Interview In Anchor - Podcast For Beginners 2020

Oct 25, 2020 23:00 · 1105 words · 6 minute read use anchor could join come

today we are gonna do something very interesting for our podcast we are gonna do an interview and for this as everything else we have done in this series I’m just using my phone hi I am PixelPia and as I said today we are gonna add an interview to our podcast this is very easily done using just the app and our cell phone but before I put my screen up here and do the interview let’s talk about a few things you can have up to five guests at the same time using your phone your friends don’t have to be on Anchor or not even on a phone, they can use their desktop or laptop and you can invite using Twitter Facebook everything you have to communicate with people when you do an interview this way you can record up to two hours and when it’s done you can edit it just the same way as we did all the other parts let’s put my phone screen up here and get to the interview itself now we are gonna try to do a phone interview and for that, I have asked for the help of my friend Ganna so I hit the little plus sign and hit invite friends to join invite friends and in this case, I’m gonna send her the link through a direct message so I hit direct message and here we have the link I am sending her the link and as it says here you the first one here recording will begin as soon as others join for the best recording quality make sure you and guests all have a strong network connections right now we are just waiting for Ganna to join the conversation hello Ganna Hi Pia hi how are you I’m doing great how are you doing I’m doing fine right now I am filming for the tutorial about how to do an interview over phone and I’m so glad that you could join me I’m happy that you invited me it’s exciting will you tell everybody a little bit about yourself and we will have your youtube link in the bottom of the description of course my name is Ganna I have a youtube channel where I make parody videos and I do a lot of digital artwork that I post across different media yeah I’m here to interact with people make some friends yeah you are a good friend I must say have you done a podcast no I’ve never done a podcast but I’ve always thought about starting one this tutorial is about Anchor and it’s so easy all you need is your phone both for recording and editing and right now I’m doing this interview with you over the phone without having anything else besides my phone isn’t that remarkable it is for everybody that’s interested in fun and in art go check up Ganna I will have all information in the description and Ganna thank you so much for doing this of course thank you for having me up it was great that wasn’t too hard was it now we just need to edit the interview and make it part of our podcast since this is the last video for now about how to use Anchor I’m gonna do this on the laptop this time just to show you how it looks when we work on the laptop come with me and let’s move over to the laptop so here we are at the computer and as you can see up in the top I click episodes and here we have the first episode the one we’ve been working on all this time if I scroll down here I come down to the segments of the episode and I can hit edit audio and here we have all the parts we have been working on but where is my interview we go to the library and the same if you’re doing this on your phone you go add the little plus sign and go to library and here we have recording with Ganna just drag this over to the episode but I want to move it down so just as we did on our phone we grab it and we drag it down to where we want it to be as you can see in this example Ganna and I didn’t stop talking right away we kept on for almost 15 minutes so I need to edit this audio and this is very similar to how we do it on the phone I put my little marker and hit the split the difference from the phone is that here i have a trash can for the part I want to delete on the phone I had to hold my finger down on that part as that delete segment here I just click on the trash can and now I hit save and I have the same choice save as multiple segments or as one music I choose one new segment and here you can see it’s now a two-minute segment in my podcast of course I can do what I did with the other segments we have add background music or add music in between segments for this tutorial I’m just gonna save episode as it is and now we have edited so our interview is in here one more thing I wanted to show you and that is how this is going to be distributed and the easiest way is to go into the help section where anchor tells you how this is and as you can see here once you created your first episode with Anchor we’ll help you distribute your podcast to the following platforms spotify apple podcast breaker cast box google podcast overcast pocket casts and radio public of course there are many more platforms for podcasts and if you want to distribute it yourself you can do so and they have a very easy to follow manual down here just wanted to show you how many podcast stations this will be published to all by without you doing anything so it will show up not just on anchor so here we have it now it’s just wait for the publish date to come and keep on creating let’s leave the computer for now I hope you got inspired to start your own podcast and if you do please share a link in the comments below I am so curious to hear what you come up with until next time remember never stop learning .