4/6/2020 #BITCOIN ZAP — 624,695

Apr 6, 2020 17:56 · 1357 words · 7 minute read mata podcast ones us dollars

All right, ladies and gentlemen, like I said today’s very special guests on the rice crypto show is Andreas Antonopoulos Andreas thank you so much for coming on the show today. How you doing? Oh, it’s a pleasure Rice thank you for having me on the show and very happy to be here. Doing well. Thank you! Yeah, considering everything that’s going on around the world I mean, this is definitely a really interesting time to interview you I know that you’ve done a lot of studying of economics and our financial system and we’re at a really crazy point in history kind of no-man’s land and We just seem today. I guess the Federal Reserve is basically saying we’ve got quantitative easing infinity. Well, I think the the first thing to… the first conclusion to draw from this is that what’s going to be blamed for this recession is coronavirus which I think is it’s certainly the The thing that pushed the economy over the edge.

But you know for the past ten years we’ve we’ve watched 01:41 - an increasingly hollowed out fragile economy being built on the financialization of everything with massive leverage on stock prices being propped up with with buybacks and near zero interest rates worldwide and continuous stimulus and quantitative easing which never really stopped But basically the the cure to too much debt, too much financialization, too much fake money, too much malinvestments, too much plutocracy and corruption and bailouts is more plutocracy, corruption, bailouts and fake money and this is obviously not going to work. There’s a real chance by 2030, we don’t find a way to inflate our way out of this. Okay, I like that and did you catch his price prediction? He speculates that in the end Bitcoin will either be zero or Bitcoin will be worth millions and according to him it all comes down to one thing. How responsible or how irresponsible these world governments are being with their monetary policy. So that I think that the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government.

03:12 - The one thing that’s missing but that will soon be developed is a reliable ecash. A method whereby on the Internet you can transfer funds from A to B without A knowing B or B knowing A The way in which I can take a $20 bill and head it over to you. Then there’s no record of where it came from. Now one of the ways that governments could be more responsible hypothetically is if somehow we returned to the gold standard. US Dollars were backed by gold Russian rubles were backed by gold. That would be a solution. Now the problem comes in if, let’s just say Russia, for example says we have this much gold in our safes so that means we have this much money to spend.

03:56 - Are we going to believe when Russia says we have this much gold that they actually have this much gold? That’s the problem. And there’s a real chance by 2030, we don’t find a way to inflate our way out of this and that the only way to break the back of deflation is essentially to create some quasi form of gold standard. But it’ll be almost impossible to do that between governments and central banks, they’ll never agree on an instrument and will never agree on an exchange. But that bottoms up people could decide to do it [Birds babble] But ironically the latest product of that way of doing things is a new instrument, a new system that while it could make conformity more rigid more totalitarian than ever before in history. Could also blow everything wide open because with it we could operate on the basis that values and standards and ethics and facts and truths all depend on what your view of the world is and that there may be as many views of that as there are people and with this capable of keeping a tally on those millions of opinions voiced electronically we might be able to lift the limitations of conforming to any centralized representational form of government originally invented because there was no way for everybody’s voice to be heard.

05:25 - You’re talking about people who live in Mata, anyone can break into, anyone can steal their phone. They don’t… They’re not like us when we go on. Got that one here or hide one in my attic or my on my dad’s house. It’s just motherfucking hard! And I think some someone needs to think of key management solutions for people like that. And I don’t know what it is. But if they can’t do a two or three… Is there at some kind of Trusted company or two trusted companies. I don’t know… It really… Probably someone like Udi has a role to think about and perhaps debate the trade-offs between trustless and I’m gonna trust this solution to these people.

06:08 - You might be able to give everybody unhindered untested access to knowledge because a computer would do the day-to-day work for which we once qualified the select few In an educational system originally designed for a world where only a few could be taught You might end the regimentation of people living and working in vast, unmanageable cities uniting them instead in an electronic community where the Himalayas and Manhattan were only split second apart. You might with that done much more break the mold that has held us back since the beginning. I believed very early on from my own experience that you know one’s propensity to store value in the Bitcoin protocol is directly correlated to your understanding. So I always thought that Bitcoin marketing is actually just Bitcoin education. After months of planning Satoshi shared his idea with everyone. He called it Bitcoin.

It was very complicated, but he tried to explain it simply. There will be a big chart in the middle of town that shows how much money every person has. Everyday we’ll meet here and update the chart with any changes of who gave some of their money to somebody else. Everyone will also keep their own copy of the chart so nobody can come when no one’s looking and make fake changes. This way we can all have our own money just by keeping track of this chart and we can all make sure nobody is adding any new money.

07:46 - So mostly I just bought dips like a beast It’s pretty much just you know watching YouTube and listening to podcasts and educating myself and kind of like like that deep crypto winner is when you steel your resolve like you’re initially going to the podcasts and obviously was listening to everything and reading all the books that were available and there were a lot you know thankfully by then by the end of 2018 you had new books like Saife’s book who come out six months before your podcast was out there and I was devouring that and Marty’s podcast and a bunch of other ones. And you initially go to those as essentially like a support group because you feel kind of lonely in your you know, you’re the only one among your friends that’s that’s totally could buy and more as this thing, you know maybe going to zero and then you know your brain actually starts to do some work in the background and you wake up one day and you’re like a total believer. In a future world that we would describe as balanced anarchy and they will describe as an open society. Tolerant of every view, aware so there is no single privileged way of doing things. Above all able to do away with the greatest tragedy of our era the centuries-old waste of human talent that we couldn’t or wouldn’t use.

09:05 - Utopia? Why? If as I’ve said all along the universe is at any time what you say it is… Then say it! .