Dec 29, 2020 19:00 · 2733 words · 13 minute read
hey guys yo what’s up welcome to the video my name is seb snd i’m here with my mate murphy today we are going to be doing a challenge where we only pick up one equipment in the area that we land in for example if we land somewhere like the docks then we can only use equipment in the docks or if we land in some place like tilted then we can only pick up weapons that we find in tilted now does that make sense to you good right let’s go win this thing right there we’re gonna land right over that’s the water mate that’s the freaking water we’re not landing in the water all right guys i just want to add in here i’m cutting this video down to two parts part one is where i do this game with murphy and part two is where i do this game with louis and we’re gonna try the same challenge twice with two different people i’m gonna see which one we get down to the lowest number of people so here we go let’s go into the video um well i see one person oh two people three people it’s not bad why did i land here i was paying attention to them i am landing in the building i got shotgun i got some blue juice that’s good i like that wait don’t use a big pot don’t use the big pot i don’t have a big pot is it a mini yeah just a minute just a minute um i got some gold yes i like my gold and some people are shooting at us what gold what gold gold gold what gold gold gold yeah says shall we look look look how much look how much stuff we’ve got now how much stuff you got now how much stuff do you have but like we’ve got like a whole place oh it’s not rifle that’s good why i’ve always got so many spectators i’ve got five you’ve got five spectators yeah why is your rap scully now all right um revealed there by treasure chest eliminate enemies i want to upgrade my weapon i don’t know weapon there’s a plane i can’t upgrade my weapon can you can you upgrade your weapon is there an option to upgrade your weapon on here yeah i don’t get that i just said bounty kills i think she’s i don’t think she’s a bounty person let’s go let’s go secure this area see what weapons we can find there’s just people doing 360s in that they’re doing morse code with planes ah why is there a pirate ship there what i have no idea what a pirate ship is doing up there there’s a pirate ship there do you see it no i don’t i’m not actually looking that’s an actual pirate ship i’m not what oh from season 8. wait was it season eight i have no idea what season it’s in mate i’ve just played for myself yeah can we ride the boat can we ride the frilly flipping boat is that a thing can we why are we stormers taking it is that boat can we drive it yeah really come on oh screw that one but it’s moving to the circle we need to be inside this is it this is it these are all the weapons we can use in the game now no yeah these guns are horrible we have to win with them though that’s part of the challenge i’m over here i’m over here i’m over here no go go drive drive drive you’re really bad at driving i’m sorry no i’m good oh apples mmm apples mmm apples mmm apples apples mmm apples all the apples it’s all mine it’s all mine it’s all mine it’s all mine now wait wait build build a thing so we can drive upwards oh not yet oh yeah now yeah boy we’re going up we’re going up we’re going down we’re going down you can’t shoot us we’re too cool that was so worth it i i just heard you saying we’re going up and i was like go get out of here good we don’t need that [ __ ] anymore we can get some drug smashers oh my god you’re fat playing go away you’re not the good wait what is planes in this game what the since when are the planes there’s people shooting us on the side the super cuteness on the side going inside the building go inside the building on the left here get inside just go hop let’s go high you can build your super long staircase i’m just into i’m like what’s up i need help stop stop coming at you right now don’t be building things and then blocking your builds where are they running not yes lovely we both got him then no there’s a legendary shotgun here oh dude dude dude this guy after me got me after me after me honestly i don’t care long as he got killed with a sniper oh god go away please please get this one get this one get this one now get get him get him get him get him before we get shotgun get him before we get don’t let us get the shotgun no one’s got the shotgun no one’s got the shotgun come on get the flipping shotgun oh my god where’s the shotgun go and get the shot get on the ground no i can’t get it why not because we’re only going to do well no no no no no you can grab shotgun if you kill the players you can grab the shotguns you think all the players you said you can’t do that you you can grab them on player kills you can’t grab them off out of boxes i’m sorry you’re fine grab the shotgun you’re allowed to grab the shotgun kill kill it kill it yo yo yo guys if you like the video then don’t forget to click subscribe right now you get to see more of my videos straight away when they are released like trailer reactions my crafty raft episodes all my horror games maybe even some more fortnite check all the links all my videos and all my stuff in my website which is down there in the description below i saw you angle when you were jumping down i’m not sure if you were actually uh back or you were half back or you had to be i’d be away from the microphone or you’re actually stranded in water and i’m completely wrong oh my goodness i’m completely wrong yeah hello oh my goodness he’s back oh goodness he’d be our bead now he’s back oh guys this is a really bad start to the next match oh my goodness are you okay technically i’m gonna go we haven’t actually found a place to land because uh you fell off in the ocean and i followed you down i’m just over up here just a little bit higher than you oh i i i have to drop a shield back there this does not count as a landing spot i’m going to be very bad this does not count as a landing spot we don’t we don’t put the weapons in this area are just oh what’s down here can we break into this if this is a secret thing that nobody oh that’s horrible oh you just you took half of us this is a really bad start to the match you know that right if we win this match i’m freaking shocked i mean to be fair we’re already down 66 players on the thing i swear do you remember where you played it earlier on i swear this the player match didn’t go down that fast did it go out that fast for you earlier on this year i swear i didn’t go down to 64 players in the first three seconds right are we just thinking wrong well it’s been ages since we’ve done a fortnight match and we’ve actually recorded it as well if we we’ve got we’ve got to win this video we’ve gotta we gotta just lewis and seb come back you ready for it i said are you ready i am ready you’re ready for it i’m ready you ready you ready we’re ready are you ready i’m breaking on my high hand right now this is our landing spot this will be our landing spot there’s loads of not taking weapons here i’ve got a weapon i just need you to get a weapon and then we’re good that weapon sounds weapon that weapon sucks you need about it’s better than nothing though it’s better than nothing but we need a better weapon for you i mean i need to come up we both need weapons what have you got i have a shitty weapon as well i’ve got a heavy assault rifle on green mode so it’s not it’s not too bad um i call it we’re allowed to lock through we’re allowed to upgrade all right we’re out to upgrade we’re allowed to take i’ve got off uh i’ve got a green star rifle yeah brief is that i’ve got two green star rifles our goal is to get down to at least 16 players i don’t need that oh we’re down to half the players i mean you know we could just win this with luck right now yes i want to win this i did i found some health things not full health things but it’s better than you know again better than nothing wait i hear footsteps oh it’s a guy it’s a guy we can upgrade our weapons if we want you actually know to build things on this i don’t mind playing with other people but other people are really cool but like you’re the only one with the same building school that i’m i’m at right now everybody else is uh um this uh insane building skill i think you’ve also got a bit of it but like in not compared to me no i have i have no idea yeah it’s like it we think the same if we see someone building a big long big tower we like run away just [ __ ] just see ya with no chance clock you a little bit you can wait you can have your kills it’s one of yeah have whatever you want oh the thing’s coming after us we need to get we need to get in the car and leave i found a car get in i’ve seen i’ve i’ve i was in a car and my passenger seat he took us out the window i don’t know if we can do it as a drivers but i can wrap that’s boring that was really bad they didn’t really design these cars very well did they this is like really bad compared to gta i thought g games gta is pretty bad as well watch dogs is the best driving game in the world after forza ah do you know what they say about forza right no what do they say about forza paul’s a horizon you need to get inside the circle i can’t let you die please don’t die oh that christmas music was really annoying me you don’t get you get christian music we don’t get inside this house um we can’t pick up weapons inside this house we can pick up ammo because it’s all on the floor here i’ll be allowed to open up ammo boxes all yes why not they just double boxes they’re not crates oh that’s not an ammo box it’s not quit it’s not a chest either not just either oh dear i accidentally walked over ammo when it picked up that’s not my fault that’s not allowed to pick up the weapons but i can walk over the ammo uh there’s a shield only if you want it shield yeah oh tasty mmm juice i like my we need to move as much as i can have oh coffee that was a nice bar but you know what that means we gotta leave i’m gonna get one of the cars that we left behind i’ve got time to get it and careful one of them might be uh that’s why long as it takes me so far when did fortnight have petrol since when i have cars in this game in ages ah dude so many people die down here there’s so much gold i’m just collecting all the gold oh it’s so good i’m sorry if i didn’t win the match at least with all the gold oh hello hello i want you i want you i want you i want you i want you pick you up i’m moving on i’m moving on i’m moving on i’m moving on i’m moving i’m moving on we’re heading to your boat oh are you done my things run out of fuel you’re right it’s really [ __ ] let’s just move wait hang on let’s do the underground thing it’s faster dude there’s a helicopter let’s come back come over here we’ll get the helicopter what oh yeah it might be it might have run out of fuel yeah i mean but you can get in you can get out and it just jumps up in the air oh god we’ve got a murphy on our hands oh dear oh he fell down he fell down did you see that that was so cool you both shot him he went down is that a player he just went down oh do you want to go you want to go get his details he’s running towards his teammate he’s running towards his teammate i’ll go oh dammit whoopsie good job oh and i’m allowed that you’re all out of that that’s probably not a bad idea actually oh we’re getting shot we’re getting shot we’re getting shot we’re getting shot yeah boom boombox run away run away we’re okay we’re okay long as you run away we stick close to the edge yeah it would be fun we’ll be fine you can edit it edit will you just be careful with the fact that he’s probably really gonna try and nail us down i forgot how to play this game i’m going down i’m gonna go down i’m gonna [ __ ] go now get back over here get back over here i can’t get over there i’m gonna say spot i can’t i can’t i can’t really shoot me he was on me he was on me obviously you only got me down you see my health yeah obviously my health give me a second nope he’s got me he’s right next to him he’s right now oh [ __ ] face it with crap we are absolute crap crap sugar sugar sugar sugar there’s other people on this game mate maybe they’ll get distracted by each other and maybe we’ll be able to win it oh no no no okay okay i’ll make them meet each other i’ll make them meet each other if we’re not going to win it at least we’ll get them to meet each other the enemies [ __ ] [ __ ] i’m going to be shot by two teams which one got with me i don’t know lads you’ve got to play an epic of course we did oh god guys what just happened we did not win that whatsoever you know what that means no that means louis to get back into this again next week we have to have another go at this don’t stop never give up well yeah hi you reach the top let’s see a world of you have got and try again next week hey guys if you like the video and don’t forget to click like comment and subscribe all that stuff really does help out the channel so thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys on the next video my you .