My £10,000 Room Tour (2020)
Dec 22, 2020 19:00 · 2124 words · 10 minute read
yo guys welcome back to the channel but like a pimp because i’m yeah so this is my room tour uh i fell off balance so this is being requested a couple of times on the channel in the comments section you guys have wanted to see a room tour for some odd reason i don’t know but i had it but i had it but i also had our idea to do this video because i wanted to be like a little bit of history i’m planning to move out of this office space in this area in 2021 whether or not i’m still living in this actual house or not i want to have like an external space so i can do work focus on the business and just have another sort of room where i can do a lot of my work because i feel like it would be beneficial for the business side of things just to have an external space whether it’s an office or another bedroom wherever i move house who really cares but yeah this is the official 2020 room tour i guess is that necessary is that necessary is that necessary yeah this is it the room tour let’s just start it off so first you come in um this is my light switch it’s actually this is a design function um it’s so you can yeah it’s portable so like if you wanted to be up here and you wanted to turn the light on and off you could do that but i let it hang you know definitely not just laziness when the room was getting redone this over here as you guys can see there’s a lot to go through but is what isn’t it this is my wardrobe a lot of people have requested like yo yo where’d you get that wardrobe is it ikea built no fam me and my dad grafted in it so yeah my dad custom built this wardrobe for me luckily and um luckily how did i say this i’m fortunate enough to have a dad who you know just to have a dad but yeah we put this together ourselves he did a lot of the work custom built wardrobe i had a designer had a plan but i just wanted to have a space where i could hang all of my clothes with my favorite clothes that i like to wear and then also have some storage space around the top predominantly four shoes as you guys can see we still got some tango ice blasts from a video that did very well this year so keep that as a memory but if you guys want one i’ll sell them on depop for like two pounds but yeah uh let’s run through some stuff we got my vans here just some air forces i think these yeah these are the ones that are customized also earlier in the year they’re battered right now because they’re the only show i really wear uh what else have we got we got the childish hoodie tin although the childhood is hanging up because i feel like a little bit of purple will spice up my life we’ve got my jordans we got the yeezys that ramel gave me we also got these these are these shoes actually haven’t been released to the public yet um yeah we also have these ones that also haven’t been released to the public what shoes what boxes i think they’re in are they in this air force box no where are they where are they these shoes also haven’t been released to the public as well these are the new yeezys yeah they’re this time night yeah night yeezys yeah yeah yeah they haven’t been released so everyone keep your mouth shut about that in the comments but yeah that’s that’s really it for this what no two ways oh yeah yeah yeah we also got these um no two ways you guys know kallux galaxy’s shoe company no two ways i didn’t actually get a chance to get moonless right but i’m looking for them on resale but they’re going for a bit hi i’ve got these on resale i didn’t actually cop these on the drop yeah i paid like 160 or 140 for these resell on depop just to film that video so you guys see i don’t put effort into videos yeah i spent like 140 pounds on that video we got this build-a-bear this is this is my girlfriend as a bear no that’s just your girlfriend yep we have my underpants hi show us okay don’t look that’s going to be sensitive that’s going to be censored no no and then yeah that’s it we have my hat collection here not really anything special just some hats that i like to wear from time to time we have this extra small hoodie from batson clothing that unfortunately didn’t sell out so if you guys want an extra small yeah me and i’ll just send it to you for free i don’t really care because i have a bag of supreme stuff that ramel sent me um in the mystery unboxing video if you haven’t seen that already go ahead and watch that video and yeah just some other bits and bobs i like to keep this space spice i like to keep this i like to keep this space sort of really tidy because i don’t like having a messy room although it gets messy from time to time um once a week i’ll do like a big clean out and it just makes me feel so refreshed behind me there’s nothing there we have my bags here nothing too interesting let’s move on as we come around here oh yeah by the way guys my room is tiny like i don’t know if you guys can tell like watch watch watch like that didn’t take very long tonight i mean it’s a very small room so yeah that’s it the majority of my room is my bed my lovely lovely dubli bid this is a plant no yeah did you not know this is my bedside table got loads of stuff in here that you guys probably won’t find important blah blah blah advent calendar because it’s christmas you know gotta stay fat on that we also have this plant here uh also fake however this is where things get important this is this is spicy this is where things get spicy this is the part of this is the part of my room that no one ever sees apart from now obviously because my camera is usually here facing that direction this is where everything happens this is the bread and the bar this is the foundation of this youtube channel right here so let’s let’s go through it right start for the obvious we have a whiteboard i feel like it’s really important in life to set some goals because you have something to actually work towards so as you can see here in august of 2021 um or no august of 2020 i wrote these goals down and in one year so august 2021 is when i want to accomplish them buy so i’ve under k on youtube i’ve have made over 10 000 pounds or dollars from clothing have one million plus views not be working in sainsburys have an online income of over 10 000 pounds a year because let’s be real money makes a walk around you have to sort of make money for it to be sustainable be moving out and be happy two of the most important things who is calling me right now yo jay hi yeah so as i was saying it’s important to set goals and by in like so what is it like maybe nine or eleven nine or ten months now because it’s been a couple months since i wrote these that’s i want to have them goals all ticked off what eight months eight months from now i want to have them go sticked off so yeah and we have some exclusives don’t watch that don’t watch that don’t watch that as you guys know i recently wiped this off and made it a bit more neater because it was so clunky and there was just so much that i didn’t need so yeah it’s looking a bit empty now but it’s going to get filled up very very soon and this talk about this feature of the room here oh yeah yeah so this is where i do some i do acrobatics from here i’ll show you a little example yeah so that’s all i do all day yeah just swing from there yeah you can see the room is season finished because we got lazy but then we get to the real real meat the real beef burger now we get into the real juicy stuff all right this is where the magic happens everything that you guys don’t see happens here the edit in the design process for basically everything is done at this desk and has always been done at this desk so let’s run for everything this is a wacom back on pad basically like a graphic tablet so you can draw on it and it goes straight to the laptop so if you guys want to know how i created the sketchy it was all done on not this specific tablet but it was all done on this wacom tablet so everything was hand drawn this is a little tripod nothing really interesting there this microphone i’ve never really used it to be honest i use it maybe once on a dropouts video um that’s it really just talk to people on discord this is another monitor for when i want to have like an extra screen for something say for example i’m streaming and i want to have like my what’s it called my obs open on here really really handy i should really suggest like if you’re into video production or production of any sort that happens on a computer having a second monitor is always really helpful because it allows you to expand your workspace and have everything cramped into windows so you have to keep opening your clothes and everything it’s really helpful this is my 2020 macbook air before this i had like a i think it’s like a 2017 macbook air really really good but i felt like i needed to upgrade a little bit because you know times are changing so this is my 2020 macbook air all every single one of my videos from like how long ago from ages ago has been edited on this one laptop it’s done me wonders and it’s really lightweight and really portable and i basically take it everywhere with me so that’s that now this i don’t want to unplug because last time i unplugged the hard drive without ejecting it i lost everything this is on my one terabyte hard drive and it is basically the key to my life like it has everything more or less that i’ve ever made on it and as soon as this hard drive gets filled up i’m gonna get a new one because i don’t want to delete anything i ever do basically it has all the raw footage from like in my past 20 videos guys if you’re into video production and you want to make a youtube channel if you can afford it all right storage is key make sure you have hard drives on hard drives hard drives up everything back up everything okay because one time i lost everything on a hard drive and i had to basically restart from scratch so that was [ ] bad that’s it really if you take a look underneath you’ve got our ps4 that isn’t even plugged in i don’t play ps4 anymore you have my speakers that are also attached to speakers there that also go to the back of the room you can see their speakers in the top corners um they don’t really do much you’re way too close i can tell this is so close to my face uh yeah that’s it really nothing really has to go into like i’ve got a printer who the [ __ ] is that yeah guys that’s it for this video um if there’s anything else you want me to do leave it in the comment section down below um maybe you could influence the next video bye .