avadhuta Gita where Dattatreya says, like: “Oh mind? Why do you meditate so shamelessly, when there is only one?” And again, it’s high level teaching and integration. But it’s cool. Meditation is nothing, as Nisargadata says, it’s just the I-Am.
Only the I-Amness is what meditates. The body can’t meditate, the mind cannot meditate. It’s the I-Am that meditates on itself. So you can sit your body down, you can try to quiet your mind. But ultimately, meditation is just being aware of yourself, of your being here, of your free will, of your power, of your consciousness.
43:15 - And then you can even like, get more disgruntled when you start meditating. And you’re like: Why am I meditating? Feels like yucky, not always, sometimes it’s just like, the body wants to be quiet. And you can go pretty deep or like dense with the consciousness being aware of itself. But sometimes you’re like, Oh, I kind of fell prey to this idea that there is a power other than me, therefore I had to sit down and meditate. Right? It’s subtle.
43:44 - It is subtle victimization. Exactly. You’re victimising yourself to a state of meditation, or you’re identified with the character as being the meditator. And then you think that altering your body’s position makes a difference. And it can, but it’s that subtle balance of… So even if you do it that way, even if you go to a route of meditation, just to understand that the meditation itself is not about the act of meditating. Then you can still go through the act of meditating.
But the results of that are not because of the meditation. So to separate it from that, also, without falling into the counterbalance of that too far, or the counter side of that, which would be like, okay, at any time, now that I tried to meditate, it’s artificial. So I should just do what I do on a day to day basis and be active. And then not use meditation as a way to connect. So, you got to kind of kno where you’re at, at that particular moment.
But you start t see through the illusion of meditation as an action becaus it doesn’t change anything. You’re still the I-Am, or the onsciousness.
45:10 - And you know? The more you interact with somebody else’s bubble or group’s bubble, or their bubbles, their personalities. Also, like Nisargadatta said, I’m paraphrasing, like you can tell me all your stories and stuff. And that’s fine. But for me, like I never get lost in the idea that your stories are real, that that’s actually an existent world. I might entertain you for a little bit. But for me, it’s clear that that’s not actually existend.
So it’s important to maintain a more high level when you are more actively engaged with other people’s bubbles. And sometimes you’ll kind of forget or the energies are convincing to you, and you’re giving your power to it somehow. And then you’ll get frustrated with it. And you’re like, I need my solo time, which is relevant. You can take that solo time to reconnect, but realise that it’s not the solo time that equals meditation. It’s just a method.
But then when you have the result, when you’re back in your own state, don’t associate it with the meditation. Associated with itself. So that you become more and more free from the need for solitude and meditation.
46:44 - And like I said, more and more, you’ll just be able to stay above the clouds. Keep your head above the cloud, so to I’m glad it landed. Who else is there? And then just look speak.
47:09 - for it. Look for the other person inside of you. Like Fuck, no, it’s just my consciousness choosing to not be mindful enough and therefore produces an illusory character. But in this moment, it’s really just me with free choice. Choice doesn’t mean you’re choosing a thing, per se. It’s just a power, it’s just a reservoir of freedom to choose. It’s not about what you’re choosing, it’s about being aware of the fact that you are the chooser, the decider, the consciousness.
47:49 - And you just start to like that feeling more and more, you know, that feeling of unity within yourself, and solitude and power. It’s not really solitude, but it is solitude in a sense, you know? Does that makes sense? It feels solitude, because you’re aware of yourself, you’re not producing any others. So it feels so close to unity and oneness. Because then you realise that that same power actually doesn’t have a location inside your brain.
It is just the power. And everything is, is a projection, like part of that painting, it’s produced by the same power. So it’s also that the unified self is the access point to the universal self, the unified individual self that’s the extention of the I-Amness, is the door that’s always open, you just have to walk through it. But then beyond that door, it’s the same power, but it’s no longer even associated with a me, like an individual or location.
It’s like, Fuck, it’s just the power. Then you start to actually dissolve your centre. It’s pretty cool but it can be also disorienting. You might think you’re waking up at an airport or something. It’s like, Fuck, where am I? Who am I again? Right. Yeah. She’s a good example of that.
49:11 - I can see how it can be challenging to integrate that practice into interacting with others. There’s an agreement that they’re real energetically. Obviously, they are like, Well… Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah, that’s definitely a most challenging area I think.
49:33 - That’s cool. Yeah, so but when you go through that door more where you also see, so you’re resting in that, you’re aware of that power, right? Of which you had a flavour of now, no? That sense of like, Oh, fuck, boom, I’m, this is me here. It’s kind of quiet. It’s free. It’s available. There’s a power here, there’s a consciousness. I’m aware of myself. Then you also start to; when you rest more as that power, you start to notice, subtler background victimizations that you didn’t realise before.
Like your paradigm itself, from where you’re typically coming from, such as, one powerful one is the sense of location. So you’re aware of the power, which is really all you’re aware of is, of the power. But you’re still, you’re still projecting very subtly that the power is over here. But if you check in with the sense of over here, and distinguish that from the sense of the power, you see that, Oh, I’m aware of the power or the consciousness.
And I’m assuming I’m associating it, I’m conflating it, with the sense of my body, just automatically, just because that’s what you’re used to. And then you can distinguish, you can pull the sticker paper off of the background paper, and you’re like, you’re peeling away the illusion, this idea that that power is located in an individual, and then you’re just more and more, you’re just the power. And then when others come into that field, you can maintain that power more and more, because you’re dissolving your centre.
And then it’s, there’s this sense of equality to all the appearances. So it’s less like, Oh, I need to go back to my power, because you realise the power is also this distortion. And the power also is this bubble shaping so…
51:26 - So now you’re really distilling the power out of all the forms that it takes, so you’re staying anchored in the formlessness. And you’re not even separating it anymore from the form. But that’s like, that’s subtle, subtle, high level stuff, which usually does require some meditation and solo time to peal this sense of this automated collapse sense where all the senses come together, your smell, your sight, your hearing, especially hearing and sight and touch, that just produces this rainbow effect and the rainbow can’t actually be found.
It looks like there’s a rainbow over there and it has location. But it’s just water and sunlight producing an effect. So all the senses combined with the thinking mind, produce an effect of feeling, a sense of location and identity. But if you actually look at it directly, and you’re able to distinguish the pure experience of that power of I-Am, and then kind of pivot back and forth like, Okay, I’m experiencing just the power right now. And now I’m experiencing this collapsed sense of, Oh, it’s me, that’s powerful over here, and you go back and forth.
And then you realise like Oh, I can actually stay in the power and let go of this association, with it having a certain location or belonging to a body. And then it becomes easier to maintain it in personal interactions. But this takes practice, it’s very subtle. Uou have to look at a very subtle level, what your power is. I call these mental containers. So there the I-Am, but it seems to be contained inside of a mental construct a mental container of location, time, space, individuation memory, position of me being at the side of the table, you guys being over there.
But if I look at the perception, that of my body sitting here, your body’s over there, if I look at the perception, I’m not inside the perception, I’m actually the I-Am. So I’m peeling that off of me and then I can rest it’s the I-Am without trying to attribute a space or location to it. Than it is just the power and it becomes kind of mystical or mysterious, or formless. And more universal, like, because you’re distilling the essence out of every situation, rather than being focused on the form of it.
And letting that generate a rainbow effect of location and separation. You can’t say that you’re actually experiencing separation, you can only think that you’re experiencing separation. It’s already not your experience.
54:14 - It’s another assumption. It’s another just like, you’re assuming there’s a character that’s making choices on your behalf. Therefore you’re not in control of what you want to decide. Similarly, you give power away to this idea, this illusion, that you’re experiencing yourself as a separate individual. It is subtle! But your power, the power of the I-Am is that purifying element, the Cita, the fact that I am the essence of that self knowing nature, because when you stay with it, all that will naturally shed and be revealed.
54:48 - But that’s what requires practice to stay with the power, stay with the power stay with the power until the power is clear to itself. Then it becomes essential and universal, rather than based on an individual. And then you start naturally defending yourself less or, you know, all those personality traits that we develop. They all come back and have consequences and like I could be unsafe. If you are the power and you’re not located anywhere, how could you be unsafe? And then there’s no consequence.
And there’s no need to defend. And then there’s love, because who’s making the distinction between your I, right? Love is not: I love you.
55:27 - That’s fourth density, that’s the activity of loving, as an individual, or as the I-Am is associated with a location, with a body, with a mind, with a history, with memory. Then I as that assumed self, as that victim, which it is, can be an empowered victim, but it’s still a victim, then I have to learn the activity of loving at some point to increase my frequency. But love itself is without distinctions, it’s without attributes. It’s not ‘I love you.
’ You can still have that feeling come up in the body mind experience. But the essence of that is the essential nature of all things, which is the same.
56:25 - So at that sixth density commensurate level, empowerment naturally turns into enlightenment. Empowerment applies to an individual. But when the individual is so empowered, that it has to see through its own assumption of individuality, it becomes enlightenment.
56:41 - That will be challenging to explain to people.
56:49 - Yeah, that’s why you just you know, that’s why a lot of the teachings that come forth are absolutely determined by the crew that’s around, or the questioner or the audience, because that’s what you’re talking to. Right? And you can take them through a sort of guided talk like this, make it subtler, subtler, subtler, and they sort of start getting it. But that takes time, and you got to start where they’re at. And sometimes you can’t even go that far, because it’s just so far out their paradigm.
You could try and sometimes it is successful instinctively. But they’ll probably like, walk away thinkin:, What’s this bullshit, or they’re afraid of it because if you, if I continue to talk like this, you start losing your sense of your own world. Everything you were working for and things you prioritise and say: I don’t want to fucking be here. I don’t know how to navigate this space. Let me get out of here because I’m this person. And I was doing so well.
Working on my business. I was doing great loving people empowering them. Empowering their victimhood.
57:53 - You just described that first reaction to the first video.
57:57 - It’s awesome… . Funny thing, I’ve never had a mushroom.
58:05 - Have I? Oh, yeah. a microdose once or twice. No that’s what some of these psychedelics do, you know, they block out those centres of association. So you’re just experiencing a different dimension of your conscious of yourself. But it’s not always. It’s not always the safest practice.
58:40 - No but you can see, you can see how people get hooked on this stuff. Like, you know, from a wrong place, and then overuse it and just mess with their integrity, integrity of their… Yes, but I bet you guys are self aware. So you can handle it from time to time. But you wouldn’t want to do that every week would you? Oh no.
59:01 - No! Yeah, this has to be done. by your own freewill, it has to be an inside job. You can’t give it away to a mushroom or a DMT trip or Iowaska journey and people victimise themselves toward that. They give power away to all those permission slips to. At a certain stage it could be relevant, but people stay there.
59:30 - I can actually feel like that specific moment.
59:35 - Was that like the mushroom. Yeah. It felt like it felt like this entity that was haunting. That was haunting any sense of victimisation and it wouldn’t stop.
59:53 - At all! Even if you’d be like, Yeah, I know. I know. Like Yeah. Every platform you try to land on, even if it’s a higher one than the one before Yeah, and aggressively.
60:04 - Yeah. Like flexing his muscles. Yeah.
60:06 - It’s tricky, man. It’s it’s dangerous if people don’t use that very intentionally and with maturity. That’s why I d n’t recommend psychedel That’s actually what we both felt like, okay, we like, I immediately was like, okay, no more fresh ones, I’m gonna dry these ones and I’m never gonna do this again and I’m never gonna give it to anyone.
60:27 - Yeah, probably shouldn’t. Yeah. And that’s the only thing I like about DMT is that it is short. Like, because if you’re in that space like that for six hours, there’s a lot of room to go crazy and get disintegrated. But if it’s a 15 minute trip, it’s still gonna be intense as fuck, but at least it was like, you know, you’re back to where you were, and you can integrate it quicker, but maybe. I am not an expert on the matter but… And you start to, you start to like it less like my experience with it, too, is like, my only experience really has been marijuana and DMT.
But even my last DMT trip, which was the strongest one that I’ve done, I saw that this universal bliss is like, I don’t want it. It’s because it’s not me, it’s a construct. And it was painful.
61:31 - Like the intensity of the bliss was painful. And it wasn’t because I couldn’t handle it, but because it was false.
61:40 - Yeah. So it’s like everything is lower than what you are. It might be more intense experientially, it might be more like wild, experientially. But it’s still, it’s everything below yourself that gets amplified. Unless you’re really identified with lower levels, then it’s good to bust through, but it’s like, why I don’t need this, it’s just a nuisance. It’s like suddenly having 1000 you know, flies in your room all night long.
Why would you want that? And you can see how this leads into service to others naturally, right? Because you… The more essential your identity becomes. And by essential, I mean universal, like non specific to you, then it’s like a natural. It’s natural, sharing, radiate instead of consuming or absorbing. Because you’re not, there’s no agenda. For whom would there be an agenda? Right? The more the individual centres dissolve, the less interest there is, in getting anything out of a situation.
Because what would you gain by it, nothing. Literally, you wouldn’t gain anything by it. There’s no gain or loss. You have the wisdom to see what’s more beneficial.
63:17 - But it takes on the shape of the whole field or the group or whatever it is. It’s like what’s more beneficial for the dream world to become a little bit less asleep, basically.
63:32 - And there is some relative wisdom to it. Okay, what would benefit us on a more concrete level, you know, whether it’s abundance or nourishment or health. But even those things, those components are just part of the natural skillfulness of balanced life and awakening within the dream and ultimately beyond the dream.
63:56 - If there’s no centre, then there’s nothing to get. Which doesn’t mean your purpose ends. That’s often the thing people fear. Like, Oh I won’t have purpose. It is just the purpose that you’ve been pouring into all these concepts, the concepts disappear. But a whole new dimension of using your power becomes available, using your consciousness, using your freewill, using the natural intelligence that’s available in that space. And it starts to feel better and better, to have less and less of a centre.
So it’s almost like getting used to psychedelics, like micro dosing, and then a little bit more every day. I don’t recommend that.
64:37 - But that would be the analogy like, or you’re getting used to operating without your constructs and platforms. It’s just something to get used to. It’s like, instead of having objects to clink to and swing from and to, it’s like operating a space like it’s just a different way of being.
64:58 - And you get more comfortable with it. Call it emptiness, nothingness, freedom, spaciousness, awareness, whatever, but… And it starts to operate. Because, you don’t operate it as a body. That’s also a mental container that dissolves and then let go of I am I as a body, I’m operating space.
65:20 - It’s just so the sense can be, which is also a mental container. But the sense can then be: Oh, the power is operating itself through this location, this vehicle, which is more accurate. Even that’s part of the dream, but that’s more accurate. And that’s where a lot of people get stuck in the statement, oh, there is no free will. Because I’m witnessing myself speak but I’m not speaking, I’m witnessing myself act but I’m not acting, witnessing my body flow, but it’s directed by the power.
It’s a powerful state, but then to realise that also the assumption that that means you don’t have free will, that there is no free will, also needs to be dissolved. It is still conclusion. It’s just what it is. You can label it left or right, black or white, right or wrong. What’s the feeling? Hyper.
66:23 - Hyper? Physically? I do also feel like moving. I never had that but it felt like, Oh, I just need to step up.
66:32 - Is it a wanting to physically move? Or is it a feeling of wanting to pour this clarity into something? I’m not saying it is that. I’m actually asking. Is it just a sense of, I just need to move my physical energy, do some stretching or walking around or whatever, or eat something to ground myself. And or is it a sense of like, because I’ve had that in the past a lot. And sometimes I still have it. But it’s balanced now. When you tap into that power, it’s like, you know, your habit is to give it to someone, or to… What you can do, but, or to, like, create a new product or do something together or make it happen or… What you can do, and it’s powerful, especially if there’s people in the group that are more asleep, it’s like it will arouse them awakeness more. So you can do it. We can do it in productive ways, we could pour it into something. But to see that you don’t have to, like you can just get used to this new state, and embodied and integrated without the human need to give it a form.
You can just rest as it, just feel the power! You can just be with the electricity, you don’t have to turn on a light bulb or the radiator or the dishwasher. You can, but you don’t have to. So then you know, okay, I can, if it feels skillful in that moment, and it’s sort of naturally directed, then you can pour it into that. But oftentimes, when we first make contact with this, and get as Nisargadatta says, like: You Westerners, you know. You get a little glimpse, and then you want to go teach, you want to go tell the whole world about it, and like, then you lose it.
Because you give it all the way like you leak your power out, and then you’re back to where you were. Just sit still, or just be with it, just stay with the I-Am. Just stay with the I-Am. Get used to that buildup of power. And like, allow it to merit because it will change things and it will wake up your body and your mind in different ways. And it will, you know, it’s kind of like a psychedelic trip, but slower, more paced. But you go through very similar layers as like a DMT trip.
It’s just more gradual. So you can actually with your freewill decide how much you can handle of this and when you kind of want to, Oh fuck. I’m just going to eat something now and like go to McDonald’s or whatever. But so what do you guys feel? You want to…
68:58 - I feel good, still I could do anything at this point tonight. So if you want to pour it into something we could.
69:03 - I feel good. I feel like being horizontal. Not too long from now? Not too long from now. Yeah.
69:22 - But this… You can kind of even… This is a microcosmic version, when you feel the power and it’s like, kind of when you create out of it, express it. It’s kind of a micro cosmic version of the Creator in its infinite potential, wanting to express itself as the universe. It’s that desire, which is not a desire, it’s like almost an inevitability. It just wants to meet itself to know itself, express itself feel itself, learn from it, duh, duh, duh, because it can, because all that potential is there.
So it’s kind of like, the universe is kind of the result of the one Infinite Creator its weakness. To handle its own infinite potential.
70:05 - It is susceptible. I gotta do something with this infinite potential. So let’s create all this stuff and all these beings and all this illusions. And then it learns over different creations. It dissolves everything and it recreates based on what it has learned. So even the infinite is on a journey, funnily enough. We’re in a way that microcosmic expressions of that, and we are also the macro cosmic source of it all. But when you don’t connect, try to connect it to form, when you don’t try to produce out of it.
70:43 - But you’re actually just like, noticing maybe emptiness, or energy, but you just recycle it, basically. You just give it back to that essential power, it keeps building. And if you get more and more used to it can get very blissful, and inexpensive and kind of psychedelic or mystical, which can be cool. Not to get hung up on, but just to expand your sense of consciousness beyond the ordinary boundaries.
71:14 - Because once you accept that, you don’t have to express it.
71:20 - It’s like, it’s just the power that… And then that’s where the satchidananda comes in, or the bliss.
71:37 - Beyond all the temptations. Sometimes it can also be the individual location based sense that wants to maintain itself. So that wants to give form to that power. Instead of stay as the formless, because it’s a death, right? It’s like, Oh, no, no, I gotta do something with it. I’ve got to confirm it, I got to validate it, I gotta give it. But there’s plenty of time for that. And we’re not going to create a whole new world, in a physical sense, right this evening.
72:17 - So to skillfully let yourself produce with that power from that power without losing your connection to it. But then sky’s the limit. But it’s like a higher version of the story of just nourish the roots of the tree, don’t chase the fruits. Just keep nurturing the tree. And then the fruits just get better and better. But the moment you get distracted, you stagnate, typically. Just to be the power.
72:55 - It doesn’t need anything. And it doesn’t need to form itself. It can but it doesn’t need to. Otherwise it becomes ego thing again. Just to be in that power, that’s like, that’s actually the most helpful service to mankind’s collective field. Like Ramana Maharshi said: Your Self Realisation is the greatest service you can render the world.
73:28 - Your own death, your ego death. Actually, that’s the greatest service you can offer the world. Everything else is secondary. And Ra says this too. Being is first. Doing is secondary service. It’s just a frequency.
73:50 - And it takes some maturation to like resist the temptation to express it all in a human way that you’re familiar with.
74:01 - Just let it be formless, let it be mysterious. Let it be just this power that builds on itself. Yeah.
74:11 - Beautiful First thing that I wrote was like, what’s this! And than it got better and I stressed back.
74:23 - Awesome. Yeah. Exactly like that. And then you still can, you know, but again, to tell yourself Oh, just to watch the temptations and say there’s plenty of time for that. Like to not go into that fourth density like, Oh, I need to express this.
74:40 - And I feel my… Like a sacral and solar plexus actually.
74:46 - Nice! Like trying. I can see how it will express itself.
74:50 - Awesome. That’s cool. And it’s also because you’re accumulating the power, which is what the lower chakras seek. So if there’s a blockage there, like insecurity, like a second personality you’ve created within yourself. Then when you say with this power that’s in process of being dissolved, and the Kundalini if you will, or the consciousness can rise to higher centres and settle there. And in the process of it, it will open up and balance out the distortions of the lower centres that’s produced by lower perspectives.
So that might also be a component of what you’re feeling. Like you’re just getting aroused or waking up, they’re balancing themselves out. You don’t need to do anything with that, just stay with the power to the degree that you’re comfortable with. And sometimes you will need to come down from it, you don’t need to, but I mean, it’s unrealistic to assume that you won’t go to the fridge and, you know, grab a nice bite to sort of like, feel human again, and ground yourself.
And I still do that too. Because if I don’t, if I only spend time in solitude, and I don’t speak, and I don’t smoke cigars, and I don’t eat, I just get very disconnected from the conventional world. And it’s blissful, but then it’s like something typically magnetises me back to also this element of just accepting the incarnational component of my choice.
76:21 - And taking on that duty, knowing that I’m infinite anyway.
76:25 - And then more and more they just blend and becomes simultaneous.
76:34 - And then there’s a peace that becomes like very hard to describe. Like a powerful peace that’s just available, ready to go. But it’s, it’s not associated with the conventional world. It’s just resting in its own plane of consciousness.
76:50 - And the entity can tap into it and be in channel for it, but doesn’t own it. It doesn’t belong to a location based personality or body mind. But it’s like you are the light bulb that can plug into that electricity. But you don’t have to. Just knowing you don’t have to allow it to separate from your associations even more and become more powerful and established. This is what they mean by abiding. abiding in awareness, or power, versus getting a glimpse and then getting lost and… You want to abide in that power more and more, get used to it. Navigate as it, not just take it and do something with it. You still will, inevitably right? So you don’t have to rush that. And you don’t have to filter it through your temptations. Because you can then notice like, oh, like, I want to share from this space, because it gives me hit of power or validation on a personal level. And I’m gonna take pride in that unconsciously or consciously.
And I’m going to distort it. So, it purifies itself just by abiding in it, and not needing it to go anywhere and do anything with it, just getting used to it. And it’s just getting used to it. Getting used to it and getting used to it and getting used to it and then it transforms your ego and dissolves it. Basically. You become a vessel for the love and the light of the Creator that’s naturally skillful.
78:15 - And not premeditated or planned. Not owned, just pride free expression. And then it is like the intelligence is doing its own thing. It doesn’t really feel like you’re doing it anymore. But you still realise it’s freewill based somehow.
78:39 - Instead of doing now you’re available. You choose what you’re available for. You’re don’t what you’re enabling, what you’re holding space for. You’re not the doer of it.
78:55 - Nice. Thanks. Yeah, thank you so much.
78:58 - It’s great! Better than a movie! Yeah. .