How To Convert Image To Text
Oct 18, 2020 16:15 · 306 words · 2 minute read
Hello guys! In this video I would like to share about how to convert image file or scan document to a text before starting we have to pick a image that containing text. So open the chrome and then click on image here search image book text and then I will pick randomly an image. For example, this image and then right click on this image to copy this image. After copy this image, we have to open the microsoft word and then create a blank document to paste the image on this word file you can press CTRL+V to paste the image that you copied before. After paste this image, you can go to the menu bar above and then click file save as. Choose the location you want to save as.
For example, 01:23 - desktop and then giving a file name here. For example, “booktext” and then remember save as this file as PDF format and then click save. After saving this document, it will automatically open this PDF file by the reader and then we go back to the Word and then click on file open choose the file that you saved before to open it by the Word click on browse and then just now I save on desktop file name is “booktext” and then click open it will show a dialog like this one and then we can press ok. It will automatically convert the image file to a text. So now you can edit this words that you like. For example, I delete on this or adding 1,2,3,4,5 okay you can save on it by click on this save icon button and then you can choose save as word document or PDF.
03:06 - So I choose on word document and then click save. That’s all thank you! .