LOVING A MONSTER (Fredrick Leonard, Ruth Kadiri Movie) | 2021 MOVIES | NIGERIAN MOVIES 2021
Jul 22, 2021 19:00 · 7824 words · 37 minute read
so hey don’t me at that girl with the comment again tomorrow again what happened what did you do again nope you go there right there would you like what’s going on with that one you got a clear eye from your house go there you know i come back now we carry you from house i say from house wait now you walk out by yourself from house money but now we carry you from house you wanna go there again where’d you give me that one forget that thing leave nothing where they talk you see that one when i go that time nine bit test do’s not go for you see me i don’t cook myself i don’t prepare myself against any just any kind of just when she says she wants to come i don’t cook myself against them so no weapon where she take home any kind of weapon will go fashion against me if you not know what did they worry you chance that’s what just happened they used that tick tick tick tick insult to me tomorrow night tomorrow make a warning you yeah and no one see any of funeral near that place where cannot be said you forget anything for that and no one see you near there you they hear me and they talk to you and no one see a new ofuna near that place last time when i did that they thought they should be shy because you know that baby are pleasing nothing do anything no no no bad luck but believe it or not because my friends are no no it’s not doing well on a day if i finish let me go by myself call you too often give another report come on oh when she don’t finish the ghoul i you know beat me before what’s impossibility for this thing where you do me what am i going to do now see now now if you stop this you’ll cry cry eh then we go put this together know where to be what you guys supposed to do so that’s too good before not pregnant so i will need to see doctor face to face make you use him out and tell me whether i’d be pregnant is that what you’re saying which can be that what you’re saying oh nami can’t be devil now oh yeah see just just just calm down you really beat me now come here you say uh none of us caused this thing to get down now two of us caused them together can they beat me or not i impossibility for this thing where you do me what am i going to do now see now now if you stop this you’ll cry cry then put this together know where to be what you’re okay you you give me paper i agree people nobody doctor now i’m gonna need to sit down face to face make you use your mouth and tell me whether you be pregnant is that what you’re saying which can you tell what you’re saying oh nami can be devil now oh yeah see just just just come down wait they beat me now come here you see not of us cause this thing together not two of us caused them together when they beat me on our sister i fussy i i trust you if you are full other he never is like that oh yeah that wait now wait this is so my head at least if i let me make i tell you what’s my problem now okay let us see it i want to bring another person don’t bring anybody it’s me yeah you should speaking i don’t understand like that um dinner shoot nobody is in case of what you want think yeah i just make you not say that demonstration i do not see this i’ve always told you boys to stay away from these stuffs that entire to their mouth and go straight to the brain to cause separate madness but none of you would listen to me now listen i advise you to stay away from the market otherwise they mistake you for a serious madman yeah is tell me what can i do during my own and i mean get madness let me get demonstration though they look like bad man okay how to demonstrate again okay you know why you are just looking worried like this you don’t even understand what not to think for years every day you’re made shut your smelly mouth okay you never wish to marry for your reach of climb woman sleep you help me give me one reason why i will not call the police now to come and carry you for violence against women i beg not just face eh face and you say you get better mindy hey now you want to do police for this matter 50 000 within a dollar foreign remember foreign come here yes they say dead male does not vp i could go plug one better when i go flop gun i’ll go pcc body with that king any opportunity anything you say i wanted to punish you eh fall like that for 10 and wait for me you forget the american return with my weapon of mass destruction my weapon of warfare but you will kesha you’ll be cared so if you say i know wake up stand up from here now so you go you just didn’t trash me why not it’s not as you as you did so you don’t come up with your ass call my ass i ain’t want that i’ll talk how much fifty thousand dollars you care sir anyone will not be a fault it is better for me to die with my rope than for me to die say i’ll die for woman and honor woman like you let me me and you i don’t go hey wait wait you do they give up i don’t want you to die my god fury come back like like how much you get 20 thousand error if you know the cam you lift up after all if i keep myself a group here the republicans go by if i buy fish i would still get small change on top i don’t move confessions you got chicken no my chicken don’t finish do you want white gets now they want way to know other hey give us drinks all your games why you doing so did you love what i did for you what’d it be like you were not able to consider for marrying now they talk about life consider no i mean i i love you past any other thing the only god where they disciples okay so prove to me when we reach my monday please all the love when i get for this inaudible don’t worry everybody and i agree show me from here hi okay what do you want ahead hey just tell me when you see where you want let me take a parry think about it carry me carry me back don’t you love me again i love you i mean fried meat and they fried meat sweets wow they’re going when you’re here you are follow you i send you okay because you don’t want your friends to see that you carried me down here me i’m going i’m okay so you told your friends me that you are taking me out today right my yes let me think about it please stand up and carry me on your back or see i tell you otherwise immediately at the moment enter this bag you see anything even though say one day here chop the food for this my back no problem no baby that’s this one now they finished demonic are you are you getting me wet yes see the only problem where i could get with you now this is your cry christ time before before that laugh laugh eh now these days nah could i cry i they commit you from laughing to crying now no now you people send me make a go do this thing no be meeting you you quite agree yeah i heard they cry no they cried wait i’m not destroying now okay okay see i get good news for you okay good news i don’t see who could help help you for this matter if you should be talkita not then she know foster b how to help you for this baby mata i even thought i say i want to keep myself with rope okay then she can’t stop me say we cannot make a presence more money they should go help us for so you don’t plan to go kill yourself and leave only me to suffer no plan to go kill yourself and leave only me to suffer eh okay before you die i go first kill myself you go there i take care of the baby by yourself which baby the one inside my stomach hey hey this guy you bee hey wait how you they expect me to take care of speaking when you’re never born no wonder you cash you catch the ball no subject look all the things where you like thinking myself what do you want to what do you do with now because of this and when i talk man i make you come on i want to conquer yourself you won’t die but you won’t kill yourself commit suicide why no go die so you don’t plan to kill yourself just tell me why no good day me okay so now because of your performance you won’t come kill yourself yes i want to die see just keep that you’re dying after face then if we see that and cooper with the teach permission if you don’t feed her post for this time of time then two of us go drink this your poison go drink together continue our marriage for the other side yes christian now relax i clear isis tomorrow trying very hard to keep to time no they cry are you back when he did on your back look at my back my own babe did my back you concern you hey no do i do your business i beg you if you don’t go home person calling this course now okay see what he had paid for now for meat drink and the chicken now remember she can’t carry him for his side huh see this sticky way the chopper you never ever drop half of what’s here before hey i said they’re talking to you i feel like i really play at the beginning like this they beg you i found you go where you did can you come back one part of peter and give me money i’ll pack out of here now i’ll get a new place if you give me money you’ve not said anything about what i told you wait did you say she’s helping you with italian visas and passports yes and i want to be very interested in traveling soon and that depends on how much i have by the time she’s ready to you know give us the visas she’ll study the processes and people have been given advance have you paid yes 100 so you have that kind of money i got it from my dad now okay now i’ll wait for yours to come out before i do mine i see what do you see uh what of course but not if not as you can see your friend is comatose and i’m bored with my mission here today let me shift to mars to want to be taxes goodbye this girl singing um let us go to the house and finish our out a foreign i don’t you go shut up you got shot up because you’re the vest if you’re not shut up i go take one button design your head for you you need a crest in april outcome shut up baby if you finish come and meet me in the room i’ll finish you it’s not like i don’t want to follow you but the thing is how do we get money for two of us don’t worry i’ll talk to my dad and i’m sure you oblige me you talk to your dad to oblige you as what as your boyfriend your husband or your toaster what do you want don’t even go there okay oh i was like you should get money from this company this is this is um this is black don’t use use bar soap yeah if they cut a face like this man hey they do feel like they say we don’t lose boyfriend it’s a rematch to loose for this one now don’t lose unfinish tell us within one year waiting for the result of the test what are you carrying a go to that time what is um pregnant my father will kill me you roast me like fish okay so you do not remember you did with your privacy he did not tamper with my privacy he sleep with me you know go help me wrong why not why not if not that’s why i’m here that’s why tattoo is in town eh what did you say this your boyfriend your accomplice with dj oh it might they make one day boyfriend today this one this thing with me they price me the money it’s only enough to you know graffiti deletes the picking it’s enough only to don’t say shifts if you can’t go one side what they picking you go sleep or not hey bobo why now i i talk i’m [ __ ] make a good kill myself with triple now you can’t stop me now you’re going to tell me the money when i give you no no go do anything you are a foolish man okay i know what to do i will go and look for our father i’ll report you on myself point of corrections why do you call me just now see for your full life not trying to get a betrayal see i’ve seen your shoe nobody replacing my man no sense you won’t bring this money i’ll be no africa okay how much will go give you how much i could put on top the one when i don’t give you before well because i’m a god theory what meaning what you see this mugu i don’t change your name from bentinduchu you know why because this mugu now of the highest order let me tell you facebook i tell you they use less than me useless let me get everything what are you concerned for inside see me said i even try i’m not trying i try me i go meet the girl i tell her babe i like you i can’t i come out even though i use less gold house useless for everything but at the end i try you just say you call me penta to make i believe this i like your name because you’re better too you to my phone disgraced you you carrying and going the second time you think they’re good again you’re not gonna get sense they’re not the guy i’m not free this sense use your kidney for what’s this man i don’t hear nami gets the outing you watch sorry hey this one now master medicine is preparing specially for this miracle take pour inside this cup drinker huh i’m not going to reach out before i go take care what do you mean by saying you know shy for your ticker i reach i’ll fight before i give her the money i reached out for a giveaway thank you when i give her doing this thing here my friend take care of your mom know that is from italy very effective you know they taste like medicinal what are you giving me eh no direct my capability so this guy hey this thing what you want for your answer i don’t blame you it’s because you don’t travel this thing is called night attack no body you will drink it three times a day after three days so do i one sleep okay this problem eh as if he said you are the two face of this village layla oh but this zanga where we did plus this one huh this business on my bed this business is too good hey i swear yeah yeah people i don’t know anything what people i don’t foreign i told you that tattoo has come to our lives to bless us but you don’t understand first it was visa secondly we are assured that we are going to italy in the next nine months it’s one of lessons and to top it all tattoo has introduced a business that will help us generate the money that we used to travel to italy and we won’t get changed on top of now hey slugsy you and you call my house now go bring spoon give me follow me chop you don’t respond i’m gonna fight i’ll go bring this to myself i hear you foreign take now and you keep that spoon first i want to activate these accounts i want to make money the food can wait when i make money i can buy anything i want food plenty of sushi they chop yourself make i follow flowers open this thing you don’t do your own i know thank you thank you you have my phone need off your back chest businesses are removing according to a plan hmm to find me you see tattoo tattoo then me i’m not replacing my [ __ ] my children i have heard your complaints and that’s why i decided to run it to the nearest italian bush there we go my children why are you looking for the living i’m of the dead dead bodies and i would just allow them to be sending money to these accounts the center center they may may be laid off only me i will crush everything yes because they don’t even know that i’m the owner of this site it’s what is this course um i am here because of the text message i received concerning the investment that pays hundred percent in return okay you make quick pay exactly not so i’ve been receiving receiving i love a lot a lot i don’t shop like four times now for the end and that’s a good feeling i decided to share the information with my friends you know in no good maybe they shop just to avoid that yoga brother when they fall off back what do they call dialogue it’s very good of you to think of others so all i have to do now is to set my details to that number as i was instructed yes and we also specify how much you want to start with then they will now match you to which we pay after they will now match two people told you to pay you double off your investments okay how much do you suggest for me to invest but normally i will advise you to start with a minimal amount at least to test the sites then later you cannot decide to increase your budget okay i think we’ll start with ten thousand error and then we time our summer so two hundred thousand error something like that okay um i have to send my details now to that number okay so i will not be do i hold my own payment exactly that is a good investment don’t worry very soon unfortunately we then we match you to somebody that you’re supposed to pay it’s all right okay this investment pick i will do it here and now i um two times put hundred in the second one they’ll put like maybe suzy angie they don’t match me already because they don’t mention me they don’t mention oh my way so that you can end quickly now that you can say that again i made up my mind i’m going to pay hundred thousand error hmm to give me twenty thousand hundred thousand it’s not twenty thousand that is something hey person the person contacts some persons who are the persons who are near the persons who are near me say you get waiting tattoos they do they give money like central bank money go come on which kind of dream will you dream for night what does it mean central bank in this city see here yeah see this way they talk tell me anything for this life should that girl do i will believe you yeah if you say anything you see this one you see this one person’s person’s person’s waiter person’s where near me tell me sir if you give money they will pay you two times on that money will give wait first if you give 10k they will pay you 20.
you give 20 40 you give 40 80 you give 80 160 you give 160 320.
60:11 - and we see that there they got you know you know you know where they love you you say this is where you talk now i don’t the reason i say go find out and i will laugh you because now we gotta take come up from that place if the tattoo says i could go ask the person where the person where the person went near the person where near me waited other person shut up is me foreign bad people baby ah i just oh everybody me myself and me and i then he said you don’t share money you give this person 10k you bring 20.
you give 20. you bring forth bring 40. if nobody says you’ll be ready with that battery to true you’re supposed to know that i don’t understand what’s in this talking about this is let me explain to you what you’re talking about is called ponzi scheme nobody to talk about poison hey squeeze me my friend let me talk it’s posi skin you know when i was leaving the italian day at kenya i decided to sign in to something you understand and ever since that time a lot a lot a lot you know that god said that we should love our neighbor as ourself and i said god fearing that i is i decided to share it share this love with my neighbors that’s why the whole village they’re having a lot a lot a lot of people that don’t know help me one minute okay i’m coming back for this village that she can’t help me knock on one time she give a solution see again make you know the vex i should say tattoo will help you as she take help me i should say her medicine not from italy all the way from italy don’t worry tomorrow we’ll go meet him but another thing that guy will do this thing make him redeem on you because for me not 30k i pay for own 30k imagine me at top food 50 nara conscious 30k calm down imma go do anything to make sure that my performers are saying give me okay well make you go meet her tell him so that by tomorrow go go meet her too and everything will be fine is that me thank you so much very much thank you if my papaya said i carry berlin gentlemen uh could sit down now i will just sign you on one time i’ll sign you which one this is it means that i will register you the business go with god we bless you bless you and bless you and bless you thank you you made me a rich man but now i can sit at home and i’ll be receiving a lot money will come money will come money will come yeah no sweat that’s going to be blessed oh um he came to thank me for the goodness i put inside his life the same one that i will put in all of them my life oh yes is yes okay okay is thank you you see this thing that you’ve asked me to do is nothing noble just please listen uh it is nothing just little love now we do it and go out at once you know this is [ __ ] and people do pass him i don’t want anybody to come here and catch us nobody will come to this part of this hidden place nobody comes now what is all this so this is how you ask while you are to get to this village oh so what about the lightest watch okay what is going on here are you i will tell your village watch me please i beg you i don’t let anybody hear it please well whiny west why any way society said push to smoking i don’t even know where we are the way inside this one you never start saying bye no please yes you plant 10k you get 20.
you plant 20 you get 40 you plant 50 you get 100. you plant 100. i love this business yes iran yes you are the business i don’t give them 10 000 and they give me 20 000 naira back i don’t know you go black hundred you’ll get two hundred if you can’t this your shop planter you go harvest to shop yes first of all every year to do an investigative diagnostic analogy of your prevailing meniacal thank you thank you it will be what i actually mean is that we have to take her to run some tests on her to check whether she’s actually pregnant like we did young my own i don’t get believed for you nobody you can’t belie it’s just a slip of a tongue okay where is the [ __ ] the family way in the household anybody excuse me yes we’ll never go in family i’ll still be my papa house oh my gosh oh and she illiteracy said disease okay and me where is the mother cause you pregnant okay i don’t tell you now in their house me are they my proper house so why you not come with you you’re saying the chance to come with me but you give me something to make i bring for you akamush how much you 30 000 mega let me tell you that money is for minority pregnancy and the way that i’m looking at you now in my diagnostic knowledge what you’re having is a majority pregnancy normally when the man did not follow the majority pregnancy is 100k bottom world of fear because of a referral eh this is your majority pregnancy i will charge you 50k okay okay in semi i give you this one when are they come again i will bring the remaining balance let me think about it okay break what you have let her you balance me um see i have something for you i have a solution for you just give me a minute i’ll call me back hi for this information will not give me i go seven now with one one battle extra mama go plant hundred thousand so that i got this two hundred thousand hey you you you show another selfish name right there yes you have to take this bottle of messing and trick it as i said i will prescribe to you don’t miss anyone but this is different from the one you give me oh daughter where do ma okay should not know the solution to our problem i’m not treated again you’re going three times for your information miss ittk a pregnancy is different from your own type eh she’s carrying something more aggressive and more rigorous daddy what are you carried okay okay thank you ma it’s okay there’s no problem make sure you drink it uh give me my balance make sure i bring my balance oh yes the picking will not come out too so just don’t worry okay it’s all right we going let me attend to some other matters okay thank you two faces other ghosts around this village oh i’ll be scott i’m suspecting you for this pregnancy on hey you’re service are they happy that’s in where you show me the team work well well just now somebody called me and sent twenty thousand inside my accounts for banco but mighty you know somehow supposed to be nah nah they company go kill you who they immerse you with then you won’t pay the money by yourself hey now waiting i want to talk and she said you know you help yes and use them to have our own advantage goes into your mind open business for people head talking how i wanted one how tell us it’s simple you’re using a whole hundred percent a day we go give them a 50 percent we will take 50 a period yes now so we go forgive thank you hey oh who carry 15 give them keep five yeah we figure now we should give a name ben investment oh and she was telling me about it but i didn’t take her seriously well are you saying you’re part of this yes i invested i end and end i end again again and again yes okay how much did you invest i invested ten thousand error initially and i end 20 000 era i invested another 10 000 era and i end another 20 000 era and i invested 20 000 i end 40 000 error another 20 another 40 another 20 another fought i said ah felix be reasonable announce some assault to fifty thousand error and very soon hundred bucks will be in my pocket hundred bucks hundred thousand are you sure about it you made a mistake i hope you will not regret it hmm you’re here i enjoy yourselves you came at the right time why i was telling him about multiplayer scheme is just a dynamos in this woman do you know what i even came to show him my latest enemy see it later okay okay see i’m sorry i’m sorry for not believing you but now that i’ve heard from him i’m ready to give it a try okay so when is the hundred thousand coming one million sales rather twenty thousand people a business business too sweet may you start today you know prepare this since then because you know they asked oh am i safe we just can’t discuss small business with you right business yeah you know that business we teach us we don’t get many many many many many people come for the business and so therefore all of us don’t become commissioner for the business i bet your pardon what now you know do us anything why are you there back for our patterning hey what i mean i’m not understanding what you think yeah and for inside this company where we open won’t help your business make it go another level and people we don’t get plenty plenty plenty plenty plenty plenty plenty places we won’t join the business now we’ll discuss with you points of correction let me re-augment the pressure of yours that the business is men the business is not mine i’m only an investor just like you guys okay money into the business yes as with the job before you will continue to take one huh very fast for every referral that you bring you will make more money yes you will you get 10 of the deposits of the person that you bring inside something i told you the gate brings this mechanism through more fire for the idea what shall be fired again with the cook souffle he doesn’t name now in organizations what did he mean bc you know that referee when you talk about just now he said may you tell him where to be the walk of the referee for the football field and the football and the the field where they go play the match and we stand the magical they start waiting if you bring you the best will you bring pay ten thousand you yourself we get 1000 naira extra that’s what they call referral bonus tattoos what’s in them i are you all right let me go and call your father this merry ferrara business there chris what are you talking about larry do i know you before have you ever met before in fact who gave you the address to this place will you help us give our medicine wait for my habit i say i don’t know you i if you continue to talk about abortion in my house i will call the authorities for you we do um youth servant for that from high school my friend i don’t know who’s what are you chris as i don’t know you if you don’t leave my house right now okay i am calling the italian police for you wait wait till it is innovation like that no ordinary message i see make i can’t deliver give you what you know you’re still there okay now you sit there they talk no sense no wait nobody is thank you if you give them plenty um oh is oh oh rich the way we take that money ahead if you want to join the moving train make an accommodation very small so once you invest more money you go get half of the double akasha i speak everybody look if you don’t tell me the person who is responsible for this i will kill you before my daughter died right quickly tell me the best would be okay okay okay i could talk now she carried a container military oh business beneficiary from the business hey system so what good get down here see what they come i should go hide young man did you allow her that you are coming to see her ah i’ll go to that kind now i’ll go i’ll go hello sorry how are you i’m very very fine thank you very much okay so what can i do for you guys okay unless up here before no this kind beautiful angel cannot involve in such deadly act let us go oh but wait what would they give me this nothing now now she i say this kind of beautiful angel cannot involve in such a dirty thing let us go i got no ah no ah none of us got that kong simon which kind of messy when she give her when they killed you so if they talk about the god are you mad you dear mad the person would mistakenly say that you should bring me here to see that barbarian who decided to kill my daughter and i’m the one who decided now that this beautiful angel cannot be responsible for such baptism what are you telling me let us go excuse me sir why is meaning of this what is going on here and please hey we got a wrong number and we have come to a wrong address please don’t be offended don’t be embarrassed i might get back to you later to just uh tell you the whole story huh please don’t be offended we are good from this place now what is the problem baby my mind keep telling me that something is wrong somewhere in my life but i can’t figure it out i can’t you say i died for this vape sometimes enjoying your premonitions there you don’t need it too much okay i can’t leave my hands so neat i can’t change is it telling you that we’re not going to italy again babe nubian no no no no um uneasily unnecessarily disturbed in my spirit support i speak english it’s nothing yes see you just been on easy for nothing and i got bored at home waiting for a lot from our business now have you been made to be paid not yet but the door that was made to it i did not delay in paying her i don’t know why they are delaying mine wait wait wait wait what did you just say what did you talk angie which one are begging the person you just paid look at me with you i said i paid dora at ddd bank plc hey that is the same person i paid you now no no no no wait wait wait you are joking right is this a coincidence or what the same dollar i paid 100k to no no no no you guys are joking now hey prophet of two people talk like this now come on this could just be a male coincidence no just don’t go there this is not just a med coincidence at all for the three of us to pay into one person’s account wait wait you know if your money reached 500k you plenty won’t personally unfinish what’s the good not to share ram hey thank god if you know your my mind don’t reach now hey the game hello hello hey baby how are you hey i miss you too yeah should i come over no no there’s no point for you to come listening i’m calling because of the investments we made i thought you said it doesn’t take time too much how come my own is different calm down it’s even the same thing i’m discussing with my friend let me call tattoo and know why it’s like that meanwhile can you remember the account he said he paid into of course i know who i paid now her name is dora okay just maybe calm down relax yourself no now but the way you guys sounded now you you people convinced me that listening now my mind i have invested and i’m not seeing any money it’s not funny i’ll call that you okay i love you angie my guy said he paid it to the same account but um i also heard you say you caught that kid you know what she knows yes why am i even talking yes i also paid the same person and i say that is because person invested very very pletty money up to like one million and you know that only one to pay that pestici back i see because we’re wondering why it’s so and why it’s taking so long to mature it doesn’t take long why because now there are so many people in this game so now the line is getting longer longer but yeah me nuts are talking to you i have 500 thousand inside the skin yes and i’m not shake no chicken not yet okay bye same story business is getting very very dangerous a dog girl has to think fast and escape from this village who copy this one again another complaint again for this business anybody see me just they ask me what about the money with them put inside the ecbn investment you see you’re all good my mom visit now how should they fight become once i wake up open door i will see person where my money where my four house uh um you see many many many people don’t enter the business suddenly come long even within the course of that shut traffic you’ll be able to travel medicine which we could do now can be the thing hey nothing i’m talking i said if i travel go that about quick quick i will come back with quick then i would tell me what you’re gonna do yummy you know they go anywhere nobody you introduce us to this business problem though hong kong for the matter you want liver travel you are not good to do business to stay on that tunnel for this place take me to italy that’s the way they call me sorry they just bought me kombaku hey can i deport you what should you do you make a departure for the interrogation now i don’t see make her come here you can’t hide me for this place you can’t appear in me like i said you’ll be police i do for a while this village where me and roccomot these people don’t commit atrocities everywhere you see yes because if you ran sure stay for a year now you could say finish the firmware construct for this video hi i’m sorry people find another hiding place yes are they going my dreams ask for me i’m going to visit for this village check me now i will be carrying this thing go give them me the locker inside please jesus you see that is where i said you guys and i are not to the same level of intellectual meta capabilities no stats anyways you want to post me to nonsense please don’t worry don’t worry they can’t try it oh yes they can’t try because i have set for my posting nice my poster is settled for good oh i trust you now seriously as you sit down here like this now where you can say you can go i give that theory options lagos abuja or protagon as a matter of fact i can’t even help any of you that’s in need of life maybe it’s nysc people know carol’s gonna land inside one teammate village is no feasting now so hey okay i mean you know what it is to serve in a big city with plenty opportunities not a one useless village where it’s only tomorrow you’ll be sailing anyways 5k a small thing now because i know some of my friends who will pay hundreds okay steal their name no comment for personality tell you this is my portion now did you see it i tell you ah right now i’ve changed my name hey i’ve increased my price for 20k calm down what’s yourself you know what you’re playing tomorrow because i stand up no i beg give me account number i won’t give you now now because my body this [ __ ] i wanted that fall down for you drink baby sickness if not why not if i catch that girl what’s in the collar that’s what i’ve been awaiting wait i could do that again hey says that guy used to stop my mind the thing where they vexed me past bc she couldn’t even use a head smoke you that gave me something else too i swear if you’re not saying that this thing she won’t play give us eh marley waiting for her so what’s in the number see her house see copy this one what is the meaning of 40.
how can this kind of see her put on me tattoo hey after i finish bragging to all those guests that they are forcing me to the city that they are taken to the city are people taking money from them don’t fire you for scattering my own that fake baby if i catch her if i catch dagger waiting a good one i bet make you know the young dad know the young name if i forget to say i want joan as you see me so my head they boast with anger trust hold on you know my problem now now how to collect my five thousand what she does if i don’t collect her i’ll not get business with her again anything what should i do in her business but now i will collect her you know what happened more balls errors some sammich you know even true i am i they tell you please should not even try that thing because if you triumph i swear to god i’ll go visit this mountain prayers made industry with twenty died which i know says this one that can die by fire better one huh ah what did i do okay this is your lamentation look work huh i’ve been telling you that day you say could they go huh now now that they will even find out the truth from that lady see i’m not aggie don’t die who don’t even get one single evidence like this little thing like this don’t even know whether her hand they are or you’re not there but agatha told me that she was the girl that gave her the concoction that gave her ogre now that day now forgot this guy rich hospital make a gift for caramel toxins come let’s go let me shut my eyes when i suspected that business was a fraud was when i caught you paying into one account every time one account one dollar her name is the same person all of us paid money hey we have why you down you’ll be back and i brought the customer for you hey actually i would love to attend to evolve i have an appointment i want to catch up with you hey but how can you have an appointment when a lot of people are waiting for you me nobody’s waiting for me at all my girlfriend just called me now that so many people are waiting to see you i mean myself i have to take you home because there are lots of questions i want to ask you hi let’s go can we ask for you i will give you flying all i want is for her to give me back my money that is my honor i don’t want trouble you know what’s that you know say this guy this guy not the human being she used passing head open the head or let the kidney use the kidney joint kidney day now wait or whatever you call yourself as you can see can you see the people waiting for you your customers are actually waiting for you look at that man’s face however i heard him say he will go to the moon to look for you stand stand properly how could you do a thing like this in fact stand here give me this bag break this one listen to me how can you do you see the woman hey make sure is i is.