FSI 2020 Section 11 2 2 97096

Oct 11, 2020 22:06 · 494 words · 3 minute read correct answers augmented reality backpropagation

Today, I am going to brief you on what Artificial Intelligence is and how it is currently being used in business, to create value. Although there are many types of Artificial Intelligence algorithms and techniques, I am going to review those listed in the agenda, as they are widely used and representative of the state of the art. AI is one of the fields of Knowledge Management Systems. We may group its domains by focus area, which, in the slide, is represented in the center column; If you are interested in extracting knowledge from available data, the techniques to use are those under Data Discovery; If your goal is to replace Humans by machines for repetitive, high precision or heavy weight tasks, you need Automation techniques; Finally, you can also use AI techniques for results optimization. Neural Networks is a supervised learning type of algorithm.

00:52 - Algorithm training is done by feeding in a large dataset with labeled data. For every record feed in the input, backpropagation occurs, affecting the weight of all connections between nodes within the network, in this way the network progressively learns and improves the rate of correct answers. Neural Networks adds value to business in pattern detection, for instance for data validation. NLP is used to process Human Language. It includes AI, such as Neural Networks, together with other techniques like speech recognition, text preprocessing and text to speech. We all have Siri, Now, Cortana or Alexa in our devices, which are good examples of NLP applications.

01:35 - NLP adds value to business in text and emotion analysis, translation, IVR or knowledge base search. Computer Vision includes image processing, pattern recognition and image understanding. Good for detection systems, augmented reality, autonomous systems, image analysis, etc. Common use cases includes automotive drive assistance and police surveillance. Intelligent Agents are autonomous entities which acts, directing its activity towards achieving goals.

02:07 - The simplest example is a thermostat, a complex example might by a bot using reinforcement learning. Business value creation examples might be web crawlers, chatbots or task automation. Robots are autonomous or semi-autonomous programable machines that interacts with the physical world via sensors and actuators. Modern robots use AI algorithms to perform complex tasks. Business added value of AI robots includes warehouse robots and self- driving cars.

02:40 - Genetic algorithms are inspired by the natural selection process and are commonly used to generate high-quality solutions to optimization and search problems. Genetic algorithms rely on operators such as mutation, crossover and selection. Business added value includes optimization of timetables, scheduling, CAD or Vehicle routing problem. In conclusion, AI are pervasive technologies which are already present in our private and professional daily life. From Investment Banking, to mobile phone street routing applications, to image recognition in social networks, to e-commerce applications, we are bound to use it more and more, as the added value it brings to businesses are in line with what customers are looking for. .